#pragma omp target defaultmap(tofrom:scalar) defaultmap(tofrom:scalar) // omp45-error {{directive '#pragma omp target' cannot contain more than one 'defaultmap' clause}} omp5-error {{at most one defaultmap clause for each variable-category can appear on the directive}}
#pragma omp target defaultmap(tofrom : scalar) defaultmap(to : scalar) // omp5-error {{at most one defaultmap clause for each variable-category can appear on the directive}}
#pragma omp target defaultmap(alloc : pointer) defaultmap(to: scalar) defaultmap(firstprivate : pointer) // expected-error {{at most one defaultmap clause for each variable-category can appear on the directive}}
#pragma omp target defaultmap(none : pointer) defaultmap(none: scalar) map(argc) // expected-note {{explicit data sharing attribute, data mapping attribute, or is_device_ptr clause requested here}}
argc=*g;// expected-error {{variable 'g' must have explicitly specified data sharing attributes, data mapping attributes, or in an is_device_ptr clause}}
#pragma omp target defaultmap(none: pointer) defaultmap(none : scalar) map(g) // expected-note {{explicit data sharing attribute, data mapping attribute, or is_device_ptr clause requested here}}
argc=*g;// expected-error {{variable 'argc' must have explicitly specified data sharing attributes, data mapping attributes, or in an is_device_ptr clause}}
#pragma omp target defaultmap(none:pointer) defaultmap(none:scalar) defaultmap(none:aggregate) map(g) firstprivate(argc) // expected-note {{explicit data sharing attribute, data mapping attribute, or is_device_ptr clause requested here}}
argc=*g+arr[1];// expected-error {{variable 'arr' must have explicitly specified data sharing attributes, data mapping attributes, or in an is_device_ptr clause}}
#pragma omp target defaultmap(none) map(g) firstprivate(argc) // expected-note {{explicit data sharing attribute, data mapping attribute, or is_device_ptr clause requested here}}
argc=*g+arr[1];// expected-error {{variable 'arr' must have explicitly specified data sharing attributes, data mapping attributes, or in an is_device_ptr clause}}
#pragma omp target defaultmap(none : aggregate) defaultmap(none: scalar) map(argc) // expected-note {{explicit data sharing attribute, data mapping attribute, or is_device_ptr clause requested here}}
bar.a+=argc;// expected-error {{variable 'bar' must have explicitly specified data sharing attributes, data mapping attributes, or in an is_device_ptr clause}}
#pragma omp target defaultmap(none:aggregate) defaultmap(none:scalar) map(argc) // expected-note {{explicit data sharing attribute, data mapping attribute, or is_device_ptr clause requested here}}
baz.bar.a+=argc;// expected-error {{variable 'baz' must have explicitly specified data sharing attributes, data mapping attributes, or in an is_device_ptr clause}}
vla[argc-1]+=argc;// expected-error {{variable 'vla' must have explicitly specified data sharing attributes, data mapping attributes, or in an is_device_ptr clause}}
#pragma omp target defaultmap(none:aggregate) // expected-note {{explicit data sharing attribute, data mapping attribute, or is_device_ptr clause requested here}}
#pragma omp parallel
baz.bar.a+=argc;// expected-error {{variable 'baz' must have explicitly specified data sharing attributes, data mapping attributes, or in an is_device_ptr clause}}
#pragma omp target defaultmap(tofrom, scalar // expected-error {{expected ')'}} omp45-warning {{missing ':' after defaultmap modifier - ignoring}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} omp45-error {{expected 'scalar' in OpenMP clause 'defaultmap'}}
#pragma omp target defaultmap(tofrom: scalar) defaultmap(tofrom: scalar) // omp45-error {{directive '#pragma omp target' cannot contain more than one 'defaultmap' clause}} omp5-error {{at most one defaultmap clause for each variable-category can appear on the directive}}
#pragma omp target defaultmap(tofrom : scalar) defaultmap(to: scalar) // omp5-error {{at most one defaultmap clause for each variable-category can appear on the directive}}
#pragma omp target defaultmap(alloc: pointer) defaultmap(to: scalar) defaultmap(firstprivate: pointer) // expected-error {{at most one defaultmap clause for each variable-category can appear on the directive}}
#pragma omp target defaultmap(none:pointer) // expected-note {{explicit data sharing attribute, data mapping attribute, or is_device_ptr clause requested here}}
g++;// expected-error {{variable 'g' must have explicitly specified data sharing attributes, data mapping attributes, or in an is_device_ptr clause}}
#pragma omp target defaultmap(none:pointer) defaultmap(none:scalar) map(argc) // expected-note {{explicit data sharing attribute, data mapping attribute, or is_device_ptr clause requested here}}
argc=*g;// expected-error {{variable 'g' must have explicitly specified data sharing attributes, data mapping attributes, or in an is_device_ptr clause}}
#pragma omp target defaultmap(none:pointer) defaultmap(none:scalar) map(g) // expected-note {{explicit data sharing attribute, data mapping attribute, or is_device_ptr clause requested here}}
argc=*g;// expected-error {{variable 'argc' must have explicitly specified data sharing attributes, data mapping attributes, or in an is_device_ptr clause}}
#pragma omp target defaultmap(none:pointer) defaultmap(none:scalar) defaultmap(none:aggregate) map(g) firstprivate(argc) // expected-note {{explicit data sharing attribute, data mapping attribute, or is_device_ptr clause requested here}}
argc=*g+arr[1];// expected-error {{variable 'arr' must have explicitly specified data sharing attributes, data mapping attributes, or in an is_device_ptr clause}}
#pragma omp target defaultmap(none:aggregate) defaultmap(none:scalar) map(argc) // expected-note {{explicit data sharing attribute, data mapping attribute, or is_device_ptr clause requested here}}
bar.a+=argc;// expected-error {{variable 'bar' must have explicitly specified data sharing attributes, data mapping attributes, or in an is_device_ptr clause}}
#pragma omp target defaultmap(none:aggregate) defaultmap(none:scalar) map(argc) // expected-note {{explicit data sharing attribute, data mapping attribute, or is_device_ptr clause requested here}}
baz.bar.a+=argc;// expected-error {{variable 'baz' must have explicitly specified data sharing attributes, data mapping attributes, or in an is_device_ptr clause}}
#pragma omp target defaultmap(none:aggregate) defaultmap(none:scalar) map(argc) // expected-note {{explicit data sharing attribute, data mapping attribute, or is_device_ptr clause requested here}}
vla[argc-1]+=argc;// expected-error {{variable 'vla' must have explicitly specified data sharing attributes, data mapping attributes, or in an is_device_ptr clause}}
#pragma omp target defaultmap(none:aggregate) // expected-note {{explicit data sharing attribute, data mapping attribute, or is_device_ptr clause requested here}}
#pragma omp parallel
baz.bar.a+=argc;// expected-error {{variable 'baz' must have explicitly specified data sharing attributes, data mapping attributes, or in an is_device_ptr clause}}