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//===- lib/ReaderWriter/ReaderLinkerScript.cpp ----------------------------===//
// The LLVM Linker
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "lld/ReaderWriter/ReaderLinkerScript.h"
#include "lld/Core/Error.h"
#include "lld/Core/File.h"
#include "lld/ReaderWriter/LinkerScript.h"
using namespace lld;
using namespace script;
namespace {
class LinkerScriptFile : public File {
static ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<LinkerScriptFile> >
create(const LinkingContext &context,
std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> mb) {
std::unique_ptr<LinkerScriptFile> file(
new LinkerScriptFile(context, std::move(mb)));
file->_script = file->_parser.parse();
if (!file->_script)
return linker_script_reader_error::parse_error;
return std::move(file);
static inline bool classof(const File *f) {
return f->kind() == kindLinkerScript;
virtual void setOrdinalAndIncrement(uint64_t &ordinal) const {
_ordinal = ordinal++;
virtual const LinkingContext &getLinkingContext() const { return _context; }
virtual const atom_collection<DefinedAtom> &defined() const {
return _definedAtoms;
virtual const atom_collection<UndefinedAtom> &undefined() const {
return _undefinedAtoms;
virtual const atom_collection<SharedLibraryAtom> &sharedLibrary() const {
return _sharedLibraryAtoms;
virtual const atom_collection<AbsoluteAtom> &absolute() const {
return _absoluteAtoms;
const LinkerScript *getScript() { return _script; }
LinkerScriptFile(const LinkingContext &context,
std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> mb)
: File(mb->getBufferIdentifier(), kindLinkerScript), _context(context),
_lexer(std::move(mb)), _parser(_lexer), _script(nullptr) {}
const LinkingContext &_context;
atom_collection_vector<DefinedAtom> _definedAtoms;
atom_collection_vector<UndefinedAtom> _undefinedAtoms;
atom_collection_vector<SharedLibraryAtom> _sharedLibraryAtoms;
atom_collection_vector<AbsoluteAtom> _absoluteAtoms;
Lexer _lexer;
Parser _parser;
const LinkerScript *_script;
} // end anon namespace
namespace lld {
error_code ReaderLinkerScript::parseFile(
LinkerInput &input, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<File> > &result) const {
auto lsf = LinkerScriptFile::create(_context, input.takeBuffer());
if (!lsf)
return lsf;
const LinkerScript *ls = (*lsf)->getScript();
for (const auto &c : ls->_commands) {
if (auto group = dyn_cast<lld::script::Group>(c))
for (const auto &path : group->getPaths()) {
OwningPtr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> opmb;
if (error_code ec =
llvm::MemoryBuffer::getFileOrSTDIN(path._path, opmb))
return ec;
LinkerInput newInput(std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer>(opmb.take()),
if (error_code ec = _context.parseFile(newInput, result))
return ec;
return error_code::success();
} // end namespace lld