2015-01-26 13:47:24 +08:00
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -w -triple x86_64-apple-darwin -emit-llvm -o - %s -std=c++11 | FileCheck %s
2012-01-06 07:59:40 +08:00
2012-01-14 12:30:29 +08:00
// FIXME: The padding in all these objects should be zero-initialized.
namespace StructUnion {
struct A {
int n ;
double d ;
union U {
constexpr U ( int x ) : x ( x ) { }
constexpr U ( const char * y ) : y ( y ) { }
int x ;
const char * y ;
} u ;
constexpr A ( int n , double d , int x ) : n ( n ) , d ( d ) , u ( x ) { }
constexpr A ( int n , double d , const char * y ) : n ( n ) , d ( d ) , u ( y ) { }
} ;
2012-02-17 12:54:50 +08:00
// CHECK: @_ZN11StructUnion1aE = constant {{.*}} { i32 1, double 2.000000e+00, {{.*}} { i32 3, [4 x i8] undef } }
2012-01-14 12:30:29 +08:00
extern constexpr A a ( 1 , 2.0 , 3 ) ;
2012-02-17 12:54:50 +08:00
// CHECK: @_ZN11StructUnion1bE = constant {{.*}} { i32 4, double 5.000000e+00, {{.*}} { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([6 x i8]* @{{.*}}, i32 0, i32 0) } }
2012-01-14 12:30:29 +08:00
extern constexpr A b ( 4 , 5 , " hello " ) ;
struct B {
int n ;
} ;
// CHECK: @_ZN11StructUnion1cE = global {{.*}} zeroinitializer
// CHECK: @_ZN11StructUnion2c2E = global {{.*}} zeroinitializer
B c ;
B c2 = B ( ) ;
// CHECK: @_ZN11StructUnion1dE = global {{.*}} zeroinitializer
B d [ 10 ] ;
struct C {
constexpr C ( ) : c ( 0 ) { }
int c ;
} ;
// CHECK: @_ZN11StructUnion1eE = global {{.*}} zeroinitializer
C e [ 10 ] ;
struct D {
constexpr D ( ) : d ( 5 ) { }
int d ;
} ;
// CHECK: @_ZN11StructUnion1fE = global {{.*}} { i32 5 }
D f ;
2012-05-07 09:07:30 +08:00
union E {
int a ;
void * b = & f ;
} ;
// CHECK: @_ZN11StructUnion1gE = global {{.*}} @_ZN11StructUnion1fE
E g ;
// CHECK: @_ZN11StructUnion1hE = global {{.*}} @_ZN11StructUnion1fE
E h = E ( ) ;
2012-01-14 12:30:29 +08:00
namespace BaseClass {
template < typename T , unsigned > struct X : T { } ;
struct C { char c = 1 ; } ;
template < unsigned . . . Ns > struct Cs : X < C , Ns > . . . { } ;
struct N { int n = 3 ; } ;
struct D { double d = 4.0 ; } ;
template < typename . . . Ts >
struct Test : Ts . . . { constexpr Test ( ) : Ts ( ) . . . , n ( 5 ) { } int n ; } ;
using Test1 = Test < N , C , Cs < 1 , 2 > , D , X < C , 1 > > ;
2012-02-17 12:54:50 +08:00
// CHECK: @_ZN9BaseClass2t1E = constant {{.*}} { i32 3, i8 1, i8 1, i8 1, double 4.000000e+00, i8 1, i32 5 }, align 8
2012-01-14 12:30:29 +08:00
extern constexpr Test1 t1 = Test1 ( ) ;
struct DN : D , N { } ;
struct DND : DN , X < D , 0 > { } ;
struct DNN : DN , X < N , 0 > { } ;
2012-02-17 12:54:50 +08:00
// CHECK: @_ZN9BaseClass3dndE = constant {{.*}} { double 4.000000e+00, i32 3, double 4.000000e+00 }
2012-01-14 12:30:29 +08:00
extern constexpr DND dnd = DND ( ) ;
// Note, N subobject is laid out in DN subobject's tail padding.
2012-02-17 12:54:50 +08:00
// CHECK: @_ZN9BaseClass3dnnE = constant {{.*}} { double 4.000000e+00, i32 3, i32 3 }
2012-01-14 12:30:29 +08:00
extern constexpr DNN dnn = DNN ( ) ;
struct E { } ;
struct Test2 : X < E , 0 > , X < E , 1 > , X < E , 2 > , X < E , 3 > { } ;
2012-02-17 12:54:50 +08:00
// CHECK: @_ZN9BaseClass2t2E = constant {{.*}} undef
2012-01-14 12:30:29 +08:00
extern constexpr Test2 t2 = Test2 ( ) ;
2012-03-30 11:55:31 +08:00
struct __attribute ( ( packed ) ) PackedD { double y = 2 ; } ;
struct Test3 : C , PackedD { constexpr Test3 ( ) { } } ;
// CHECK: @_ZN9BaseClass2t3E = constant <{ i8, double }> <{ i8 1, double 2.000000e+00 }>
extern constexpr Test3 t3 = Test3 ( ) ;
2012-01-14 12:30:29 +08:00
namespace Array {
// CHECK: @_ZN5Array3arrE = constant [2 x i32] [i32 4, i32 0]
extern constexpr int arr [ 2 ] = { 4 } ;
// CHECK: @_ZN5Array1cE = constant [6 x [4 x i8]] [{{.*}} c"foo\00", [4 x i8] c"a\00\00\00", [4 x i8] c"bar\00", [4 x i8] c"xyz\00", [4 x i8] c"b\00\00\00", [4 x i8] c"123\00"]
extern constexpr char c [ 6 ] [ 4 ] = { " foo " , " a " , { " bar " } , { ' x ' , ' y ' , ' z ' } , { " b " } , ' 1 ' , ' 2 ' , ' 3 ' } ;
2012-04-15 10:50:59 +08:00
// CHECK: @_ZN5Array2ucE = constant [4 x i8] c"foo\00"
extern constexpr unsigned char uc [ ] = { " foo " } ;
2012-01-14 12:30:29 +08:00
struct C { constexpr C ( ) : n ( 5 ) { } int n , m = 3 * n + 1 ; } ;
2012-02-17 12:54:50 +08:00
// CHECK: @_ZN5Array5ctorsE = constant [3 x {{.*}}] [{{.*}} { i32 5, i32 16 }, {{.*}} { i32 5, i32 16 }, {{.*}} { i32 5, i32 16 }]
2012-01-14 12:30:29 +08:00
extern const C ctors [ 3 ] ;
constexpr C ctors [ 3 ] ;
// CHECK: @_ZN5Array1dE = constant {{.*}} { [2 x i32] [i32 1, i32 2], [3 x i32] [i32 3, i32 4, i32 5] }
struct D { int n [ 2 ] ; int m [ 3 ] ; } extern constexpr d = { 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 } ;
2012-02-17 11:35:37 +08:00
struct E {
char c [ 4 ] ;
char d [ 4 ] ;
constexpr E ( ) : c ( " foo " ) , d ( " x " ) { }
} ;
2012-02-17 12:54:50 +08:00
// CHECK: @_ZN5Array1eE = constant {{.*}} { [4 x i8] c"foo\00", [4 x i8] c"x\00\00\00" }
2012-02-17 11:35:37 +08:00
extern constexpr E e = E ( ) ;
2012-07-08 06:48:24 +08:00
// PR13290
struct F { constexpr F ( ) : n ( 4 ) { } int n ; } ;
// CHECK: @_ZN5Array2f1E = global {{.*}} zeroinitializer
F f1 [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 0 ] = { } ;
// CHECK: @_ZN5Array2f2E = global {{.* i32 4 .* i32 4 .* i32 4 .* i32 4 .* i32 4 .* i32 4 .* i32 4 .* i32 4}}
F f2 [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 ] = { } ;
2012-01-14 12:30:29 +08:00
namespace MemberPtr {
struct B1 {
int a , b ;
virtual void f ( ) ;
void g ( ) ;
} ;
struct B2 {
int c , d ;
virtual void h ( ) ;
void i ( ) ;
} ;
struct C : B1 {
int e ;
virtual void j ( ) ;
void k ( ) ;
} ;
struct D : C , B2 {
int z ;
virtual void l ( ) ;
void m ( ) ;
} ;
// CHECK: @_ZN9MemberPtr2daE = constant i64 8
// CHECK: @_ZN9MemberPtr2dbE = constant i64 12
// CHECK: @_ZN9MemberPtr2dcE = constant i64 32
// CHECK: @_ZN9MemberPtr2ddE = constant i64 36
// CHECK: @_ZN9MemberPtr2deE = constant i64 16
// CHECK: @_ZN9MemberPtr2dzE = constant i64 40
extern constexpr int ( D : : * da ) = & B1 : : a ;
extern constexpr int ( D : : * db ) = & C : : b ;
extern constexpr int ( D : : * dc ) = & B2 : : c ;
extern constexpr int ( D : : * dd ) = & D : : d ;
extern constexpr int ( D : : * de ) = & C : : e ;
extern constexpr int ( D : : * dz ) = & D : : z ;
// CHECK: @_ZN9MemberPtr2baE = constant i64 8
// CHECK: @_ZN9MemberPtr2bbE = constant i64 12
// CHECK: @_ZN9MemberPtr2bcE = constant i64 8
// CHECK: @_ZN9MemberPtr2bdE = constant i64 12
// CHECK: @_ZN9MemberPtr2beE = constant i64 16
// CHECK: @_ZN9MemberPtr3b1zE = constant i64 40
// CHECK: @_ZN9MemberPtr3b2zE = constant i64 16
extern constexpr int ( B1 : : * ba ) = ( int ( B1 : : * ) ) & B1 : : a ;
extern constexpr int ( B1 : : * bb ) = ( int ( B1 : : * ) ) & C : : b ;
extern constexpr int ( B2 : : * bc ) = ( int ( B2 : : * ) ) & B2 : : c ;
extern constexpr int ( B2 : : * bd ) = ( int ( B2 : : * ) ) & D : : d ;
extern constexpr int ( B1 : : * be ) = ( int ( B1 : : * ) ) & C : : e ;
extern constexpr int ( B1 : : * b1z ) = ( int ( B1 : : * ) ) & D : : z ;
extern constexpr int ( B2 : : * b2z ) = ( int ( B2 : : * ) ) & D : : z ;
// CHECK: @_ZN9MemberPtr2dfE = constant {{.*}} { i64 1, i64 0 }
// CHECK: @_ZN9MemberPtr2dgE = constant {{.*}} { i64 {{.*}}2B11gEv{{.*}}, i64 0 }
// CHECK: @_ZN9MemberPtr2dhE = constant {{.*}} { i64 1, i64 24 }
// CHECK: @_ZN9MemberPtr2diE = constant {{.*}} { i64 {{.*}}2B21iEv{{.*}}, i64 24 }
// CHECK: @_ZN9MemberPtr2djE = constant {{.*}} { i64 9, i64 0 }
// CHECK: @_ZN9MemberPtr2dkE = constant {{.*}} { i64 {{.*}}1C1kEv{{.*}}, i64 0 }
// CHECK: @_ZN9MemberPtr2dlE = constant {{.*}} { i64 17, i64 0 }
// CHECK: @_ZN9MemberPtr2dmE = constant {{.*}} { i64 {{.*}}1D1mEv{{.*}}, i64 0 }
extern constexpr void ( D : : * df ) ( ) = & C : : f ;
extern constexpr void ( D : : * dg ) ( ) = & B1 : : g ;
extern constexpr void ( D : : * dh ) ( ) = & B2 : : h ;
extern constexpr void ( D : : * di ) ( ) = & D : : i ;
extern constexpr void ( D : : * dj ) ( ) = & C : : j ;
extern constexpr void ( D : : * dk ) ( ) = & C : : k ;
extern constexpr void ( D : : * dl ) ( ) = & D : : l ;
extern constexpr void ( D : : * dm ) ( ) = & D : : m ;
// CHECK: @_ZN9MemberPtr2bfE = constant {{.*}} { i64 1, i64 0 }
// CHECK: @_ZN9MemberPtr2bgE = constant {{.*}} { i64 {{.*}}2B11gEv{{.*}}, i64 0 }
// CHECK: @_ZN9MemberPtr2bhE = constant {{.*}} { i64 1, i64 0 }
// CHECK: @_ZN9MemberPtr2biE = constant {{.*}} { i64 {{.*}}2B21iEv{{.*}}, i64 0 }
// CHECK: @_ZN9MemberPtr2bjE = constant {{.*}} { i64 9, i64 0 }
// CHECK: @_ZN9MemberPtr2bkE = constant {{.*}} { i64 {{.*}}1C1kEv{{.*}}, i64 0 }
// CHECK: @_ZN9MemberPtr3b1lE = constant {{.*}} { i64 17, i64 0 }
// CHECK: @_ZN9MemberPtr3b1mE = constant {{.*}} { i64 {{.*}}1D1mEv{{.*}}, i64 0 }
// CHECK: @_ZN9MemberPtr3b2lE = constant {{.*}} { i64 17, i64 -24 }
// CHECK: @_ZN9MemberPtr3b2mE = constant {{.*}} { i64 {{.*}}1D1mEv{{.*}}, i64 -24 }
extern constexpr void ( B1 : : * bf ) ( ) = ( void ( B1 : : * ) ( ) ) & C : : f ;
extern constexpr void ( B1 : : * bg ) ( ) = ( void ( B1 : : * ) ( ) ) & B1 : : g ;
extern constexpr void ( B2 : : * bh ) ( ) = ( void ( B2 : : * ) ( ) ) & B2 : : h ;
extern constexpr void ( B2 : : * bi ) ( ) = ( void ( B2 : : * ) ( ) ) & D : : i ;
extern constexpr void ( B1 : : * bj ) ( ) = ( void ( B1 : : * ) ( ) ) & C : : j ;
extern constexpr void ( B1 : : * bk ) ( ) = ( void ( B1 : : * ) ( ) ) & C : : k ;
extern constexpr void ( B1 : : * b1l ) ( ) = ( void ( B1 : : * ) ( ) ) & D : : l ;
extern constexpr void ( B1 : : * b1m ) ( ) = ( void ( B1 : : * ) ( ) ) & D : : m ;
extern constexpr void ( B2 : : * b2l ) ( ) = ( void ( B2 : : * ) ( ) ) & D : : l ;
extern constexpr void ( B2 : : * b2m ) ( ) = ( void ( B2 : : * ) ( ) ) & D : : m ;
2012-02-14 06:16:19 +08:00
namespace LiteralReference {
struct Lit {
constexpr Lit ( ) : n ( 5 ) { }
int n ;
} ;
2013-06-05 08:46:14 +08:00
// This creates a non-const temporary and binds a reference to it.
// CHECK: @[[TEMP:.*]] = private global {{.*}} { i32 5 }, align 4
// CHECK: @_ZN16LiteralReference3litE = constant {{.*}} @[[TEMP]], align 8
2012-02-14 06:16:19 +08:00
const Lit & lit = Lit ( ) ;
2013-06-05 08:46:14 +08:00
// This creates a const temporary as part of the reference initialization.
// CHECK: @[[TEMP:.*]] = private constant {{.*}} { i32 5 }, align 4
// CHECK: @_ZN16LiteralReference4lit2E = constant {{.*}} @[[TEMP]], align 8
const Lit & lit2 = { } ;
struct A { int & & r1 ; const int & & r2 ; } ;
struct B { A & & a1 ; const A & & a2 ; } ;
B b = { { 0 , 1 } , { 2 , 3 } } ;
// CHECK: @[[TEMP0:.*]] = private global i32 0, align 4
// CHECK: @[[TEMP1:.*]] = private constant i32 1, align 4
// CHECK: @[[TEMPA1:.*]] = private global {{.*}} { i32* @[[TEMP0]], i32* @[[TEMP1]] }, align 8
// CHECK: @[[TEMP2:.*]] = private global i32 2, align 4
// CHECK: @[[TEMP3:.*]] = private constant i32 3, align 4
// CHECK: @[[TEMPA2:.*]] = private constant {{.*}} { i32* @[[TEMP2]], i32* @[[TEMP3]] }, align 8
// CHECK: @_ZN16LiteralReference1bE = global {{.*}} { {{.*}}* @[[TEMPA1]], {{.*}}* @[[TEMPA2]] }, align 8
struct Subobj {
int a , b , c ;
} ;
// CHECK: @[[TEMP:.*]] = private global {{.*}} { i32 1, i32 2, i32 3 }, align 4
// CHECK: @_ZN16LiteralReference2soE = constant {{.*}} (i8* getelementptr {{.*}} @[[TEMP]]{{.*}}, i64 4)
constexpr int & & so = Subobj { 1 , 2 , 3 } . b ;
struct Dummy { int padding ; } ;
struct Derived : Dummy , Subobj {
constexpr Derived ( ) : Dummy { 200 } , Subobj { 4 , 5 , 6 } { }
} ;
using ConstDerived = const Derived ;
// CHECK: @[[TEMPCOMMA:.*]] = private constant {{.*}} { i32 200, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6 }
// CHECK: @_ZN16LiteralReference5commaE = constant {{.*}} getelementptr {{.*}} @[[TEMPCOMMA]]{{.*}}, i64 8)
constexpr const int & comma = ( 1 , ( 2 , ConstDerived { } ) . b ) ;
// CHECK: @[[TEMPDERIVED:.*]] = private global {{.*}} { i32 200, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6 }
// CHECK: @_ZN16LiteralReference4baseE = constant {{.*}} getelementptr {{.*}} @[[TEMPDERIVED]]{{.*}}, i64 4)
constexpr Subobj & & base = Derived { } ;
// CHECK: @_ZN16LiteralReference7derivedE = constant {{.*}} @[[TEMPDERIVED]]
constexpr Derived & derived = static_cast < Derived & > ( base ) ;
2012-02-14 06:16:19 +08:00
namespace NonLiteralConstexpr {
constexpr int factorial ( int n ) {
return n ? factorial ( n - 1 ) * n : 1 ;
extern void f ( int * p ) ;
struct NonTrivialDtor {
constexpr NonTrivialDtor ( ) : n ( factorial ( 5 ) ) , p ( & n ) { }
~ NonTrivialDtor ( ) {
f ( p ) ;
int n ;
int * p ;
} ;
static_assert ( ! __is_literal ( NonTrivialDtor ) , " " ) ;
// CHECK: @_ZN19NonLiteralConstexpr3ntdE = global {{.*}} { i32 120, i32* getelementptr
NonTrivialDtor ntd ;
struct VolatileMember {
constexpr VolatileMember ( ) : n ( 5 ) { }
volatile int n ;
} ;
static_assert ( ! __is_literal ( VolatileMember ) , " " ) ;
// CHECK: @_ZN19NonLiteralConstexpr2vmE = global {{.*}} { i32 5 }
VolatileMember vm ;
struct Both {
constexpr Both ( ) : n ( 10 ) { }
~ Both ( ) ;
volatile int n ;
} ;
// CHECK: @_ZN19NonLiteralConstexpr1bE = global {{.*}} { i32 10 }
Both b ;
void StaticVars ( ) {
// CHECK: @_ZZN19NonLiteralConstexpr10StaticVarsEvE3ntd = {{.*}} { i32 120, i32* getelementptr {{.*}}
// CHECK: @_ZGVZN19NonLiteralConstexpr10StaticVarsEvE3ntd =
static NonTrivialDtor ntd ;
// CHECK: @_ZZN19NonLiteralConstexpr10StaticVarsEvE2vm = {{.*}} { i32 5 }
// CHECK-NOT: @_ZGVZN19NonLiteralConstexpr10StaticVarsEvE2vm =
static VolatileMember vm ;
// CHECK: @_ZZN19NonLiteralConstexpr10StaticVarsEvE1b = {{.*}} { i32 10 }
// CHECK: @_ZGVZN19NonLiteralConstexpr10StaticVarsEvE1b =
static Both b ;
2012-02-23 16:33:23 +08:00
// PR12067
namespace VirtualMembers {
struct A {
constexpr A ( double d ) : d ( d ) { }
virtual void f ( ) ;
double d ;
} ;
struct B : A {
constexpr B ( ) : A ( 2.0 ) , c { ' h ' , ' e ' , ' l ' , ' l ' , ' o ' } { }
constexpr B ( int n ) : A ( n ) , c { ' w ' , ' o ' , ' r ' , ' l ' , ' d ' } { }
virtual void g ( ) ;
char c [ 5 ] ;
} ;
struct C {
constexpr C ( ) : n ( 64 ) { }
int n ;
} ;
struct D : C , A , B {
constexpr D ( ) : A ( 1.0 ) , B ( ) , s ( 5 ) { }
short s ;
} ;
struct E : D , B {
constexpr E ( ) : B ( 3 ) , c { ' b ' , ' y ' , ' e ' } { }
char c [ 3 ] ;
} ;
// CHECK: @_ZN14VirtualMembers1eE = global { i8**, double, i32, i8**, double, [5 x i8], i16, i8**, double, [5 x i8], [3 x i8] } { i8** getelementptr inbounds ([11 x i8*]* @_ZTVN14VirtualMembers1EE, i64 0, i64 2), double 1.000000e+00, i32 64, i8** getelementptr inbounds ([11 x i8*]* @_ZTVN14VirtualMembers1EE, i64 0, i64 5), double 2.000000e+00, [5 x i8] c"hello", i16 5, i8** getelementptr inbounds ([11 x i8*]* @_ZTVN14VirtualMembers1EE, i64 0, i64 9), double 3.000000e+00, [5 x i8] c"world", [3 x i8] c"bye" }
E e ;
struct nsMemoryImpl {
virtual void f ( ) ;
} ;
// CHECK: @_ZN14VirtualMembersL13sGlobalMemoryE = internal global { i8** } { i8** getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8*]* @_ZTVN14VirtualMembers12nsMemoryImplE, i64 0, i64 2) }
static nsMemoryImpl sGlobalMemory ;
2015-01-26 14:08:07 +08:00
template < class T >
struct TemplateClass {
constexpr TemplateClass ( ) : t { 42 } { }
virtual void templateMethod ( ) { }
T t ;
} ;
// CHECK: @_ZN14VirtualMembers1tE = global { i8**, i32 } { i8** getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8*]* @_ZTVN14VirtualMembers13TemplateClassIiEE, i64 0, i64 2), i32 42 }
TemplateClass < int > t ;
2012-02-23 16:33:23 +08:00
2012-07-05 16:39:21 +08:00
namespace PR13273 {
struct U {
int t ;
U ( ) = default ;
} ;
struct S : U {
S ( ) = default ;
} ;
2012-08-07 12:16:51 +08:00
// CHECK: @_ZN7PR132731sE = {{.*}} zeroinitializer
extern const S s { } ;
2012-07-05 16:39:21 +08:00
2013-06-08 08:02:08 +08:00
namespace ArrayTemporary {
struct A { const int ( & x ) [ 3 ] ; } ;
struct B { const A ( & x ) [ 2 ] ; } ;
// CHECK: @[[A1:_ZGRN14ArrayTemporary1bE.*]] = private constant [3 x i32] [i32 1, i32 2, i32 3]
// CHECK: @[[A2:_ZGRN14ArrayTemporary1bE.*]] = private constant [3 x i32] [i32 4, i32 5, i32 6]
// CHECK: @[[ARR:_ZGRN14ArrayTemporary1bE.*]] = private constant [2 x {{.*}}] [{{.*}} { [3 x i32]* @[[A1]] }, {{.*}} { [3 x i32]* @[[A2]] }]
// CHECK: @[[B:_ZGRN14ArrayTemporary1bE.*]] = private global {{.*}} { [2 x {{.*}}]* @[[ARR]] }
// CHECK: @_ZN14ArrayTemporary1bE = constant {{.*}}* @[[B]]
B & & b = { { { { 1 , 2 , 3 } } , { { 4 , 5 , 6 } } } } ;
2013-06-05 08:46:14 +08:00
namespace UnemittedTemporaryDecl {
constexpr int & & ref = 0 ;
extern constexpr int & ref2 = ref ;
2014-05-07 06:49:16 +08:00
// CHECK: @_ZGRN22UnemittedTemporaryDecl3refE_ = private global i32 0
2013-06-05 08:46:14 +08:00
// FIXME: This declaration should not be emitted -- it isn't odr-used.
// CHECK: @_ZN22UnemittedTemporaryDecl3refE
2014-05-07 06:49:16 +08:00
// CHECK: @_ZN22UnemittedTemporaryDecl4ref2E = constant i32* @_ZGRN22UnemittedTemporaryDecl3refE_
2013-06-05 08:46:14 +08:00
2013-06-02 08:09:52 +08:00
// CHECK: @_ZZN12LocalVarInit3aggEvE1a = internal constant {{.*}} i32 101
// CHECK: @_ZZN12LocalVarInit4ctorEvE1a = internal constant {{.*}} i32 102
// CHECK: @_ZZN12LocalVarInit8mutable_EvE1a = private unnamed_addr constant {{.*}} i32 103
2014-05-07 06:49:16 +08:00
// CHECK: @_ZGRN33ClassTemplateWithStaticDataMember1SIvE1aE_ = linkonce_odr constant i32 5
// CHECK: @_ZN33ClassTemplateWithStaticDataMember3useE = constant i32* @_ZGRN33ClassTemplateWithStaticDataMember1SIvE1aE_
// CHECK: @_ZGRN39ClassTemplateWithHiddenStaticDataMember1SIvE1aE_ = linkonce_odr hidden constant i32 5
// CHECK: @_ZN39ClassTemplateWithHiddenStaticDataMember3useE = constant i32* @_ZGRN39ClassTemplateWithHiddenStaticDataMember1SIvE1aE_
// CHECK: @_ZGRZN20InlineStaticConstRef3funEvE1i_ = linkonce_odr constant i32 10
2013-06-02 08:09:52 +08:00
2012-01-14 12:30:29 +08:00
// Constant initialization tests go before this point,
// dynamic initialization tests go after.
2012-02-14 06:16:19 +08:00
// We must emit a constant initializer for NonLiteralConstexpr::ntd, but also
// emit an initializer to register its destructor.
// CHECK: define {{.*}}cxx_global_var_init{{.*}}
// CHECK-NOT: NonLiteralConstexpr
// CHECK: call {{.*}}cxa_atexit{{.*}} @_ZN19NonLiteralConstexpr14NonTrivialDtorD1Ev {{.*}} @_ZN19NonLiteralConstexpr3ntdE
// CHECK-NEXT: ret void
// We don't need to emit any dynamic initialization for NonLiteralConstexpr::vm.
// CHECK-NOT: NonLiteralConstexpr2vm
// We must emit a constant initializer for NonLiteralConstexpr::b, but also
// emit an initializer to register its destructor.
// CHECK: define {{.*}}cxx_global_var_init{{.*}}
// CHECK-NOT: NonLiteralConstexpr
// CHECK: call {{.*}}cxa_atexit{{.*}} @_ZN19NonLiteralConstexpr4BothD1Ev {{.*}} @_ZN19NonLiteralConstexpr1bE
// CHECK-NEXT: ret void
// CHECK: define {{.*}}NonLiteralConstexpr10StaticVars
// CHECK: call {{.*}}cxa_atexit{{.*}}@_ZN19NonLiteralConstexpr14NonTrivialDtorD1Ev
// CHECK: call {{.*}}cxa_atexit{{.*}}@_ZN19NonLiteralConstexpr4BothD1Ev
2013-06-02 08:09:52 +08:00
// PR12848: Don't emit dynamic initializers for local constexpr variables.
namespace LocalVarInit {
constexpr int f ( int n ) { return n ; }
struct Agg { int k ; } ;
struct Ctor { constexpr Ctor ( int n ) : k ( n ) { } int k ; } ;
struct Mutable { constexpr Mutable ( int n ) : k ( n ) { } mutable int k ; } ;
// CHECK: define {{.*}} @_ZN12LocalVarInit6scalarEv
// CHECK-NOT: call
// CHECK: store i32 100,
// CHECK-NOT: call
// CHECK: ret i32 100
int scalar ( ) { constexpr int a = { f ( 100 ) } ; return a ; }
// CHECK: define {{.*}} @_ZN12LocalVarInit3aggEv
// CHECK-NOT: call
// CHECK: ret i32 101
int agg ( ) { constexpr Agg a = { f ( 101 ) } ; return a . k ; }
// CHECK: define {{.*}} @_ZN12LocalVarInit4ctorEv
// CHECK-NOT: call
// CHECK: ret i32 102
int ctor ( ) { constexpr Ctor a = { f ( 102 ) } ; return a . k ; }
// CHECK: define {{.*}} @_ZN12LocalVarInit8mutable_Ev
// CHECK-NOT: call
// CHECK: call {{.*}}memcpy{{.*}} @_ZZN12LocalVarInit8mutable_EvE1a
// CHECK-NOT: call
// Can't fold return value due to 'mutable'.
// CHECK-NOT: ret i32 103
// CHECK: }
int mutable_ ( ) { constexpr Mutable a = { f ( 103 ) } ; return a . k ; }
2012-01-06 07:59:40 +08:00
namespace CrossFuncLabelDiff {
// Make sure we refuse to constant-fold the variable b.
2012-01-27 09:14:48 +08:00
constexpr long a ( bool x ) { return x ? 0 : ( long ) & & lbl + ( 0 & & ( { lbl : 0 ; } ) ) ; }
void test ( ) { static long b = ( long ) & & lbl - a ( false ) ; lbl : return ; }
2012-01-06 07:59:40 +08:00
// CHECK: sub nsw i64 ptrtoint (i8* blockaddress(@_ZN18CrossFuncLabelDiff4testEv, {{.*}}) to i64),
// CHECK: store i64 {{.*}}, i64* @_ZZN18CrossFuncLabelDiff4testEvE1b, align 8
2012-02-17 08:44:16 +08:00
// PR12012
namespace VirtualBase {
struct B { } ;
struct D : virtual B { } ;
D d ;
// CHECK: call {{.*}}@_ZN11VirtualBase1DC1Ev
template < typename T > struct X : T {
constexpr X ( ) : T ( ) { }
} ;
X < D > x ;
// CHECK: call {{.*}}@_ZN11VirtualBase1XINS_1DEEC1Ev
2012-03-03 07:27:11 +08:00
// PR12145
namespace Unreferenced {
int n ;
constexpr int * p = & n ;
// We must not emit a load of 'p' here, since it's not odr-used.
int q = * p ;
// CHECK-NOT: _ZN12Unreferenced1pE
// CHECK: = load i32* @_ZN12Unreferenced1nE
// CHECK-NEXT: store i32 {{.*}}, i32* @_ZN12Unreferenced1qE
// CHECK-NOT: _ZN12Unreferenced1pE
// Technically, we are not required to substitute variables of reference types
// initialized by constant expressions, because the special case for odr-use
// of variables in [basic.def.odr]p2 only applies to objects. But we do so
// anyway.
constexpr int & r = n ;
// CHECK-NOT: _ZN12Unreferenced1rE
int s = r ;
const int t = 1 ;
const int & rt = t ;
int f ( int ) ;
int u = f ( rt ) ;
// CHECK: call i32 @_ZN12Unreferenced1fEi(i32 1)
namespace InitFromConst {
template < typename T > void consume ( T ) ;
const bool b = true ;
const int n = 5 ;
2012-03-07 09:58:44 +08:00
constexpr double d = 4.3 ;
2012-03-03 07:27:11 +08:00
struct S { int n = 7 ; S * p = 0 ; } ;
constexpr S s = S ( ) ;
const S & r = s ;
constexpr const S * p = & r ;
constexpr int S : : * mp = & S : : n ;
constexpr int a [ 3 ] = { 1 , 4 , 9 } ;
void test ( ) {
// CHECK: call void @_ZN13InitFromConst7consumeIbEEvT_(i1 zeroext true)
consume ( b ) ;
// CHECK: call void @_ZN13InitFromConst7consumeIiEEvT_(i32 5)
consume ( n ) ;
// CHECK: call void @_ZN13InitFromConst7consumeIdEEvT_(double 4.300000e+00)
consume ( d ) ;
2014-07-18 23:52:10 +08:00
// CHECK: call void @_ZN13InitFromConst7consumeIRKNS_1SEEEvT_(%"struct.InitFromConst::S"* dereferenceable({{[0-9]+}}) @_ZN13InitFromConstL1sE)
2012-03-03 07:27:11 +08:00
consume < const S & > ( s ) ;
2014-07-18 23:52:10 +08:00
// CHECK: call void @_ZN13InitFromConst7consumeIRKNS_1SEEEvT_(%"struct.InitFromConst::S"* dereferenceable({{[0-9]+}}) @_ZN13InitFromConstL1sE)
2012-03-03 07:27:11 +08:00
consume < const S & > ( r ) ;
// CHECK: call void @_ZN13InitFromConst7consumeIPKNS_1SEEEvT_(%"struct.InitFromConst::S"* @_ZN13InitFromConstL1sE)
consume ( p ) ;
// CHECK: call void @_ZN13InitFromConst7consumeIMNS_1SEiEEvT_(i64 0)
consume ( mp ) ;
// CHECK: call void @_ZN13InitFromConst7consumeIPKiEEvT_(i32* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i32]* @_ZN13InitFromConstL1aE, i32 0, i32 0))
consume ( a ) ;
2012-04-08 16:02:07 +08:00
namespace Null {
decltype ( nullptr ) null ( ) ;
// CHECK: call {{.*}} @_ZN4Null4nullEv(
int * p = null ( ) ;
struct S { } ;
// CHECK: call {{.*}} @_ZN4Null4nullEv(
int S : : * q = null ( ) ;
2014-04-29 06:17:59 +08:00
namespace InlineStaticConstRef {
inline const int & fun ( ) {
static const int & i = 10 ;
return i ;
2014-05-07 06:49:16 +08:00
// CHECK: ret i32* @_ZGRZN20InlineStaticConstRef3funEvE1i_
2014-04-29 06:17:59 +08:00
const int & use = fun ( ) ;
namespace ClassTemplateWithStaticDataMember {
template < typename T >
struct S {
static const int & a ;
} ;
template < typename T >
const int & S < T > : : a = 5 ;
const int & use = S < void > : : a ;
2014-04-29 14:18:53 +08:00
namespace ClassTemplateWithHiddenStaticDataMember {
template < typename T >
struct S {
__attribute__ ( ( visibility ( " hidden " ) ) ) static const int & a ;
} ;
template < typename T >
const int & S < T > : : a = 5 ;
const int & use = S < void > : : a ;
2015-01-26 14:08:07 +08:00
// VirtualMembers::TemplateClass::templateMethod() must be defined in this TU,
// not just declared.
// CHECK: define linkonce_odr void @_ZN14VirtualMembers13TemplateClassIiE14templateMethodEv(%"struct.VirtualMembers::TemplateClass"* %this)