2020-05-12 02:38:53 +08:00
! RUN: %S/test_errors.sh %s %t %f18
2019-03-19 02:48:02 +08:00
module m1
!ERROR: Logical constant '.true.' may not be used as a defined operator
interface operator(.TRUE.)
end interface
!ERROR: Logical constant '.false.' may not be used as a defined operator
generic :: operator(.false.) => bar
module m2
interface operator(+)
module procedure foo
end interface
interface operator(.foo.)
module procedure foo
end interface
interface operator(.ge.)
module procedure bar
end interface
integer function foo(x, y)
logical, intent(in) :: x, y
foo = 0
logical function bar(x, y)
complex, intent(in) :: x, y
bar = .false.
!ERROR: Intrinsic operator '.le.' may not be used as a defined operator
use m2, only: operator(.le.) => operator(.ge.)
!ERROR: Intrinsic operator '.not.' may not be used as a defined operator
use m2, only: operator(.not.) => operator(.foo.)
!ERROR: Logical constant '.true.' may not be used as a defined operator
use m2, only: operator(.true.) => operator(.foo.)