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//===- lib/ReaderWriter/MachO/MachONormalizedFileToAtoms.cpp --------------===//
// The LLVM Linker
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file Converts from in-memory normalized mach-o to in-memory Atoms.
/// +------------+
/// | normalized |
/// +------------+
/// |
/// |
/// v
/// +-------+
/// | Atoms |
/// +-------+
#include "MachONormalizedFile.h"
#include "ArchHandler.h"
#include "Atoms.h"
#include "File.h"
#include "MachONormalizedFileBinaryUtils.h"
#include "lld/Core/Error.h"
#include "lld/Core/LLVM.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Format.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MachO.h"
#include "llvm/Support/LEB128.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
using namespace llvm::MachO;
using namespace lld::mach_o::normalized;
#define DEBUG_TYPE "normalized-file-to-atoms"
namespace lld {
namespace mach_o {
namespace { // anonymous
#define ENTRY(seg, sect, type, atomType) \
{seg, sect, type, DefinedAtom::atomType }
struct MachORelocatableSectionToAtomType {
StringRef segmentName;
StringRef sectionName;
SectionType sectionType;
DefinedAtom::ContentType atomType;
const MachORelocatableSectionToAtomType sectsToAtomType[] = {
ENTRY("__TEXT", "__text", S_REGULAR, typeCode),
ENTRY("__TEXT", "__text", S_REGULAR, typeResolver),
ENTRY("__TEXT", "__cstring", S_CSTRING_LITERALS, typeCString),
ENTRY("", "", S_CSTRING_LITERALS, typeCString),
ENTRY("__TEXT", "__ustring", S_REGULAR, typeUTF16String),
ENTRY("__TEXT", "__const", S_REGULAR, typeConstant),
ENTRY("__TEXT", "__const_coal", S_COALESCED, typeConstant),
ENTRY("__TEXT", "__eh_frame", S_COALESCED, typeCFI),
ENTRY("__TEXT", "__eh_frame", S_REGULAR, typeCFI),
ENTRY("__TEXT", "__literal4", S_4BYTE_LITERALS, typeLiteral4),
ENTRY("__TEXT", "__literal8", S_8BYTE_LITERALS, typeLiteral8),
ENTRY("__TEXT", "__literal16", S_16BYTE_LITERALS, typeLiteral16),
ENTRY("__TEXT", "__gcc_except_tab", S_REGULAR, typeLSDA),
ENTRY("__DATA", "__data", S_REGULAR, typeData),
ENTRY("__DATA", "__datacoal_nt", S_COALESCED, typeData),
ENTRY("__DATA", "__const", S_REGULAR, typeConstData),
ENTRY("__DATA", "__cfstring", S_REGULAR, typeCFString),
ENTRY("__DATA", "__mod_init_func", S_MOD_INIT_FUNC_POINTERS,
ENTRY("__DATA", "__mod_term_func", S_MOD_TERM_FUNC_POINTERS,
ENTRY("__DATA", "__bss", S_ZEROFILL, typeZeroFill),
ENTRY("__DATA", "__interposing", S_INTERPOSING, typeInterposingTuples),
ENTRY("__DATA", "__thread_data", S_THREAD_LOCAL_REGULAR, typeTLVInitialData),
ENTRY("", "", S_INTERPOSING, typeInterposingTuples),
ENTRY("__LD", "__compact_unwind", S_REGULAR,
ENTRY("", "", S_REGULAR, typeUnknown)
#undef ENTRY
/// Figures out ContentType of a mach-o section.
DefinedAtom::ContentType atomTypeFromSection(const Section &section,
bool &customSectionName) {
// First look for match of name and type. Empty names in table are wildcards.
customSectionName = false;
for (const MachORelocatableSectionToAtomType *p = sectsToAtomType ;
p->atomType != DefinedAtom::typeUnknown; ++p) {
if (p->sectionType != section.type)
if (!p->segmentName.equals(section.segmentName) && !p->segmentName.empty())
if (!p->sectionName.equals(section.sectionName) && !p->sectionName.empty())
customSectionName = p->segmentName.empty() && p->sectionName.empty();
return p->atomType;
// Look for code denoted by section attributes
if (section.attributes & S_ATTR_PURE_INSTRUCTIONS)
return DefinedAtom::typeCode;
return DefinedAtom::typeUnknown;
enum AtomizeModel {
/// Returns info on how to atomize a section of the specified ContentType.
void sectionParseInfo(DefinedAtom::ContentType atomType,
unsigned int &sizeMultiple,
DefinedAtom::Scope &scope,
DefinedAtom::Merge &merge,
AtomizeModel &atomizeModel) {
struct ParseInfo {
DefinedAtom::ContentType atomType;
unsigned int sizeMultiple;
DefinedAtom::Scope scope;
DefinedAtom::Merge merge;
AtomizeModel atomizeModel;
#define ENTRY(type, size, scope, merge, model) \
{DefinedAtom::type, size, DefinedAtom::scope, DefinedAtom::merge, model }
static const ParseInfo parseInfo[] = {
ENTRY(typeCode, 1, scopeGlobal, mergeNo,
ENTRY(typeData, 1, scopeGlobal, mergeNo,
ENTRY(typeConstData, 1, scopeGlobal, mergeNo,
ENTRY(typeZeroFill, 1, scopeGlobal, mergeNo,
ENTRY(typeConstant, 1, scopeGlobal, mergeNo,
ENTRY(typeCString, 1, scopeLinkageUnit, mergeByContent,
ENTRY(typeUTF16String, 1, scopeLinkageUnit, mergeByContent,
ENTRY(typeCFI, 4, scopeTranslationUnit, mergeNo,
ENTRY(typeLiteral4, 4, scopeLinkageUnit, mergeByContent,
ENTRY(typeLiteral8, 8, scopeLinkageUnit, mergeByContent,
ENTRY(typeLiteral16, 16, scopeLinkageUnit, mergeByContent,
ENTRY(typeCFString, 4, scopeLinkageUnit, mergeByContent,
ENTRY(typeInitializerPtr, 4, scopeTranslationUnit, mergeNo,
ENTRY(typeTerminatorPtr, 4, scopeTranslationUnit, mergeNo,
ENTRY(typeCompactUnwindInfo, 4, scopeTranslationUnit, mergeNo,
ENTRY(typeGOT, 4, scopeLinkageUnit, mergeByContent,
ENTRY(typeUnknown, 1, scopeGlobal, mergeNo,
#undef ENTRY
const int tableLen = sizeof(parseInfo) / sizeof(ParseInfo);
for (int i=0; i < tableLen; ++i) {
if (parseInfo[i].atomType == atomType) {
sizeMultiple = parseInfo[i].sizeMultiple;
scope = parseInfo[i].scope;
merge = parseInfo[i].merge;
atomizeModel = parseInfo[i].atomizeModel;
// Unknown type is atomized by symbols.
sizeMultiple = 1;
scope = DefinedAtom::scopeGlobal;
merge = DefinedAtom::mergeNo;
atomizeModel = atomizeAtSymbols;
Atom::Scope atomScope(uint8_t scope) {
switch (scope) {
case N_EXT:
return Atom::scopeGlobal;
case N_PEXT:
case N_PEXT | N_EXT:
return Atom::scopeLinkageUnit;
case 0:
return Atom::scopeTranslationUnit;
llvm_unreachable("unknown scope value!");
void appendSymbolsInSection(const std::vector<Symbol> &inSymbols,
uint32_t sectionIndex,
SmallVector<const Symbol *, 64> &outSyms) {
for (const Symbol &sym : inSymbols) {
// Only look at definition symbols.
if ((sym.type & N_TYPE) != N_SECT)
if (sym.sect != sectionIndex)
void atomFromSymbol(DefinedAtom::ContentType atomType, const Section &section,
MachOFile &file, uint64_t symbolAddr, StringRef symbolName,
uint16_t symbolDescFlags, Atom::Scope symbolScope,
uint64_t nextSymbolAddr, bool scatterable, bool copyRefs) {
// Mach-O symbol table does have size in it. Instead the size is the
// difference between this and the next symbol.
uint64_t size = nextSymbolAddr - symbolAddr;
uint64_t offset = symbolAddr - section.address;
bool noDeadStrip = (symbolDescFlags & N_NO_DEAD_STRIP) || !scatterable;
if (isZeroFillSection(section.type)) {
file.addZeroFillDefinedAtom(symbolName, symbolScope, offset, size,
noDeadStrip, copyRefs, &section);
} else {
DefinedAtom::Merge merge = (symbolDescFlags & N_WEAK_DEF)
? DefinedAtom::mergeAsWeak : DefinedAtom::mergeNo;
bool thumb = (symbolDescFlags & N_ARM_THUMB_DEF);
if (atomType == DefinedAtom::typeUnknown) {
// Mach-O needs a segment and section name. Concatentate those two
// with a / separator (e.g. "seg/sect") to fit into the lld model
// of just a section name.
std::string segSectName = section.segmentName.str()
+ "/" + section.sectionName.str();
file.addDefinedAtomInCustomSection(symbolName, symbolScope, atomType,
merge, thumb, noDeadStrip, offset,
size, segSectName, true, &section);
} else {
if ((atomType == lld::DefinedAtom::typeCode) &&
(symbolDescFlags & N_SYMBOL_RESOLVER)) {
atomType = lld::DefinedAtom::typeResolver;
file.addDefinedAtom(symbolName, symbolScope, atomType, merge,
offset, size, thumb, noDeadStrip, copyRefs, &section);
std::error_code processSymboledSection(DefinedAtom::ContentType atomType,
const Section &section,
const NormalizedFile &normalizedFile,
MachOFile &file, bool scatterable,
bool copyRefs) {
// Find section's index.
uint32_t sectIndex = 1;
for (auto &sect : normalizedFile.sections) {
if (&sect == &section)
// Find all symbols in this section.
SmallVector<const Symbol *, 64> symbols;
appendSymbolsInSection(normalizedFile.globalSymbols, sectIndex, symbols);
appendSymbolsInSection(normalizedFile.localSymbols, sectIndex, symbols);
// Sort symbols.
std::sort(symbols.begin(), symbols.end(),
[](const Symbol *lhs, const Symbol *rhs) -> bool {
if (lhs == rhs)
return false;
// First by address.
uint64_t lhsAddr = lhs->value;
uint64_t rhsAddr = rhs->value;
if (lhsAddr != rhsAddr)
return lhsAddr < rhsAddr;
// If same address, one is an alias so sort by scope.
Atom::Scope lScope = atomScope(lhs->scope);
Atom::Scope rScope = atomScope(rhs->scope);
if (lScope != rScope)
return lScope < rScope;
// If same address and scope, see if one might be better as
// the alias.
bool lPrivate = (lhs->name.front() == 'l');
bool rPrivate = (rhs->name.front() == 'l');
if (lPrivate != rPrivate)
return lPrivate;
// If same address and scope, sort by name.
return lhs->name < rhs->name;
// Debug logging of symbols.
//for (const Symbol *sym : symbols)
// llvm::errs() << " sym: "
// << llvm::format("0x%08llx ", (uint64_t)sym->value)
// << ", " << sym->name << "\n";
// If section has no symbols and no content, there are no atoms.
if (symbols.empty() && section.content.empty())
return std::error_code();
if (symbols.empty()) {
// Section has no symbols, put all content in one anoymous atom.
atomFromSymbol(atomType, section, file, section.address, StringRef(),
0, Atom::scopeTranslationUnit,
section.address + section.content.size(),
scatterable, copyRefs);
else if (symbols.front()->value != section.address) {
// Section has anonymous content before first symbol.
atomFromSymbol(atomType, section, file, section.address, StringRef(),
0, Atom::scopeTranslationUnit, symbols.front()->value,
scatterable, copyRefs);
const Symbol *lastSym = nullptr;
for (const Symbol *sym : symbols) {
if (lastSym != nullptr) {
// Ignore any assembler added "ltmpNNN" symbol at start of section
// if there is another symbol at the start.
if ((lastSym->value != sym->value)
|| lastSym->value != section.address
|| !lastSym->name.startswith("ltmp")) {
atomFromSymbol(atomType, section, file, lastSym->value, lastSym->name,
lastSym->desc, atomScope(lastSym->scope), sym->value,
scatterable, copyRefs);
lastSym = sym;
if (lastSym != nullptr) {
atomFromSymbol(atomType, section, file, lastSym->value, lastSym->name,
lastSym->desc, atomScope(lastSym->scope),
section.address + section.content.size(),
scatterable, copyRefs);
// If object built without .subsections_via_symbols, add reference chain.
if (!scatterable) {
MachODefinedAtom *prevAtom = nullptr;
[&](MachODefinedAtom *atom, uint64_t offset)->void {
if (prevAtom)
prevAtom->addReference(0, Reference::kindLayoutAfter, atom, 0,
prevAtom = atom;
return std::error_code();
std::error_code processSection(DefinedAtom::ContentType atomType,
const Section &section,
bool customSectionName,
const NormalizedFile &normalizedFile,
MachOFile &file, bool scatterable,
bool copyRefs) {
const bool is64 = MachOLinkingContext::is64Bit(normalizedFile.arch);
const bool isBig = MachOLinkingContext::isBigEndian(normalizedFile.arch);
// Get info on how to atomize section.
unsigned int sizeMultiple;
DefinedAtom::Scope scope;
DefinedAtom::Merge merge;
AtomizeModel atomizeModel;
sectionParseInfo(atomType, sizeMultiple, scope, merge, atomizeModel);
// Validate section size.
if ((section.content.size() % sizeMultiple) != 0)
return make_dynamic_error_code(Twine("Section ") + section.segmentName
+ "/" + section.sectionName
+ " has size ("
+ Twine(section.content.size())
+ ") which is not a multiple of "
+ Twine(sizeMultiple) );
if (atomizeModel == atomizeAtSymbols) {
// Break section up into atoms each with a fixed size.
return processSymboledSection(atomType, section, normalizedFile, file,
scatterable, copyRefs);
} else {
unsigned int size;
for (unsigned int offset = 0, e = section.content.size(); offset != e;) {
switch (atomizeModel) {
case atomizeFixedSize:
// Break section up into atoms each with a fixed size.
size = sizeMultiple;
case atomizePointerSize:
// Break section up into atoms each the size of a pointer.
size = is64 ? 8 : 4;
case atomizeUTF8:
// Break section up into zero terminated c-strings.
size = 0;
for (unsigned int i = offset; i < e; ++i) {
if (section.content[i] == 0) {
size = i + 1 - offset;
case atomizeUTF16:
// Break section up into zero terminated UTF16 strings.
size = 0;
for (unsigned int i = offset; i < e; i += 2) {
if ((section.content[i] == 0) && (section.content[i + 1] == 0)) {
size = i + 2 - offset;
case atomizeCFI:
// Break section up into dwarf unwind CFIs (FDE or CIE).
size = read32(&section.content[offset], isBig) + 4;
if (offset+size > section.content.size()) {
return make_dynamic_error_code(Twine(Twine("Section ")
+ section.segmentName
+ "/" + section.sectionName
+ " is malformed. Size of CFI "
"starting at offset ("
+ Twine(offset)
+ ") is past end of section."));
case atomizeCU:
// Break section up into compact unwind entries.
size = is64 ? 32 : 20;
case atomizeCFString:
// Break section up into NS/CFString objects.
size = is64 ? 32 : 16;
case atomizeAtSymbols:
if (size == 0) {
return make_dynamic_error_code(Twine("Section ") + section.segmentName
+ "/" + section.sectionName
+ " is malformed. The last atom is "
"not zero terminated.");
if (customSectionName) {
// Mach-O needs a segment and section name. Concatentate those two
// with a / separator (e.g. "seg/sect") to fit into the lld model
// of just a section name.
std::string segSectName = section.segmentName.str()
+ "/" + section.sectionName.str();
file.addDefinedAtomInCustomSection(StringRef(), scope, atomType,
merge, false, false, offset,
size, segSectName, true, &section);
} else {
file.addDefinedAtom(StringRef(), scope, atomType, merge, offset, size,
false, false, copyRefs, &section);
offset += size;
return std::error_code();
const Section* findSectionCoveringAddress(const NormalizedFile &normalizedFile,
uint64_t address) {
for (const Section &s : normalizedFile.sections) {
uint64_t sAddr = s.address;
if ((sAddr <= address) && (address < sAddr+s.content.size())) {
return &s;
return nullptr;
const MachODefinedAtom *
findAtomCoveringAddress(const NormalizedFile &normalizedFile, MachOFile &file,
uint64_t addr, Reference::Addend *addend) {
const Section *sect = nullptr;
sect = findSectionCoveringAddress(normalizedFile, addr);
if (!sect)
return nullptr;
uint32_t offsetInTarget;
uint64_t offsetInSect = addr - sect->address;
auto atom =
file.findAtomCoveringAddress(*sect, offsetInSect, &offsetInTarget);
*addend = offsetInTarget;
return atom;
// Walks all relocations for a section in a normalized .o file and
// creates corresponding lld::Reference objects.
std::error_code convertRelocs(const Section &section,
const NormalizedFile &normalizedFile,
bool scatterable,
MachOFile &file,
ArchHandler &handler) {
// Utility function for ArchHandler to find atom by its address.
auto atomByAddr = [&] (uint32_t sectIndex, uint64_t addr,
const lld::Atom **atom, Reference::Addend *addend)
-> std::error_code {
if (sectIndex > normalizedFile.sections.size())
return make_dynamic_error_code(Twine("out of range section "
"index (") + Twine(sectIndex) + ")");
const Section *sect = nullptr;
if (sectIndex == 0) {
sect = findSectionCoveringAddress(normalizedFile, addr);
if (!sect)
return make_dynamic_error_code(Twine("address (" + Twine(addr)
+ ") is not in any section"));
} else {
sect = &normalizedFile.sections[sectIndex-1];
uint32_t offsetInTarget;
uint64_t offsetInSect = addr - sect->address;
*atom = file.findAtomCoveringAddress(*sect, offsetInSect, &offsetInTarget);
*addend = offsetInTarget;
return std::error_code();
// Utility function for ArchHandler to find atom by its symbol index.
auto atomBySymbol = [&] (uint32_t symbolIndex, const lld::Atom **result)
-> std::error_code {
// Find symbol from index.
const Symbol *sym = nullptr;
uint32_t numLocal = normalizedFile.localSymbols.size();
uint32_t numGlobal = normalizedFile.globalSymbols.size();
uint32_t numUndef = normalizedFile.undefinedSymbols.size();
if (symbolIndex < numLocal) {
sym = &normalizedFile.localSymbols[symbolIndex];
} else if (symbolIndex < numLocal+numGlobal) {
sym = &normalizedFile.globalSymbols[symbolIndex-numLocal];
} else if (symbolIndex < numLocal+numGlobal+numUndef) {
sym = &normalizedFile.undefinedSymbols[symbolIndex-numLocal-numGlobal];
} else {
return make_dynamic_error_code(Twine("symbol index (")
+ Twine(symbolIndex) + ") out of range");
// Find atom from symbol.
if ((sym->type & N_TYPE) == N_SECT) {
if (sym->sect > normalizedFile.sections.size())
return make_dynamic_error_code(Twine("symbol section index (")
+ Twine(sym->sect) + ") out of range ");
const Section &symSection = normalizedFile.sections[sym->sect-1];
uint64_t targetOffsetInSect = sym->value - symSection.address;
MachODefinedAtom *target = file.findAtomCoveringAddress(symSection,
if (target) {
*result = target;
return std::error_code();
return make_dynamic_error_code("no atom found for defined symbol");
} else if ((sym->type & N_TYPE) == N_UNDF) {
const lld::Atom *target = file.findUndefAtom(sym->name);
if (target) {
*result = target;
return std::error_code();
return make_dynamic_error_code("no undefined atom found for sym");
} else {
// Search undefs
return make_dynamic_error_code("no atom found for symbol");
const bool isBig = MachOLinkingContext::isBigEndian(normalizedFile.arch);
// Use old-school iterator so that paired relocations can be grouped.
for (auto it=section.relocations.begin(), e=section.relocations.end();
it != e; ++it) {
const Relocation &reloc = *it;
// Find atom this relocation is in.
if (reloc.offset > section.content.size())
return make_dynamic_error_code(Twine("r_address (") + Twine(reloc.offset)
+ ") is larger than section size ("
+ Twine(section.content.size()) + ")");
uint32_t offsetInAtom;
MachODefinedAtom *inAtom = file.findAtomCoveringAddress(section,
assert(inAtom && "r_address in range, should have found atom");
uint64_t fixupAddress = section.address + reloc.offset;
const lld::Atom *target = nullptr;
Reference::Addend addend = 0;
Reference::KindValue kind;
std::error_code relocErr;
if (handler.isPairedReloc(reloc)) {
// Handle paired relocations together.
const Relocation &reloc2 = *++it;
relocErr = handler.getPairReferenceInfo(
reloc, reloc2, inAtom, offsetInAtom, fixupAddress, isBig, scatterable,
atomByAddr, atomBySymbol, &kind, &target, &addend);
if (relocErr) {
return make_dynamic_error_code(
Twine("bad relocation (") + relocErr.message()
+ ") in section "
+ section.segmentName + "/" + section.sectionName
+ " (r1_address=" + Twine::utohexstr(reloc.offset)
+ ", r1_type=" + Twine(reloc.type)
+ ", r1_extern=" + Twine(reloc.isExtern)
+ ", r1_length=" + Twine((int)reloc.length)
+ ", r1_pcrel=" + Twine(reloc.pcRel)
+ (!reloc.scattered ? (Twine(", r1_symbolnum=")
+ Twine(reloc.symbol))
: (Twine(", r1_scattered=1, r1_value=")
+ Twine(reloc.value)))
+ ")"
+ ", (r2_address=" + Twine::utohexstr(reloc2.offset)
+ ", r2_type=" + Twine(reloc2.type)
+ ", r2_extern=" + Twine(reloc2.isExtern)
+ ", r2_length=" + Twine((int)reloc2.length)
+ ", r2_pcrel=" + Twine(reloc2.pcRel)
+ (!reloc2.scattered ? (Twine(", r2_symbolnum=")
+ Twine(reloc2.symbol))
: (Twine(", r2_scattered=1, r2_value=")
+ Twine(reloc2.value)))
+ ")" );
else {
// Use ArchHandler to convert relocation record into information
// needed to instantiate an lld::Reference object.
relocErr = handler.getReferenceInfo(
reloc, inAtom, offsetInAtom, fixupAddress, isBig, atomByAddr,
atomBySymbol, &kind, &target, &addend);
if (relocErr) {
return make_dynamic_error_code(
Twine("bad relocation (") + relocErr.message()
+ ") in section "
+ section.segmentName + "/" + section.sectionName
+ " (r_address=" + Twine::utohexstr(reloc.offset)
+ ", r_type=" + Twine(reloc.type)
+ ", r_extern=" + Twine(reloc.isExtern)
+ ", r_length=" + Twine((int)reloc.length)
+ ", r_pcrel=" + Twine(reloc.pcRel)
+ (!reloc.scattered ? (Twine(", r_symbolnum=") + Twine(reloc.symbol))
: (Twine(", r_scattered=1, r_value=")
+ Twine(reloc.value)))
+ ")" );
// Instantiate an lld::Reference object and add to its atom.
inAtom->addReference(offsetInAtom, kind, target, addend,
return std::error_code();
bool isDebugInfoSection(const Section &section) {
if ((section.attributes & S_ATTR_DEBUG) == 0)
return false;
return section.segmentName.equals("__DWARF");
static int64_t readSPtr(bool is64, bool isBig, const uint8_t *addr) {
if (is64)
return read64(addr, isBig);
int32_t res = read32(addr, isBig);
return res;
/// --- Augmentation String Processing ---
struct CIEInfo {
bool _augmentationDataPresent = false;
bool _mayHaveLSDA = false;
typedef llvm::DenseMap<const MachODefinedAtom*, CIEInfo> CIEInfoMap;
static std::error_code processAugmentationString(const uint8_t *augStr,
CIEInfo &cieInfo,
unsigned *len = nullptr) {
if (augStr[0] == '\0') {
if (len)
*len = 1;
return std::error_code();
if (augStr[0] != 'z')
return make_dynamic_error_code("expected 'z' at start of augmentation "
cieInfo._augmentationDataPresent = true;
uint64_t idx = 1;
while (augStr[idx] != '\0') {
if (augStr[idx] == 'L') {
cieInfo._mayHaveLSDA = true;
} else
if (len)
*len = idx + 1;
return std::error_code();
static std::error_code processCIE(const NormalizedFile &normalizedFile,
MachODefinedAtom *atom,
CIEInfoMap &cieInfos) {
const bool isBig = MachOLinkingContext::isBigEndian(normalizedFile.arch);
const uint8_t *frameData = atom->rawContent().data();
CIEInfo cieInfo;
uint32_t size = read32(frameData, isBig);
uint64_t cieIDField = size == 0xffffffffU
? sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(uint64_t)
: sizeof(uint32_t);
uint64_t versionField = cieIDField + sizeof(uint32_t);
uint64_t augmentationStringField = versionField + sizeof(uint8_t);
if (auto err = processAugmentationString(frameData + augmentationStringField,
return err;
cieInfos[atom] = std::move(cieInfo);
return std::error_code();
static std::error_code processFDE(const NormalizedFile &normalizedFile,
MachOFile &file,
mach_o::ArchHandler &handler,
const Section *ehFrameSection,
MachODefinedAtom *atom,
uint64_t offset,
const CIEInfoMap &cieInfos) {
const bool isBig = MachOLinkingContext::isBigEndian(normalizedFile.arch);
const bool is64 = MachOLinkingContext::is64Bit(normalizedFile.arch);
// Compiler wasn't lazy and actually told us what it meant.
if (atom->begin() != atom->end())
return std::error_code();
const uint8_t *frameData = atom->rawContent().data();
uint32_t size = read32(frameData, isBig);
uint64_t cieFieldInFDE = size == 0xffffffffU
? sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(uint64_t)
: sizeof(uint32_t);
// Linker needs to fixup a reference from the FDE to its parent CIE (a
// 32-bit byte offset backwards in the __eh_frame section).
uint32_t cieDelta = read32(frameData + cieFieldInFDE, isBig);
uint64_t cieAddress = ehFrameSection->address + offset + cieFieldInFDE;
cieAddress -= cieDelta;
Reference::Addend addend;
const MachODefinedAtom *cie =
findAtomCoveringAddress(normalizedFile, file, cieAddress, &addend);
atom->addReference(cieFieldInFDE, handler.unwindRefToCIEKind(), cie,
addend, handler.kindArch());
assert(cie && cie->contentType() == DefinedAtom::typeCFI && !addend &&
"FDE's CIE field does not point at the start of a CIE.");
const CIEInfo &cieInfo = cieInfos.find(cie)->second;
// Linker needs to fixup reference from the FDE to the function it's
// describing. FIXME: there are actually different ways to do this, and the
// particular method used is specified in the CIE's augmentation fields
// (hopefully)
uint64_t rangeFieldInFDE = cieFieldInFDE + sizeof(uint32_t);
int64_t functionFromFDE = readSPtr(is64, isBig,
frameData + rangeFieldInFDE);
uint64_t rangeStart = ehFrameSection->address + offset + rangeFieldInFDE;
rangeStart += functionFromFDE;
const Atom *func =
findAtomCoveringAddress(normalizedFile, file, rangeStart, &addend);
atom->addReference(rangeFieldInFDE, handler.unwindRefToFunctionKind(),
func, addend, handler.kindArch());
// Handle the augmentation data if there is any.
if (cieInfo._augmentationDataPresent) {
// First process the augmentation data length field.
uint64_t augmentationDataLengthFieldInFDE =
rangeFieldInFDE + 2 * (is64 ? sizeof(uint64_t) : sizeof(uint32_t));
unsigned lengthFieldSize = 0;
uint64_t augmentationDataLength =
llvm::decodeULEB128(frameData + augmentationDataLengthFieldInFDE,
if (cieInfo._mayHaveLSDA && augmentationDataLength > 0) {
// Look at the augmentation data field.
uint64_t augmentationDataFieldInFDE =
augmentationDataLengthFieldInFDE + lengthFieldSize;
int64_t lsdaFromFDE = readSPtr(is64, isBig,
frameData + augmentationDataFieldInFDE);
uint64_t lsdaStart =
ehFrameSection->address + offset + augmentationDataFieldInFDE +
const Atom *lsda =
findAtomCoveringAddress(normalizedFile, file, lsdaStart, &addend);
lsda, addend, handler.kindArch());
return std::error_code();
std::error_code addEHFrameReferences(const NormalizedFile &normalizedFile,
MachOFile &file,
mach_o::ArchHandler &handler) {
const Section *ehFrameSection = nullptr;
for (auto &section : normalizedFile.sections)
if (section.segmentName == "__TEXT" &&
section.sectionName == "__eh_frame") {
ehFrameSection = &section;
// No __eh_frame so nothing to do.
if (!ehFrameSection)
return std::error_code();
std::error_code ehFrameErr;
CIEInfoMap cieInfos;
[&](MachODefinedAtom *atom, uint64_t offset) -> void {
assert(atom->contentType() == DefinedAtom::typeCFI);
// Bail out if we've encountered an error.
if (ehFrameErr)
const bool isBig = MachOLinkingContext::isBigEndian(normalizedFile.arch);
if (ArchHandler::isDwarfCIE(isBig, atom))
ehFrameErr = processCIE(normalizedFile, atom, cieInfos);
ehFrameErr = processFDE(normalizedFile, file, handler, ehFrameSection,
atom, offset, cieInfos);
return ehFrameErr;
std::error_code parseObjCImageInfo(const NormalizedFile &normalizedFile,
MachOFile &file) {
const Section *imageInfoSection = nullptr;
for (auto &section : normalizedFile.sections) {
if (section.segmentName == "__OBJC" &&
section.sectionName == "__image_info") {
imageInfoSection = &section;
if (section.segmentName == "__DATA" &&
section.sectionName == "__objc_imageinfo") {
imageInfoSection = &section;
// No image info section so nothing to do.
if (!imageInfoSection)
return std::error_code();
// struct objc_image_info {
// uint32_t version; // initially 0
// uint32_t flags;
// };
// #define OBJC_IMAGE_GC_ONLY 4
ArrayRef<uint8_t> content = imageInfoSection->content;
if (content.size() != 8)
return make_dynamic_error_code(imageInfoSection->segmentName + "/" +
imageInfoSection->sectionName +
" in file " + file.path() +
" should be 8 bytes in size");
return std::error_code();
/// Converts normalized mach-o file into an lld::File and lld::Atoms.
Separate file parsing from File's constructors. This is a second patch for InputGraph cleanup. Sorry about the size of the patch, but what I did in this patch is basically moving code from constructor to a new method, parse(), so the amount of new code is small. This has no change in functionality. We've discussed the issue that we have too many classes to represent a concept of "file". We have File subclasses that represent files read from disk. In addition to that, we have bunch of InputElement subclasses (that are part of InputGraph) that represent command line arguments for input file names. InputElement is a wrapper for File. InputElement has parseFile method. The method instantiates a File. The File's constructor reads a file from disk and parses that. Because parseFile method is called from multiple worker threads, file parsing is processed in parallel. In other words, one reason why we needed the wrapper classes is because a File would start reading a file as soon as it is instantiated. So, the reason why we have too many classes here is at least partly because of the design flaw of File class. Just like threads in a good threading library, we need to separate instantiation from "start" method, so that we can instantiate File objects when we need them (which should be very fast because it involves only one mmap() and no real file IO) and use them directly instead of the wrapper classes. Later, we call parse() on each file in parallel to let them do actual file IO. In this design, we can eliminate a reason to have the wrapper classes. In order to minimize the size of the patch, I didn't go so far as to replace the wrapper classes with File classes. The wrapper classes are still there. In this patch, we call parse() immediately after instantiating a File, so this really has no change in functionality. Eventually the call of parse() should be moved to Driver::link(). That'll be done in another patch. llvm-svn: 224102
2014-12-12 15:31:09 +08:00
objectToAtoms(const NormalizedFile &normalizedFile, StringRef path,
bool copyRefs) {
std::unique_ptr<MachOFile> file(new MachOFile(path));
Separate file parsing from File's constructors. This is a second patch for InputGraph cleanup. Sorry about the size of the patch, but what I did in this patch is basically moving code from constructor to a new method, parse(), so the amount of new code is small. This has no change in functionality. We've discussed the issue that we have too many classes to represent a concept of "file". We have File subclasses that represent files read from disk. In addition to that, we have bunch of InputElement subclasses (that are part of InputGraph) that represent command line arguments for input file names. InputElement is a wrapper for File. InputElement has parseFile method. The method instantiates a File. The File's constructor reads a file from disk and parses that. Because parseFile method is called from multiple worker threads, file parsing is processed in parallel. In other words, one reason why we needed the wrapper classes is because a File would start reading a file as soon as it is instantiated. So, the reason why we have too many classes here is at least partly because of the design flaw of File class. Just like threads in a good threading library, we need to separate instantiation from "start" method, so that we can instantiate File objects when we need them (which should be very fast because it involves only one mmap() and no real file IO) and use them directly instead of the wrapper classes. Later, we call parse() on each file in parallel to let them do actual file IO. In this design, we can eliminate a reason to have the wrapper classes. In order to minimize the size of the patch, I didn't go so far as to replace the wrapper classes with File classes. The wrapper classes are still there. In this patch, we call parse() immediately after instantiating a File, so this really has no change in functionality. Eventually the call of parse() should be moved to Driver::link(). That'll be done in another patch. llvm-svn: 224102
2014-12-12 15:31:09 +08:00
if (std::error_code ec = normalizedObjectToAtoms(
file.get(), normalizedFile, copyRefs))
return ec;
return std::unique_ptr<File>(std::move(file));
dylibToAtoms(const NormalizedFile &normalizedFile, StringRef path,
bool copyRefs) {
// Instantiate SharedLibraryFile object.
std::unique_ptr<MachODylibFile> file(new MachODylibFile(path));
normalizedDylibToAtoms(file.get(), normalizedFile, copyRefs);
return std::unique_ptr<File>(std::move(file));
} // anonymous namespace
namespace normalized {
normalizedObjectToAtoms(MachOFile *file,
const NormalizedFile &normalizedFile,
bool copyRefs) {
DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "******** Normalizing file to atoms: "
<< file->path() << "\n");
bool scatterable = ((normalizedFile.flags & MH_SUBSECTIONS_VIA_SYMBOLS) != 0);
// Create atoms from each section.
for (auto &sect : normalizedFile.sections) {
DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Creating atoms: "; sect.dump());
if (isDebugInfoSection(sect))
bool customSectionName;
DefinedAtom::ContentType atomType = atomTypeFromSection(sect,
if (std::error_code ec =
processSection(atomType, sect, customSectionName, normalizedFile,
*file, scatterable, copyRefs))
return ec;
// Create atoms from undefined symbols.
for (auto &sym : normalizedFile.undefinedSymbols) {
// Undefinded symbols with n_value != 0 are actually tentative definitions.
if (sym.value == Hex64(0)) {
file->addUndefinedAtom(sym.name, copyRefs);
} else {
file->addTentativeDefAtom(sym.name, atomScope(sym.scope), sym.value,
DefinedAtom::Alignment(1 << (sym.desc >> 8)),
// Convert mach-o relocations to References
std::unique_ptr<mach_o::ArchHandler> handler
= ArchHandler::create(normalizedFile.arch);
for (auto &sect : normalizedFile.sections) {
if (isDebugInfoSection(sect))
if (std::error_code ec = convertRelocs(sect, normalizedFile, scatterable,
*file, *handler))
return ec;
// Add additional arch-specific References
file->eachDefinedAtom([&](MachODefinedAtom* atom) -> void {
// Each __eh_frame section needs references to both __text (the function we're
// providing unwind info for) and itself (FDE -> CIE). These aren't
// represented in the relocations on some architectures, so we have to add
// them back in manually there.
if (std::error_code ec = addEHFrameReferences(normalizedFile, *file, *handler))
return ec;
// If the file contains an objc_image_info struct, then we should parse the
// ObjC flags and Swift version.
if (std::error_code ec = parseObjCImageInfo(normalizedFile, *file))
return ec;
// Process mach-o data-in-code regions array. That information is encoded in
// atoms as References at each transition point.
unsigned nextIndex = 0;
for (const DataInCode &entry : normalizedFile.dataInCode) {
const Section* s = findSectionCoveringAddress(normalizedFile, entry.offset);
if (!s) {
return make_dynamic_error_code(Twine("LC_DATA_IN_CODE address ("
+ Twine(entry.offset)
+ ") is not in any section"));
uint64_t offsetInSect = entry.offset - s->address;
uint32_t offsetInAtom;
MachODefinedAtom *atom = file->findAtomCoveringAddress(*s, offsetInSect,
if (offsetInAtom + entry.length > atom->size()) {
return make_dynamic_error_code(Twine("LC_DATA_IN_CODE entry (offset="
+ Twine(entry.offset)
+ ", length="
+ Twine(entry.length)
+ ") crosses atom boundary."));
// Add reference that marks start of data-in-code.
handler->dataInCodeTransitionStart(*atom), atom,
entry.kind, handler->kindArch());
// Peek at next entry, if it starts where this one ends, skip ending ref.
if (nextIndex < normalizedFile.dataInCode.size()) {
const DataInCode &nextEntry = normalizedFile.dataInCode[nextIndex];
if (nextEntry.offset == (entry.offset + entry.length))
// If data goes to end of function, skip ending ref.
if ((offsetInAtom + entry.length) == atom->size())
// Add reference that marks end of data-in-code.
handler->dataInCodeTransitionEnd(*atom), atom, 0,
// Cache some attributes on the file for use later.
// Sort references in each atom to their canonical order.
for (const DefinedAtom* defAtom : file->defined()) {
reinterpret_cast<const SimpleDefinedAtom*>(defAtom)->sortReferences();
Separate file parsing from File's constructors. This is a second patch for InputGraph cleanup. Sorry about the size of the patch, but what I did in this patch is basically moving code from constructor to a new method, parse(), so the amount of new code is small. This has no change in functionality. We've discussed the issue that we have too many classes to represent a concept of "file". We have File subclasses that represent files read from disk. In addition to that, we have bunch of InputElement subclasses (that are part of InputGraph) that represent command line arguments for input file names. InputElement is a wrapper for File. InputElement has parseFile method. The method instantiates a File. The File's constructor reads a file from disk and parses that. Because parseFile method is called from multiple worker threads, file parsing is processed in parallel. In other words, one reason why we needed the wrapper classes is because a File would start reading a file as soon as it is instantiated. So, the reason why we have too many classes here is at least partly because of the design flaw of File class. Just like threads in a good threading library, we need to separate instantiation from "start" method, so that we can instantiate File objects when we need them (which should be very fast because it involves only one mmap() and no real file IO) and use them directly instead of the wrapper classes. Later, we call parse() on each file in parallel to let them do actual file IO. In this design, we can eliminate a reason to have the wrapper classes. In order to minimize the size of the patch, I didn't go so far as to replace the wrapper classes with File classes. The wrapper classes are still there. In this patch, we call parse() immediately after instantiating a File, so this really has no change in functionality. Eventually the call of parse() should be moved to Driver::link(). That'll be done in another patch. llvm-svn: 224102
2014-12-12 15:31:09 +08:00
return std::error_code();
Separate file parsing from File's constructors. This is a second patch for InputGraph cleanup. Sorry about the size of the patch, but what I did in this patch is basically moving code from constructor to a new method, parse(), so the amount of new code is small. This has no change in functionality. We've discussed the issue that we have too many classes to represent a concept of "file". We have File subclasses that represent files read from disk. In addition to that, we have bunch of InputElement subclasses (that are part of InputGraph) that represent command line arguments for input file names. InputElement is a wrapper for File. InputElement has parseFile method. The method instantiates a File. The File's constructor reads a file from disk and parses that. Because parseFile method is called from multiple worker threads, file parsing is processed in parallel. In other words, one reason why we needed the wrapper classes is because a File would start reading a file as soon as it is instantiated. So, the reason why we have too many classes here is at least partly because of the design flaw of File class. Just like threads in a good threading library, we need to separate instantiation from "start" method, so that we can instantiate File objects when we need them (which should be very fast because it involves only one mmap() and no real file IO) and use them directly instead of the wrapper classes. Later, we call parse() on each file in parallel to let them do actual file IO. In this design, we can eliminate a reason to have the wrapper classes. In order to minimize the size of the patch, I didn't go so far as to replace the wrapper classes with File classes. The wrapper classes are still there. In this patch, we call parse() immediately after instantiating a File, so this really has no change in functionality. Eventually the call of parse() should be moved to Driver::link(). That'll be done in another patch. llvm-svn: 224102
2014-12-12 15:31:09 +08:00
normalizedDylibToAtoms(MachODylibFile *file,
const NormalizedFile &normalizedFile,
bool copyRefs) {
Separate file parsing from File's constructors. This is a second patch for InputGraph cleanup. Sorry about the size of the patch, but what I did in this patch is basically moving code from constructor to a new method, parse(), so the amount of new code is small. This has no change in functionality. We've discussed the issue that we have too many classes to represent a concept of "file". We have File subclasses that represent files read from disk. In addition to that, we have bunch of InputElement subclasses (that are part of InputGraph) that represent command line arguments for input file names. InputElement is a wrapper for File. InputElement has parseFile method. The method instantiates a File. The File's constructor reads a file from disk and parses that. Because parseFile method is called from multiple worker threads, file parsing is processed in parallel. In other words, one reason why we needed the wrapper classes is because a File would start reading a file as soon as it is instantiated. So, the reason why we have too many classes here is at least partly because of the design flaw of File class. Just like threads in a good threading library, we need to separate instantiation from "start" method, so that we can instantiate File objects when we need them (which should be very fast because it involves only one mmap() and no real file IO) and use them directly instead of the wrapper classes. Later, we call parse() on each file in parallel to let them do actual file IO. In this design, we can eliminate a reason to have the wrapper classes. In order to minimize the size of the patch, I didn't go so far as to replace the wrapper classes with File classes. The wrapper classes are still there. In this patch, we call parse() immediately after instantiating a File, so this really has no change in functionality. Eventually the call of parse() should be moved to Driver::link(). That'll be done in another patch. llvm-svn: 224102
2014-12-12 15:31:09 +08:00
// Tell MachODylibFile object about all symbols it exports.
if (!normalizedFile.exportInfo.empty()) {
// If exports trie exists, use it instead of traditional symbol table.
for (const Export &exp : normalizedFile.exportInfo) {
bool weakDef = (exp.flags & EXPORT_SYMBOL_FLAGS_WEAK_DEFINITION);
// StringRefs from export iterator are ephemeral, so force copy.
file->addExportedSymbol(exp.name, weakDef, true);
} else {
for (auto &sym : normalizedFile.globalSymbols) {
assert((sym.scope & N_EXT) && "only expect external symbols here");
bool weakDef = (sym.desc & N_WEAK_DEF);
file->addExportedSymbol(sym.name, weakDef, copyRefs);
// Tell MachODylibFile object about all dylibs it re-exports.
for (const DependentDylib &dep : normalizedFile.dependentDylibs) {
if (dep.kind == llvm::MachO::LC_REEXPORT_DYLIB)
Separate file parsing from File's constructors. This is a second patch for InputGraph cleanup. Sorry about the size of the patch, but what I did in this patch is basically moving code from constructor to a new method, parse(), so the amount of new code is small. This has no change in functionality. We've discussed the issue that we have too many classes to represent a concept of "file". We have File subclasses that represent files read from disk. In addition to that, we have bunch of InputElement subclasses (that are part of InputGraph) that represent command line arguments for input file names. InputElement is a wrapper for File. InputElement has parseFile method. The method instantiates a File. The File's constructor reads a file from disk and parses that. Because parseFile method is called from multiple worker threads, file parsing is processed in parallel. In other words, one reason why we needed the wrapper classes is because a File would start reading a file as soon as it is instantiated. So, the reason why we have too many classes here is at least partly because of the design flaw of File class. Just like threads in a good threading library, we need to separate instantiation from "start" method, so that we can instantiate File objects when we need them (which should be very fast because it involves only one mmap() and no real file IO) and use them directly instead of the wrapper classes. Later, we call parse() on each file in parallel to let them do actual file IO. In this design, we can eliminate a reason to have the wrapper classes. In order to minimize the size of the patch, I didn't go so far as to replace the wrapper classes with File classes. The wrapper classes are still there. In this patch, we call parse() immediately after instantiating a File, so this really has no change in functionality. Eventually the call of parse() should be moved to Driver::link(). That'll be done in another patch. llvm-svn: 224102
2014-12-12 15:31:09 +08:00
return std::error_code();
void relocatableSectionInfoForContentType(DefinedAtom::ContentType atomType,
StringRef &segmentName,
StringRef &sectionName,
SectionType &sectionType,
SectionAttr &sectionAttrs,
bool &relocsToDefinedCanBeImplicit) {
for (const MachORelocatableSectionToAtomType *p = sectsToAtomType ;
p->atomType != DefinedAtom::typeUnknown; ++p) {
if (p->atomType != atomType)
// Wild carded entries are ignored for reverse lookups.
if (p->segmentName.empty() || p->sectionName.empty())
segmentName = p->segmentName;
sectionName = p->sectionName;
sectionType = p->sectionType;
sectionAttrs = 0;
relocsToDefinedCanBeImplicit = false;
if (atomType == DefinedAtom::typeCode)
if (atomType == DefinedAtom::typeCFI)
relocsToDefinedCanBeImplicit = true;
llvm_unreachable("content type not yet supported");
normalizedToAtoms(const NormalizedFile &normalizedFile, StringRef path,
bool copyRefs) {
switch (normalizedFile.fileType) {
case MH_DYLIB:
Separate file parsing from File's constructors. This is a second patch for InputGraph cleanup. Sorry about the size of the patch, but what I did in this patch is basically moving code from constructor to a new method, parse(), so the amount of new code is small. This has no change in functionality. We've discussed the issue that we have too many classes to represent a concept of "file". We have File subclasses that represent files read from disk. In addition to that, we have bunch of InputElement subclasses (that are part of InputGraph) that represent command line arguments for input file names. InputElement is a wrapper for File. InputElement has parseFile method. The method instantiates a File. The File's constructor reads a file from disk and parses that. Because parseFile method is called from multiple worker threads, file parsing is processed in parallel. In other words, one reason why we needed the wrapper classes is because a File would start reading a file as soon as it is instantiated. So, the reason why we have too many classes here is at least partly because of the design flaw of File class. Just like threads in a good threading library, we need to separate instantiation from "start" method, so that we can instantiate File objects when we need them (which should be very fast because it involves only one mmap() and no real file IO) and use them directly instead of the wrapper classes. Later, we call parse() on each file in parallel to let them do actual file IO. In this design, we can eliminate a reason to have the wrapper classes. In order to minimize the size of the patch, I didn't go so far as to replace the wrapper classes with File classes. The wrapper classes are still there. In this patch, we call parse() immediately after instantiating a File, so this really has no change in functionality. Eventually the call of parse() should be moved to Driver::link(). That'll be done in another patch. llvm-svn: 224102
2014-12-12 15:31:09 +08:00
return dylibToAtoms(normalizedFile, path, copyRefs);
Separate file parsing from File's constructors. This is a second patch for InputGraph cleanup. Sorry about the size of the patch, but what I did in this patch is basically moving code from constructor to a new method, parse(), so the amount of new code is small. This has no change in functionality. We've discussed the issue that we have too many classes to represent a concept of "file". We have File subclasses that represent files read from disk. In addition to that, we have bunch of InputElement subclasses (that are part of InputGraph) that represent command line arguments for input file names. InputElement is a wrapper for File. InputElement has parseFile method. The method instantiates a File. The File's constructor reads a file from disk and parses that. Because parseFile method is called from multiple worker threads, file parsing is processed in parallel. In other words, one reason why we needed the wrapper classes is because a File would start reading a file as soon as it is instantiated. So, the reason why we have too many classes here is at least partly because of the design flaw of File class. Just like threads in a good threading library, we need to separate instantiation from "start" method, so that we can instantiate File objects when we need them (which should be very fast because it involves only one mmap() and no real file IO) and use them directly instead of the wrapper classes. Later, we call parse() on each file in parallel to let them do actual file IO. In this design, we can eliminate a reason to have the wrapper classes. In order to minimize the size of the patch, I didn't go so far as to replace the wrapper classes with File classes. The wrapper classes are still there. In this patch, we call parse() immediately after instantiating a File, so this really has no change in functionality. Eventually the call of parse() should be moved to Driver::link(). That'll be done in another patch. llvm-svn: 224102
2014-12-12 15:31:09 +08:00
return objectToAtoms(normalizedFile, path, copyRefs);
llvm_unreachable("unhandled MachO file type!");
#ifndef NDEBUG
void Section::dump(llvm::raw_ostream &OS) const {
OS << "Section (\"" << segmentName << ", " << sectionName << "\"";
OS << ", addr: " << llvm::format_hex(address, 16, true);
OS << ", size: " << llvm::format_hex(content.size(), 8, true) << ")\n";
} // namespace normalized
} // namespace mach_o
} // namespace lld