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// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fcxx-exceptions -fexceptions -fsyntax-only -verify -std=c++11 %s
// Need std::initializer_list
namespace std {
typedef decltype(sizeof(int)) size_t;
// libc++'s implementation
template <class _E>
class initializer_list
const _E* __begin_;
size_t __size_;
initializer_list(const _E* __b, size_t __s)
: __begin_(__b),
typedef _E value_type;
typedef const _E& reference;
typedef const _E& const_reference;
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef const _E* iterator;
typedef const _E* const_iterator;
initializer_list() : __begin_(nullptr), __size_(0) {}
size_t size() const {return __size_;}
const _E* begin() const {return __begin_;}
const _E* end() const {return __begin_ + __size_;}
// Declaration syntax checks
[[]] int before_attr;
int [[]] between_attr;
const [[]] int between_attr_2 = 0; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
int after_attr [[]];
int * [[]] ptr_attr;
int & [[]] ref_attr = after_attr;
int & [[unknown]] ref_attr_2 = after_attr; // expected-warning {{unknown attribute 'unknown' ignored}}
int & [[noreturn]] ref_attr_3 = after_attr; // expected-error {{'noreturn' attribute cannot be applied to types}}
int && [[]] rref_attr = 0;
int array_attr [1] [[]];
alignas(8) int aligned_attr;
[[test::valid(for 42 [very] **** '+' symbols went on a trip and had a "good"_time; the end.)]] int garbage_attr; // expected-warning {{unknown attribute 'valid' ignored}}
[[,,,static, class, namespace,, inline, constexpr, mutable,, bitand, bitor::compl(!.*_ Cx.!U^*R),,,]] int more_garbage_attr; // expected-warning {{unknown attribute 'static' ignored}} \
// expected-warning {{unknown attribute 'class' ignored}} \
// expected-warning {{unknown attribute 'namespace' ignored}} \
// expected-warning {{unknown attribute 'inline' ignored}} \
// expected-warning {{unknown attribute 'constexpr' ignored}} \
// expected-warning {{unknown attribute 'mutable' ignored}} \
// expected-warning {{unknown attribute 'bitand' ignored}} \
// expected-warning {{unknown attribute 'compl' ignored}}
[[u8"invalid!"]] int invalid_string_attr; // expected-error {{expected ']'}}
void fn_attr () [[]];
void noexcept_fn_attr () noexcept [[]];
struct MemberFnOrder {
virtual void f() const volatile && noexcept [[]] final = 0;
struct [[]] struct_attr;
class [[]] class_attr {};
union [[]] union_attr;
// Checks attributes placed at wrong syntactic locations of class specifiers.
class [[]] [[]]
attr_after_class_name_decl [[]] [[]]; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
class [[]] [[]]
attr_after_class_name_definition [[]] [[]] [[]]{}; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
class [[]] c {};
class c [[]] [[]] x;
class c [[]] [[]] y [[]] [[]];
class c final [(int){0}];
class base {};
class [[]] [[]] final_class
alignas(float) [[]] final // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
alignas(float) [[]] [[]] alignas(float): base{}; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
class [[]] [[]] final_class_another
[[]] [[]] alignas(16) final // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
[[]] [[]] alignas(16) [[]]{}; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
[[]] struct with_init_declarators {} init_declarator;
[[]] struct no_init_declarators; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
template<typename> [[]] struct no_init_declarators_template; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
void fn_with_structs() {
[[]] struct with_init_declarators {} init_declarator;
[[]] struct no_init_declarators; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
struct ctordtor {
[[]] ctordtor();
[[]] ~ctordtor();
[[]] ctordtor::ctordtor() {}
[[]] ctordtor::~ctordtor() {}
extern "C++" [[]] int extern_attr;
template <typename T> [[]] void template_attr ();
[[]] [[]] int [[]] [[]] multi_attr [[]] [[]];
int comma_attr [[,]];
int scope_attr [[foo::]]; // expected-error {{expected identifier}}
int (paren_attr) [[]]; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
unsigned [[]] int attr_in_decl_spec; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
unsigned [[]] int [[]] const double_decl_spec = 0; // expected-error 2{{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
class foo {
void const_after_attr () [[]] const; // expected-error {{expected ';'}}
extern "C++" [[]] { } // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
[[]] template <typename T> void before_template_attr (); // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
[[]] namespace ns { int i; } // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}} expected-note {{declared here}}
[[]] static_assert(true, ""); //expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
[[]] asm(""); // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
[[]] using ns::i; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
[[unknown]] using namespace ns; // expected-warning {{unknown attribute 'unknown' ignored}}
[[noreturn]] using namespace ns; // expected-error {{'noreturn' attribute only applies to functions}}
using [[]] alignas(4) [[]] ns::i; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
using [[]] alignas(4) [[]] foobar = int; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}} expected-error {{'alignas' attribute only applies to}}
void bad_attributes_in_do_while() {
do {} while (
[[ns::i); // expected-error {{expected ']'}} \
// expected-note {{to match this '['}} \
// expected-error {{expected expression}}
do {} while (
[[a]b ns::i); // expected-error {{expected ']'}} \
// expected-note {{to match this '['}} \
// expected-error {{expected expression}}
do {} while (
[[ab]ab] ns::i); // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
do {} while ( // expected-note {{to match this '('}}
alignas(4 ns::i; // expected-note {{to match this '('}}
} // expected-error 2{{expected ')'}} expected-error {{expected expression}}
[[]] using T = int; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
using T [[]] = int; // ok
template<typename T> using U [[]] = T;
using ns::i [[]]; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
using [[]] ns::i; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
using T [[unknown]] = int; // expected-warning {{unknown attribute 'unknown' ignored}}
using T [[noreturn]] = int; // expected-error {{'noreturn' attribute only applies to functions}}
using V = int; // expected-note {{previous}}
using V [[gnu::vector_size(16)]] = int; // expected-error {{redefinition with different types}}
auto trailing() -> [[]] const int; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
auto trailing() -> const [[]] int; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
auto trailing() -> const int [[]];
auto trailing_2() -> struct struct_attr [[]];
namespace N {
struct S {};
template<typename> struct Template {};
// FIXME: Improve this diagnostic
struct [[]] N::S s; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
struct [[]] Template<int> t; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
struct [[]] ::template Template<int> u; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
template struct [[]] Template<char>; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
template <> struct [[]] Template<void>;
enum [[]] E1 {};
enum [[]] E2; // expected-error {{forbids forward references}}
enum [[]] E1;
enum [[]] E3 : int;
enum [[]] {
k_123 [[]] = 123 // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
enum [[]] E1 e; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
enum [[]] class E4 { }; // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
enum struct [[]] E5;
struct S {
friend int f [[]] (); // expected-FIXME{{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
friend int f1 [[noreturn]] (); //expected-error{{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
friend int f2 [[]] [[noreturn]] () {}
[[]] friend int g(); // expected-error{{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
[[]] friend int h() {
[[]] friend int f3(), f4(), f5(); // expected-error{{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
friend int f6 [[noreturn]] (), f7 [[noreturn]] (), f8 [[noreturn]] (); // expected-error3 {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
friend class [[]] C; // expected-error{{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
[[]] friend class D; // expected-error{{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
[[]] friend int; // expected-error{{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
template<typename T> void tmpl(T) {}
template void tmpl [[]] (int); // expected-FIXME {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
template [[]] void tmpl(char); // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
template void [[]] tmpl(short);
// Argument tests
alignas int aligned_no_params; // expected-error {{expected '('}}
alignas(i) int aligned_nonconst; // expected-error {{'aligned' attribute requires integer constant}} expected-note {{read of non-const variable 'i'}}
// Statement tests
void foo () {
[[]] ;
[[]] { }
[[]] if (0) { }
[[]] for (;;);
[[]] do {
[[]] continue;
} while (0);
[[]] while (0);
[[]] switch (i) {
[[]] case 0:
[[]] default:
[[]] break;
[[]] goto there;
[[]] there:
[[]] try {
} [[]] catch (...) { // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
struct S { int arr[2]; } s;
(void)s.arr[ [] { return 0; }() ]; // expected-error {{C++11 only allows consecutive left square brackets when introducing an attribute}}
int n = __builtin_offsetof(S, arr[ [] { return 0; }() ]); // expected-error {{C++11 only allows consecutive left square brackets when introducing an attribute}}
void bar [[noreturn]] ([[]] int i, [[]] int j);
using FuncType = void ([[]] int);
void baz([[]]...); // expected-error {{expected parameter declarator}}
[[]] return;
template<typename...Ts> void variadic() {
void bar [[noreturn...]] (); // expected-error {{attribute 'noreturn' cannot be used as an attribute pack}}
// Expression tests
void bar () {
// FIXME: GCC accepts [[gnu::noreturn]] on a lambda, even though it appertains
// to the operator()'s type, and GCC does not otherwise accept attributes
// applied to types. Use that to test this.
[] () [[gnu::noreturn]] { return; } (); // expected-warning {{attribute 'noreturn' ignored}} FIXME-error {{should not return}}
[] () [[gnu::noreturn]] { throw; } (); // expected-warning {{attribute 'noreturn' ignored}}
new int[42][[]][5][[]]{};
// Condition tests
void baz () {
if ([[unknown]] bool b = true) { // expected-warning {{unknown attribute 'unknown' ignored}}
switch ([[unknown]] int n { 42 }) { // expected-warning {{unknown attribute 'unknown' ignored}}
for ([[unknown]] int n = 0; [[unknown]] char b = n < 5; ++b) { // expected-warning 2{{unknown attribute 'unknown' ignored}}
int x;
// An attribute can be applied to an expression-statement, such as the first
// statement in a for. But it can't be applied to a condition which is an
// expression.
for ([[]] x = 0; ; ) {} // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
for (; [[]] x < 5; ) {} // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
while ([[]] bool k { false }) {
while ([[]] true) { // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
do {
} while ([[]] false); // expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
for ([[unknown]] int n : { 1, 2, 3 }) { // expected-warning {{unknown attribute 'unknown' ignored}}
enum class __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) SecretKeepers {
one, /* rest are deprecated */ two, three
enum class [[]] EvenMoreSecrets {};
namespace arguments {
void f[[gnu::format(printf, 1, 2)]](const char*, ...);
void g() [[unknown::foo(ignore arguments for unknown attributes, even with symbols!)]]; // expected-warning {{unknown attribute 'foo' ignored}}
[[deprecated("with argument")]] int i;
// Forbid attributes on decl specifiers.
unsigned [[gnu::used]] static int [[gnu::unused]] v1; // expected-error {{'unused' attribute cannot be applied to types}} \
expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
typedef [[gnu::used]] unsigned long [[gnu::unused]] v2; // expected-error {{'unused' attribute cannot be applied to types}} \
expected-error {{an attribute list cannot appear here}}
int [[carries_dependency]] foo(int [[carries_dependency]] x); // expected-error 2{{'carries_dependency' attribute cannot be applied to types}}
// Forbid [[gnu::...]] attributes on declarator chunks.
int *[[gnu::unused]] v3; // expected-warning {{attribute 'unused' ignored}}
int v4[2][[gnu::unused]]; // expected-warning {{attribute 'unused' ignored}}
int v5()[[gnu::unused]]; // expected-warning {{attribute 'unused' ignored}}
[[attribute_declaration]]; // expected-warning {{unknown attribute 'attribute_declaration' ignored}}
[[noreturn]]; // expected-error {{'noreturn' attribute only applies to functions}}
[[carries_dependency]]; // expected-error {{'carries_dependency' attribute only applies to functions, methods, and parameters}}
class A {
A([[gnu::unused]] int a);
A::A([[gnu::unused]] int a) {}
namespace GccConst {
// GCC's tokenizer treats const and __const as the same token.
[[gnu::const]] int *f1();
[[gnu::__const]] int *f2();
[[gnu::__const__]] int *f3();
void f(const int *);
void g() { f(f1()); f(f2()); }
void h() { f(f3()); }
namespace GccASan {
__attribute__((no_address_safety_analysis)) void f1();
__attribute__((no_sanitize_address)) void f2();
[[gnu::no_address_safety_analysis]] void f3();
[[gnu::no_sanitize_address]] void f4();
namespace {
[[deprecated]] void bar();
[[deprecated("hello")]] void baz();
[[deprecated()]] void foo(); // expected-error {{parentheses must be omitted if 'deprecated' attribute's argument list is empty}}
[[gnu::deprecated()]] void quux();