__launch_bounds__(0x100000000) void TestTooBigArg(void); // expected-error {{integer constant expression evaluates to value 4294967296 that cannot be represented in a 32-bit unsigned integer type}}
__launch_bounds__(0x10000000000000000) void TestWayTooBigArg(void); // expected-error {{integer literal is too large to be represented in any integer type}}
__launch_bounds__(-128, 7) void TestNegArg1(void); // expected-warning {{'launch_bounds' attribute parameter 0 is negative and will be ignored}}
__launch_bounds__(128, -7) void TestNegArg2(void); // expected-warning {{'launch_bounds' attribute parameter 1 is negative and will be ignored}}
__launch_bounds__(1, 2, 3) void Test3Args(void); // expected-error {{'launch_bounds' attribute takes no more than 2 arguments}}
__launch_bounds__() void TestNoArgs(void); // expected-error {{'launch_bounds' attribute takes at least 1 argument}}
int TestNoFunction __launch_bounds__(128, 7); // expected-warning {{'launch_bounds' attribute only applies to functions and methods}}
__launch_bounds__(true) void TestBool(void);
__launch_bounds__(128.0) void TestFP(void); // expected-error {{'launch_bounds' attribute requires parameter 0 to be an integer constant}}
__launch_bounds__((void*)0) void TestNullptr(void); // expected-error {{'launch_bounds' attribute requires parameter 0 to be an integer constant}}
int nonconstint = 256;
__launch_bounds__(nonconstint) void TestNonConstInt(void); // expected-error {{'launch_bounds' attribute requires parameter 0 to be an integer constant}}