2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
//===-- runtime/edit-input.cpp ----------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "edit-input.h"
#include "flang/Common/real.h"
#include "flang/Common/uint128.h"
2020-03-13 01:52:29 +08:00
#include <algorithm>
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
namespace Fortran::runtime::io {
2020-07-03 06:51:07 +08:00
static std::optional<char32_t> PrepareInput(
IoStatementState &io, const DataEdit &edit, std::optional<int> &remaining) {
if (edit.descriptor == DataEdit::ListDirected) {
} else {
if (edit.width.value_or(0) > 0) {
remaining = *edit.width;
return io.NextInField(remaining);
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
static bool EditBOZInput(IoStatementState &io, const DataEdit &edit, void *n,
int base, int totalBitSize) {
std::optional<int> remaining;
2020-07-03 06:51:07 +08:00
std::optional<char32_t> next{PrepareInput(io, edit, remaining)};
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
common::UnsignedInt128 value{0};
for (; next; next = io.NextInField(remaining)) {
char32_t ch{*next};
2020-07-18 07:40:49 +08:00
if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t') {
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
int digit{0};
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '1') {
digit = ch - '0';
} else if (base >= 8 && ch >= '2' && ch <= '7') {
digit = ch - '0';
} else if (base >= 10 && ch >= '8' && ch <= '9') {
digit = ch - '0';
} else if (base == 16 && ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') {
digit = ch + 10 - 'A';
} else if (base == 16 && ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') {
digit = ch + 10 - 'a';
} else {
"Bad character '%lc' in B/O/Z input field", ch);
return false;
value *= base;
value += digit;
// TODO: check for overflow
std::memcpy(n, &value, totalBitSize >> 3);
return true;
// Returns false if there's a '-' sign
static bool ScanNumericPrefix(IoStatementState &io, const DataEdit &edit,
std::optional<char32_t> &next, std::optional<int> &remaining) {
2020-07-03 06:51:07 +08:00
next = PrepareInput(io, edit, remaining);
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
bool negative{false};
if (next) {
negative = *next == '-';
if (negative || *next == '+') {
next = io.NextInField(remaining);
return negative;
bool EditIntegerInput(
IoStatementState &io, const DataEdit &edit, void *n, int kind) {
RUNTIME_CHECK(io.GetIoErrorHandler(), kind >= 1 && !(kind & (kind - 1)));
switch (edit.descriptor) {
case DataEdit::ListDirected:
case 'G':
2020-03-29 12:00:16 +08:00
case 'I':
case 'B':
return EditBOZInput(io, edit, n, 2, kind << 3);
case 'O':
return EditBOZInput(io, edit, n, 8, kind << 3);
case 'Z':
return EditBOZInput(io, edit, n, 16, kind << 3);
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
"Data edit descriptor '%c' may not be used with an INTEGER data item",
return false;
std::optional<int> remaining;
std::optional<char32_t> next;
bool negate{ScanNumericPrefix(io, edit, next, remaining)};
common::UnsignedInt128 value;
for (; next; next = io.NextInField(remaining)) {
char32_t ch{*next};
2020-07-18 07:40:49 +08:00
if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t') {
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
if (edit.modes.editingFlags & blankZero) {
2020-03-29 12:00:16 +08:00
ch = '0'; // BZ mode - treat blank as if it were zero
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
} else {
int digit{0};
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
digit = ch - '0';
} else {
"Bad character '%lc' in INTEGER input field", ch);
return false;
value *= 10;
value += digit;
if (negate) {
value = -value;
std::memcpy(n, &value, kind);
return true;
static int ScanRealInput(char *buffer, int bufferSize, IoStatementState &io,
const DataEdit &edit, int &exponent) {
std::optional<int> remaining;
std::optional<char32_t> next;
int got{0};
std::optional<int> decimalPoint;
if (ScanNumericPrefix(io, edit, next, remaining) && next) {
if (got < bufferSize) {
buffer[got++] = '-';
2020-03-29 12:00:16 +08:00
if (!next) { // empty field means zero
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
if (got < bufferSize) {
buffer[got++] = '0';
return got;
if (got < bufferSize) {
2020-03-29 12:00:16 +08:00
buffer[got++] = '.'; // input field is normalized to a fraction
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
char32_t decimal = edit.modes.editingFlags & decimalComma ? ',' : '.';
auto start{got};
if ((*next >= 'a' && *next <= 'z') || (*next >= 'A' && *next <= 'Z')) {
// NaN or infinity - convert to upper case
for (; next &&
((*next >= 'a' && *next <= 'z') || (*next >= 'A' && *next <= 'Z'));
next = io.NextInField(remaining)) {
if (got < bufferSize) {
if (*next >= 'a' && *next <= 'z') {
buffer[got++] = *next - 'a' + 'A';
} else {
buffer[got++] = *next;
2020-03-29 12:00:16 +08:00
if (next && *next == '(') { // NaN(...)
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
while (next && *next != ')') {
next = io.NextInField(remaining);
exponent = 0;
} else if (*next == decimal || (*next >= '0' && *next <= '9')) {
for (; next; next = io.NextInField(remaining)) {
char32_t ch{*next};
2020-07-18 07:40:49 +08:00
if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t') {
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
if (edit.modes.editingFlags & blankZero) {
2020-03-29 12:00:16 +08:00
ch = '0'; // BZ mode - treat blank as if it were zero
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
} else {
2020-07-22 08:21:08 +08:00
if (ch == '0' && got == start && !decimalPoint) {
// omit leading zeroes before the decimal
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
} else if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
if (got < bufferSize) {
buffer[got++] = ch;
} else if (ch == decimal && !decimalPoint) {
// the decimal point is *not* copied to the buffer
2020-03-29 12:00:16 +08:00
decimalPoint = got - start; // # of digits before the decimal point
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
} else {
if (got == start && got < bufferSize) {
2020-03-29 12:00:16 +08:00
buffer[got++] = '0'; // all digits were zeroes
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
if (next &&
(*next == 'e' || *next == 'E' || *next == 'd' || *next == 'D' ||
*next == 'q' || *next == 'Q')) {
next = io.NextInField(remaining);
2020-03-29 12:00:16 +08:00
exponent = -edit.modes.scale; // default exponent is -kP
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
if (next &&
(*next == '-' || *next == '+' || (*next >= '0' && *next <= '9'))) {
bool negExpo{*next == '-'};
if (negExpo || *next == '+') {
next = io.NextInField(remaining);
for (exponent = 0; next && (*next >= '0' && *next <= '9');
next = io.NextInField(remaining)) {
exponent = 10 * exponent + *next - '0';
if (negExpo) {
exponent = -exponent;
if (decimalPoint) {
exponent += *decimalPoint;
} else {
// When no decimal point (or comma) appears in the value, the 'd'
// part of the edit descriptor must be interpreted as the number of
// digits in the value to be interpreted as being to the *right* of
// the assumed decimal point (
exponent += got - start - edit.digits.value_or(0);
} else {
// TODO: hex FP input
exponent = 0;
return 0;
if (remaining) {
2020-07-18 07:40:49 +08:00
while (next && (*next == ' ' || *next == '\t')) {
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
next = io.NextInField(remaining);
if (next) {
2020-03-29 12:00:16 +08:00
return 0; // error: unused nonblank character in fixed-width field
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
return got;
2020-03-29 12:00:16 +08:00
template <int binaryPrecision>
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
bool EditCommonRealInput(IoStatementState &io, const DataEdit &edit, void *n) {
static constexpr int maxDigits{
static constexpr int bufferSize{maxDigits + 18};
char buffer[bufferSize];
int exponent{0};
int got{ScanRealInput(buffer, maxDigits + 2, io, edit, exponent)};
if (got >= maxDigits + 2) {
2020-07-23 08:01:22 +08:00
io.GetIoErrorHandler().Crash("EditCommonRealInput: buffer was too small");
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
return false;
if (got == 0) {
io.GetIoErrorHandler().SignalError("Bad REAL input value");
return false;
bool hadExtra{got > maxDigits};
if (exponent != 0) {
got += std::snprintf(&buffer[got], bufferSize - got, "e%d", exponent);
buffer[got] = '\0';
const char *p{buffer};
decimal::ConversionToBinaryResult<binaryPrecision> converted{
decimal::ConvertToBinary<binaryPrecision>(p, edit.modes.round)};
if (hadExtra) {
converted.flags = static_cast<enum decimal::ConversionResultFlags>(
converted.flags | decimal::Inexact);
// TODO: raise converted.flags as exceptions?
*reinterpret_cast<decimal::BinaryFloatingPointNumber<binaryPrecision> *>(n) =
return true;
2020-03-29 12:00:16 +08:00
template <int binaryPrecision>
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
bool EditRealInput(IoStatementState &io, const DataEdit &edit, void *n) {
switch (edit.descriptor) {
case DataEdit::ListDirected:
2020-07-23 08:01:22 +08:00
case DataEdit::ListDirectedRealPart:
case DataEdit::ListDirectedImaginaryPart:
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
case 'F':
2020-03-29 12:00:16 +08:00
case 'E': // incl. EN, ES, & EX
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
case 'D':
2020-03-29 12:00:16 +08:00
case 'G':
return EditCommonRealInput<binaryPrecision>(io, edit, n);
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
case 'B':
return EditBOZInput(
io, edit, n, 2, common::BitsForBinaryPrecision(binaryPrecision));
case 'O':
return EditBOZInput(
io, edit, n, 8, common::BitsForBinaryPrecision(binaryPrecision));
case 'Z':
return EditBOZInput(
io, edit, n, 16, common::BitsForBinaryPrecision(binaryPrecision));
"Data edit descriptor '%c' may not be used for REAL input",
return false;
// 13.7.3 in Fortran 2018
bool EditLogicalInput(IoStatementState &io, const DataEdit &edit, bool &x) {
switch (edit.descriptor) {
case DataEdit::ListDirected:
case 'L':
2020-03-29 12:00:16 +08:00
case 'G':
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
"Data edit descriptor '%c' may not be used for LOGICAL input",
return false;
std::optional<int> remaining;
2020-07-03 06:51:07 +08:00
std::optional<char32_t> next{PrepareInput(io, edit, remaining)};
2020-03-29 12:00:16 +08:00
if (next && *next == '.') { // skip optional period
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
next = io.NextInField(remaining);
if (!next) {
io.GetIoErrorHandler().SignalError("Empty LOGICAL input field");
return false;
switch (*next) {
case 'T':
2020-03-29 12:00:16 +08:00
case 't':
x = true;
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
case 'F':
2020-03-29 12:00:16 +08:00
case 'f':
x = false;
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
"Bad character '%lc' in LOGICAL input field", *next);
return false;
2020-03-29 12:00:16 +08:00
if (remaining) { // ignore the rest of the field
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
2020-07-15 03:31:16 +08:00
} else if (edit.descriptor == DataEdit::ListDirected) {
while (io.NextInField(remaining)) { // discard rest of field
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
return true;
// See paragraphs 7-9 in Fortran 2018
static bool EditDelimitedCharacterInput(
IoStatementState &io, char *x, std::size_t length, char32_t delimiter) {
while (true) {
if (auto ch{io.GetCurrentChar()}) {
if (*ch == delimiter) {
ch = io.GetCurrentChar();
if (ch && *ch == delimiter) {
// Repeated delimiter: use as character value. Can't straddle a
// record boundary.
} else {
std::fill_n(x, length, ' ');
return true;
if (length > 0) {
*x++ = *ch;
2020-03-29 12:00:16 +08:00
} else if (!io.AdvanceRecord()) { // EOF
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
std::fill_n(x, length, ' ');
return false;
static bool EditListDirectedDefaultCharacterInput(
IoStatementState &io, char *x, std::size_t length) {
auto ch{io.GetCurrentChar()};
if (ch && (*ch == '\'' || *ch == '"')) {
return EditDelimitedCharacterInput(io, x, length, *ch);
// Undelimited list-directed character input: stop at a value separator
// or the end of the current record.
std::optional<int> remaining{length};
for (std::optional<char32_t> next{io.NextInField(remaining)}; next;
next = io.NextInField(remaining)) {
switch (*next) {
case ' ':
2020-07-18 07:40:49 +08:00
case '\t':
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
case ',':
case ';':
case '/':
2020-03-29 12:00:16 +08:00
remaining = 0; // value separator: stop
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
2020-03-29 12:00:16 +08:00
*x++ = *next;
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
std::fill_n(x, length, ' ');
return true;
bool EditDefaultCharacterInput(
IoStatementState &io, const DataEdit &edit, char *x, std::size_t length) {
switch (edit.descriptor) {
case DataEdit::ListDirected:
return EditListDirectedDefaultCharacterInput(io, x, length);
case 'A':
2020-03-29 12:00:16 +08:00
case 'G':
2020-02-14 06:41:56 +08:00
"Data edit descriptor '%c' may not be used with a CHARACTER data item",
return false;
std::optional<int> remaining{length};
if (edit.width && *edit.width > 0) {
remaining = *edit.width;
// When the field is wider than the variable, we drop the leading
// characters. When the variable is wider than the field, there's
// trailing padding.
std::int64_t skip{*remaining - static_cast<std::int64_t>(length)};
for (std::optional<char32_t> next{io.NextInField(remaining)}; next;
next = io.NextInField(remaining)) {
if (skip > 0) {
} else {
*x++ = *next;
std::fill_n(x, length, ' ');
return true;
template bool EditRealInput<8>(IoStatementState &, const DataEdit &, void *);
template bool EditRealInput<11>(IoStatementState &, const DataEdit &, void *);
template bool EditRealInput<24>(IoStatementState &, const DataEdit &, void *);
template bool EditRealInput<53>(IoStatementState &, const DataEdit &, void *);
template bool EditRealInput<64>(IoStatementState &, const DataEdit &, void *);
template bool EditRealInput<113>(IoStatementState &, const DataEdit &, void *);
2020-03-29 12:00:16 +08:00
} // namespace Fortran::runtime::io