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//===-- StackFrameList.cpp --------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "lldb/Target/StackFrameList.h"
// C Includes
// C++ Includes
// Other libraries and framework includes
// Project includes
#include "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointLocation.h"
#include "lldb/Breakpoint/Breakpoint.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Log.h"
#include "lldb/Core/StreamFile.h"
#include "lldb/Core/SourceManager.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/Block.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/Function.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/Symbol.h"
#include "lldb/Target/Process.h"
#include "lldb/Target/RegisterContext.h"
#include "lldb/Target/StackFrame.h"
#include "lldb/Target/StopInfo.h"
#include "lldb/Target/Target.h"
#include "lldb/Target/Thread.h"
#include "lldb/Target/Unwind.h"
using namespace lldb;
using namespace lldb_private;
// StackFrameList constructor
Thread &thread,
const lldb::StackFrameListSP &prev_frames_sp,
bool show_inline_frames
) :
m_thread (thread),
m_prev_frames_sp (prev_frames_sp),
m_mutex (Mutex::eMutexTypeRecursive),
m_frames (),
m_selected_frame_idx (0),
m_concrete_frames_fetched (0),
m_current_inlined_depth (UINT32_MAX),
m_current_inlined_pc (LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS),
m_show_inlined_frames (show_inline_frames)
if (prev_frames_sp)
m_current_inlined_depth = prev_frames_sp->m_current_inlined_depth;
m_current_inlined_pc = prev_frames_sp->m_current_inlined_pc;
// Destructor
// Call clear since this takes a lock and clears the stack frame list
// in case another thread is currently using this stack frame list
uint32_t cur_inlined_depth = GetCurrentInlinedDepth();
if (cur_inlined_depth == UINT32_MAX)
StackFrameList::GetCurrentInlinedDepth ()
if (m_show_inlined_frames && m_current_inlined_pc != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
lldb::addr_t cur_pc = m_thread.GetRegisterContext()->GetPC();
if (cur_pc != m_current_inlined_pc)
m_current_inlined_pc = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
m_current_inlined_depth = UINT32_MAX;
Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_STEP));
if (log && log->GetVerbose())
log->Printf ("GetCurrentInlinedDepth: invalidating current inlined depth.\n");
return m_current_inlined_depth;
return UINT32_MAX;
StackFrameList::ResetCurrentInlinedDepth ()
if (m_show_inlined_frames)
if (!m_frames[0]->IsInlined())
m_current_inlined_depth = UINT32_MAX;
m_current_inlined_pc = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_STEP));
if (log && log->GetVerbose())
log->Printf ("ResetCurrentInlinedDepth: Invalidating current inlined depth.\n");
// We only need to do something special about inlined blocks when we
// are at the beginning of an inlined function:
// FIXME: We probably also have to do something special if the PC is at the END
// of an inlined function, which coincides with the end of either its containing
// function or another inlined function.
lldb::addr_t curr_pc = m_thread.GetRegisterContext()->GetPC();
Block *block_ptr = m_frames[0]->GetFrameBlock();
if (block_ptr)
Address pc_as_address;
pc_as_address.SetLoadAddress(curr_pc, &(m_thread.GetProcess()->GetTarget()));
AddressRange containing_range;
if (block_ptr->GetRangeContainingAddress(pc_as_address, containing_range))
if (pc_as_address == containing_range.GetBaseAddress())
// If we got here because of a breakpoint hit, then set the inlined depth depending on where
// the breakpoint was set.
// If we got here because of a crash, then set the inlined depth to the deepest most block.
// Otherwise, we stopped here naturally as the result of a step, so set ourselves in the
// containing frame of the whole set of nested inlines, so the user can then "virtually"
// step into the frames one by one, or next over the whole mess.
// Note: We don't have to handle being somewhere in the middle of the stack here, since
// ResetCurrentInlinedDepth doesn't get called if there is a valid inlined depth set.
StopInfoSP stop_info_sp = m_thread.GetStopInfo();
if (stop_info_sp)
switch (stop_info_sp->GetStopReason())
case eStopReasonWatchpoint:
case eStopReasonException:
case eStopReasonExec:
case eStopReasonSignal:
// In all these cases we want to stop in the deepest most frame.
m_current_inlined_pc = curr_pc;
m_current_inlined_depth = 0;
case eStopReasonBreakpoint:
// FIXME: Figure out what this break point is doing, and set the inline depth
// appropriately. Be careful to take into account breakpoints that implement
// step over prologue, since that should do the default calculation.
// For now, if the breakpoints corresponding to this hit are all internal,
// I set the stop location to the top of the inlined stack, since that will make
// things like stepping over prologues work right. But if there are any non-internal
// breakpoints I do to the bottom of the stack, since that was the old behavior.
uint32_t bp_site_id = stop_info_sp->GetValue();
BreakpointSiteSP bp_site_sp(m_thread.GetProcess()->GetBreakpointSiteList().FindByID(bp_site_id));
bool all_internal = true;
if (bp_site_sp)
uint32_t num_owners = bp_site_sp->GetNumberOfOwners();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_owners; i++)
Breakpoint &bp_ref = bp_site_sp->GetOwnerAtIndex(i)->GetBreakpoint();
if (!bp_ref.IsInternal())
all_internal = false;
if (!all_internal)
m_current_inlined_pc = curr_pc;
m_current_inlined_depth = 0;
// Otherwise, we should set ourselves at the container of the inlining, so that the
// user can descend into them.
// So first we check whether we have more than one inlined block sharing this PC:
int num_inlined_functions = 0;
for (Block *container_ptr = block_ptr->GetInlinedParent();
container_ptr != NULL;
container_ptr = container_ptr->GetInlinedParent())
if (!container_ptr->GetRangeContainingAddress(pc_as_address, containing_range))
if (pc_as_address != containing_range.GetBaseAddress())
m_current_inlined_pc = curr_pc;
m_current_inlined_depth = num_inlined_functions + 1;
Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_STEP));
if (log && log->GetVerbose())
log->Printf ("ResetCurrentInlinedDepth: setting inlined depth: %d 0x%" PRIx64 ".\n", m_current_inlined_depth, curr_pc);
StackFrameList::DecrementCurrentInlinedDepth ()
if (m_show_inlined_frames)
uint32_t current_inlined_depth = GetCurrentInlinedDepth();
if (current_inlined_depth != UINT32_MAX)
if (current_inlined_depth > 0)
return true;
return false;
StackFrameList::SetCurrentInlinedDepth (uint32_t new_depth)
m_current_inlined_depth = new_depth;
if (new_depth == UINT32_MAX)
m_current_inlined_pc = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
m_current_inlined_pc = m_thread.GetRegisterContext()->GetPC();
StackFrameList::GetFramesUpTo(uint32_t end_idx)
// this makes sure we do not fetch frames for an invalid thread
if (m_thread.IsValid() == false)
// We've already gotten more frames than asked for, or we've already finished unwinding, return.
if (m_frames.size() > end_idx || GetAllFramesFetched())
Unwind *unwinder = m_thread.GetUnwinder ();
if (m_show_inlined_frames)
#if defined (DEBUG_STACK_FRAMES)
StreamFile s(stdout, false);
// If we are hiding some frames from the outside world, we need to add those onto the total count of
// frames to fetch. However, we don't need ot do that if end_idx is 0 since in that case we always
// get the first concrete frame and all the inlined frames below it... And of course, if end_idx is
// UINT32_MAX that means get all, so just do that...
uint32_t inlined_depth = 0;
if (end_idx > 0 && end_idx != UINT32_MAX)
inlined_depth = GetCurrentInlinedDepth();
if (inlined_depth != UINT32_MAX)
if (end_idx > 0)
end_idx += inlined_depth;
StackFrameSP unwind_frame_sp;
uint32_t idx = m_concrete_frames_fetched++;
lldb::addr_t pc;
lldb::addr_t cfa;
if (idx == 0)
// We might have already created frame zero, only create it
// if we need to
if (m_frames.empty())
RegisterContextSP reg_ctx_sp (m_thread.GetRegisterContext());
if (reg_ctx_sp)
const bool success = unwinder->GetFrameInfoAtIndex(idx, cfa, pc);
// There shouldn't be any way not to get the frame info for frame 0.
// But if the unwinder can't make one, lets make one by hand with the
// SP as the CFA and see if that gets any further.
if (!success)
cfa = reg_ctx_sp->GetSP();
pc = reg_ctx_sp->GetPC();
unwind_frame_sp.reset (new StackFrame (m_thread.shared_from_this(),
m_frames.push_back (unwind_frame_sp);
unwind_frame_sp = m_frames.front();
cfa = unwind_frame_sp->m_id.GetCallFrameAddress();
const bool success = unwinder->GetFrameInfoAtIndex(idx, cfa, pc);
if (!success)
// We've gotten to the end of the stack.
unwind_frame_sp.reset (new StackFrame (m_thread.shared_from_this(), m_frames.size(), idx, cfa, pc, NULL));
m_frames.push_back (unwind_frame_sp);
SymbolContext unwind_sc = unwind_frame_sp->GetSymbolContext (eSymbolContextBlock | eSymbolContextFunction);
Block *unwind_block = unwind_sc.block;
if (unwind_block)
Address curr_frame_address (unwind_frame_sp->GetFrameCodeAddress());
// Be sure to adjust the frame address to match the address
// that was used to lookup the symbol context above. If we are
// in the first concrete frame, then we lookup using the current
// address, else we decrement the address by one to get the correct
// location.
if (idx > 0)
SymbolContext next_frame_sc;
Address next_frame_address;
while (unwind_sc.GetParentOfInlinedScope(curr_frame_address, next_frame_sc, next_frame_address))
StackFrameSP frame_sp(new StackFrame (m_thread.shared_from_this(),
unwind_frame_sp->GetRegisterContextSP (),
m_frames.push_back (frame_sp);
unwind_sc = next_frame_sc;
curr_frame_address = next_frame_address;
} while (m_frames.size() - 1 < end_idx);
// Don't try to merge till you've calculated all the frames in this stack.
if (GetAllFramesFetched() && m_prev_frames_sp)
StackFrameList *prev_frames = m_prev_frames_sp.get();
StackFrameList *curr_frames = this;
//curr_frames->m_current_inlined_depth = prev_frames->m_current_inlined_depth;
//curr_frames->m_current_inlined_pc = prev_frames->m_current_inlined_pc;
//printf ("GetFramesUpTo: Copying current inlined depth: %d 0x%" PRIx64 ".\n", curr_frames->m_current_inlined_depth, curr_frames->m_current_inlined_pc);
#if defined (DEBUG_STACK_FRAMES)
prev_frames->Dump (&s);
curr_frames->Dump (&s);
size_t curr_frame_num, prev_frame_num;
for (curr_frame_num = curr_frames->m_frames.size(), prev_frame_num = prev_frames->m_frames.size();
curr_frame_num > 0 && prev_frame_num > 0;
--curr_frame_num, --prev_frame_num)
const size_t curr_frame_idx = curr_frame_num-1;
const size_t prev_frame_idx = prev_frame_num-1;
StackFrameSP curr_frame_sp (curr_frames->m_frames[curr_frame_idx]);
StackFrameSP prev_frame_sp (prev_frames->m_frames[prev_frame_idx]);
#if defined (DEBUG_STACK_FRAMES)
s.Printf("\n\nCurr frame #%u ", curr_frame_idx);
if (curr_frame_sp)
curr_frame_sp->Dump (&s, true, false);
s.Printf("\nPrev frame #%u ", prev_frame_idx);
if (prev_frame_sp)
prev_frame_sp->Dump (&s, true, false);
StackFrame *curr_frame = curr_frame_sp.get();
StackFrame *prev_frame = prev_frame_sp.get();
if (curr_frame == NULL || prev_frame == NULL)
// Check the stack ID to make sure they are equal
if (curr_frame->GetStackID() != prev_frame->GetStackID())
prev_frame->UpdatePreviousFrameFromCurrentFrame (*curr_frame);
// Now copy the fixed up previous frame into the current frames
// so the pointer doesn't change
m_frames[curr_frame_idx] = prev_frame_sp;
//curr_frame->UpdateCurrentFrameFromPreviousFrame (*prev_frame);
#if defined (DEBUG_STACK_FRAMES)
s.Printf("\n Copying previous frame to current frame");
// We are done with the old stack frame list, we can release it now
#if defined (DEBUG_STACK_FRAMES)
s.PutCString("\n\nNew frames:\n");
Dump (&s);
if (end_idx < m_concrete_frames_fetched)
uint32_t num_frames = unwinder->GetFramesUpTo(end_idx);
if (num_frames <= end_idx + 1)
//Done unwinding.
m_concrete_frames_fetched = UINT32_MAX;
StackFrameList::GetNumFrames (bool can_create)
Mutex::Locker locker (m_mutex);
if (can_create)
GetFramesUpTo (UINT32_MAX);
uint32_t inlined_depth = GetCurrentInlinedDepth();
if (inlined_depth == UINT32_MAX)
return m_frames.size();
return m_frames.size() - inlined_depth;
StackFrameList::Dump (Stream *s)
if (s == NULL)
Mutex::Locker locker (m_mutex);
const_iterator pos, begin = m_frames.begin(), end = m_frames.end();
for (pos = begin; pos != end; ++pos)
StackFrame *frame = (*pos).get();
s->Printf("%p: ", frame);
if (frame)
frame->GetStackID().Dump (s);
There are now to new "settings set" variables that live in each debugger instance: settings set frame-format <string> settings set thread-format <string> This allows users to control the information that is seen when dumping threads and frames. The default values are set such that they do what they used to do prior to changing over the the user defined formats. This allows users with terminals that can display color to make different items different colors using the escape control codes. A few alias examples that will colorize your thread and frame prompts are: settings set frame-format 'frame #${frame.index}: \033[0;33m${frame.pc}\033[0m{ \033[1;4;36m${module.file.basename}\033[0;36m ${function.name}{${function.pc-offset}}\033[0m}{ \033[0;35mat \033[1;35m${line.file.basename}:${line.number}}\033[0m\n' settings set thread-format 'thread #${thread.index}: \033[1;33mtid\033[0;33m = ${thread.id}\033[0m{, \033[0;33m${frame.pc}\033[0m}{ \033[1;4;36m${module.file.basename}\033[0;36m ${function.name}{${function.pc-offset}}\033[0m}{, \033[1;35mstop reason\033[0;35m = ${thread.stop-reason}\033[0m}{, \033[1;36mname = \033[0;36m${thread.name}\033[0m}{, \033[1;32mqueue = \033[0;32m${thread.queue}}\033[0m\n' A quick web search for "colorize terminal output" should allow you to see what you can do to make your output look like you want it. The "settings set" commands above can of course be added to your ~/.lldbinit file for permanent use. Changed the pure virtual void ExecutionContextScope::Calculate (ExecutionContext&); To: void ExecutionContextScope::CalculateExecutionContext (ExecutionContext&); I did this because this is a class that anything in the execution context heirarchy inherits from and "target->Calculate (exe_ctx)" didn't always tell you what it was really trying to do unless you look at the parameter. llvm-svn: 115485
2010-10-04 09:05:56 +08:00
frame->DumpUsingSettingsFormat (s);
s->Printf("frame #%u", (uint32_t)std::distance (begin, pos));
StackFrameList::GetFrameAtIndex (uint32_t idx)
StackFrameSP frame_sp;
Mutex::Locker locker (m_mutex);
uint32_t original_idx = idx;
uint32_t inlined_depth = GetCurrentInlinedDepth();
if (inlined_depth != UINT32_MAX)
idx += inlined_depth;
if (idx < m_frames.size())
frame_sp = m_frames[idx];
if (frame_sp)
return frame_sp;
// GetFramesUpTo will fill m_frames with as many frames as you asked for,
// if there are that many. If there weren't then you asked for too many
// frames.
GetFramesUpTo (idx);
if (idx < m_frames.size())
if (m_show_inlined_frames)
// When inline frames are enabled we actually create all the frames in GetFramesUpTo.
frame_sp = m_frames[idx];
Unwind *unwinder = m_thread.GetUnwinder ();
if (unwinder)
addr_t pc, cfa;
if (unwinder->GetFrameInfoAtIndex(idx, cfa, pc))
frame_sp.reset (new StackFrame (m_thread.shared_from_this(), idx, idx, cfa, pc, NULL));
Function *function = frame_sp->GetSymbolContext (eSymbolContextFunction).function;
if (function)
// When we aren't showing inline functions we always use
// the top most function block as the scope.
frame_sp->SetSymbolContextScope (&function->GetBlock(false));
// Set the symbol scope from the symbol regardless if it is NULL or valid.
frame_sp->SetSymbolContextScope (frame_sp->GetSymbolContext (eSymbolContextSymbol).symbol);
SetFrameAtIndex(idx, frame_sp);
else if (original_idx == 0)
// There should ALWAYS be a frame at index 0. If something went wrong with the CurrentInlinedDepth such that
// there weren't as many frames as we thought taking that into account, then reset the current inlined depth
// and return the real zeroth frame.
if (m_frames.size() > 0)
frame_sp = m_frames[original_idx];
// Why do we have a thread with zero frames, that should not ever happen...
if (m_thread.IsValid())
assert ("A valid thread has no frames.");
return frame_sp;
Fixed issues with RegisterContext classes and the subclasses. There was an issue with the way the UnwindLLDB was handing out RegisterContexts: it was making shared pointers to register contexts and then handing out just the pointers (which would get put into shared pointers in the thread and stack frame classes) and cause double free issues. MallocScribble helped to find these issues after I did some other cleanup. To help avoid any RegisterContext issue in the future, all code that deals with them now returns shared pointers to the register contexts so we don't end up with multiple deletions. Also now that the RegisterContext class doesn't require a stack frame, we patched a memory leak where a StackFrame object was being created and leaked. Made the RegisterContext class not have a pointer to a StackFrame object as one register context class can be used for N inlined stack frames so there is not a 1 - 1 mapping. Updates the ExecutionContextScope part of the RegisterContext class to never return a stack frame to indicate this when it is asked to recreate the execution context. Now register contexts point to the concrete frame using a concrete frame index. Concrete frames are all of the frames that are actually formed on the stack of a thread. These concrete frames can be turned into one or more user visible frames due to inlining. Each inlined stack frame has the exact same register context (shared via shared pointers) as any parent inlined stack frames all the way up to the concrete frame itself. So now the stack frames and the register contexts should behave much better. llvm-svn: 122976
2011-01-07 06:15:06 +08:00
StackFrameList::GetFrameWithConcreteFrameIndex (uint32_t unwind_idx)
// First try assuming the unwind index is the same as the frame index. The
// unwind index is always greater than or equal to the frame index, so it
// is a good place to start. If we have inlined frames we might have 5
// concrete frames (frame unwind indexes go from 0-4), but we might have 15
// frames after we make all the inlined frames. Most of the time the unwind
// frame index (or the concrete frame index) is the same as the frame index.
uint32_t frame_idx = unwind_idx;
StackFrameSP frame_sp (GetFrameAtIndex (frame_idx));
while (frame_sp)
if (frame_sp->GetFrameIndex() == unwind_idx)
frame_sp = GetFrameAtIndex (++frame_idx);
return frame_sp;
StackFrameList::GetFrameWithStackID (const StackID &stack_id)
uint32_t frame_idx = 0;
StackFrameSP frame_sp;
frame_sp = GetFrameAtIndex (frame_idx);
if (frame_sp && frame_sp->GetStackID() == stack_id)
while (frame_sp);
return frame_sp;
Fixed issues with RegisterContext classes and the subclasses. There was an issue with the way the UnwindLLDB was handing out RegisterContexts: it was making shared pointers to register contexts and then handing out just the pointers (which would get put into shared pointers in the thread and stack frame classes) and cause double free issues. MallocScribble helped to find these issues after I did some other cleanup. To help avoid any RegisterContext issue in the future, all code that deals with them now returns shared pointers to the register contexts so we don't end up with multiple deletions. Also now that the RegisterContext class doesn't require a stack frame, we patched a memory leak where a StackFrame object was being created and leaked. Made the RegisterContext class not have a pointer to a StackFrame object as one register context class can be used for N inlined stack frames so there is not a 1 - 1 mapping. Updates the ExecutionContextScope part of the RegisterContext class to never return a stack frame to indicate this when it is asked to recreate the execution context. Now register contexts point to the concrete frame using a concrete frame index. Concrete frames are all of the frames that are actually formed on the stack of a thread. These concrete frames can be turned into one or more user visible frames due to inlining. Each inlined stack frame has the exact same register context (shared via shared pointers) as any parent inlined stack frames all the way up to the concrete frame itself. So now the stack frames and the register contexts should behave much better. llvm-svn: 122976
2011-01-07 06:15:06 +08:00
StackFrameList::SetFrameAtIndex (uint32_t idx, StackFrameSP &frame_sp)
if (idx >= m_frames.size())
m_frames.resize(idx + 1);
// Make sure allocation succeeded by checking bounds again
if (idx < m_frames.size())
m_frames[idx] = frame_sp;
return true;
return false; // resize failed, out of memory?
StackFrameList::GetSelectedFrameIndex () const
Mutex::Locker locker (m_mutex);
return m_selected_frame_idx;
StackFrameList::SetSelectedFrame (lldb_private::StackFrame *frame)
Mutex::Locker locker (m_mutex);
const_iterator pos;
const_iterator begin = m_frames.begin();
const_iterator end = m_frames.end();
m_selected_frame_idx = 0;
for (pos = begin; pos != end; ++pos)
if (pos->get() == frame)
m_selected_frame_idx = std::distance (begin, pos);
uint32_t inlined_depth = GetCurrentInlinedDepth();
if (inlined_depth != UINT32_MAX)
m_selected_frame_idx -= inlined_depth;
return m_selected_frame_idx;
// Mark a stack frame as the current frame using the frame index
StackFrameList::SetSelectedFrameByIndex (uint32_t idx)
Mutex::Locker locker (m_mutex);
StackFrameSP frame_sp (GetFrameAtIndex (idx));
if (frame_sp)
return true;
return false;
if (m_thread.GetID() == m_thread.GetProcess()->GetThreadList().GetSelectedThread()->GetID())
StackFrameSP frame_sp (GetFrameAtIndex (GetSelectedFrameIndex()));
if (frame_sp)
SymbolContext sc = frame_sp->GetSymbolContext(eSymbolContextLineEntry);
if (sc.line_entry.file)
m_thread.CalculateTarget()->GetSourceManager().SetDefaultFileAndLine (sc.line_entry.file,
// The thread has been run, reset the number stack frames to zero so we can
// determine how many frames we have lazily.
StackFrameList::Clear ()
Mutex::Locker locker (m_mutex);
m_concrete_frames_fetched = 0;
StackFrameList::InvalidateFrames (uint32_t start_idx)
Mutex::Locker locker (m_mutex);
if (m_show_inlined_frames)
const size_t num_frames = m_frames.size();
while (start_idx < num_frames)
StackFrameList::Merge (std::unique_ptr<StackFrameList>& curr_ap, lldb::StackFrameListSP& prev_sp)
Mutex::Locker curr_locker (curr_ap.get() ? &curr_ap->m_mutex : NULL);
Mutex::Locker prev_locker (prev_sp.get() ? &prev_sp->m_mutex : NULL);
#if defined (DEBUG_STACK_FRAMES)
StreamFile s(stdout, false);
if (prev_sp.get())
prev_sp->Dump (&s);
s.PutCString ("NULL");
if (curr_ap.get())
curr_ap->Dump (&s);
s.PutCString ("NULL");
if (curr_ap.get() == NULL || curr_ap->GetNumFrames (false) == 0)
#if defined (DEBUG_STACK_FRAMES)
s.PutCString("No current frames, leave previous frames alone...\n");
if (prev_sp.get() == NULL || prev_sp->GetNumFrames (false) == 0)
#if defined (DEBUG_STACK_FRAMES)
s.PutCString("No previous frames, so use current frames...\n");
// We either don't have any previous frames, or since we have more than
// one current frames it means we have all the frames and can safely
// replace our previous frames.
prev_sp.reset (curr_ap.release());
const uint32_t num_curr_frames = curr_ap->GetNumFrames (false);
if (num_curr_frames > 1)
#if defined (DEBUG_STACK_FRAMES)
s.PutCString("We have more than one current frame, so use current frames...\n");
// We have more than one current frames it means we have all the frames
// and can safely replace our previous frames.
prev_sp.reset (curr_ap.release());
#if defined (DEBUG_STACK_FRAMES)
prev_sp->Dump (&s);
StackFrameSP prev_frame_zero_sp(prev_sp->GetFrameAtIndex (0));
StackFrameSP curr_frame_zero_sp(curr_ap->GetFrameAtIndex (0));
StackID curr_stack_id (curr_frame_zero_sp->GetStackID());
StackID prev_stack_id (prev_frame_zero_sp->GetStackID());
#if defined (DEBUG_STACK_FRAMES)
const uint32_t num_prev_frames = prev_sp->GetNumFrames (false);
s.Printf("\n%u previous frames with one current frame\n", num_prev_frames);
// We have only a single current frame
// Our previous stack frames only had a single frame as well...
if (curr_stack_id == prev_stack_id)
#if defined (DEBUG_STACK_FRAMES)
s.Printf("\nPrevious frame #0 is same as current frame #0, merge the cached data\n");
curr_frame_zero_sp->UpdateCurrentFrameFromPreviousFrame (*prev_frame_zero_sp);
// prev_frame_zero_sp->UpdatePreviousFrameFromCurrentFrame (*curr_frame_zero_sp);
// prev_sp->SetFrameAtIndex (0, prev_frame_zero_sp);
else if (curr_stack_id < prev_stack_id)
#if defined (DEBUG_STACK_FRAMES)
s.Printf("\nCurrent frame #0 has a stack ID that is less than the previous frame #0, insert current frame zero in front of previous\n");
prev_sp->m_frames.insert (prev_sp->m_frames.begin(), curr_frame_zero_sp);
#if defined (DEBUG_STACK_FRAMES)
prev_sp->Dump (&s);
StackFrameList::GetStackFrameSPForStackFramePtr (StackFrame *stack_frame_ptr)
const_iterator pos;
const_iterator begin = m_frames.begin();
const_iterator end = m_frames.end();
lldb::StackFrameSP ret_sp;
for (pos = begin; pos != end; ++pos)
if (pos->get() == stack_frame_ptr)
ret_sp = (*pos);
return ret_sp;
Centralized a lot of the status information for processes, threads, and stack frame down in the lldb_private::Process, lldb_private::Thread, lldb_private::StackFrameList and the lldb_private::StackFrame classes. We had some command line commands that had duplicate versions of the process status output ("thread list" and "process status" for example). Removed the "file" command and placed it where it should have been: "target create". Made an alias for "file" to "target create" so we stay compatible with GDB commands. We can now have multple usable targets in lldb at the same time. This is nice for comparing two runs of a program or debugging more than one binary at the same time. The new command is "target select <target-idx>" and also to see a list of the current targets you can use the new "target list" command. The flow in a debug session can be: (lldb) target create /path/to/exe/a.out (lldb) breakpoint set --name main (lldb) run ... hit breakpoint (lldb) target create /bin/ls (lldb) run /tmp Process 36001 exited with status = 0 (0x00000000) (lldb) target list Current targets: target #0: /tmp/args/a.out ( arch=x86_64-apple-darwin, platform=localhost, pid=35999, state=stopped ) * target #1: /bin/ls ( arch=x86_64-apple-darwin, platform=localhost, pid=36001, state=exited ) (lldb) target select 0 Current targets: * target #0: /tmp/args/a.out ( arch=x86_64-apple-darwin, platform=localhost, pid=35999, state=stopped ) target #1: /bin/ls ( arch=x86_64-apple-darwin, platform=localhost, pid=36001, state=exited ) (lldb) bt * thread #1: tid = 0x2d03, 0x0000000100000b9a a.out`main + 42 at main.c:16, stop reason = breakpoint 1.1 frame #0: 0x0000000100000b9a a.out`main + 42 at main.c:16 frame #1: 0x0000000100000b64 a.out`start + 52 Above we created a target for "a.out" and ran and hit a breakpoint at "main". Then we created a new target for /bin/ls and ran it. Then we listed the targest and selected our original "a.out" program, so we showed two concurent debug sessions going on at the same time. llvm-svn: 129695
2011-04-18 16:33:37 +08:00
StackFrameList::GetStatus (Stream& strm,
uint32_t first_frame,
uint32_t num_frames,
bool show_frame_info,
uint32_t num_frames_with_source)
Centralized a lot of the status information for processes, threads, and stack frame down in the lldb_private::Process, lldb_private::Thread, lldb_private::StackFrameList and the lldb_private::StackFrame classes. We had some command line commands that had duplicate versions of the process status output ("thread list" and "process status" for example). Removed the "file" command and placed it where it should have been: "target create". Made an alias for "file" to "target create" so we stay compatible with GDB commands. We can now have multple usable targets in lldb at the same time. This is nice for comparing two runs of a program or debugging more than one binary at the same time. The new command is "target select <target-idx>" and also to see a list of the current targets you can use the new "target list" command. The flow in a debug session can be: (lldb) target create /path/to/exe/a.out (lldb) breakpoint set --name main (lldb) run ... hit breakpoint (lldb) target create /bin/ls (lldb) run /tmp Process 36001 exited with status = 0 (0x00000000) (lldb) target list Current targets: target #0: /tmp/args/a.out ( arch=x86_64-apple-darwin, platform=localhost, pid=35999, state=stopped ) * target #1: /bin/ls ( arch=x86_64-apple-darwin, platform=localhost, pid=36001, state=exited ) (lldb) target select 0 Current targets: * target #0: /tmp/args/a.out ( arch=x86_64-apple-darwin, platform=localhost, pid=35999, state=stopped ) target #1: /bin/ls ( arch=x86_64-apple-darwin, platform=localhost, pid=36001, state=exited ) (lldb) bt * thread #1: tid = 0x2d03, 0x0000000100000b9a a.out`main + 42 at main.c:16, stop reason = breakpoint 1.1 frame #0: 0x0000000100000b9a a.out`main + 42 at main.c:16 frame #1: 0x0000000100000b64 a.out`start + 52 Above we created a target for "a.out" and ran and hit a breakpoint at "main". Then we created a new target for /bin/ls and ran it. Then we listed the targest and selected our original "a.out" program, so we showed two concurent debug sessions going on at the same time. llvm-svn: 129695
2011-04-18 16:33:37 +08:00
size_t num_frames_displayed = 0;
if (num_frames == 0)
return 0;
StackFrameSP frame_sp;
uint32_t frame_idx = 0;
uint32_t last_frame;
// Don't let the last frame wrap around...
if (num_frames == UINT32_MAX)
last_frame = UINT32_MAX;
last_frame = first_frame + num_frames;
for (frame_idx = first_frame; frame_idx < last_frame; ++frame_idx)
frame_sp = GetFrameAtIndex(frame_idx);
if (frame_sp.get() == NULL)
if (!frame_sp->GetStatus (strm,
num_frames_with_source > (first_frame - frame_idx)))
Centralized a lot of the status information for processes, threads, and stack frame down in the lldb_private::Process, lldb_private::Thread, lldb_private::StackFrameList and the lldb_private::StackFrame classes. We had some command line commands that had duplicate versions of the process status output ("thread list" and "process status" for example). Removed the "file" command and placed it where it should have been: "target create". Made an alias for "file" to "target create" so we stay compatible with GDB commands. We can now have multple usable targets in lldb at the same time. This is nice for comparing two runs of a program or debugging more than one binary at the same time. The new command is "target select <target-idx>" and also to see a list of the current targets you can use the new "target list" command. The flow in a debug session can be: (lldb) target create /path/to/exe/a.out (lldb) breakpoint set --name main (lldb) run ... hit breakpoint (lldb) target create /bin/ls (lldb) run /tmp Process 36001 exited with status = 0 (0x00000000) (lldb) target list Current targets: target #0: /tmp/args/a.out ( arch=x86_64-apple-darwin, platform=localhost, pid=35999, state=stopped ) * target #1: /bin/ls ( arch=x86_64-apple-darwin, platform=localhost, pid=36001, state=exited ) (lldb) target select 0 Current targets: * target #0: /tmp/args/a.out ( arch=x86_64-apple-darwin, platform=localhost, pid=35999, state=stopped ) target #1: /bin/ls ( arch=x86_64-apple-darwin, platform=localhost, pid=36001, state=exited ) (lldb) bt * thread #1: tid = 0x2d03, 0x0000000100000b9a a.out`main + 42 at main.c:16, stop reason = breakpoint 1.1 frame #0: 0x0000000100000b9a a.out`main + 42 at main.c:16 frame #1: 0x0000000100000b64 a.out`start + 52 Above we created a target for "a.out" and ran and hit a breakpoint at "main". Then we created a new target for /bin/ls and ran it. Then we listed the targest and selected our original "a.out" program, so we showed two concurent debug sessions going on at the same time. llvm-svn: 129695
2011-04-18 16:33:37 +08:00
return num_frames_displayed;