2021-03-06 05:47:36 +08:00
// RUN: mlir-opt -test-ir-visitors -allow-unregistered-dialect -split-input-file %s | FileCheck %s
// Verify the different configurations of IR visitors.
// Constant, yield and other terminator ops are not matched for simplicity.
// Module and function op and their immediately nested blocks are not erased in
// callbacks with return so that the output includes more cases in pre-order.
func @structured_cfg() {
%c0 = constant 0 : index
%c1 = constant 1 : index
%c10 = constant 10 : index
scf.for %i = %c1 to %c10 step %c1 {
%cond = "use0"(%i) : (index) -> (i1)
scf.if %cond {
"use1"(%i) : (index) -> ()
} else {
"use2"(%i) : (index) -> ()
"use3"(%i) : (index) -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: Op pre-order visit
2021-07-29 04:32:47 +08:00
// CHECK: Visiting op 'builtin.module'
// CHECK: Visiting op 'builtin.func'
2021-03-06 05:47:36 +08:00
// CHECK: Visiting op 'scf.for'
// CHECK: Visiting op 'use0'
// CHECK: Visiting op 'scf.if'
// CHECK: Visiting op 'use1'
// CHECK: Visiting op 'use2'
// CHECK: Visiting op 'use3'
// CHECK: Visiting op 'std.return'
// CHECK-LABEL: Block pre-order visits
2021-07-29 04:32:47 +08:00
// CHECK: Visiting block ^bb0 from region 0 from operation 'builtin.module'
// CHECK: Visiting block ^bb0 from region 0 from operation 'builtin.func'
2021-03-06 05:47:36 +08:00
// CHECK: Visiting block ^bb0 from region 0 from operation 'scf.for'
// CHECK: Visiting block ^bb0 from region 0 from operation 'scf.if'
// CHECK: Visiting block ^bb0 from region 1 from operation 'scf.if'
// CHECK-LABEL: Region pre-order visits
2021-07-29 04:32:47 +08:00
// CHECK: Visiting region 0 from operation 'builtin.module'
// CHECK: Visiting region 0 from operation 'builtin.func'
2021-03-06 05:47:36 +08:00
// CHECK: Visiting region 0 from operation 'scf.for'
// CHECK: Visiting region 0 from operation 'scf.if'
// CHECK: Visiting region 1 from operation 'scf.if'
// CHECK-LABEL: Op post-order visits
// CHECK: Visiting op 'use0'
// CHECK: Visiting op 'use1'
// CHECK: Visiting op 'use2'
// CHECK: Visiting op 'scf.if'
// CHECK: Visiting op 'use3'
// CHECK: Visiting op 'scf.for'
// CHECK: Visiting op 'std.return'
2021-07-29 04:32:47 +08:00
// CHECK: Visiting op 'builtin.func'
// CHECK: Visiting op 'builtin.module'
2021-03-06 05:47:36 +08:00
// CHECK-LABEL: Block post-order visits
// CHECK: Visiting block ^bb0 from region 0 from operation 'scf.if'
// CHECK: Visiting block ^bb0 from region 1 from operation 'scf.if'
// CHECK: Visiting block ^bb0 from region 0 from operation 'scf.for'
2021-07-29 04:32:47 +08:00
// CHECK: Visiting block ^bb0 from region 0 from operation 'builtin.func'
// CHECK: Visiting block ^bb0 from region 0 from operation 'builtin.module'
2021-03-06 05:47:36 +08:00
// CHECK-LABEL: Region post-order visits
// CHECK: Visiting region 0 from operation 'scf.if'
// CHECK: Visiting region 1 from operation 'scf.if'
// CHECK: Visiting region 0 from operation 'scf.for'
2021-07-29 04:32:47 +08:00
// CHECK: Visiting region 0 from operation 'builtin.func'
// CHECK: Visiting region 0 from operation 'builtin.module'
2021-03-06 05:47:36 +08:00
// CHECK-LABEL: Op pre-order erasures
// CHECK: Erasing op 'scf.for'
// CHECK: Erasing op 'std.return'
// CHECK-LABEL: Block pre-order erasures
// CHECK: Erasing block ^bb0 from region 0 from operation 'scf.for'
// CHECK-LABEL: Op post-order erasures (skip)
// CHECK: Erasing op 'use0'
// CHECK: Erasing op 'use1'
// CHECK: Erasing op 'use2'
// CHECK: Erasing op 'scf.if'
// CHECK: Erasing op 'use3'
// CHECK: Erasing op 'scf.for'
// CHECK: Erasing op 'std.return'
// CHECK-LABEL: Block post-order erasures (skip)
// CHECK: Erasing block ^bb0 from region 0 from operation 'scf.if'
// CHECK: Erasing block ^bb0 from region 1 from operation 'scf.if'
// CHECK: Erasing block ^bb0 from region 0 from operation 'scf.for'
// CHECK-LABEL: Op post-order erasures (no skip)
// CHECK: Erasing op 'use0'
// CHECK: Erasing op 'use1'
// CHECK: Erasing op 'use2'
// CHECK: Erasing op 'scf.if'
// CHECK: Erasing op 'use3'
// CHECK: Erasing op 'scf.for'
// CHECK: Erasing op 'std.return'
2021-07-29 04:32:47 +08:00
// CHECK: Erasing op 'builtin.func'
// CHECK: Erasing op 'builtin.module'
2021-03-06 05:47:36 +08:00
// CHECK-LABEL: Block post-order erasures (no skip)
// CHECK: Erasing block ^bb0 from region 0 from operation 'scf.if'
// CHECK: Erasing block ^bb0 from region 1 from operation 'scf.if'
// CHECK: Erasing block ^bb0 from region 0 from operation 'scf.for'
2021-07-29 04:32:47 +08:00
// CHECK: Erasing block ^bb0 from region 0 from operation 'builtin.func'
// CHECK: Erasing block ^bb0 from region 0 from operation 'builtin.module'
2021-03-06 05:47:36 +08:00
// -----
func @unstructured_cfg() {
"regionOp0"() ({
"op0"() : () -> ()
br ^bb2
"op1"() : () -> ()
br ^bb2
"op2"() : () -> ()
}) : () -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: Op pre-order visits
2021-07-29 04:32:47 +08:00
// CHECK: Visiting op 'builtin.module'
// CHECK: Visiting op 'builtin.func'
2021-03-06 05:47:36 +08:00
// CHECK: Visiting op 'regionOp0'
// CHECK: Visiting op 'op0'
// CHECK: Visiting op 'std.br'
// CHECK: Visiting op 'op1'
// CHECK: Visiting op 'std.br'
// CHECK: Visiting op 'op2'
// CHECK: Visiting op 'std.return'
// CHECK-LABEL: Block pre-order visits
2021-07-29 04:32:47 +08:00
// CHECK: Visiting block ^bb0 from region 0 from operation 'builtin.module'
// CHECK: Visiting block ^bb0 from region 0 from operation 'builtin.func'
2021-03-06 05:47:36 +08:00
// CHECK: Visiting block ^bb0 from region 0 from operation 'regionOp0'
// CHECK: Visiting block ^bb1 from region 0 from operation 'regionOp0'
// CHECK: Visiting block ^bb2 from region 0 from operation 'regionOp0'
// CHECK-LABEL: Region pre-order visits
2021-07-29 04:32:47 +08:00
// CHECK: Visiting region 0 from operation 'builtin.module'
// CHECK: Visiting region 0 from operation 'builtin.func'
2021-03-06 05:47:36 +08:00
// CHECK: Visiting region 0 from operation 'regionOp0'
// CHECK-LABEL: Op post-order visits
// CHECK: Visiting op 'op0'
// CHECK: Visiting op 'std.br'
// CHECK: Visiting op 'op1'
// CHECK: Visiting op 'std.br'
// CHECK: Visiting op 'op2'
// CHECK: Visiting op 'regionOp0'
// CHECK: Visiting op 'std.return'
2021-07-29 04:32:47 +08:00
// CHECK: Visiting op 'builtin.func'
// CHECK: Visiting op 'builtin.module'
2021-03-06 05:47:36 +08:00
// CHECK-LABEL: Block post-order visits
// CHECK: Visiting block ^bb0 from region 0 from operation 'regionOp0'
// CHECK: Visiting block ^bb1 from region 0 from operation 'regionOp0'
// CHECK: Visiting block ^bb2 from region 0 from operation 'regionOp0'
2021-07-29 04:32:47 +08:00
// CHECK: Visiting block ^bb0 from region 0 from operation 'builtin.func'
// CHECK: Visiting block ^bb0 from region 0 from operation 'builtin.module'
2021-03-06 05:47:36 +08:00
// CHECK-LABEL: Region post-order visits
// CHECK: Visiting region 0 from operation 'regionOp0'
2021-07-29 04:32:47 +08:00
// CHECK: Visiting region 0 from operation 'builtin.func'
// CHECK: Visiting region 0 from operation 'builtin.module'
2021-03-06 05:47:36 +08:00
// CHECK-LABEL: Op pre-order erasures (skip)
// CHECK: Erasing op 'regionOp0'
// CHECK: Erasing op 'std.return'
// CHECK-LABEL: Block pre-order erasures (skip)
// CHECK: Erasing block ^bb0 from region 0 from operation 'regionOp0'
// CHECK: Erasing block ^bb0 from region 0 from operation 'regionOp0'
// CHECK: Erasing block ^bb0 from region 0 from operation 'regionOp0'
// CHECK-LABEL: Op post-order erasures (skip)
// CHECK: Erasing op 'op0'
// CHECK: Erasing op 'std.br'
// CHECK: Erasing op 'op1'
// CHECK: Erasing op 'std.br'
// CHECK: Erasing op 'op2'
// CHECK: Erasing op 'regionOp0'
// CHECK: Erasing op 'std.return'
// CHECK-LABEL: Block post-order erasures (skip)
// CHECK: Erasing block ^bb0 from region 0 from operation 'regionOp0'
// CHECK: Erasing block ^bb0 from region 0 from operation 'regionOp0'
// CHECK: Erasing block ^bb0 from region 0 from operation 'regionOp0'
// CHECK-LABEL: Op post-order erasures (no skip)
// CHECK: Erasing op 'op0'
// CHECK: Erasing op 'std.br'
// CHECK: Erasing op 'op1'
// CHECK: Erasing op 'std.br'
// CHECK: Erasing op 'op2'
// CHECK: Erasing op 'regionOp0'
// CHECK: Erasing op 'std.return'
// CHECK-LABEL: Block post-order erasures (no skip)
// CHECK: Erasing block ^bb0 from region 0 from operation 'regionOp0'
// CHECK: Erasing block ^bb0 from region 0 from operation 'regionOp0'
// CHECK: Erasing block ^bb0 from region 0 from operation 'regionOp0'
2021-07-29 04:32:47 +08:00
// CHECK: Erasing block ^bb0 from region 0 from operation 'builtin.func'
// CHECK: Erasing block ^bb0 from region 0 from operation 'builtin.module'