int4i=u; // expected-error{{initializing 'int4' (vector of 4 'int' values) with an expression of incompatible type 'uint4' (vector of 4 'unsigned int' values)}}
int4e=(int4)u; // expected-error{{invalid conversion between ext-vector type 'int4' (vector of 4 'int' values) and 'uint4' (vector of 4 'unsigned int' values)}}
uint3u4=(uint3)u; // expected-error{{invalid conversion between ext-vector type 'uint3' (vector of 3 'unsigned int' values) and 'uint4' (vector of 4 'unsigned int' values)}}
privateint4*private_ptr=(constprivateint4*)const_global_ptr; // expected-error{{casting 'const __global int4 *' to type 'const int4 *' changes address space of pointer}}
globalint4*global_ptr=const_global_ptr; // expected-warning {{initializing '__global int4 *' with an expression of type 'const __global int4 *' discards qualifiers}}