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//===- DriverUtils.cpp ----------------------------------------------------===//
// The LLVM Linker
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file contains utility functions for the driver. Because there
// are so many small functions, we created this separate file to make
// Driver.cpp less cluttered.
#include "Config.h"
#include "Driver.h"
#include "Error.h"
#include "Symbols.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
#include "llvm/Object/Archive.h"
#include "llvm/Object/ArchiveWriter.h"
#include "llvm/Object/COFF.h"
#include "llvm/Option/Arg.h"
#include "llvm/Option/ArgList.h"
#include "llvm/Option/Option.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FileUtilities.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Process.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Program.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <memory>
using namespace llvm::COFF;
using namespace llvm;
using llvm::cl::ExpandResponseFiles;
using llvm::cl::TokenizeWindowsCommandLine;
using llvm::sys::Process;
namespace lld {
namespace coff {
namespace {
class Executor {
explicit Executor(StringRef S) : Saver(Alloc), Prog(Saver.save(S)) {}
void add(StringRef S) { Args.push_back(Saver.save(S)); }
void add(std::string &S) { Args.push_back(Saver.save(S)); }
void add(Twine S) { Args.push_back(Saver.save(S)); }
void add(const char *S) { Args.push_back(Saver.save(S)); }
void run() {
ErrorOr<std::string> ExeOrErr = llvm::sys::findProgramByName(Prog);
error(ExeOrErr, Twine("unable to find ") + Prog + " in PATH: ");
const char *Exe = Saver.save(*ExeOrErr);
Args.insert(Args.begin(), Exe);
if (llvm::sys::ExecuteAndWait(Args[0], Args.data()) != 0) {
for (const char *S : Args)
if (S)
llvm::errs() << S << " ";
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator Alloc;
llvm::StringSaver Saver;
StringRef Prog;
std::vector<const char *> Args;
} // anonymous namespace
// Returns /machine's value.
MachineTypes getMachineType(StringRef S) {
MachineTypes MT = StringSwitch<MachineTypes>(S.lower())
.Case("x64", AMD64)
.Case("amd64", AMD64)
.Case("x86", I386)
.Case("i386", I386)
.Case("arm", ARMNT)
return MT;
error(Twine("unknown /machine argument: ") + S);
StringRef machineToStr(MachineTypes MT) {
switch (MT) {
case ARMNT:
return "arm";
case AMD64:
return "x64";
case I386:
return "x86";
llvm_unreachable("unknown machine type");
// Parses a string in the form of "<integer>[,<integer>]".
void parseNumbers(StringRef Arg, uint64_t *Addr, uint64_t *Size) {
StringRef S1, S2;
std::tie(S1, S2) = Arg.split(',');
if (S1.getAsInteger(0, *Addr))
error(Twine("invalid number: ") + S1);
if (Size && !S2.empty() && S2.getAsInteger(0, *Size))
error(Twine("invalid number: ") + S2);
// Parses a string in the form of "<integer>[.<integer>]".
// If second number is not present, Minor is set to 0.
void parseVersion(StringRef Arg, uint32_t *Major, uint32_t *Minor) {
StringRef S1, S2;
std::tie(S1, S2) = Arg.split('.');
if (S1.getAsInteger(0, *Major))
error(Twine("invalid number: ") + S1);
*Minor = 0;
if (!S2.empty() && S2.getAsInteger(0, *Minor))
error(Twine("invalid number: ") + S2);
// Parses a string in the form of "<subsystem>[,<integer>[.<integer>]]".
void parseSubsystem(StringRef Arg, WindowsSubsystem *Sys, uint32_t *Major,
uint32_t *Minor) {
StringRef SysStr, Ver;
std::tie(SysStr, Ver) = Arg.split(',');
*Sys = StringSwitch<WindowsSubsystem>(SysStr.lower())
.Case("efi_boot_service_driver", IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_EFI_BOOT_SERVICE_DRIVER)
.Case("efi_runtime_driver", IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_EFI_RUNTIME_DRIVER)
error(Twine("unknown subsystem: ") + SysStr);
if (!Ver.empty())
parseVersion(Ver, Major, Minor);
// Parse a string of the form of "<from>=<to>".
// Results are directly written to Config.
void parseAlternateName(StringRef S) {
StringRef From, To;
std::tie(From, To) = S.split('=');
if (From.empty() || To.empty())
error(Twine("/alternatename: invalid argument: ") + S);
auto It = Config->AlternateNames.find(From);
if (It != Config->AlternateNames.end() && It->second != To)
error(Twine("/alternatename: conflicts: ") + S);
Config->AlternateNames.insert(It, std::make_pair(From, To));
// Parse a string of the form of "<from>=<to>".
// Results are directly written to Config.
void parseMerge(StringRef S) {
StringRef From, To;
std::tie(From, To) = S.split('=');
if (From.empty() || To.empty())
error(Twine("/merge: invalid argument: ") + S);
auto Pair = Config->Merge.insert(std::make_pair(From, To));
bool Inserted = Pair.second;
if (!Inserted) {
StringRef Existing = Pair.first->second;
if (Existing != To)
llvm::errs() << "warning: " << S << ": already merged into "
<< Existing << "\n";
// Parses a string in the form of "EMBED[,=<integer>]|NO".
// Results are directly written to Config.
void parseManifest(StringRef Arg) {
if (Arg.equals_lower("no")) {
Config->Manifest = Configuration::No;
if (!Arg.startswith_lower("embed"))
error(Twine("Invalid option ") + Arg);
Config->Manifest = Configuration::Embed;
Arg = Arg.substr(strlen("embed"));
if (Arg.empty())
if (!Arg.startswith_lower(",id="))
error(Twine("Invalid option ") + Arg);
Arg = Arg.substr(strlen(",id="));
if (Arg.getAsInteger(0, Config->ManifestID))
error(Twine("Invalid option ") + Arg);
// Parses a string in the form of "level=<string>|uiAccess=<string>|NO".
// Results are directly written to Config.
void parseManifestUAC(StringRef Arg) {
if (Arg.equals_lower("no")) {
Config->ManifestUAC = false;
for (;;) {
Arg = Arg.ltrim();
if (Arg.empty())
if (Arg.startswith_lower("level=")) {
Arg = Arg.substr(strlen("level="));
std::tie(Config->ManifestLevel, Arg) = Arg.split(" ");
if (Arg.startswith_lower("uiaccess=")) {
Arg = Arg.substr(strlen("uiaccess="));
std::tie(Config->ManifestUIAccess, Arg) = Arg.split(" ");
error(Twine("Invalid option ") + Arg);
// Quote each line with "". Existing double-quote is converted
// to two double-quotes.
static void quoteAndPrint(raw_ostream &Out, StringRef S) {
while (!S.empty()) {
StringRef Line;
std::tie(Line, S) = S.split("\n");
if (Line.empty())
Out << '\"';
for (int I = 0, E = Line.size(); I != E; ++I) {
if (Line[I] == '\"') {
Out << "\"\"";
} else {
Out << Line[I];
Out << "\"\n";
// Create a manifest file contents.
static std::string createManifestXml() {
std::string S;
llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(S);
// Emit the XML. Note that we do *not* verify that the XML attributes are
// syntactically correct. This is intentional for link.exe compatibility.
OS << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n"
<< "<assembly xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1\"\n"
<< " manifestVersion=\"1.0\">\n";
if (Config->ManifestUAC) {
OS << " <trustInfo>\n"
<< " <security>\n"
<< " <requestedPrivileges>\n"
<< " <requestedExecutionLevel level=" << Config->ManifestLevel
<< " uiAccess=" << Config->ManifestUIAccess << "/>\n"
<< " </requestedPrivileges>\n"
<< " </security>\n"
<< " </trustInfo>\n";
if (!Config->ManifestDependency.empty()) {
OS << " <dependency>\n"
<< " <dependentAssembly>\n"
<< " <assemblyIdentity " << Config->ManifestDependency << " />\n"
<< " </dependentAssembly>\n"
<< " </dependency>\n";
OS << "</assembly>\n";
return S;
// Create a resource file containing a manifest XML.
std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> createManifestRes() {
// Create a temporary file for the resource script file.
SmallString<128> RCPath;
std::error_code EC = sys::fs::createTemporaryFile("tmp", "rc", RCPath);
error(EC, "cannot create a temporary file");
FileRemover RCRemover(RCPath);
// Open the temporary file for writing.
llvm::raw_fd_ostream Out(RCPath, EC, sys::fs::F_Text);
error(EC, Twine("failed to open ") + RCPath);
// Write resource script to the RC file.
Out << "#define LANG_ENGLISH 9\n"
<< "#define SUBLANG_DEFAULT 1\n"
<< "#define APP_MANIFEST " << Config->ManifestID << "\n"
<< "#define RT_MANIFEST 24\n"
quoteAndPrint(Out, createManifestXml());
Out << "}\n";
// Create output resource file.
SmallString<128> ResPath;
EC = sys::fs::createTemporaryFile("tmp", "res", ResPath);
error(EC, "cannot create a temporary file");
Executor E("rc.exe");
ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> Ret = MemoryBuffer::getFile(ResPath);
error(Ret, Twine("Could not open ") + ResPath);
return std::move(*Ret);
void createSideBySideManifest() {
std::string Path = Config->ManifestFile;
if (Path == "")
Path = (Twine(Config->OutputFile) + ".manifest").str();
std::error_code EC;
llvm::raw_fd_ostream Out(Path, EC, llvm::sys::fs::F_Text);
error(EC, "failed to create manifest");
Out << createManifestXml();
// Parse a string in the form of
// "<name>[=<internalname>][,@ordinal[,NONAME]][,DATA][,PRIVATE]".
// Used for parsing /export arguments.
Export parseExport(StringRef Arg) {
Export E;
StringRef Rest;
std::tie(E.Name, Rest) = Arg.split(",");
if (E.Name.empty())
goto err;
if (E.Name.find('=') != StringRef::npos) {
std::tie(E.ExtName, E.Name) = E.Name.split("=");
if (E.Name.empty())
goto err;
while (!Rest.empty()) {
StringRef Tok;
std::tie(Tok, Rest) = Rest.split(",");
if (Tok.equals_lower("noname")) {
if (E.Ordinal == 0)
goto err;
E.Noname = true;
if (Tok.equals_lower("data")) {
E.Data = true;
if (Tok.equals_lower("private")) {
E.Private = true;
if (Tok.startswith("@")) {
int32_t Ord;
if (Tok.substr(1).getAsInteger(0, Ord))
goto err;
if (Ord <= 0 || 65535 < Ord)
goto err;
E.Ordinal = Ord;
goto err;
return E;
error(Twine("invalid /export: ") + Arg);
COFF: Improve dllexported name mangling compatibility. The rules for dllexported symbols are overly complicated due to x86 name decoration, fuzzy symbol resolution, and the fact that one symbol can be resolved by so many different names. The rules are probably intended to be "intuitive", so that users don't have to understand the name mangling schemes, but it seems that it can lead to unintended symbol exports. To make it clear what I'm trying to do with this patch, let me write how the export rules are subtle and complicated. - x86 name decoration: If machine type is i386 and export name is given by a command line option, like /export:foo, the real symbol name the linker has to search for is _foo because all symbols are decorated with "_" prefixes. This doesn't happen on non-x86 machines. This automatic name decoration happens only when the name is not C++ mangled. However, the symbol name exported from DLLs are ones without "_" on all platforms. Moreover, if the option is given via .drectve section, no symbol decoration is done (the reason being that the .drectve section is created by a compiler and the compiler should always know the exact name of the symbol, I guess). - Fuzzy symbol resolution: In addition to x86 name decoration, the linker has to look for cdecl or C++ mangled symbols for a given /export. For example, it searches for not only _foo but also _foo@<number> or ??foo@... for /export:foo. Previous implementation didn't get it right. I'm trying to make it as compatible with MSVC linker as possible with this patch however the rules are. The new code looks a bit messy to me, but I don't think it can be simpler due to the ad-hoc-ness of the rules. llvm-svn: 246424
2015-08-31 16:43:21 +08:00
static StringRef undecorate(StringRef Sym) {
if (Config->Machine != I386)
return Sym;
return Sym.startswith("_") ? Sym.substr(1) : Sym;
// Performs error checking on all /export arguments.
// It also sets ordinals.
void fixupExports() {
// Symbol ordinals must be unique.
std::set<uint16_t> Ords;
for (Export &E : Config->Exports) {
if (E.Ordinal == 0)
if (!Ords.insert(E.Ordinal).second)
COFF: Improve dllexported name mangling compatibility. The rules for dllexported symbols are overly complicated due to x86 name decoration, fuzzy symbol resolution, and the fact that one symbol can be resolved by so many different names. The rules are probably intended to be "intuitive", so that users don't have to understand the name mangling schemes, but it seems that it can lead to unintended symbol exports. To make it clear what I'm trying to do with this patch, let me write how the export rules are subtle and complicated. - x86 name decoration: If machine type is i386 and export name is given by a command line option, like /export:foo, the real symbol name the linker has to search for is _foo because all symbols are decorated with "_" prefixes. This doesn't happen on non-x86 machines. This automatic name decoration happens only when the name is not C++ mangled. However, the symbol name exported from DLLs are ones without "_" on all platforms. Moreover, if the option is given via .drectve section, no symbol decoration is done (the reason being that the .drectve section is created by a compiler and the compiler should always know the exact name of the symbol, I guess). - Fuzzy symbol resolution: In addition to x86 name decoration, the linker has to look for cdecl or C++ mangled symbols for a given /export. For example, it searches for not only _foo but also _foo@<number> or ??foo@... for /export:foo. Previous implementation didn't get it right. I'm trying to make it as compatible with MSVC linker as possible with this patch however the rules are. The new code looks a bit messy to me, but I don't think it can be simpler due to the ad-hoc-ness of the rules. llvm-svn: 246424
2015-08-31 16:43:21 +08:00
error("duplicate export ordinal: " + E.Name);
for (Export &E : Config->Exports) {
COFF: Improve dllexported name mangling compatibility. The rules for dllexported symbols are overly complicated due to x86 name decoration, fuzzy symbol resolution, and the fact that one symbol can be resolved by so many different names. The rules are probably intended to be "intuitive", so that users don't have to understand the name mangling schemes, but it seems that it can lead to unintended symbol exports. To make it clear what I'm trying to do with this patch, let me write how the export rules are subtle and complicated. - x86 name decoration: If machine type is i386 and export name is given by a command line option, like /export:foo, the real symbol name the linker has to search for is _foo because all symbols are decorated with "_" prefixes. This doesn't happen on non-x86 machines. This automatic name decoration happens only when the name is not C++ mangled. However, the symbol name exported from DLLs are ones without "_" on all platforms. Moreover, if the option is given via .drectve section, no symbol decoration is done (the reason being that the .drectve section is created by a compiler and the compiler should always know the exact name of the symbol, I guess). - Fuzzy symbol resolution: In addition to x86 name decoration, the linker has to look for cdecl or C++ mangled symbols for a given /export. For example, it searches for not only _foo but also _foo@<number> or ??foo@... for /export:foo. Previous implementation didn't get it right. I'm trying to make it as compatible with MSVC linker as possible with this patch however the rules are. The new code looks a bit messy to me, but I don't think it can be simpler due to the ad-hoc-ness of the rules. llvm-svn: 246424
2015-08-31 16:43:21 +08:00
if (Undefined *U = cast_or_null<Undefined>(E.Sym->WeakAlias)) {
E.SymbolName = U->getName();
} else {
E.SymbolName = E.Sym->getName();
COFF: Improve dllexported name mangling compatibility. The rules for dllexported symbols are overly complicated due to x86 name decoration, fuzzy symbol resolution, and the fact that one symbol can be resolved by so many different names. The rules are probably intended to be "intuitive", so that users don't have to understand the name mangling schemes, but it seems that it can lead to unintended symbol exports. To make it clear what I'm trying to do with this patch, let me write how the export rules are subtle and complicated. - x86 name decoration: If machine type is i386 and export name is given by a command line option, like /export:foo, the real symbol name the linker has to search for is _foo because all symbols are decorated with "_" prefixes. This doesn't happen on non-x86 machines. This automatic name decoration happens only when the name is not C++ mangled. However, the symbol name exported from DLLs are ones without "_" on all platforms. Moreover, if the option is given via .drectve section, no symbol decoration is done (the reason being that the .drectve section is created by a compiler and the compiler should always know the exact name of the symbol, I guess). - Fuzzy symbol resolution: In addition to x86 name decoration, the linker has to look for cdecl or C++ mangled symbols for a given /export. For example, it searches for not only _foo but also _foo@<number> or ??foo@... for /export:foo. Previous implementation didn't get it right. I'm trying to make it as compatible with MSVC linker as possible with this patch however the rules are. The new code looks a bit messy to me, but I don't think it can be simpler due to the ad-hoc-ness of the rules. llvm-svn: 246424
2015-08-31 16:43:21 +08:00
for (Export &E : Config->Exports)
E.ExportName = undecorate(E.ExtName.empty() ? E.Name : E.ExtName);
// Uniquefy by name.
std::map<StringRef, Export *> Map;
std::vector<Export> V;
for (Export &E : Config->Exports) {
COFF: Improve dllexported name mangling compatibility. The rules for dllexported symbols are overly complicated due to x86 name decoration, fuzzy symbol resolution, and the fact that one symbol can be resolved by so many different names. The rules are probably intended to be "intuitive", so that users don't have to understand the name mangling schemes, but it seems that it can lead to unintended symbol exports. To make it clear what I'm trying to do with this patch, let me write how the export rules are subtle and complicated. - x86 name decoration: If machine type is i386 and export name is given by a command line option, like /export:foo, the real symbol name the linker has to search for is _foo because all symbols are decorated with "_" prefixes. This doesn't happen on non-x86 machines. This automatic name decoration happens only when the name is not C++ mangled. However, the symbol name exported from DLLs are ones without "_" on all platforms. Moreover, if the option is given via .drectve section, no symbol decoration is done (the reason being that the .drectve section is created by a compiler and the compiler should always know the exact name of the symbol, I guess). - Fuzzy symbol resolution: In addition to x86 name decoration, the linker has to look for cdecl or C++ mangled symbols for a given /export. For example, it searches for not only _foo but also _foo@<number> or ??foo@... for /export:foo. Previous implementation didn't get it right. I'm trying to make it as compatible with MSVC linker as possible with this patch however the rules are. The new code looks a bit messy to me, but I don't think it can be simpler due to the ad-hoc-ness of the rules. llvm-svn: 246424
2015-08-31 16:43:21 +08:00
auto Pair = Map.insert(std::make_pair(E.ExportName, &E));
bool Inserted = Pair.second;
if (Inserted) {
Export *Existing = Pair.first->second;
if (E == *Existing || E.Name != Existing->Name)
llvm::errs() << "warning: duplicate /export option: " << E.Name << "\n";
Config->Exports = std::move(V);
// Sort by name.
std::sort(Config->Exports.begin(), Config->Exports.end(),
[](const Export &A, const Export &B) {
COFF: Improve dllexported name mangling compatibility. The rules for dllexported symbols are overly complicated due to x86 name decoration, fuzzy symbol resolution, and the fact that one symbol can be resolved by so many different names. The rules are probably intended to be "intuitive", so that users don't have to understand the name mangling schemes, but it seems that it can lead to unintended symbol exports. To make it clear what I'm trying to do with this patch, let me write how the export rules are subtle and complicated. - x86 name decoration: If machine type is i386 and export name is given by a command line option, like /export:foo, the real symbol name the linker has to search for is _foo because all symbols are decorated with "_" prefixes. This doesn't happen on non-x86 machines. This automatic name decoration happens only when the name is not C++ mangled. However, the symbol name exported from DLLs are ones without "_" on all platforms. Moreover, if the option is given via .drectve section, no symbol decoration is done (the reason being that the .drectve section is created by a compiler and the compiler should always know the exact name of the symbol, I guess). - Fuzzy symbol resolution: In addition to x86 name decoration, the linker has to look for cdecl or C++ mangled symbols for a given /export. For example, it searches for not only _foo but also _foo@<number> or ??foo@... for /export:foo. Previous implementation didn't get it right. I'm trying to make it as compatible with MSVC linker as possible with this patch however the rules are. The new code looks a bit messy to me, but I don't think it can be simpler due to the ad-hoc-ness of the rules. llvm-svn: 246424
2015-08-31 16:43:21 +08:00
return A.ExportName < B.ExportName;
void assignExportOrdinals() {
// Assign unique ordinals if default (= 0).
uint16_t Max = 0;
for (Export &E : Config->Exports)
Max = std::max(Max, E.Ordinal);
for (Export &E : Config->Exports)
if (E.Ordinal == 0)
E.Ordinal = ++Max;
// Parses a string in the form of "key=value" and check
// if value matches previous values for the same key.
void checkFailIfMismatch(StringRef Arg) {
StringRef K, V;
std::tie(K, V) = Arg.split('=');
if (K.empty() || V.empty())
error(Twine("/failifmismatch: invalid argument: ") + Arg);
StringRef Existing = Config->MustMatch[K];
if (!Existing.empty() && V != Existing)
error(Twine("/failifmismatch: mismatch detected: ") + Existing + " and " +
V + " for key " + K);
Config->MustMatch[K] = V;
// Convert Windows resource files (.res files) to a .obj file
// using cvtres.exe.
convertResToCOFF(const std::vector<MemoryBufferRef> &MBs) {
// Create an output file path.
SmallString<128> Path;
if (llvm::sys::fs::createTemporaryFile("resource", "obj", Path))
error("Could not create temporary file");
// Execute cvtres.exe.
Executor E("cvtres.exe");
E.add("/machine:" + machineToStr(Config->Machine));
E.add("/out:" + Path);
for (MemoryBufferRef MB : MBs)
ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> Ret = MemoryBuffer::getFile(Path);
error(Ret, Twine("Could not open ") + Path);
return std::move(*Ret);
static std::string writeToTempFile(StringRef Contents) {
SmallString<128> Path;
int FD;
if (llvm::sys::fs::createTemporaryFile("tmp", "def", FD, Path)) {
llvm::errs() << "failed to create a temporary file\n";
return "";
llvm::raw_fd_ostream OS(FD, /*shouldClose*/ true);
OS << Contents;
return Path.str();
void touchFile(StringRef Path) {
int FD;
std::error_code EC = sys::fs::openFileForWrite(Path, FD, sys::fs::F_Append);
error(EC, "failed to create a file");
static std::string getImplibPath() {
if (!Config->Implib.empty())
return Config->Implib;
SmallString<128> Out = StringRef(Config->OutputFile);
sys::path::replace_extension(Out, ".lib");
return Out.str();
static std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> createEmptyImportLibrary() {
std::string S = (Twine("LIBRARY \"") +
llvm::sys::path::filename(Config->OutputFile) + "\"\n")
std::string Path1 = writeToTempFile(S);
std::string Path2 = getImplibPath();
llvm::FileRemover Remover1(Path1);
llvm::FileRemover Remover2(Path2);
Executor E("lib.exe");
E.add("/machine:" + machineToStr(Config->Machine));
E.add(Twine("/def:") + Path1);
E.add(Twine("/out:") + Path2);
ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> BufOrErr =
MemoryBuffer::getFile(Path2, -1, false);
error(BufOrErr, Twine("Failed to open ") + Path2);
return MemoryBuffer::getMemBufferCopy((*BufOrErr)->getBuffer());
static std::vector<NewArchiveIterator>
readMembers(const object::Archive &Archive) {
std::vector<NewArchiveIterator> V;
for (const auto &ChildOrErr : Archive.children()) {
error(ChildOrErr, "Archive::Child::getName failed");
const object::Archive::Child C(*ChildOrErr);
ErrorOr<StringRef> NameOrErr = C.getName();
error(NameOrErr, "Archive::Child::getName failed");
V.emplace_back(C, *NameOrErr);
return V;
// This class creates short import files which is described in
// PE/COFF spec 7. Import Library Format.
class ShortImportCreator {
ShortImportCreator(object::Archive *A, StringRef S) : Parent(A), DLLName(S) {}
COFF: Improve dllexported name mangling compatibility. The rules for dllexported symbols are overly complicated due to x86 name decoration, fuzzy symbol resolution, and the fact that one symbol can be resolved by so many different names. The rules are probably intended to be "intuitive", so that users don't have to understand the name mangling schemes, but it seems that it can lead to unintended symbol exports. To make it clear what I'm trying to do with this patch, let me write how the export rules are subtle and complicated. - x86 name decoration: If machine type is i386 and export name is given by a command line option, like /export:foo, the real symbol name the linker has to search for is _foo because all symbols are decorated with "_" prefixes. This doesn't happen on non-x86 machines. This automatic name decoration happens only when the name is not C++ mangled. However, the symbol name exported from DLLs are ones without "_" on all platforms. Moreover, if the option is given via .drectve section, no symbol decoration is done (the reason being that the .drectve section is created by a compiler and the compiler should always know the exact name of the symbol, I guess). - Fuzzy symbol resolution: In addition to x86 name decoration, the linker has to look for cdecl or C++ mangled symbols for a given /export. For example, it searches for not only _foo but also _foo@<number> or ??foo@... for /export:foo. Previous implementation didn't get it right. I'm trying to make it as compatible with MSVC linker as possible with this patch however the rules are. The new code looks a bit messy to me, but I don't think it can be simpler due to the ad-hoc-ness of the rules. llvm-svn: 246424
2015-08-31 16:43:21 +08:00
NewArchiveIterator create(StringRef Sym, uint16_t Ordinal,
ImportNameType NameType, bool isData) {
size_t ImpSize = DLLName.size() + Sym.size() + 2; // +2 for NULs
size_t Size = sizeof(object::ArchiveMemberHeader) +
sizeof(coff_import_header) + ImpSize;
char *Buf = Alloc.Allocate<char>(Size);
memset(Buf, 0, Size);
char *P = Buf;
// Write archive member header
auto *Hdr = reinterpret_cast<object::ArchiveMemberHeader *>(P);
P += sizeof(*Hdr);
sprintf(Hdr->Name, "%-12s", "dummy");
sprintf(Hdr->LastModified, "%-12d", 0);
sprintf(Hdr->UID, "%-6d", 0);
sprintf(Hdr->GID, "%-6d", 0);
sprintf(Hdr->AccessMode, "%-8d", 0644);
sprintf(Hdr->Size, "%-10d", int(sizeof(coff_import_header) + ImpSize));
// Write short import library.
auto *Imp = reinterpret_cast<coff_import_header *>(P);
P += sizeof(*Imp);
Imp->Sig2 = 0xFFFF;
Imp->Machine = Config->Machine;
Imp->SizeOfData = ImpSize;
COFF: Improve dllexported name mangling compatibility. The rules for dllexported symbols are overly complicated due to x86 name decoration, fuzzy symbol resolution, and the fact that one symbol can be resolved by so many different names. The rules are probably intended to be "intuitive", so that users don't have to understand the name mangling schemes, but it seems that it can lead to unintended symbol exports. To make it clear what I'm trying to do with this patch, let me write how the export rules are subtle and complicated. - x86 name decoration: If machine type is i386 and export name is given by a command line option, like /export:foo, the real symbol name the linker has to search for is _foo because all symbols are decorated with "_" prefixes. This doesn't happen on non-x86 machines. This automatic name decoration happens only when the name is not C++ mangled. However, the symbol name exported from DLLs are ones without "_" on all platforms. Moreover, if the option is given via .drectve section, no symbol decoration is done (the reason being that the .drectve section is created by a compiler and the compiler should always know the exact name of the symbol, I guess). - Fuzzy symbol resolution: In addition to x86 name decoration, the linker has to look for cdecl or C++ mangled symbols for a given /export. For example, it searches for not only _foo but also _foo@<number> or ??foo@... for /export:foo. Previous implementation didn't get it right. I'm trying to make it as compatible with MSVC linker as possible with this patch however the rules are. The new code looks a bit messy to me, but I don't think it can be simpler due to the ad-hoc-ness of the rules. llvm-svn: 246424
2015-08-31 16:43:21 +08:00
if (Ordinal > 0)
Imp->OrdinalHint = Ordinal;
Imp->TypeInfo = (isData ? IMPORT_DATA : IMPORT_CODE);
Imp->TypeInfo |= NameType << 2;
// Write symbol name and DLL name.
COFF: Improve dllexported name mangling compatibility. The rules for dllexported symbols are overly complicated due to x86 name decoration, fuzzy symbol resolution, and the fact that one symbol can be resolved by so many different names. The rules are probably intended to be "intuitive", so that users don't have to understand the name mangling schemes, but it seems that it can lead to unintended symbol exports. To make it clear what I'm trying to do with this patch, let me write how the export rules are subtle and complicated. - x86 name decoration: If machine type is i386 and export name is given by a command line option, like /export:foo, the real symbol name the linker has to search for is _foo because all symbols are decorated with "_" prefixes. This doesn't happen on non-x86 machines. This automatic name decoration happens only when the name is not C++ mangled. However, the symbol name exported from DLLs are ones without "_" on all platforms. Moreover, if the option is given via .drectve section, no symbol decoration is done (the reason being that the .drectve section is created by a compiler and the compiler should always know the exact name of the symbol, I guess). - Fuzzy symbol resolution: In addition to x86 name decoration, the linker has to look for cdecl or C++ mangled symbols for a given /export. For example, it searches for not only _foo but also _foo@<number> or ??foo@... for /export:foo. Previous implementation didn't get it right. I'm trying to make it as compatible with MSVC linker as possible with this patch however the rules are. The new code looks a bit messy to me, but I don't think it can be simpler due to the ad-hoc-ness of the rules. llvm-svn: 246424
2015-08-31 16:43:21 +08:00
memcpy(P, Sym.data(), Sym.size());
P += Sym.size() + 1;
COFF: Improve dllexported name mangling compatibility. The rules for dllexported symbols are overly complicated due to x86 name decoration, fuzzy symbol resolution, and the fact that one symbol can be resolved by so many different names. The rules are probably intended to be "intuitive", so that users don't have to understand the name mangling schemes, but it seems that it can lead to unintended symbol exports. To make it clear what I'm trying to do with this patch, let me write how the export rules are subtle and complicated. - x86 name decoration: If machine type is i386 and export name is given by a command line option, like /export:foo, the real symbol name the linker has to search for is _foo because all symbols are decorated with "_" prefixes. This doesn't happen on non-x86 machines. This automatic name decoration happens only when the name is not C++ mangled. However, the symbol name exported from DLLs are ones without "_" on all platforms. Moreover, if the option is given via .drectve section, no symbol decoration is done (the reason being that the .drectve section is created by a compiler and the compiler should always know the exact name of the symbol, I guess). - Fuzzy symbol resolution: In addition to x86 name decoration, the linker has to look for cdecl or C++ mangled symbols for a given /export. For example, it searches for not only _foo but also _foo@<number> or ??foo@... for /export:foo. Previous implementation didn't get it right. I'm trying to make it as compatible with MSVC linker as possible with this patch however the rules are. The new code looks a bit messy to me, but I don't think it can be simpler due to the ad-hoc-ness of the rules. llvm-svn: 246424
2015-08-31 16:43:21 +08:00
memcpy(P, DLLName.data(), DLLName.size());
std::error_code EC;
object::Archive::Child C(Parent, Buf, &EC);
assert(!EC && "We created an invalid buffer");
return NewArchiveIterator(C, DLLName);
BumpPtrAllocator Alloc;
object::Archive *Parent;
StringRef DLLName;
COFF: Improve dllexported name mangling compatibility. The rules for dllexported symbols are overly complicated due to x86 name decoration, fuzzy symbol resolution, and the fact that one symbol can be resolved by so many different names. The rules are probably intended to be "intuitive", so that users don't have to understand the name mangling schemes, but it seems that it can lead to unintended symbol exports. To make it clear what I'm trying to do with this patch, let me write how the export rules are subtle and complicated. - x86 name decoration: If machine type is i386 and export name is given by a command line option, like /export:foo, the real symbol name the linker has to search for is _foo because all symbols are decorated with "_" prefixes. This doesn't happen on non-x86 machines. This automatic name decoration happens only when the name is not C++ mangled. However, the symbol name exported from DLLs are ones without "_" on all platforms. Moreover, if the option is given via .drectve section, no symbol decoration is done (the reason being that the .drectve section is created by a compiler and the compiler should always know the exact name of the symbol, I guess). - Fuzzy symbol resolution: In addition to x86 name decoration, the linker has to look for cdecl or C++ mangled symbols for a given /export. For example, it searches for not only _foo but also _foo@<number> or ??foo@... for /export:foo. Previous implementation didn't get it right. I'm trying to make it as compatible with MSVC linker as possible with this patch however the rules are. The new code looks a bit messy to me, but I don't think it can be simpler due to the ad-hoc-ness of the rules. llvm-svn: 246424
2015-08-31 16:43:21 +08:00
static ImportNameType getNameType(StringRef Sym, StringRef ExtName) {
if (Sym != ExtName)
if (Config->Machine == I386 && Sym.startswith("_"))
static std::string replace(StringRef S, StringRef From, StringRef To) {
size_t Pos = S.find(From);
assert(Pos != StringRef::npos);
return (Twine(S.substr(0, Pos)) + To + S.substr(Pos + From.size())).str();
// Creates an import library for a DLL. In this function, we first
// create an empty import library using lib.exe and then adds short
// import files to that file.
void writeImportLibrary() {
std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> Buf = createEmptyImportLibrary();
std::error_code EC;
object::Archive Archive(Buf->getMemBufferRef(), EC);
error(EC, "Error reading an empty import file");
std::vector<NewArchiveIterator> Members = readMembers(Archive);
std::string DLLName = llvm::sys::path::filename(Config->OutputFile);
ShortImportCreator ShortImport(&Archive, DLLName);
COFF: Improve dllexported name mangling compatibility. The rules for dllexported symbols are overly complicated due to x86 name decoration, fuzzy symbol resolution, and the fact that one symbol can be resolved by so many different names. The rules are probably intended to be "intuitive", so that users don't have to understand the name mangling schemes, but it seems that it can lead to unintended symbol exports. To make it clear what I'm trying to do with this patch, let me write how the export rules are subtle and complicated. - x86 name decoration: If machine type is i386 and export name is given by a command line option, like /export:foo, the real symbol name the linker has to search for is _foo because all symbols are decorated with "_" prefixes. This doesn't happen on non-x86 machines. This automatic name decoration happens only when the name is not C++ mangled. However, the symbol name exported from DLLs are ones without "_" on all platforms. Moreover, if the option is given via .drectve section, no symbol decoration is done (the reason being that the .drectve section is created by a compiler and the compiler should always know the exact name of the symbol, I guess). - Fuzzy symbol resolution: In addition to x86 name decoration, the linker has to look for cdecl or C++ mangled symbols for a given /export. For example, it searches for not only _foo but also _foo@<number> or ??foo@... for /export:foo. Previous implementation didn't get it right. I'm trying to make it as compatible with MSVC linker as possible with this patch however the rules are. The new code looks a bit messy to me, but I don't think it can be simpler due to the ad-hoc-ness of the rules. llvm-svn: 246424
2015-08-31 16:43:21 +08:00
for (Export &E : Config->Exports) {
if (E.Private)
if (E.ExtName.empty()) {
E.SymbolName, E.Ordinal, getNameType(E.SymbolName, E.Name), E.Data));
} else {
replace(E.SymbolName, E.Name, E.ExtName), E.Ordinal,
getNameType(E.SymbolName, E.Name), E.Data));
std::string Path = getImplibPath();
std::pair<StringRef, std::error_code> Result =
writeArchive(Path, Members, /*WriteSymtab*/ true, object::Archive::K_GNU,
/*Deterministic*/ true, /*Thin*/ false);
error(Result.second, Twine("Failed to write ") + Path);
// Create OptTable
// Create prefix string literals used in Options.td
#define PREFIX(NAME, VALUE) const char *const NAME[] = VALUE;
#include "Options.inc"
#undef PREFIX
// Create table mapping all options defined in Options.td
static const llvm::opt::OptTable::Info infoTable[] = {
#define OPTION(X1, X2, ID, KIND, GROUP, ALIAS, X6, X7, X8, X9, X10) \
{ \
X1, X2, X9, X10, OPT_##ID, llvm::opt::Option::KIND##Class, X8, X7, \
#include "Options.inc"
#undef OPTION
class COFFOptTable : public llvm::opt::OptTable {
COFFOptTable() : OptTable(infoTable, true) {}
// Parses a given list of options.
llvm::opt::InputArgList ArgParser::parse(ArrayRef<const char *> ArgsArr) {
// First, replace respnose files (@<file>-style options).
std::vector<const char *> Argv = replaceResponseFiles(ArgsArr);
// Make InputArgList from string vectors.
COFFOptTable Table;
unsigned MissingIndex;
unsigned MissingCount;
llvm::opt::InputArgList Args =
Table.ParseArgs(Argv, MissingIndex, MissingCount);
// Print the real command line if response files are expanded.
if (Args.hasArg(OPT_verbose) && ArgsArr.size() != Argv.size()) {
llvm::outs() << "Command line:";
for (const char *S : Argv)
llvm::outs() << " " << S;
llvm::outs() << "\n";
if (MissingCount)
error(Twine("missing arg value for \"") + Args.getArgString(MissingIndex) +
"\", expected " + Twine(MissingCount) +
(MissingCount == 1 ? " argument." : " arguments."));
for (auto *Arg : Args.filtered(OPT_UNKNOWN))
llvm::errs() << "ignoring unknown argument: " << Arg->getSpelling() << "\n";
return Args;
llvm::opt::InputArgList ArgParser::parseLINK(ArrayRef<const char *> Args) {
// Concatenate LINK env and given arguments and parse them.
Optional<std::string> Env = Process::GetEnv("LINK");
if (!Env)
return parse(Args);
std::vector<const char *> V = tokenize(*Env);
V.insert(V.end(), Args.begin(), Args.end());
return parse(V);
std::vector<const char *> ArgParser::tokenize(StringRef S) {
SmallVector<const char *, 16> Tokens;
StringSaver Saver(AllocAux);
llvm::cl::TokenizeWindowsCommandLine(S, Saver, Tokens);
2015-06-08 07:02:50 +08:00
return std::vector<const char *>(Tokens.begin(), Tokens.end());
// Creates a new command line by replacing options starting with '@'
// character. '@<filename>' is replaced by the file's contents.
std::vector<const char *>
ArgParser::replaceResponseFiles(std::vector<const char *> Argv) {
SmallVector<const char *, 256> Tokens(Argv.data(), Argv.data() + Argv.size());
StringSaver Saver(AllocAux);
ExpandResponseFiles(Saver, TokenizeWindowsCommandLine, Tokens);
return std::vector<const char *>(Tokens.begin(), Tokens.end());
void printHelp(const char *Argv0) {
COFFOptTable Table;
Table.PrintHelp(llvm::outs(), Argv0, "LLVM Linker", false);
} // namespace coff
} // namespace lld