2020-02-26 07:22:14 +08:00
! RUN: %B/test/Semantics/test_errors.sh %s %flang %t
2020-03-06 09:55:51 +08:00
! 9.4.5
subroutine s1
type :: t(k, l)
integer, kind :: k
integer, len :: l
end type
type(t(1, 2)) :: x
!ERROR: Assignment to constant 'x%k' is not allowed
x%k = 4
!ERROR: Left-hand side of assignment is not modifiable
x%l = 3
! C901
subroutine s2(x)
2020-03-20 07:31:10 +08:00
!ERROR: A dummy argument may not also be a named constant
2020-03-06 09:55:51 +08:00
real, parameter :: x = 0.0
real, parameter :: a(*) = [1, 2, 3]
character, parameter :: c(2) = "ab"
integer :: i
!ERROR: Assignment to constant 'x' is not allowed
x = 2.0
i = 2
!ERROR: Left-hand side of assignment is not modifiable
a(i) = 3.0
!ERROR: Left-hand side of assignment is not modifiable
a(i:i+1) = [4, 5]
!ERROR: Left-hand side of assignment is not modifiable
c(i:2) = "cd"
! C901
subroutine s3
type :: t
integer :: a(2)
integer :: b
end type
type(t) :: x
type(t), parameter :: y = t([1,2], 3)
integer :: i = 1
x%a(i) = 1
!ERROR: Left-hand side of assignment is not modifiable
y%a(i) = 2
x%b = 4
!ERROR: Left-hand side of assignment is not modifiable
y%b = 5
! C844
subroutine s4
type :: t
integer :: a(2)
end type
subroutine s(x, c)
type(t), intent(in) :: x
character(10), intent(in) :: c
type(t) :: y
!ERROR: Left-hand side of assignment is not modifiable
x = y
!ERROR: Left-hand side of assignment is not modifiable
x%a(1) = 2
!ERROR: Left-hand side of assignment is not modifiable
c(2:3) = "ab"
! 8.5.15(2)
module m5
real :: x
real, protected :: y
real, private :: z
type :: t
real :: a
end type
type(t), protected :: b
subroutine s5()
use m5
implicit none
x = 1.0
!ERROR: Left-hand side of assignment is not modifiable
y = 2.0
!ERROR: No explicit type declared for 'z'
z = 3.0
!ERROR: Left-hand side of assignment is not modifiable
b%a = 1.0
subroutine s6(x)
integer :: x(*)
x(1:3) = [1, 2, 3]
x(:3) = [1, 2, 3]
!ERROR: Assumed-size array 'x' must have explicit final subscript upper bound value
x(:) = [1, 2, 3]
!ERROR: Left-hand side of assignment may not be a whole assumed-size array
x = [1, 2, 3]
module m7
type :: t
integer :: i
end type
subroutine s7(x)
type(t) :: x(*)
x(:3)%i = [1, 2, 3]
!ERROR: Left-hand side of assignment may not be a whole assumed-size array
x%i = [1, 2, 3]
2020-03-11 07:32:58 +08:00
subroutine s7
integer :: a(10), v(10)
a(v(:)) = 1 ! vector subscript is ok