returns;// expected-warning{{Address of stack memory associated with local variable 's' returned}} expected-warning{{reference to stack memory associated with local variable 's' returned}}
returns2;// expected-warning{{Address of stack memory associated with local variable 's1' returned}} expected-warning {{reference to stack memory associated with local variable 's1' returned}}
returns3;// expected-warning{{Address of stack memory associated with local variable 's1' returned}} expected-warning {{reference to stack memory associated with local variable 's1' returned}}
constint&get_reference1(){returnget_value();}// expected-warning{{Address of stack memory associated with temporary object of type 'const int' returned}} expected-warning {{returning reference to local temporary}}
returnx;// expected-warning{{Address of stack memory associated with temporary object of type 'const int' returned}} expected-warning {{returning reference to local temporary}}
returnx2;// expected-warning{{Address of stack memory associated with temporary object of type 'const int' returned}} expected-warning {{returning reference to local temporary}}
return&x2;// expected-warning{{Address of stack memory associated with local variable 'x1' returned}} expected-warning {{address of stack memory associated with local variable 'x1' returned}}
returnx2;// expected-warning {{address of stack memory associated with local variable 'x1' returned}} expected-warning {{Address of stack memory associated with local variable 'x1' returned to caller}}
return&x2;// expected-warning{{Address of stack memory associated with temporary object of type 'const int' returned}} expected-warning {{returning address of local temporary}}
return&x;// expected-warning{{Address of stack memory associated with local variable 's1' returned}} expected-warning {{address of stack memory associated with local variable 's1' returned}}
int&i=i;// expected-warning {{Assigned value is garbage or undefined}} expected-note {{binding reference variable 'i' here}} expected-warning{{reference 'i' is not yet bound to a value when used within its own initialization}}