2013-12-13 00:07:11 +08:00
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple i386-pc-linux -emit-llvm %s -o - | FileCheck -check-prefix GCABI %s
2014-01-15 03:35:09 +08:00
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -emit-llvm %s -o - -DMS_ABI -triple=i386-pc-win32 | FileCheck -check-prefix MSABI %s
2012-08-25 10:00:03 +08:00
#ifdef MS_ABI
# define METHOD_CC __thiscall
# define METHOD_CC __attribute__ ((cdecl))
// Test that it's OK to have multiple function declarations with the default CC
// both mentioned explicitly and implied.
void foo();
void __cdecl foo();
void __cdecl foo() {}
2020-02-04 02:09:39 +08:00
// GCABI-LABEL: define void @_Z3foov()
2018-03-17 04:36:49 +08:00
// MSABI: define dso_local void @"?foo@@YAXXZ"
2012-08-25 10:00:03 +08:00
void __cdecl bar();
void bar();
void bar() {}
2020-02-04 02:09:39 +08:00
// GCABI-LABEL: define void @_Z3barv()
2018-03-17 04:36:49 +08:00
// MSABI: define dso_local void @"?bar@@YAXXZ"
2012-08-25 10:00:03 +08:00
// Test that it's OK to mark either the method declaration or method definition
// with a default CC explicitly.
class A {
void baz();
void METHOD_CC qux();
2013-02-19 18:50:44 +08:00
static void static_baz();
static void __cdecl static_qux();
2012-08-25 10:00:03 +08:00
void METHOD_CC A::baz() {}
2020-02-04 02:09:39 +08:00
// GCABI-LABEL: define void @_ZN1A3bazEv
2018-03-17 04:36:49 +08:00
// MSABI: define dso_local x86_thiscallcc void @"?baz@A@@QAEXXZ"
2012-08-25 10:00:03 +08:00
void A::qux() {}
2020-02-04 02:09:39 +08:00
// GCABI-LABEL: define void @_ZN1A3quxEv
2018-03-17 04:36:49 +08:00
// MSABI: define dso_local x86_thiscallcc void @"?qux@A@@QAEXXZ"
2012-08-25 10:00:03 +08:00
void __cdecl static_baz() {}
2020-02-04 02:09:39 +08:00
// GCABI-LABEL: define void @_Z10static_bazv
2018-03-17 04:36:49 +08:00
// MSABI: define dso_local void @"?static_baz@@YAXXZ"
2012-08-25 10:00:03 +08:00
void static_qux() {}
2020-02-04 02:09:39 +08:00
// GCABI-LABEL: define void @_Z10static_quxv
2018-03-17 04:36:49 +08:00
// MSABI: define dso_local void @"?static_qux@@YAXXZ"
2017-01-17 12:14:25 +08:00
namespace PR31656 {
template <int I>
void __cdecl callee(int args[I]);
// GCABI-LABEL: declare void @_ZN7PR316566calleeILi1EEEvPi(
2018-03-17 04:36:49 +08:00
// MSABI: declare dso_local void @"??$callee@$00@PR31656@@YAXQAH@Z"(
2017-01-17 12:14:25 +08:00
void caller() { callee<1>(0); }