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//===----- unittests/ErrorTest.cpp - Error.h tests ------------------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Errc.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include <memory>
using namespace llvm;
namespace {
// Custom error class with a default base class and some random 'info' attached.
class CustomError : public ErrorInfo<CustomError> {
// Create an error with some info attached.
CustomError(int Info) : Info(Info) {}
// Get the info attached to this error.
int getInfo() const { return Info; }
// Log this error to a stream.
void log(raw_ostream &OS) const override {
OS << "CustomError { " << getInfo() << "}";
std::error_code convertToErrorCode() const override {
llvm_unreachable("CustomError doesn't support ECError conversion");
// Used by ErrorInfo::classID.
static char ID;
// This error is subclassed below, but we can't use inheriting constructors
// yet, so we can't propagate the constructors through ErrorInfo. Instead
// we have to have a default constructor and have the subclass initialize all
// fields.
CustomError() : Info(0) {}
int Info;
char CustomError::ID = 0;
// Custom error class with a custom base class and some additional random
// 'info'.
class CustomSubError : public ErrorInfo<CustomSubError, CustomError> {
// Create a sub-error with some info attached.
CustomSubError(int Info, int ExtraInfo) : ExtraInfo(ExtraInfo) {
this->Info = Info;
// Get the extra info attached to this error.
int getExtraInfo() const { return ExtraInfo; }
// Log this error to a stream.
void log(raw_ostream &OS) const override {
OS << "CustomSubError { " << getInfo() << ", " << getExtraInfo() << "}";
std::error_code convertToErrorCode() const override {
llvm_unreachable("CustomSubError doesn't support ECError conversion");
// Used by ErrorInfo::classID.
static char ID;
int ExtraInfo;
char CustomSubError::ID = 0;
static Error handleCustomError(const CustomError &CE) {
return Error::success();
static void handleCustomErrorVoid(const CustomError &CE) {}
static Error handleCustomErrorUP(std::unique_ptr<CustomError> CE) {
return Error::success();
static void handleCustomErrorUPVoid(std::unique_ptr<CustomError> CE) {}
// Test that success values implicitly convert to false, and don't cause crashes
// once they've been implicitly converted.
TEST(Error, CheckedSuccess) {
Error E = Error::success();
EXPECT_FALSE(E) << "Unexpected error while testing Error 'Success'";
// Test that unchecked succes values cause an abort.
TEST(Error, UncheckedSuccess) {
EXPECT_DEATH({ Error E = Error::success(); },
"Program aborted due to an unhandled Error:")
<< "Unchecked Error Succes value did not cause abort()";
// ErrorAsOutParameter tester.
void errAsOutParamHelper(Error &Err) {
ErrorAsOutParameter ErrAsOutParam(&Err);
// Verify that checked flag is raised - assignment should not crash.
Err = Error::success();
// Raise the checked bit manually - caller should still have to test the
// error.
// Test that ErrorAsOutParameter sets the checked flag on construction.
TEST(Error, ErrorAsOutParameterChecked) {
Error E = Error::success();
// Test that ErrorAsOutParameter clears the checked flag on destruction.
TEST(Error, ErrorAsOutParameterUnchecked) {
EXPECT_DEATH({ Error E = Error::success(); errAsOutParamHelper(E); },
"Program aborted due to an unhandled Error:")
<< "ErrorAsOutParameter did not clear the checked flag on destruction.";
// Check that we abort on unhandled failure cases. (Force conversion to bool
// to make sure that we don't accidentally treat checked errors as handled).
// Test runs in debug mode only.
TEST(Error, UncheckedError) {
auto DropUnhandledError = []() {
Error E = make_error<CustomError>(42);
"Program aborted due to an unhandled Error:")
<< "Unhandled Error failure value did not cause abort()";
// Check 'Error::isA<T>' method handling.
TEST(Error, IsAHandling) {
// Check 'isA' handling.
Error E = make_error<CustomError>(1);
Error F = make_error<CustomSubError>(1, 2);
Error G = Error::success();
// Check that we can handle a custom error.
TEST(Error, HandleCustomError) {
int CaughtErrorInfo = 0;
handleAllErrors(make_error<CustomError>(42), [&](const CustomError &CE) {
CaughtErrorInfo = CE.getInfo();
EXPECT_TRUE(CaughtErrorInfo == 42) << "Wrong result from CustomError handler";
// Check that handler type deduction also works for handlers
// of the following types:
// void (const Err&)
// Error (const Err&) mutable
// void (const Err&) mutable
// Error (Err&)
// void (Err&)
// Error (Err&) mutable
// void (Err&) mutable
// Error (unique_ptr<Err>)
// void (unique_ptr<Err>)
// Error (unique_ptr<Err>) mutable
// void (unique_ptr<Err>) mutable
TEST(Error, HandlerTypeDeduction) {
handleAllErrors(make_error<CustomError>(42), [](const CustomError &CE) {});
[](const CustomError &CE) mutable -> Error { return Error::success(); });
[](const CustomError &CE) mutable {});
[](CustomError &CE) -> Error { return Error::success(); });
handleAllErrors(make_error<CustomError>(42), [](CustomError &CE) {});
[](CustomError &CE) mutable -> Error { return Error::success(); });
handleAllErrors(make_error<CustomError>(42), [](CustomError &CE) mutable {});
[](std::unique_ptr<CustomError> CE) -> Error { return Error::success(); });
[](std::unique_ptr<CustomError> CE) {});
[](std::unique_ptr<CustomError> CE) mutable -> Error { return Error::success(); });
[](std::unique_ptr<CustomError> CE) mutable {});
// Check that named handlers of type 'Error (const Err&)' work.
handleAllErrors(make_error<CustomError>(42), handleCustomError);
// Check that named handlers of type 'void (const Err&)' work.
handleAllErrors(make_error<CustomError>(42), handleCustomErrorVoid);
// Check that named handlers of type 'Error (std::unique_ptr<Err>)' work.
handleAllErrors(make_error<CustomError>(42), handleCustomErrorUP);
// Check that named handlers of type 'Error (std::unique_ptr<Err>)' work.
handleAllErrors(make_error<CustomError>(42), handleCustomErrorUPVoid);
// Test that we can handle errors with custom base classes.
TEST(Error, HandleCustomErrorWithCustomBaseClass) {
int CaughtErrorInfo = 0;
int CaughtErrorExtraInfo = 0;
handleAllErrors(make_error<CustomSubError>(42, 7),
[&](const CustomSubError &SE) {
CaughtErrorInfo = SE.getInfo();
CaughtErrorExtraInfo = SE.getExtraInfo();
EXPECT_TRUE(CaughtErrorInfo == 42 && CaughtErrorExtraInfo == 7)
<< "Wrong result from CustomSubError handler";
// Check that we trigger only the first handler that applies.
TEST(Error, FirstHandlerOnly) {
int DummyInfo = 0;
int CaughtErrorInfo = 0;
int CaughtErrorExtraInfo = 0;
handleAllErrors(make_error<CustomSubError>(42, 7),
[&](const CustomSubError &SE) {
CaughtErrorInfo = SE.getInfo();
CaughtErrorExtraInfo = SE.getExtraInfo();
[&](const CustomError &CE) { DummyInfo = CE.getInfo(); });
EXPECT_TRUE(CaughtErrorInfo == 42 && CaughtErrorExtraInfo == 7 &&
DummyInfo == 0)
<< "Activated the wrong Error handler(s)";
// Check that general handlers shadow specific ones.
TEST(Error, HandlerShadowing) {
int CaughtErrorInfo = 0;
int DummyInfo = 0;
int DummyExtraInfo = 0;
make_error<CustomSubError>(42, 7),
[&](const CustomError &CE) { CaughtErrorInfo = CE.getInfo(); },
[&](const CustomSubError &SE) {
DummyInfo = SE.getInfo();
DummyExtraInfo = SE.getExtraInfo();
EXPECT_TRUE(CaughtErrorInfo == 42 && DummyInfo == 0 && DummyExtraInfo == 0)
<< "General Error handler did not shadow specific handler";
// Test joinErrors.
TEST(Error, CheckJoinErrors) {
int CustomErrorInfo1 = 0;
int CustomErrorInfo2 = 0;
int CustomErrorExtraInfo = 0;
Error E =
joinErrors(make_error<CustomError>(7), make_error<CustomSubError>(42, 7));
[&](const CustomSubError &SE) {
CustomErrorInfo2 = SE.getInfo();
CustomErrorExtraInfo = SE.getExtraInfo();
[&](const CustomError &CE) {
// Assert that the CustomError instance above is handled
// before the
// CustomSubError - joinErrors should preserve error
// ordering.
EXPECT_EQ(CustomErrorInfo2, 0)
<< "CustomErrorInfo2 should be 0 here. "
"joinErrors failed to preserve ordering.\n";
CustomErrorInfo1 = CE.getInfo();
EXPECT_TRUE(CustomErrorInfo1 == 7 && CustomErrorInfo2 == 42 &&
CustomErrorExtraInfo == 7)
<< "Failed handling compound Error.";
// Test appending a single item to a list.
int Sum = 0;
[&](const CustomError &CE) {
Sum += CE.getInfo();
EXPECT_EQ(Sum, 21) << "Failed to correctly append error to error list.";
// Test prepending a single item to a list.
int Sum = 0;
[&](const CustomError &CE) {
Sum += CE.getInfo();
EXPECT_EQ(Sum, 21) << "Failed to correctly prepend error to error list.";
// Test concatenating two error lists.
int Sum = 0;
[&](const CustomError &CE) {
Sum += CE.getInfo();
EXPECT_EQ(Sum, 28) << "Failed to correctly concatenate error lists.";
// Test that we can consume success values.
TEST(Error, ConsumeSuccess) {
Error E = Error::success();
TEST(Error, ConsumeError) {
Error E = make_error<CustomError>(7);
// Test that handleAllUnhandledErrors crashes if an error is not caught.
// Test runs in debug mode only.
TEST(Error, FailureToHandle) {
auto FailToHandle = []() {
handleAllErrors(make_error<CustomError>(7), [&](const CustomSubError &SE) {
errs() << "This should never be called";
"Failure value returned from cantFail wrapped call")
<< "Unhandled Error in handleAllErrors call did not cause an "
// Test that handleAllUnhandledErrors crashes if an error is returned from a
// handler.
// Test runs in debug mode only.
TEST(Error, FailureFromHandler) {
auto ReturnErrorFromHandler = []() {
[&](std::unique_ptr<CustomSubError> SE) {
return Error(std::move(SE));
"Failure value returned from cantFail wrapped call")
<< " Error returned from handler in handleAllErrors call did not "
"cause abort()";
// Test that we can return values from handleErrors.
TEST(Error, CatchErrorFromHandler) {
int ErrorInfo = 0;
Error E = handleErrors(
[&](std::unique_ptr<CustomError> CE) { return Error(std::move(CE)); });
[&](const CustomError &CE) { ErrorInfo = CE.getInfo(); });
EXPECT_EQ(ErrorInfo, 7)
<< "Failed to handle Error returned from handleErrors.";
TEST(Error, StringError) {
std::string Msg;
raw_string_ostream S(Msg);
logAllUnhandledErrors(make_error<StringError>("foo" + Twine(42),
S, "");
EXPECT_EQ(S.str(), "foo42\n") << "Unexpected StringError log result";
auto EC =
errorToErrorCode(make_error<StringError>("", errc::invalid_argument));
EXPECT_EQ(EC, errc::invalid_argument)
<< "Failed to convert StringError to error_code.";
// Test that the ExitOnError utility works as expected.
TEST(Error, ExitOnError) {
ExitOnError ExitOnErr;
ExitOnErr.setBanner("Error in tool:");
ExitOnErr.setExitCodeMapper([](const Error &E) {
if (E.isA<CustomSubError>())
return 2;
return 1;
// Make sure we don't bail on success.
EXPECT_EQ(ExitOnErr(Expected<int>(7)), 7)
<< "exitOnError returned an invalid value for Expected";
int A = 7;
int &B = ExitOnErr(Expected<int&>(A));
EXPECT_EQ(&A, &B) << "ExitOnError failed to propagate reference";
// Exit tests.
::testing::ExitedWithCode(1), "Error in tool:")
<< "exitOnError returned an unexpected error result";
EXPECT_EXIT(ExitOnErr(Expected<int>(make_error<CustomSubError>(0, 0))),
::testing::ExitedWithCode(2), "Error in tool:")
<< "exitOnError returned an unexpected error result";
// Test that the ExitOnError utility works as expected.
TEST(Error, CantFailSuccess) {
int X = cantFail(Expected<int>(42));
EXPECT_EQ(X, 42) << "Expected value modified by cantFail";
int Dummy = 42;
int &Y = cantFail(Expected<int&>(Dummy));
EXPECT_EQ(&Dummy, &Y) << "Reference mangled by cantFail";
// Test that cantFail results in a crash if you pass it a failure value.
TEST(Error, CantFailDeath) {
cantFail(make_error<StringError>("foo", inconvertibleErrorCode())),
"Failure value returned from cantFail wrapped call")
<< "cantFail(Error) did not cause an abort for failure value";
auto IEC = inconvertibleErrorCode();
int X = cantFail(Expected<int>(make_error<StringError>("foo", IEC)));
"Failure value returned from cantFail wrapped call")
<< "cantFail(Expected<int>) did not cause an abort for failure value";
// Test Checked Expected<T> in success mode.
TEST(Error, CheckedExpectedInSuccessMode) {
Expected<int> A = 7;
EXPECT_TRUE(!!A) << "Expected with non-error value doesn't convert to 'true'";
// Access is safe in second test, since we checked the error in the first.
EXPECT_EQ(*A, 7) << "Incorrect Expected non-error value";
// Test Expected with reference type.
TEST(Error, ExpectedWithReferenceType) {
int A = 7;
Expected<int&> B = A;
// 'Check' B.
int &C = *B;
EXPECT_EQ(&A, &C) << "Expected failed to propagate reference";
// Test Unchecked Expected<T> in success mode.
// We expect this to blow up the same way Error would.
// Test runs in debug mode only.
TEST(Error, UncheckedExpectedInSuccessModeDestruction) {
EXPECT_DEATH({ Expected<int> A = 7; },
"Expected<T> must be checked before access or destruction.")
<< "Unchecekd Expected<T> success value did not cause an abort().";
// Test Unchecked Expected<T> in success mode.
// We expect this to blow up the same way Error would.
// Test runs in debug mode only.
TEST(Error, UncheckedExpectedInSuccessModeAccess) {
EXPECT_DEATH({ Expected<int> A = 7; *A; },
"Expected<T> must be checked before access or destruction.")
<< "Unchecekd Expected<T> success value did not cause an abort().";
// Test Unchecked Expected<T> in success mode.
// We expect this to blow up the same way Error would.
// Test runs in debug mode only.
TEST(Error, UncheckedExpectedInSuccessModeAssignment) {
EXPECT_DEATH({ Expected<int> A = 7; A = 7; },
"Expected<T> must be checked before access or destruction.")
<< "Unchecekd Expected<T> success value did not cause an abort().";
// Test Expected<T> in failure mode.
TEST(Error, ExpectedInFailureMode) {
Expected<int> A = make_error<CustomError>(42);
EXPECT_FALSE(!!A) << "Expected with error value doesn't convert to 'false'";
Error E = A.takeError();
EXPECT_TRUE(E.isA<CustomError>()) << "Incorrect Expected error value";
// Check that an Expected instance with an error value doesn't allow access to
// operator*.
// Test runs in debug mode only.
TEST(Error, AccessExpectedInFailureMode) {
Expected<int> A = make_error<CustomError>(42);
EXPECT_DEATH(*A, "Expected<T> must be checked before access or destruction.")
<< "Incorrect Expected error value";
// Check that an Expected instance with an error triggers an abort if
// unhandled.
// Test runs in debug mode only.
TEST(Error, UnhandledExpectedInFailureMode) {
EXPECT_DEATH({ Expected<int> A = make_error<CustomError>(42); },
"Expected<T> must be checked before access or destruction.")
<< "Unchecked Expected<T> failure value did not cause an abort()";
// Test covariance of Expected.
TEST(Error, ExpectedCovariance) {
class B {};
class D : public B {};
Expected<B *> A1(Expected<D *>(nullptr));
// Check A1 by converting to bool before assigning to it.
A1 = Expected<D *>(nullptr);
// Check A1 again before destruction.
Expected<std::unique_ptr<B>> A2(Expected<std::unique_ptr<D>>(nullptr));
// Check A2 by converting to bool before assigning to it.
A2 = Expected<std::unique_ptr<D>>(nullptr);
// Check A2 again before destruction.
[Error] Add a handleExpected utility. handleExpected is similar to handleErrors, but takes an Expected<T> as its first input value and a fallback functor as its second, followed by an arbitary list of error handlers (equivalent to the handler list of handleErrors). If the first input value is a success value then it is returned from handleErrors unmodified. Otherwise the contained error(s) are passed to handleErrors, along with the handlers. If handleErrors returns success (indicating that all errors have been handled) then handleExpected runs the fallback functor and returns its result. If handleErrors returns a failure value then the failure value is returned and the fallback functor is never run. This simplifies the process of re-trying operations that return Expected values. Without this utility such retry logic is cumbersome as the internal Error must be explicitly extracted from the Expected value, inspected to see if its handleable and then consumed: enum FooStrategy { Aggressive, Conservative }; Expected<Foo> tryFoo(FooStrategy S); Expected<Foo> Result; (void)!!Result; // "Check" Result so that it can be safely overwritten. if (auto ValOrErr = tryFoo(Aggressive)) Result = std::move(ValOrErr); else { auto Err = ValOrErr.takeError(); if (Err.isA<HandleableError>()) { consumeError(std::move(Err)); Result = tryFoo(Conservative); } else return std::move(Err); } with handleExpected, this can be re-written as: auto Result = handleExpected( tryFoo(Aggressive), []() { return tryFoo(Conservative); }, [](HandleableError&) { /* discard to handle */ }); llvm-svn: 311870
2017-08-28 11:36:46 +08:00
// Test that handleExpected just returns success values.
TEST(Error, HandleExpectedSuccess) {
auto ValOrErr =
[]() { return Expected<int>(43); });
<< "handleExpected should have returned a success value here";
EXPECT_EQ(*ValOrErr, 42)
<< "handleExpected should have returned the original success value here";
enum FooStrategy { Aggressive, Conservative };
static Expected<int> foo(FooStrategy S) {
if (S == Aggressive)
return make_error<CustomError>(7);
return 42;
// Test that handleExpected invokes the error path if errors are not handled.
TEST(Error, HandleExpectedUnhandledError) {
// foo(Aggressive) should return a CustomError which should pass through as
// there is no handler for CustomError.
auto ValOrErr =
[]() { return foo(Conservative); });
<< "handleExpected should have returned an error here";
auto Err = ValOrErr.takeError();
<< "handleExpected should have returned the CustomError generated by "
"foo(Aggressive) here";
// Test that handleExpected invokes the fallback path if errors are handled.
TEST(Error, HandleExpectedHandledError) {
// foo(Aggressive) should return a CustomError which should handle triggering
// the fallback path.
auto ValOrErr =
[]() { return foo(Conservative); },
[](const CustomError&) { /* do nothing */ });
<< "handleExpected should have returned a success value here";
EXPECT_EQ(*ValOrErr, 42)
<< "handleExpected returned the wrong success value";
TEST(Error, ErrorCodeConversions) {
// Round-trip a success value to check that it converts correctly.
<< "std::error_code() should round-trip via Error conversions";
// Round-trip an error value to check that it converts correctly.
<< "std::error_code error value should round-trip via Error "
// Round-trip a success value through ErrorOr/Expected to check that it
// converts correctly.
auto Orig = ErrorOr<int>(42);
auto RoundTripped =
EXPECT_EQ(*Orig, *RoundTripped)
<< "ErrorOr<T> success value should round-trip via Expected<T> "
// Round-trip a failure value through ErrorOr/Expected to check that it
// converts correctly.
auto Orig = ErrorOr<int>(errc::invalid_argument);
auto RoundTripped =
EXPECT_EQ(Orig.getError(), RoundTripped.getError())
<< "ErrorOr<T> failure value should round-trip via Expected<T> "
// Test that error messages work.
TEST(Error, ErrorMessage) {
EXPECT_EQ(toString(Error::success()).compare(""), 0);
Error E1 = make_error<CustomError>(0);
EXPECT_EQ(toString(std::move(E1)).compare("CustomError { 0}"), 0);
Error E2 = make_error<CustomError>(0);
handleAllErrors(std::move(E2), [](const CustomError &CE) {
EXPECT_EQ(CE.message().compare("CustomError { 0}"), 0);
Error E3 = joinErrors(make_error<CustomError>(0), make_error<CustomError>(1));
.compare("CustomError { 0}\n"
"CustomError { 1}"),
} // end anon namespace