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//===-- interception_linux.cc -----------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file is a part of AddressSanitizer, an address sanity checker.
// Windows-specific interception methods.
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "interception.h"
#include <windows.h>
namespace __interception {
bool GetRealFunctionAddress(const char *func_name, uptr *func_addr) {
const char *DLLS[] = {
*func_addr = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; *func_addr == 0 && DLLS[i]; ++i) {
*func_addr = (uptr)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA(DLLS[i]), func_name);
return (*func_addr != 0);
// FIXME: internal_str* and internal_mem* functions should be moved from the
// ASan sources into interception/.
static void _memset(void *p, int value, size_t sz) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < sz; ++i)
((char*)p)[i] = (char)value;
static void _memcpy(void *dst, void *src, size_t sz) {
char *dst_c = (char*)dst,
*src_c = (char*)src;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sz; ++i)
dst_c[i] = src_c[i];
static void WriteJumpInstruction(char *jmp_from, char *to) {
// jmp XXYYZZWW = E9 WW ZZ YY XX, where XXYYZZWW is an offset fromt jmp_from
// to the next instruction to the destination.
ptrdiff_t offset = to - jmp_from - 5;
*jmp_from = '\xE9';
*(ptrdiff_t*)(jmp_from + 1) = offset;
bool OverrideFunction(uptr old_func, uptr new_func, uptr *orig_old_func) {
#ifdef _WIN64
# error OverrideFunction was not tested on x64
// Basic idea:
// We write 5 bytes (jmp-to-new_func) at the beginning of the 'old_func'
// to override it. We want to be able to execute the original 'old_func' from
// the wrapper, so we need to keep the leading 5+ bytes ('head') of the
// original instructions somewhere with a "jmp old_func+head".
// We call these 'head'+5 bytes of instructions a "trampoline".
// Trampolines are allocated from a common pool.
const int POOL_SIZE = 1024;
static char *pool = NULL;
static size_t pool_used = 0;
if (pool == NULL) {
pool = (char*)VirtualAlloc(NULL, POOL_SIZE,
// FIXME: set PAGE_EXECUTE_READ access after setting all interceptors?
if (pool == NULL)
return false;
_memset(pool, 0xCC /* int 3 */, POOL_SIZE);
char* old_bytes = (char*)old_func;
char* trampoline = pool + pool_used;
// Find out the number of bytes of the instructions we need to copy to the
// island and store it in 'head'.
size_t head = 0;
while (head < 5) {
switch (old_bytes[head]) {
case '\x51': // push ecx
case '\x52': // push edx
case '\x53': // push ebx
case '\x54': // push esp
case '\x55': // push ebp
case '\x56': // push esi
case '\x57': // push edi
case '\x5D': // pop ebp
case '\x6A': // 6A XX = push XX
head += 2;
case '\xE9': // E9 XX YY ZZ WW = jmp WWZZYYXX
head += 5;
switch (*(unsigned short*)(old_bytes + head)) { // NOLINT
case 0xFF8B: // 8B FF = mov edi, edi
case 0xEC8B: // 8B EC = mov ebp, esp
case 0xC033: // 33 C0 = xor eax, eax
head += 2;
case 0x458B: // 8B 45 XX = mov eax, dword ptr [ebp+XXh]
case 0x5D8B: // 8B 5D XX = mov ebx, dword ptr [ebp+XXh]
case 0xEC83: // 83 EC XX = sub esp, XX
head += 3;
case 0xC1F7: // F7 C1 XX YY ZZ WW = test ecx, WWZZYYXX
head += 6;
case 0x3D83: // 83 3D XX YY ZZ WW TT = cmp TT, WWZZYYXX
head += 7;
switch (0x00FFFFFF & *(unsigned int*)(old_bytes + head)) {
case 0x24448A: // 8A 44 24 XX = mov eal, dword ptr [esp+XXh]
case 0x244C8B: // 8B 4C 24 XX = mov ecx, dword ptr [esp+XXh]
case 0x24548B: // 8B 54 24 XX = mov edx, dword ptr [esp+XXh]
case 0x24748B: // 8B 74 24 XX = mov esi, dword ptr [esp+XXh]
case 0x247C8B: // 8B 7C 24 XX = mov edi, dword ptr [esp+XXh]
head += 4;
// Unknown instruction!
// FIXME: Unknown instruction failures might happen when we add a new
// interceptor or a new compiler version. In either case, they should result
// in visible and readable error messages. However, merely calling abort()
// or __debugbreak() leads to an infinite recursion in CheckFailed.
// Do we have a good way to abort with an error message here?
return false;
if (pool_used + head + 5 > POOL_SIZE)
return false;
// Now put the "jump to trampoline" instruction into the original code.
DWORD old_prot, unused_prot;
if (!VirtualProtect((void*)old_func, head, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE,
return false;
// Put the needed instructions into the trampoline bytes.
_memcpy(trampoline, old_bytes, head);
WriteJumpInstruction(trampoline + head, old_bytes + head);
*orig_old_func = (uptr)trampoline;
pool_used += head + 5;
// Intercept the 'old_func'.
WriteJumpInstruction(old_bytes, (char*)new_func);
_memset(old_bytes + 5, 0xCC /* int 3 */, head - 5);
if (!VirtualProtect((void*)old_func, head, old_prot, &unused_prot))
return false; // not clear if this failure bothers us.
return true;
} // namespace __interception
#endif // _WIN32