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// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -triple i686-pc-win32 -fsyntax-only -Wmicrosoft -Wc++11-extensions -Wno-long-long -verify -fms-extensions -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -DTEST1
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++98 %s -triple i686-pc-win32 -fsyntax-only -Wmicrosoft -Wc++11-extensions -Wno-long-long -verify -fms-extensions -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -DTEST1
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++11 %s -triple i686-pc-win32 -fsyntax-only -Wmicrosoft -Wc++11-extensions -Wno-long-long -verify -fms-extensions -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -DTEST1
// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -triple i686-pc-win32 -fsyntax-only -Wmicrosoft -Wc++11-extensions -Wno-long-long -verify -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -DTEST2
// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -triple i686-pc-win32 -fsyntax-only -std=c++11 -fms-compatibility -verify -DTEST3
#if TEST1
// Microsoft doesn't validate exception specification.
namespace microsoft_exception_spec {
void foo(); // expected-note {{previous declaration}}
void foo() throw(); // expected-warning {{exception specification in declaration does not match previous declaration}}
void r6() throw(...); // expected-note {{previous declaration}}
void r6() throw(int); // expected-warning {{exception specification in declaration does not match previous declaration}}
struct Base {
virtual void f2();
virtual void f3() throw(...);
struct Derived : Base {
virtual void f2() throw(...);
virtual void f3();
class A {
virtual ~A() throw();
#if __cplusplus <= 199711L
// expected-note@-2 {{overridden virtual function is here}}
class B : public A {
virtual ~B();
#if __cplusplus <= 199711L
// expected-warning@-2 {{exception specification of overriding function is more lax than base version}}
// MSVC allows type definition in anonymous union and struct
struct A
int a;
struct B // expected-warning {{types declared in an anonymous union are a Microsoft extension}}
int c;
} d;
union C // expected-warning {{types declared in an anonymous union are a Microsoft extension}}
int e;
int ee;
} f;
typedef int D; // expected-warning {{types declared in an anonymous union are a Microsoft extension}}
struct F; // expected-warning {{types declared in an anonymous union are a Microsoft extension}}
int a2;
struct B2 // expected-warning {{types declared in an anonymous struct are a Microsoft extension}}
int c2;
} d2;
union C2 // expected-warning {{types declared in an anonymous struct are a Microsoft extension}}
int e2;
int ee2;
} f2;
typedef int D2; // expected-warning {{types declared in an anonymous struct are a Microsoft extension}}
struct F2; // expected-warning {{types declared in an anonymous struct are a Microsoft extension}}
// __stdcall handling
struct M {
int __stdcall addP();
float __stdcall subtractP();
// __unaligned handling
typedef char __unaligned *aligned_type;
typedef struct UnalignedTag { int f; } __unaligned *aligned_type2;
typedef char __unaligned aligned_type3;
struct aligned_type4 {
int i;
__unaligned int aligned_type4::*p1_aligned_type4 = &aligned_type4::i;
int aligned_type4::* __unaligned p2_aligned_type4 = &aligned_type4::i;
__unaligned int aligned_type4::* __unaligned p3_aligned_type4 = &aligned_type4::i;
void (aligned_type4::*__unaligned p4_aligned_type4)();
// Check that __unaligned qualifier can be used for overloading
void foo_unaligned(int *arg) {}
void foo_unaligned(__unaligned int *arg) {}
void foo_unaligned(int arg) {} // expected-note {{previous definition is here}}
void foo_unaligned(__unaligned int arg) {} // expected-error {{redefinition of 'foo_unaligned'}}
class A_unaligned {};
class B_unaligned : public A_unaligned {};
int foo_unaligned(__unaligned A_unaligned *arg) { return 0; }
void *foo_unaligned(B_unaligned *arg) { return 0; }
void test_unaligned() {
int *p1 = 0;
__unaligned int *p2 = 0;
__unaligned B_unaligned *p3 = 0;
int p4 = foo_unaligned(p3);
B_unaligned *p5 = p3; // expected-error {{cannot initialize a variable of type 'B_unaligned *' with an lvalue of type '__unaligned B_unaligned *'}}
__unaligned B_unaligned *p6 = p3;
p1_aligned_type4 = p2_aligned_type4;
p2_aligned_type4 = p1_aligned_type4; // expected-error {{assigning to 'int aligned_type4::*' from incompatible type '__unaligned int aligned_type4::*'}}
p3_aligned_type4 = p1_aligned_type4;
__unaligned int a[10];
int *b = a; // expected-error {{cannot initialize a variable of type 'int *' with an lvalue of type '__unaligned int [10]'}}
// Test from PR27367
// We should accept assignment of an __unaligned pointer to a non-__unaligned
// pointer to void
typedef struct _ITEMIDLIST { int i; } ITEMIDLIST;
typedef ITEMIDLIST __unaligned *LPITEMIDLIST;
extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) void __stdcall CoTaskMemFree(void* pv);
__inline void FreeIDListArray(LPITEMIDLIST *ppidls) {
__unaligned int *x = 0;
void *y = x;
// Test from PR27666
// We should accept type conversion of __unaligned to non-__unaligned references
typedef struct in_addr {
in_addr(in_addr &a) {} // expected-note {{candidate constructor not viable: no known conversion from '__unaligned IN_ADDR *' (aka '__unaligned in_addr *') to 'in_addr &' for 1st argument; dereference the argument with *}}
in_addr(in_addr *a) {} // expected-note {{candidate constructor not viable: 1st argument ('__unaligned IN_ADDR *' (aka '__unaligned in_addr *')) would lose __unaligned qualifier}}
void f(IN_ADDR __unaligned *a) {
IN_ADDR local_addr = *a;
IN_ADDR local_addr2 = a; // expected-error {{no viable conversion from '__unaligned IN_ADDR *' (aka '__unaligned in_addr *') to 'IN_ADDR' (aka 'in_addr')}}
template<typename T> void h1(T (__stdcall M::* const )()) { }
void m1() {
namespace signed_hex_i64 {
void f(long long); // expected-note {{candidate function}}
void f(int); // expected-note {{candidate function}}
void g() {
// This used to be controlled by -fms-extensions, but it is now under
// -fms-compatibility.
f(0xffffffffffffffffLL); // expected-error {{call to 'f' is ambiguous}}
// Enumeration types with a fixed underlying type.
const int seventeen = 17;
typedef int Int;
struct X0 {
enum E1 : Int { SomeOtherValue } field;
#if __cplusplus <= 199711L
// expected-warning@-2 {{enumeration types with a fixed underlying type are a C++11 extension}}
enum E1 : seventeen;
#if __cplusplus <= 199711L
// expected-warning@+2 {{enumeration types with a fixed underlying type are a C++11 extension}}
enum : long long {
SomeValue = 0x100000000
class AAA {
__declspec(dllimport) void f(void) { }
void f2(void); // expected-note{{previous declaration is here}}
__declspec(dllimport) void AAA::f2(void) { // expected-error{{dllimport cannot be applied to non-inline function definition}}
// expected-error@-1{{redeclaration of 'AAA::f2' cannot add 'dllimport' attribute}}
template <class T>
class BB {
void f(int g = 10 ); // expected-note {{previous definition is here}}
template <class T>
void BB<T>::f(int g = 0) { } // expected-warning {{redefinition of default argument}}
extern void static_func();
void static_func(); // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}}
static void static_func() // expected-warning {{redeclaring non-static 'static_func' as static is a Microsoft extension}}
extern const int static_var; // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}}
static const int static_var = 3; // expected-warning {{redeclaring non-static 'static_var' as static is a Microsoft extension}}
void pointer_to_integral_type_conv(char* ptr) {
char ch = (char)ptr;
short sh = (short)ptr;
ch = (char)ptr;
sh = (short)ptr;
// These are valid C++.
bool b = (bool)ptr;
b = static_cast<bool>(ptr);
// This is bad.
b = reinterpret_cast<bool>(ptr); // expected-error {{cast from pointer to smaller type 'bool' loses information}}
struct PR11150 {
class X {
virtual void f() = 0;
int array[__is_abstract(X)? 1 : -1];
void f() { int __except = 0; }
void ::f(); // expected-warning{{extra qualification on member 'f'}}
class C {
C::C(); // expected-warning{{extra qualification on member 'C'}}
struct StructWithProperty {
__declspec(property(get=GetV)) int V1;
__declspec(property(put=SetV)) int V2;
__declspec(property(get=GetV, put=SetV_NotExist)) int V3;
__declspec(property(get=GetV_NotExist, put=SetV)) int V4;
__declspec(property(get=GetV, put=SetV)) int V5;
int GetV() { return 123; }
void SetV(int i) {}
void TestProperty() {
StructWithProperty sp;
int i = sp.V2; // expected-error{{no getter defined for property 'V2'}}
sp.V1 = 12; // expected-error{{no setter defined for property 'V1'}}
int j = sp.V4; // expected-error{{no member named 'GetV_NotExist' in 'StructWithProperty'}} expected-error{{cannot find suitable getter for property 'V4'}}
sp.V3 = 14; // expected-error{{no member named 'SetV_NotExist' in 'StructWithProperty'}} expected-error{{cannot find suitable setter for property 'V3'}}
int k = sp.V5;
sp.V5 = k++;
/* 4 tests for PseudoObject, begin */
struct SP1
bool operator()() { return true; }
struct SP2
__declspec(property(get=GetV)) SP1 V;
SP1 GetV() { return SP1(); }
void TestSP2() {
SP2 sp2;
bool b = sp2.V();
struct SP3 {
template <class T>
void f(T t) {}
template <class T>
struct SP4
__declspec(property(get=GetV)) int V;
int GetV() { return 123; }
void f() { SP3 s2; s2.f(V); }
void TestSP4() {
SP4<int> s;
template <class T>
struct SP5
__declspec(property(get=GetV)) T V;
int GetV() { return 123; }
void f() { int *p = new int[V]; }
template <class T>
struct SP6
__declspec(property(get=GetV)) T V;
T GetV() { return 123; }
void f() { int t = V; }
void TestSP6() {
SP6<int> c;
/* 4 tests for PseudoObject, end */
// Property access: explicit, implicit, with Qualifier
struct SP7 {
__declspec(property(get=GetV, put=SetV)) int V;
int GetV() { return 123; }
void SetV(int v) {}
void ImplicitAccess() { int i = V; V = i; }
void ExplicitAccess() { int i = this->V; this->V = i; }
struct SP8: public SP7 {
void AccessWithQualifier() { int i = SP7::V; SP7::V = i; }
// Property usage
template <class T>
struct SP9 {
__declspec(property(get=GetV, put=SetV)) T V;
T GetV() { return 0; }
void SetV(T v) {}
bool f() { V = this->V; return V < this->V; }
void g() { V++; }
void h() { V*=2; }
struct SP10 {
SP10(int v) {}
bool operator<(const SP10& v) { return true; }
SP10 operator*(int v) { return *this; }
SP10 operator+(int v) { return *this; }
SP10& operator=(const SP10& v) { return *this; }
void TestSP9() {
SP9<int> c;
int i = c.V; // Decl initializer
i = c.V; // Binary op operand
c.SetV(c.V); // CallExpr arg
int *p = new int[c.V + 1]; // Array size
p[c.V] = 1; // Array index
c.V = 123; // Setter
c.V++; // Unary op operand
c.V *= 2; // Unary op operand
SP9<int*> c2;
c2.V[0] = 123; // Array
SP9<SP10> c3;
c3.f(); // Overloaded binary op operand
c3.g(); // Overloaded incdec op operand
c3.h(); // Overloaded unary op operand
union u {
int *i1;
int &i2; // expected-warning {{union member 'i2' has reference type 'int &', which is a Microsoft extension}}
// Property getter using reference.
struct SP11 {
__declspec(property(get=GetV)) int V;
int _v;
int& GetV() { return _v; }
void UseV();
void TakePtr(int *) {}
void TakeRef(int &) {}
void TakeVal(int) {}
void SP11::UseV() {
struct StructWithUnnamedMember {
__declspec(property(get=GetV)) int : 10; // expected-error {{anonymous property is not supported}}
struct MSPropertyClass {
int get() { return 42; }
int __declspec(property(get = get)) n;
int *f(MSPropertyClass &x) {
return &x.n; // expected-error {{address of property expression requested}}
int MSPropertyClass::*g() {
return &MSPropertyClass::n; // expected-error {{address of property expression requested}}
namespace rdar14250378 {
class Bar {};
namespace NyNamespace {
class Foo {
Bar* EnsureBar();
class Baz : public Foo {
friend class Bar;
Bar* Foo::EnsureBar() {
return 0;
// expected-error@+1 {{'sealed' keyword not permitted with interface types}}
__interface InterfaceWithSealed sealed {
struct SomeBase {
virtual void OverrideMe();
// expected-note@+2 {{overridden virtual function is here}}
// expected-warning@+1 {{'sealed' keyword is a Microsoft extension}}
virtual void SealedFunction() sealed; // expected-note {{overridden virtual function is here}}
// expected-note@+2 {{'SealedType' declared here}}
// expected-warning@+1 {{'sealed' keyword is a Microsoft extension}}
struct SealedType sealed : SomeBase {
// expected-error@+2 {{declaration of 'SealedFunction' overrides a 'sealed' function}}
// FIXME. warning can be suppressed if we're also issuing error for overriding a 'final' function.
virtual void SealedFunction(); // expected-warning {{'SealedFunction' overrides a member function but is not marked 'override'}}
#if __cplusplus <= 199711L
// expected-warning@+2 {{'override' keyword is a C++11 extension}}
virtual void OverrideMe() override;
// expected-error@+1 {{base 'SealedType' is marked 'sealed'}}
struct InheritFromSealed : SealedType {};
void AfterClassBody() {
// expected-warning@+1 {{attribute 'deprecated' is ignored, place it after "struct" to apply attribute to type declaration}}
struct D {} __declspec(deprecated);
struct __declspec(align(4)) S {} __declspec(align(8)) s1;
S s2;
_Static_assert(__alignof(S) == 4, "");
_Static_assert(__alignof(s1) == 8, "");
_Static_assert(__alignof(s2) == 4, "");
namespace PR24246 {
template <typename TX> struct A {
template <bool> struct largest_type_select;
// expected-warning@+1 {{explicit specialization of 'largest_type_select' within class scope is a Microsoft extension}}
template <> struct largest_type_select<false> {
blah x; // expected-error {{unknown type name 'blah'}}
namespace PR25265 {
struct S {
int fn() throw(); // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}}
int S::fn() { return 0; } // expected-warning {{is missing exception specification}}
#elif TEST2
// Check that __unaligned is not recognized if MS extensions are not enabled
typedef char __unaligned *aligned_type; // expected-error {{expected ';' after top level declarator}}
#elif TEST3
namespace PR32750 {
template<typename T> struct A {};
template<typename T> struct B : A<A<T>> { A<T>::C::D d; }; // expected-error {{missing 'typename' prior to dependent type name 'A<T>::C::D'}}
#error Unknown test mode