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//===-- SBCommandInterpreter.cpp --------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "lldb/lldb-types.h"
#include "lldb/Core/SourceManager.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Listener.h"
#include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandInterpreter.h"
#include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandObjectMultiword.h"
#include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandReturnObject.h"
#include "lldb/Target/Target.h"
#include "lldb/API/SBBroadcaster.h"
#include "lldb/API/SBCommandReturnObject.h"
#include "lldb/API/SBCommandInterpreter.h"
Fix handling of CommandInterpreter's events in lldb-mi Summary: Previously lldb-mi contains a stub for that but it didn't work and all CommanInterpreter's events were ignored. This commit adds a handling of CommandInterpreter's events in lldb-mi. Steps: # Fix CMICmnLLDBDebugger::InitSBListener # Add SBCommandInterpreter::EventIsCommandInterpreterEvent # Exit on lldb::SBCommandInterpreter::eBroadcastBitQuitCommandReceived All tests pass on OS X. In further we can remove "quit" hack in lldb-mi. Test Plan: # Create start_script file: ``` target create ~/p/hello b main r quit ``` # Run lldb-mi --interpreter # Execute start_script file by following command: ``` -interpreter-exec console "command source start_script" ``` Log: ``` $ bin/lldb-mi --interpreter (gdb) -interpreter-exec console "command source start_script" Executing commands in '/Users/IliaK/p/llvm/build_ninja/start_script'. (lldb) target create ~/p/hello Current executable set to '~/p/hello' (x86_64). (lldb) b main Breakpoint 1: where = hello`main + 29 at hello.cpp:12, address = 0x0000000100000e2d (lldb) r Process 1582 launched: '/Users/IliaK/p/hello' (x86_64) (lldb) quit ^done (gdb) =thread-created,id="1",group-id="i1" =thread-selected,id="1" (gdb) =shlibs-added,shlib-info=[num="1",name="hello",dyld-addr="-",reason="dyld",path="/Users/IliaK/p/hello",loaded_addr="-",dsym-objpath="/Users/IliaK/p/hello.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/hello"] ... =shlibs-added,shlib-info=[num="132",name="libDiagnosticMessagesClient.dylib",dyld-addr="0x7fff91705000",reason="dyld",path="/usr/lib/libDiagnosticMessagesClient.dylib",loaded_addr="0x7fff91705000"] (gdb) *stopped,reason="breakpoint-hit",disp="del",bkptno="1",frame={addr="0x100000e2d",func="main",args=[{name="argc",value="1"},{name="argv",value="0x00007fff5fbffc88"}],file="hello.cpp",fullname="/Users/IliaK/p/hello.cpp",line="12"},thread-id="1",stopped-threads="all" (gdb)<press Enter> MI: Program exited OK ``` Reviewers: abidh, clayborg Reviewed By: abidh Subscribers: jingham, lldb-commits, clayborg, abidh Differential Revision: http://reviews.llvm.org/D8382 llvm-svn: 232891
2015-03-21 18:53:37 +08:00
#include "lldb/API/SBEvent.h"
#include "lldb/API/SBExecutionContext.h"
#include "lldb/API/SBProcess.h"
#include "lldb/API/SBTarget.h"
#include "lldb/API/SBListener.h"
#include "lldb/API/SBStream.h"
#include "lldb/API/SBStringList.h"
using namespace lldb;
using namespace lldb_private;
m_opaque_up.reset(new CommandInterpreterRunOptions());
SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions::GetStopOnContinue () const
return m_opaque_up->GetStopOnContinue();
SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions::SetStopOnContinue (bool stop_on_continue)
SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions::GetStopOnError () const
return m_opaque_up->GetStopOnError();
SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions::SetStopOnError (bool stop_on_error)
SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions::GetStopOnCrash () const
return m_opaque_up->GetStopOnCrash();
SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions::SetStopOnCrash (bool stop_on_crash)
SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions::GetEchoCommands () const
return m_opaque_up->GetEchoCommands();
SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions::SetEchoCommands (bool echo_commands)
SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions::GetPrintResults () const
return m_opaque_up->GetPrintResults();
SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions::SetPrintResults (bool print_results)
SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions::GetAddToHistory () const
return m_opaque_up->GetAddToHistory();
SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions::SetAddToHistory (bool add_to_history)
lldb_private::CommandInterpreterRunOptions *
SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions::get () const
return m_opaque_up.get();
lldb_private::CommandInterpreterRunOptions &
SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions::ref () const
return *m_opaque_up.get();
class CommandPluginInterfaceImplementation : public CommandObjectParsed
CommandPluginInterfaceImplementation (CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
const char *name,
lldb::SBCommandPluginInterface* backend,
const char *help = NULL,
const char *syntax = NULL,
uint32_t flags = 0) :
CommandObjectParsed (interpreter, name, help, syntax, flags),
m_backend(backend) {}
virtual bool
IsRemovable() const { return true; }
virtual bool
DoExecute (Args& command, CommandReturnObject &result)
SBCommandReturnObject sb_return(&result);
SBCommandInterpreter sb_interpreter(&m_interpreter);
SBDebugger debugger_sb(m_interpreter.GetDebugger().shared_from_this());
bool ret = m_backend->DoExecute (debugger_sb,(char**)command.GetArgumentVector(), sb_return);
return ret;
lldb::SBCommandPluginInterface* m_backend;
SBCommandInterpreter::SBCommandInterpreter (CommandInterpreter *interpreter) :
m_opaque_ptr (interpreter)
Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_API));
if (log)
2010-10-30 12:51:46 +08:00
log->Printf ("SBCommandInterpreter::SBCommandInterpreter (interpreter=%p)"
" => SBCommandInterpreter(%p)",
SBCommandInterpreter::SBCommandInterpreter(const SBCommandInterpreter &rhs) :
m_opaque_ptr (rhs.m_opaque_ptr)
const SBCommandInterpreter &
SBCommandInterpreter::operator = (const SBCommandInterpreter &rhs)
m_opaque_ptr = rhs.m_opaque_ptr;
return *this;
SBCommandInterpreter::~SBCommandInterpreter ()
SBCommandInterpreter::IsValid() const
return m_opaque_ptr != NULL;
SBCommandInterpreter::CommandExists (const char *cmd)
if (cmd && m_opaque_ptr)
return m_opaque_ptr->CommandExists (cmd);
return false;
SBCommandInterpreter::AliasExists (const char *cmd)
if (cmd && m_opaque_ptr)
return m_opaque_ptr->AliasExists (cmd);
return false;
SBCommandInterpreter::IsActive ()
if (m_opaque_ptr)
return m_opaque_ptr->IsActive ();
return false;
const char *
SBCommandInterpreter::GetIOHandlerControlSequence(char ch)
if (m_opaque_ptr)
return m_opaque_ptr->GetDebugger().GetTopIOHandlerControlSequence (ch).GetCString();
return NULL;
SBCommandInterpreter::HandleCommand (const char *command_line, SBCommandReturnObject &result, bool add_to_history)
SBExecutionContext sb_exe_ctx;
return HandleCommand (command_line, sb_exe_ctx, result, add_to_history);
SBCommandInterpreter::HandleCommand (const char *command_line, SBExecutionContext &override_context, SBCommandReturnObject &result, bool add_to_history)
Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_API));
if (log)
log->Printf ("SBCommandInterpreter(%p)::HandleCommand (command=\"%s\", SBCommandReturnObject(%p), add_to_history=%i)",
static_cast<void*>(m_opaque_ptr), command_line,
static_cast<void*>(result.get()), add_to_history);
ExecutionContext ctx, *ctx_ptr;
if (override_context.get())
ctx = override_context.get()->Lock(true);
ctx_ptr = &ctx;
ctx_ptr = nullptr;
if (command_line && m_opaque_ptr)
m_opaque_ptr->HandleCommand (command_line, add_to_history ? eLazyBoolYes : eLazyBoolNo, result.ref(), ctx_ptr);
result->AppendError ("SBCommandInterpreter or the command line is not valid");
result->SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
// We need to get the value again, in case the command disabled the log!
log = lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_API);
if (log)
SBStream sstr;
result.GetDescription (sstr);
log->Printf ("SBCommandInterpreter(%p)::HandleCommand (command=\"%s\", SBCommandReturnObject(%p): %s, add_to_history=%i) => %i",
static_cast<void*>(m_opaque_ptr), command_line,
static_cast<void*>(result.get()), sstr.GetData(),
add_to_history, result.GetStatus());
return result.GetStatus();
SBCommandInterpreter::HandleCommandsFromFile (lldb::SBFileSpec &file,
lldb::SBExecutionContext &override_context,
lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions &options,
lldb::SBCommandReturnObject result)
Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_API));
if (log)
SBStream s;
file.GetDescription (s);
log->Printf ("SBCommandInterpreter(%p)::HandleCommandsFromFile (file=\"%s\", SBCommandReturnObject(%p))",
static_cast<void*>(m_opaque_ptr), s.GetData(),
if (!m_opaque_ptr)
result->AppendError ("SBCommandInterpreter is not valid.");
result->SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
if (!file.IsValid())
SBStream s;
file.GetDescription (s);
result->AppendErrorWithFormat ("File is not valid: %s.", s.GetData());
result->SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
FileSpec tmp_spec = file.ref();
ExecutionContext ctx, *ctx_ptr;
if (override_context.get())
ctx = override_context.get()->Lock(true);
ctx_ptr = &ctx;
ctx_ptr = nullptr;
m_opaque_ptr->HandleCommandsFromFile (tmp_spec, ctx_ptr, options.ref(), result.ref());
SBCommandInterpreter::HandleCompletion (const char *current_line,
const char *cursor,
const char *last_char,
int match_start_point,
int max_return_elements,
SBStringList &matches)
Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_API));
int num_completions = 0;
// Sanity check the arguments that are passed in:
// cursor & last_char have to be within the current_line.
if (current_line == NULL || cursor == NULL || last_char == NULL)
return 0;
if (cursor < current_line || last_char < current_line)
return 0;
size_t current_line_size = strlen (current_line);
if (cursor - current_line > static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(current_line_size) ||
last_char - current_line > static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(current_line_size))
return 0;
if (log)
log->Printf ("SBCommandInterpreter(%p)::HandleCompletion (current_line=\"%s\", cursor at: %" PRId64 ", last char at: %" PRId64 ", match_start_point: %d, max_return_elements: %d)",
static_cast<void*>(m_opaque_ptr), current_line,
static_cast<uint64_t>(cursor - current_line),
static_cast<uint64_t>(last_char - current_line),
match_start_point, max_return_elements);
if (m_opaque_ptr)
lldb_private::StringList lldb_matches;
num_completions = m_opaque_ptr->HandleCompletion (current_line, cursor, last_char, match_start_point,
max_return_elements, lldb_matches);
SBStringList temp_list (&lldb_matches);
matches.AppendList (temp_list);
if (log)
log->Printf ("SBCommandInterpreter(%p)::HandleCompletion - Found %d completions.",
static_cast<void*>(m_opaque_ptr), num_completions);
return num_completions;
SBCommandInterpreter::HandleCompletion (const char *current_line,
uint32_t cursor_pos,
int match_start_point,
int max_return_elements,
lldb::SBStringList &matches)
const char *cursor = current_line + cursor_pos;
const char *last_char = current_line + strlen (current_line);
return HandleCompletion (current_line, cursor, last_char, match_start_point, max_return_elements, matches);
SBCommandInterpreter::HasCommands ()
if (m_opaque_ptr)
return m_opaque_ptr->HasCommands();
return false;
SBCommandInterpreter::HasAliases ()
if (m_opaque_ptr)
return m_opaque_ptr->HasAliases();
return false;
SBCommandInterpreter::HasAliasOptions ()
if (m_opaque_ptr)
return m_opaque_ptr->HasAliasOptions ();
return false;
SBCommandInterpreter::GetProcess ()
SBFrame is now threadsafe using some extra tricks. One issue is that stack frames might go away (the object itself, not the actual logical frame) when we are single stepping due to the way we currently sometimes end up flushing frames when stepping in/out/over. They later will come back to life represented by another object yet they have the same StackID. Now when you get a lldb::SBFrame object, it will track the frame it is initialized with until the thread goes away or the StackID no longer exists in the stack for the thread it was created on. It uses a weak_ptr to both the frame and thread and also stores the StackID. These three items allow us to determine when the stack frame object has gone away (the weak_ptr will be NULL) and allows us to find the correct frame again. In our test suite we had such cases where we were just getting lucky when something like this happened: 1 - stop at breakpoint 2 - get first frame in thread where we stopped 3 - run an expression that causes the program to JIT and run code 4 - run more expressions on the frame from step 2 which was very very luckily still around inside a shared pointer, yet, not part of the current thread (a new stack frame object had appeared with the same stack ID and depth). We now avoid all such issues and properly keep up to date, or we start returning errors when the frame doesn't exist and always responds with invalid answers. Also fixed the UserSettingsController (not going to rewrite this just yet) so that it doesn't crash on shutdown. Using weak_ptr's came in real handy to track when the master controller has already gone away and this allowed me to pull out the previous NotifyOwnerIsShuttingDown() patch as it is no longer needed. llvm-svn: 149231
2012-01-30 15:41:31 +08:00
SBProcess sb_process;
ProcessSP process_sp;
if (m_opaque_ptr)
TargetSP target_sp(m_opaque_ptr->GetDebugger().GetSelectedTarget());
if (target_sp)
Mutex::Locker api_locker(target_sp->GetAPIMutex());
SBFrame is now threadsafe using some extra tricks. One issue is that stack frames might go away (the object itself, not the actual logical frame) when we are single stepping due to the way we currently sometimes end up flushing frames when stepping in/out/over. They later will come back to life represented by another object yet they have the same StackID. Now when you get a lldb::SBFrame object, it will track the frame it is initialized with until the thread goes away or the StackID no longer exists in the stack for the thread it was created on. It uses a weak_ptr to both the frame and thread and also stores the StackID. These three items allow us to determine when the stack frame object has gone away (the weak_ptr will be NULL) and allows us to find the correct frame again. In our test suite we had such cases where we were just getting lucky when something like this happened: 1 - stop at breakpoint 2 - get first frame in thread where we stopped 3 - run an expression that causes the program to JIT and run code 4 - run more expressions on the frame from step 2 which was very very luckily still around inside a shared pointer, yet, not part of the current thread (a new stack frame object had appeared with the same stack ID and depth). We now avoid all such issues and properly keep up to date, or we start returning errors when the frame doesn't exist and always responds with invalid answers. Also fixed the UserSettingsController (not going to rewrite this just yet) so that it doesn't crash on shutdown. Using weak_ptr's came in real handy to track when the master controller has already gone away and this allowed me to pull out the previous NotifyOwnerIsShuttingDown() patch as it is no longer needed. llvm-svn: 149231
2012-01-30 15:41:31 +08:00
process_sp = target_sp->GetProcessSP();
Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_API));
2010-10-30 12:51:46 +08:00
if (log)
log->Printf ("SBCommandInterpreter(%p)::GetProcess () => SBProcess(%p)",
2010-10-30 12:51:46 +08:00
SBFrame is now threadsafe using some extra tricks. One issue is that stack frames might go away (the object itself, not the actual logical frame) when we are single stepping due to the way we currently sometimes end up flushing frames when stepping in/out/over. They later will come back to life represented by another object yet they have the same StackID. Now when you get a lldb::SBFrame object, it will track the frame it is initialized with until the thread goes away or the StackID no longer exists in the stack for the thread it was created on. It uses a weak_ptr to both the frame and thread and also stores the StackID. These three items allow us to determine when the stack frame object has gone away (the weak_ptr will be NULL) and allows us to find the correct frame again. In our test suite we had such cases where we were just getting lucky when something like this happened: 1 - stop at breakpoint 2 - get first frame in thread where we stopped 3 - run an expression that causes the program to JIT and run code 4 - run more expressions on the frame from step 2 which was very very luckily still around inside a shared pointer, yet, not part of the current thread (a new stack frame object had appeared with the same stack ID and depth). We now avoid all such issues and properly keep up to date, or we start returning errors when the frame doesn't exist and always responds with invalid answers. Also fixed the UserSettingsController (not going to rewrite this just yet) so that it doesn't crash on shutdown. Using weak_ptr's came in real handy to track when the master controller has already gone away and this allowed me to pull out the previous NotifyOwnerIsShuttingDown() patch as it is no longer needed. llvm-svn: 149231
2012-01-30 15:41:31 +08:00
return sb_process;
SBCommandInterpreter::GetDebugger ()
SBDebugger sb_debugger;
if (m_opaque_ptr)
Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_API));
if (log)
log->Printf ("SBCommandInterpreter(%p)::GetDebugger () => SBDebugger(%p)",
return sb_debugger;
if (m_opaque_ptr)
return m_opaque_ptr->GetPromptOnQuit();
return false;
SBCommandInterpreter::SetPromptOnQuit (bool b)
if (m_opaque_ptr)
SBCommandInterpreter::ResolveCommand(const char *command_line, SBCommandReturnObject &result)
if (command_line && m_opaque_ptr)
m_opaque_ptr->ResolveCommand(command_line, result.ref());
result->AppendError("SBCommandInterpreter or the command line is not valid");
CommandInterpreter *
SBCommandInterpreter::get ()
return m_opaque_ptr;
CommandInterpreter &
SBCommandInterpreter::ref ()
assert (m_opaque_ptr);
return *m_opaque_ptr;
SBCommandInterpreter::reset (lldb_private::CommandInterpreter *interpreter)
m_opaque_ptr = interpreter;
SBCommandInterpreter::SourceInitFileInHomeDirectory (SBCommandReturnObject &result)
if (m_opaque_ptr)
TargetSP target_sp(m_opaque_ptr->GetDebugger().GetSelectedTarget());
Mutex::Locker api_locker;
if (target_sp)
m_opaque_ptr->SourceInitFile (false, result.ref());
result->AppendError ("SBCommandInterpreter is not valid");
result->SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_API));
2010-10-30 12:51:46 +08:00
if (log)
log->Printf ("SBCommandInterpreter(%p)::SourceInitFileInHomeDirectory (&SBCommandReturnObject(%p))",
SBCommandInterpreter::SourceInitFileInCurrentWorkingDirectory (SBCommandReturnObject &result)
if (m_opaque_ptr)
TargetSP target_sp(m_opaque_ptr->GetDebugger().GetSelectedTarget());
Mutex::Locker api_locker;
if (target_sp)
m_opaque_ptr->SourceInitFile (true, result.ref());
result->AppendError ("SBCommandInterpreter is not valid");
result->SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_API));
2010-10-30 12:51:46 +08:00
if (log)
log->Printf ("SBCommandInterpreter(%p)::SourceInitFileInCurrentWorkingDirectory (&SBCommandReturnObject(%p))",
SBCommandInterpreter::GetBroadcaster ()
Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_API));
SBBroadcaster broadcaster (m_opaque_ptr, false);
if (log)
2010-10-30 12:51:46 +08:00
log->Printf ("SBCommandInterpreter(%p)::GetBroadcaster() => SBBroadcaster(%p)",
static_cast<void*>(m_opaque_ptr), static_cast<void*>(broadcaster.get()));
return broadcaster;
const char *
SBCommandInterpreter::GetBroadcasterClass ()
return CommandInterpreter::GetStaticBroadcasterClass().AsCString();
const char *
SBCommandInterpreter::GetArgumentTypeAsCString (const lldb::CommandArgumentType arg_type)
return CommandObject::GetArgumentTypeAsCString (arg_type);
const char *
SBCommandInterpreter::GetArgumentDescriptionAsCString (const lldb::CommandArgumentType arg_type)
return CommandObject::GetArgumentDescriptionAsCString (arg_type);
Fix handling of CommandInterpreter's events in lldb-mi Summary: Previously lldb-mi contains a stub for that but it didn't work and all CommanInterpreter's events were ignored. This commit adds a handling of CommandInterpreter's events in lldb-mi. Steps: # Fix CMICmnLLDBDebugger::InitSBListener # Add SBCommandInterpreter::EventIsCommandInterpreterEvent # Exit on lldb::SBCommandInterpreter::eBroadcastBitQuitCommandReceived All tests pass on OS X. In further we can remove "quit" hack in lldb-mi. Test Plan: # Create start_script file: ``` target create ~/p/hello b main r quit ``` # Run lldb-mi --interpreter # Execute start_script file by following command: ``` -interpreter-exec console "command source start_script" ``` Log: ``` $ bin/lldb-mi --interpreter (gdb) -interpreter-exec console "command source start_script" Executing commands in '/Users/IliaK/p/llvm/build_ninja/start_script'. (lldb) target create ~/p/hello Current executable set to '~/p/hello' (x86_64). (lldb) b main Breakpoint 1: where = hello`main + 29 at hello.cpp:12, address = 0x0000000100000e2d (lldb) r Process 1582 launched: '/Users/IliaK/p/hello' (x86_64) (lldb) quit ^done (gdb) =thread-created,id="1",group-id="i1" =thread-selected,id="1" (gdb) =shlibs-added,shlib-info=[num="1",name="hello",dyld-addr="-",reason="dyld",path="/Users/IliaK/p/hello",loaded_addr="-",dsym-objpath="/Users/IliaK/p/hello.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/hello"] ... =shlibs-added,shlib-info=[num="132",name="libDiagnosticMessagesClient.dylib",dyld-addr="0x7fff91705000",reason="dyld",path="/usr/lib/libDiagnosticMessagesClient.dylib",loaded_addr="0x7fff91705000"] (gdb) *stopped,reason="breakpoint-hit",disp="del",bkptno="1",frame={addr="0x100000e2d",func="main",args=[{name="argc",value="1"},{name="argv",value="0x00007fff5fbffc88"}],file="hello.cpp",fullname="/Users/IliaK/p/hello.cpp",line="12"},thread-id="1",stopped-threads="all" (gdb)<press Enter> MI: Program exited OK ``` Reviewers: abidh, clayborg Reviewed By: abidh Subscribers: jingham, lldb-commits, clayborg, abidh Differential Revision: http://reviews.llvm.org/D8382 llvm-svn: 232891
2015-03-21 18:53:37 +08:00
SBCommandInterpreter::EventIsCommandInterpreterEvent (const lldb::SBEvent &event)
return event.GetBroadcasterClass() == SBCommandInterpreter::GetBroadcasterClass();
Fix handling of CommandInterpreter's events in lldb-mi Summary: Previously lldb-mi contains a stub for that but it didn't work and all CommanInterpreter's events were ignored. This commit adds a handling of CommandInterpreter's events in lldb-mi. Steps: # Fix CMICmnLLDBDebugger::InitSBListener # Add SBCommandInterpreter::EventIsCommandInterpreterEvent # Exit on lldb::SBCommandInterpreter::eBroadcastBitQuitCommandReceived All tests pass on OS X. In further we can remove "quit" hack in lldb-mi. Test Plan: # Create start_script file: ``` target create ~/p/hello b main r quit ``` # Run lldb-mi --interpreter # Execute start_script file by following command: ``` -interpreter-exec console "command source start_script" ``` Log: ``` $ bin/lldb-mi --interpreter (gdb) -interpreter-exec console "command source start_script" Executing commands in '/Users/IliaK/p/llvm/build_ninja/start_script'. (lldb) target create ~/p/hello Current executable set to '~/p/hello' (x86_64). (lldb) b main Breakpoint 1: where = hello`main + 29 at hello.cpp:12, address = 0x0000000100000e2d (lldb) r Process 1582 launched: '/Users/IliaK/p/hello' (x86_64) (lldb) quit ^done (gdb) =thread-created,id="1",group-id="i1" =thread-selected,id="1" (gdb) =shlibs-added,shlib-info=[num="1",name="hello",dyld-addr="-",reason="dyld",path="/Users/IliaK/p/hello",loaded_addr="-",dsym-objpath="/Users/IliaK/p/hello.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/hello"] ... =shlibs-added,shlib-info=[num="132",name="libDiagnosticMessagesClient.dylib",dyld-addr="0x7fff91705000",reason="dyld",path="/usr/lib/libDiagnosticMessagesClient.dylib",loaded_addr="0x7fff91705000"] (gdb) *stopped,reason="breakpoint-hit",disp="del",bkptno="1",frame={addr="0x100000e2d",func="main",args=[{name="argc",value="1"},{name="argv",value="0x00007fff5fbffc88"}],file="hello.cpp",fullname="/Users/IliaK/p/hello.cpp",line="12"},thread-id="1",stopped-threads="all" (gdb)<press Enter> MI: Program exited OK ``` Reviewers: abidh, clayborg Reviewed By: abidh Subscribers: jingham, lldb-commits, clayborg, abidh Differential Revision: http://reviews.llvm.org/D8382 llvm-svn: 232891
2015-03-21 18:53:37 +08:00
SBCommandInterpreter::SetCommandOverrideCallback (const char *command_name,
lldb::CommandOverrideCallback callback,
void *baton)
if (command_name && command_name[0] && m_opaque_ptr)
std::string command_name_str (command_name);
CommandObject *cmd_obj = m_opaque_ptr->GetCommandObjectForCommand(command_name_str);
if (cmd_obj)
cmd_obj->SetOverrideCallback (callback, baton);
return true;
return false;
SBCommandInterpreter::AddMultiwordCommand (const char* name, const char* help)
CommandObjectMultiword *new_command = new CommandObjectMultiword(*m_opaque_ptr,name,help);
new_command->SetRemovable (true);
lldb::CommandObjectSP new_command_sp(new_command);
if (new_command_sp && m_opaque_ptr->AddUserCommand(name, new_command_sp, true))
return lldb::SBCommand(new_command_sp);
return lldb::SBCommand();
SBCommandInterpreter::AddCommand (const char* name, lldb::SBCommandPluginInterface* impl, const char* help)
lldb::CommandObjectSP new_command_sp;
new_command_sp.reset(new CommandPluginInterfaceImplementation(*m_opaque_ptr,name,impl,help));
if (new_command_sp && m_opaque_ptr->AddUserCommand(name, new_command_sp, true))
return lldb::SBCommand(new_command_sp);
return lldb::SBCommand();
SBCommand::SBCommand ()
SBCommand::SBCommand (lldb::CommandObjectSP cmd_sp) : m_opaque_sp (cmd_sp)
SBCommand::IsValid ()
return (bool)m_opaque_sp;
const char*
SBCommand::GetName ()
if (IsValid ())
return m_opaque_sp->GetCommandName ();
return NULL;
const char*
SBCommand::GetHelp ()
if (IsValid ())
return m_opaque_sp->GetHelp ();
return NULL;
const char*
SBCommand::GetHelpLong ()
if (IsValid ())
return m_opaque_sp->GetHelpLong ();
return NULL;
SBCommand::SetHelp (const char* help)
if (IsValid())
SBCommand::SetHelpLong (const char* help)
if (IsValid())
SBCommand::AddMultiwordCommand (const char* name, const char* help)
if (!IsValid ())
return lldb::SBCommand();
if (m_opaque_sp->IsMultiwordObject() == false)
return lldb::SBCommand();
CommandObjectMultiword *new_command = new CommandObjectMultiword(m_opaque_sp->GetCommandInterpreter(),name,help);
new_command->SetRemovable (true);
lldb::CommandObjectSP new_command_sp(new_command);
if (new_command_sp && m_opaque_sp->LoadSubCommand(name,new_command_sp))
return lldb::SBCommand(new_command_sp);
return lldb::SBCommand();
SBCommand::AddCommand (const char* name, lldb::SBCommandPluginInterface *impl, const char* help)
if (!IsValid ())
return lldb::SBCommand();
if (m_opaque_sp->IsMultiwordObject() == false)
return lldb::SBCommand();
lldb::CommandObjectSP new_command_sp;
new_command_sp.reset(new CommandPluginInterfaceImplementation(m_opaque_sp->GetCommandInterpreter(),name,impl,help));
if (new_command_sp && m_opaque_sp->LoadSubCommand(name,new_command_sp))
return lldb::SBCommand(new_command_sp);
return lldb::SBCommand();
SBCommand::GetFlags ()
if (!IsValid())
return 0;
return m_opaque_sp->GetFlags().Get();
SBCommand::SetFlags (uint32_t flags)
if (IsValid())