2017-01-26 07:20:33 +08:00
; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=arm64-apple-ios7.0 -aarch64-neon-syntax=apple -pass-remarks-missed=regalloc 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=REMARK %s
2017-01-26 07:55:59 +08:00
; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=arm64-apple-ios7.0 -aarch64-neon-syntax=apple -pass-remarks-missed=regalloc -pass-remarks-with-hotness 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=HOTNESS %s
2017-01-26 07:20:33 +08:00
; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=arm64-apple-ios7.0 -aarch64-neon-syntax=apple 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=NO_REMARK %s
; This has two nested loops, each with one value that has to be spilled and
; then reloaded.
; (loop3:)
2017-01-26 07:55:59 +08:00
; REMARK: remark: /tmp/kk.c:3:20: 1 spills 1 reloads generated in loop{{$}}
2017-01-26 07:20:33 +08:00
; (loop2:)
2017-01-26 07:55:59 +08:00
; REMARK: remark: /tmp/kk.c:2:20: 1 spills 1 reloads generated in loop{{$}}
2017-01-26 07:20:33 +08:00
; (loop:)
2017-01-26 07:55:59 +08:00
; REMARK: remark: /tmp/kk.c:1:20: 2 spills 2 reloads generated in loop{{$}}
; (loop3:)
; HOTNESS: remark: /tmp/kk.c:3:20: 1 spills 1 reloads generated in loop (hotness: 300)
; (loop2:)
; HOTNESS: remark: /tmp/kk.c:2:20: 1 spills 1 reloads generated in loop (hotness: 30000)
; (loop:)
; HOTNESS: remark: /tmp/kk.c:1:20: 2 spills 2 reloads generated in loop (hotness: 300)
2017-01-26 07:20:33 +08:00
; NO_REMARK-NOT: remark
2017-01-26 07:55:59 +08:00
define void @fpr128 ( < 4 x float > * %p ) nounwind ssp !prof !11 {
2017-01-26 07:20:33 +08:00
br label %loop , !dbg !8
%i = phi i32 [ 0 , %entry ] , [ %i.2 , %end2 ]
br label %loop2 , !dbg !9
%j = phi i32 [ 0 , %loop ] , [ %j.2 , %loop2 ]
call void asm sideeffect "; inlineasm" , "~{q0},~{q1},~{q2},~{q3},~{q4},~{q5},~{q6},~{q7},~{q8},~{q9},~{q10},~{q11},~{q12},~{q13},~{q14},~{q15},~{q16},~{q17},~{q18},~{q19},~{q20},~{q21},~{q22},~{q23},~{q24},~{q25},~{q26},~{q27},~{q28},~{q29},~{q30},~{q31},~{x0},~{x1},~{x2},~{x3},~{x4},~{x5},~{x6},~{x7},~{x8},~{x9},~{x10},~{x11},~{x12},~{x13},~{x14},~{x15},~{x16},~{x17},~{x18},~{x19},~{x20},~{x21},~{x22},~{x23},~{x24},~{x25},~{x26},~{x27},~{x28},~{fp},~{lr},~{sp},~{memory}" ( ) nounwind
%j.2 = add i32 %j , 1
%c2 = icmp slt i32 %j.2 , 100
2017-01-26 07:55:59 +08:00
br i1 %c2 , label %loop2 , label %end2 , !prof !12
2017-01-26 07:20:33 +08:00
call void asm sideeffect "; inlineasm" , "~{q0},~{q1},~{q2},~{q3},~{q4},~{q5},~{q6},~{q7},~{q8},~{q9},~{q10},~{q11},~{q12},~{q13},~{q14},~{q15},~{q16},~{q17},~{q18},~{q19},~{q20},~{q21},~{q22},~{q23},~{q24},~{q25},~{q26},~{q27},~{q28},~{q29},~{q30},~{q31},~{x0},~{x1},~{x2},~{x3},~{x4},~{x5},~{x6},~{x7},~{x8},~{x9},~{x10},~{x11},~{x12},~{x13},~{x14},~{x15},~{x16},~{x17},~{x18},~{x19},~{x20},~{x21},~{x22},~{x23},~{x24},~{x25},~{x26},~{x27},~{x28},~{fp},~{lr},~{sp},~{memory}" ( ) nounwind
%i.2 = add i32 %i , 1
%c = icmp slt i32 %i.2 , 100
2017-01-26 07:55:59 +08:00
br i1 %c , label %loop , label %end , !prof !12
2017-01-26 07:20:33 +08:00
br label %loop3
%k = phi i32 [ 0 , %end ] , [ %k.2 , %loop3 ]
call void asm sideeffect "; inlineasm" , "~{q0},~{q1},~{q2},~{q3},~{q4},~{q5},~{q6},~{q7},~{q8},~{q9},~{q10},~{q11},~{q12},~{q13},~{q14},~{q15},~{q16},~{q17},~{q18},~{q19},~{q20},~{q21},~{q22},~{q23},~{q24},~{q25},~{q26},~{q27},~{q28},~{q29},~{q30},~{q31},~{x0},~{x1},~{x2},~{x3},~{x4},~{x5},~{x6},~{x7},~{x8},~{x9},~{x10},~{x11},~{x12},~{x13},~{x14},~{x15},~{x16},~{x17},~{x18},~{x19},~{x20},~{x21},~{x22},~{x23},~{x24},~{x25},~{x26},~{x27},~{x28},~{fp},~{lr},~{sp},~{memory}" ( ) nounwind
%k.2 = add i32 %k , 1
%c3 = icmp slt i32 %k.2 , 100
2017-01-26 07:55:59 +08:00
br i1 %c3 , label %loop3 , label %end3 , !dbg !10 , !prof !12
2017-01-26 07:20:33 +08:00
ret void
!llvm.dbg.cu = ! { !0 }
!llvm.module.flags = ! { !3 , !4 }
!llvm.ident = ! { !5 }
!0 = distinct !DICompileUnit ( language: D W _ L A N G _ C 99 , file: !1 , producer: "clang version 3.9.0 " , isOptimized: true , runtimeVersion: 0 , emissionKind: N o D e b u g , enums: !2 )
!1 = !DIFile ( filename: "/tmp/kk.c" , directory: "/tmp" )
!2 = ! { }
!3 = ! { i32 2 , !"Debug Info Version" , i32 3 }
!4 = ! { i32 1 , !"PIC Level" , i32 2 }
!5 = ! { !"clang version 3.9.0 " }
!6 = distinct !DISubprogram ( name: "success" , scope: !1 , file: !1 , line: 1 , type: !7 , isLocal: false , isDefinition: true , scopeLine: 1 , flags: D I F l a g P r o t o t y p e d , isOptimized: true , unit: !0 , variables: !2 )
!7 = !DISubroutineType ( types: !2 )
!8 = !DILocation ( line: 1 , column: 20 , scope: !6 )
!9 = !DILocation ( line: 2 , column: 20 , scope: !6 )
!10 = !DILocation ( line: 3 , column: 20 , scope: !6 )
2017-01-26 07:55:59 +08:00
!11 = ! { !"function_entry_count" , i64 3 }
!12 = ! { !"branch_weights" , i32 99 , i32 1 }