2021-03-19 10:32:06 +08:00
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++2b -verify=expected,cxx20_2b,cxx2b -triple %itanium_abi_triple %s -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -pedantic-errors
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++20 -verify=expected,cxx98_20,cxx20_2b -triple %itanium_abi_triple %s -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -pedantic-errors
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++17 -verify=expected,cxx98_17,cxx98_20 -triple %itanium_abi_triple %s -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -pedantic-errors
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++14 -verify=expected,cxx98_17,cxx98_20 -triple %itanium_abi_triple %s -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -pedantic-errors
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++11 -verify=expected,cxx98_17,cxx98_20 -triple %itanium_abi_triple %s -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -pedantic-errors
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++98 -verify=expected,cxx98_17,cxx98_20 -triple %itanium_abi_triple %s -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -pedantic-errors
2013-11-25 16:07:41 +08:00
namespace dr300 { // dr300: yes
template < typename R , typename A > void f ( R ( & ) ( A ) ) { }
int g ( int ) ;
void h ( ) { f ( g ) ; }
2014-02-03 09:23:27 +08:00
namespace dr301 { // dr301: yes
2013-12-04 08:28:23 +08:00
// see also dr38
struct S ;
template < typename T > void operator + ( T , T ) ;
void operator - ( S , S ) ;
void f ( ) {
2021-06-22 09:48:51 +08:00
bool a = ( void ( * ) ( S , S ) ) operator + < S > < // expected-warning {{ordered comparison of function pointers}}
2013-12-04 08:28:23 +08:00
( void ( * ) ( S , S ) ) operator + < S > ;
2021-06-22 09:48:51 +08:00
bool b = ( void ( * ) ( S , S ) ) operator - < // cxx20_2b-note {{to match this '<'}} cxx98_17-warning {{ordered comparison of function pointers}}
2021-03-24 04:20:07 +08:00
( void ( * ) ( S , S ) ) operator - ; // cxx20_2b-error {{expected '>'}}
2020-03-28 09:50:02 +08:00
bool c = ( void ( * ) ( S , S ) ) operator + < // expected-note {{to match this '<'}}
2013-12-04 08:28:23 +08:00
( void ( * ) ( S , S ) ) operator - ; // expected-error {{expected '>'}}
template < typename T > void f ( ) {
typename T : : template operator + < int > a ; // expected-error {{typename specifier refers to a non-type template}} expected-error +{{}}
// FIXME: This shouldn't say (null).
class T : : template operator + < int > b ; // expected-error {{identifier followed by '<' indicates a class template specialization but (null) refers to a function template}}
2022-08-28 06:18:36 +08:00
enum T : : template operator + < int > c ; // expected-error {{expected identifier}}
2013-12-04 08:28:23 +08:00
enum T : : template operator + < int > : : E d ; // expected-error {{qualified name refers into a specialization of function template 'T::template operator +'}} expected-error {{forward reference}}
enum T : : template X < int > : : E e ;
T : : template operator + < int > : : foobar ( ) ; // expected-error {{qualified name refers into a specialization of function template 'T::template operator +'}}
T : : template operator + < int > ( 0 ) ; // ok
2014-02-03 09:23:27 +08:00
template < typename T > class operator & < T * > { } ; // expected-error +{{}}
template < typename T > class T : : operator & { } ; // expected-error +{{}}
template < typename T > class S : : operator & < T * > { } ; // expected-error +{{}}
namespace dr302 { // dr302: yes
struct A { A ( ) ; ~ A ( ) ; } ;
# if __cplusplus < 201103L
struct B { // expected-error {{implicit default constructor for 'dr302::B' must explicitly initialize the const member 'n'}}
const int n ; // expected-note {{declared here}}
A a ;
} b = B ( ) ; // expected-note {{first required here}}
// Trivial default constructor C::C() is not called here.
struct C {
const int n ;
} c = C ( ) ;
# else
struct B {
const int n ; // expected-note {{deleted because field 'n' of const-qualified type 'const int' would not be initialized}}
A a ;
} b = B ( ) ; // expected-error {{call to implicitly-deleted default constructor}}
// C::C() is called here, because even though it's trivial, it's deleted.
struct C {
const int n ; // expected-note {{deleted because field 'n' of const-qualified type 'const int' would not be initialized}}
} c = C ( ) ; // expected-error {{call to implicitly-deleted default constructor}}
struct D {
const int n = 0 ;
} d = D ( ) ;
# endif
// dr303: na
namespace dr304 { // dr304: yes
typedef int & a ;
int n = a ( ) ; // expected-error {{requires an initializer}}
struct S { int & b ; } ;
int m = S ( ) . b ;
# if __cplusplus < 201103L
// expected-error@-3 {{requires an initializer}}
// expected-note@-3 {{in value-initialization}}
# else
// expected-error@-5 {{deleted}}
// expected-note@-7 {{reference}}
# endif
2014-04-01 09:58:11 +08:00
namespace dr305 { // dr305: no
2014-02-03 09:23:27 +08:00
struct A {
typedef A C ;
} ;
void f ( A * a ) {
struct A { } ;
a - > ~ A ( ) ;
a - > ~ C ( ) ;
typedef A B ;
void g ( B * b ) {
b - > ~ B ( ) ;
b - > ~ C ( ) ;
void h ( B * b ) {
2020-02-08 08:34:08 +08:00
struct B { } ; // expected-note {{type 'B' found by destructor name lookup}}
2014-02-03 09:23:27 +08:00
b - > ~ B ( ) ; // expected-error {{does not match}}
template < typename T > struct X { } ;
void i ( X < int > * x ) {
struct X { } ;
x - > ~ X < int > ( ) ;
x - > ~ X ( ) ;
x - > ~ X < char > ( ) ; // expected-error {{no member named}}
# if __cplusplus >= 201103L
struct Y {
template < typename T > using T1 = Y ;
} ;
template < typename T > using T2 = Y ;
void j ( Y * y ) {
y - > ~ T1 < int > ( ) ;
y - > ~ T2 < int > ( ) ;
struct Z {
template < typename T > using T2 = T ;
} ;
void k ( Z * z ) {
2020-03-28 08:08:26 +08:00
z - > ~ T1 < int > ( ) ; // expected-error {{no member named 'T1' in 'dr305::Z'}}
2014-02-03 09:23:27 +08:00
z - > ~ T2 < int > ( ) ; // expected-error {{no member named '~int'}}
z - > ~ T2 < Z > ( ) ;
2014-04-01 09:58:11 +08:00
// FIXME: This is valid.
namespace Q {
template < typename A > struct R { } ;
template < typename A > using R = Q : : R < int > ;
void qr ( Q : : R < int > x ) { x . ~ R < char > ( ) ; } // expected-error {{no member named}}
2014-02-03 09:23:27 +08:00
# endif
2020-11-26 09:00:23 +08:00
namespace dr306 { // dr306: dup 39
struct A { struct B { } ; } ;
struct C { typedef A : : B B ; } ;
2014-02-03 09:23:27 +08:00
struct D : A , A : : B , C { } ;
2020-11-26 09:00:23 +08:00
D : : B b ;
struct X { } ; // expected-note {{member type 'dr306::X' found}}
template < typename T > struct Y { typedef T X ; } ; // expected-note {{member type 'const dr306::X' found}}
template < typename T > struct Z : X , Y < T > { } ;
Z < X > : : X zx ;
Z < const X > : : X zcx ; // expected-error {{member 'X' found in multiple base classes of different types}}
2014-02-03 09:23:27 +08:00
// dr307: na
namespace dr308 { // dr308: yes
// This is mostly an ABI library issue.
struct A { } ;
struct B : A { } ;
struct C : A { } ;
struct D : B , C { } ;
void f ( ) {
try {
throw D ( ) ;
[clang] Implement ElaboratedType sugaring for types written bare
Without this patch, clang will not wrap in an ElaboratedType node types written
without a keyword and nested name qualifier, which goes against the intent that
we should produce an AST which retains enough details to recover how things are
The lack of this sugar is incompatible with the intent of the type printer
default policy, which is to print types as written, but to fall back and print
them fully qualified when they are desugared.
An ElaboratedTypeLoc without keyword / NNS uses no storage by itself, but still
requires pointer alignment due to pre-existing bug in the TypeLoc buffer
Troubleshooting list to deal with any breakage seen with this patch:
1) The most likely effect one would see by this patch is a change in how
a type is printed. The type printer will, by design and default,
print types as written. There are customization options there, but
not that many, and they mainly apply to how to print a type that we
somehow failed to track how it was written. This patch fixes a
problem where we failed to distinguish between a type
that was written without any elaborated-type qualifiers,
such as a 'struct'/'class' tags and name spacifiers such as 'std::',
and one that has been stripped of any 'metadata' that identifies such,
the so called canonical types.
namespace foo {
struct A {};
A a;
If one were to print the type of `foo::a`, prior to this patch, this
would result in `foo::A`. This is how the type printer would have,
by default, printed the canonical type of A as well.
As soon as you add any name qualifiers to A, the type printer would
suddenly start accurately printing the type as written. This patch
will make it print it accurately even when written without
qualifiers, so we will just print `A` for the initial example, as
the user did not really write that `foo::` namespace qualifier.
2) This patch could expose a bug in some AST matcher. Matching types
is harder to get right when there is sugar involved. For example,
if you want to match a type against being a pointer to some type A,
then you have to account for getting a type that is sugar for a
pointer to A, or being a pointer to sugar to A, or both! Usually
you would get the second part wrong, and this would work for a
very simple test where you don't use any name qualifiers, but
you would discover is broken when you do. The usual fix is to
either use the matcher which strips sugar, which is annoying
to use as for example if you match an N level pointer, you have
to put N+1 such matchers in there, beginning to end and between
all those levels. But in a lot of cases, if the property you want
to match is present in the canonical type, it's easier and faster
to just match on that... This goes with what is said in 1), if
you want to match against the name of a type, and you want
the name string to be something stable, perhaps matching on
the name of the canonical type is the better choice.
3) This patch could expose a bug in how you get the source range of some
TypeLoc. For some reason, a lot of code is using getLocalSourceRange(),
which only looks at the given TypeLoc node. This patch introduces a new,
and more common TypeLoc node which contains no source locations on itself.
This is not an inovation here, and some other, more rare TypeLoc nodes could
also have this property, but if you use getLocalSourceRange on them, it's not
going to return any valid locations, because it doesn't have any. The right fix
here is to always use getSourceRange() or getBeginLoc/getEndLoc which will dive
into the inner TypeLoc to get the source range if it doesn't find it on the
top level one. You can use getLocalSourceRange if you are really into
micro-optimizations and you have some outside knowledge that the TypeLocs you are
dealing with will always include some source location.
4) Exposed a bug somewhere in the use of the normal clang type class API, where you
have some type, you want to see if that type is some particular kind, you try a
`dyn_cast` such as `dyn_cast<TypedefType>` and that fails because now you have an
ElaboratedType which has a TypeDefType inside of it, which is what you wanted to match.
Again, like 2), this would usually have been tested poorly with some simple tests with
no qualifications, and would have been broken had there been any other kind of type sugar,
be it an ElaboratedType or a TemplateSpecializationType or a SubstTemplateParmType.
The usual fix here is to use `getAs` instead of `dyn_cast`, which will look deeper
into the type. Or use `getAsAdjusted` when dealing with TypeLocs.
For some reason the API is inconsistent there and on TypeLocs getAs behaves like a dyn_cast.
5) It could be a bug in this patch perhaps.
Let me know if you need any help!
Signed-off-by: Matheus Izvekov <mizvekov@gmail.com>
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D112374
2021-10-12 00:15:36 +08:00
} catch ( const A & ) { // expected-note {{for type 'const A &'}}
2014-02-03 09:23:27 +08:00
// unreachable
[clang] Implement ElaboratedType sugaring for types written bare
Without this patch, clang will not wrap in an ElaboratedType node types written
without a keyword and nested name qualifier, which goes against the intent that
we should produce an AST which retains enough details to recover how things are
The lack of this sugar is incompatible with the intent of the type printer
default policy, which is to print types as written, but to fall back and print
them fully qualified when they are desugared.
An ElaboratedTypeLoc without keyword / NNS uses no storage by itself, but still
requires pointer alignment due to pre-existing bug in the TypeLoc buffer
Troubleshooting list to deal with any breakage seen with this patch:
1) The most likely effect one would see by this patch is a change in how
a type is printed. The type printer will, by design and default,
print types as written. There are customization options there, but
not that many, and they mainly apply to how to print a type that we
somehow failed to track how it was written. This patch fixes a
problem where we failed to distinguish between a type
that was written without any elaborated-type qualifiers,
such as a 'struct'/'class' tags and name spacifiers such as 'std::',
and one that has been stripped of any 'metadata' that identifies such,
the so called canonical types.
namespace foo {
struct A {};
A a;
If one were to print the type of `foo::a`, prior to this patch, this
would result in `foo::A`. This is how the type printer would have,
by default, printed the canonical type of A as well.
As soon as you add any name qualifiers to A, the type printer would
suddenly start accurately printing the type as written. This patch
will make it print it accurately even when written without
qualifiers, so we will just print `A` for the initial example, as
the user did not really write that `foo::` namespace qualifier.
2) This patch could expose a bug in some AST matcher. Matching types
is harder to get right when there is sugar involved. For example,
if you want to match a type against being a pointer to some type A,
then you have to account for getting a type that is sugar for a
pointer to A, or being a pointer to sugar to A, or both! Usually
you would get the second part wrong, and this would work for a
very simple test where you don't use any name qualifiers, but
you would discover is broken when you do. The usual fix is to
either use the matcher which strips sugar, which is annoying
to use as for example if you match an N level pointer, you have
to put N+1 such matchers in there, beginning to end and between
all those levels. But in a lot of cases, if the property you want
to match is present in the canonical type, it's easier and faster
to just match on that... This goes with what is said in 1), if
you want to match against the name of a type, and you want
the name string to be something stable, perhaps matching on
the name of the canonical type is the better choice.
3) This patch could expose a bug in how you get the source range of some
TypeLoc. For some reason, a lot of code is using getLocalSourceRange(),
which only looks at the given TypeLoc node. This patch introduces a new,
and more common TypeLoc node which contains no source locations on itself.
This is not an inovation here, and some other, more rare TypeLoc nodes could
also have this property, but if you use getLocalSourceRange on them, it's not
going to return any valid locations, because it doesn't have any. The right fix
here is to always use getSourceRange() or getBeginLoc/getEndLoc which will dive
into the inner TypeLoc to get the source range if it doesn't find it on the
top level one. You can use getLocalSourceRange if you are really into
micro-optimizations and you have some outside knowledge that the TypeLocs you are
dealing with will always include some source location.
4) Exposed a bug somewhere in the use of the normal clang type class API, where you
have some type, you want to see if that type is some particular kind, you try a
`dyn_cast` such as `dyn_cast<TypedefType>` and that fails because now you have an
ElaboratedType which has a TypeDefType inside of it, which is what you wanted to match.
Again, like 2), this would usually have been tested poorly with some simple tests with
no qualifications, and would have been broken had there been any other kind of type sugar,
be it an ElaboratedType or a TemplateSpecializationType or a SubstTemplateParmType.
The usual fix here is to use `getAs` instead of `dyn_cast`, which will look deeper
into the type. Or use `getAsAdjusted` when dealing with TypeLocs.
For some reason the API is inconsistent there and on TypeLocs getAs behaves like a dyn_cast.
5) It could be a bug in this patch perhaps.
Let me know if you need any help!
Signed-off-by: Matheus Izvekov <mizvekov@gmail.com>
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D112374
2021-10-12 00:15:36 +08:00
} catch ( const B & ) { // expected-warning {{exception of type 'const B &' will be caught by earlier handler}}
2014-02-03 09:23:27 +08:00
// get here instead
// dr309: dup 485
namespace dr311 { // dr311: yes
namespace X { namespace Y { } }
2014-11-08 13:37:34 +08:00
namespace X : : Y { }
# if __cplusplus <= 201402L
// expected-error@-2 {{define each namespace separately}}
# endif
2014-02-03 09:23:27 +08:00
namespace X {
2014-11-08 13:37:34 +08:00
namespace X : : Y { }
# if __cplusplus <= 201402L
// expected-error@-2 {{define each namespace separately}}
# endif
2014-02-03 09:23:27 +08:00
// FIXME: The diagnostics here are not very good.
namespace : : dr311 : : X { } // expected-error 2+{{}} // expected-warning {{extra qual}}
// dr312: dup 616
namespace dr313 { // dr313: dup 299 c++11
struct A { operator int ( ) const ; } ;
int * p = new int [ A ( ) ] ;
# if __cplusplus < 201103L
// FIXME: should this be available in c++98 mode? expected-error@-2 {{extension}}
# endif
2014-12-17 07:12:52 +08:00
namespace dr314 { // FIXME 314: dup 1710
2014-03-05 05:14:30 +08:00
template < typename T > struct A {
template < typename U > struct B { } ;
} ;
template < typename T > struct C : public A < T > : : template B < T > {
C ( ) : A < T > : : template B < T > ( ) { }
} ;
2014-02-03 09:23:27 +08:00
// dr315: na
// dr316: sup 1004
2014-03-30 14:44:54 +08:00
namespace dr317 { // dr317: 3.5
void f ( ) { } // expected-note {{previous}}
inline void f ( ) ; // expected-error {{inline declaration of 'f' follows non-inline definition}}
2014-02-03 09:23:27 +08:00
int g ( ) ;
int n = g ( ) ;
inline int g ( ) { return 0 ; }
int h ( ) ;
int m = h ( ) ;
2014-03-30 14:44:54 +08:00
int h ( ) { return 0 ; } // expected-note {{previous}}
inline int h ( ) ; // expected-error {{inline declaration of 'h' follows non-inline definition}}
2014-02-03 09:23:27 +08:00
namespace dr318 { // dr318: sup 1310
struct A { } ;
struct A : : A a ;
namespace dr319 { // dr319: no
// FIXME: dup dr389
// FIXME: We don't have a diagnostic for a name with linkage
// having a type without linkage.
typedef struct {
int i ;
} * ps ;
extern " C " void f ( ps ) ;
void g ( ps ) ; // FIXME: ill-formed, type 'ps' has no linkage
static enum { e } a1 ;
enum { e2 } a2 ; // FIXME: ill-formed, enum type has no linkage
enum { n1 = 1u } ;
typedef int ( * pa ) [ n1 ] ;
pa parr ; // ok, type has linkage despite using 'n1'
template < typename > struct X { } ;
void f ( ) {
struct A { int n ; } ;
extern A a ; // FIXME: ill-formed
X < A > xa ;
typedef A B ;
extern B b ; // FIXME: ill-formed
X < B > xb ;
const int n = 1 ;
typedef int ( * C ) [ n ] ;
extern C c ; // ok
X < C > xc ;
# if __cplusplus < 201103L
// expected-error@-12 {{uses local type 'A'}}
// expected-error@-9 {{uses local type 'A'}}
# endif
namespace dr320 { // dr320: yes
# if __cplusplus >= 201103L
struct X {
constexpr X ( ) { }
constexpr X ( const X & x ) : copies ( x . copies + 1 ) { }
unsigned copies = 0 ;
} ;
constexpr X f ( X x ) { return x ; }
constexpr unsigned g ( X x ) { return x . copies ; }
static_assert ( f ( X ( ) ) . copies = = g ( X ( ) ) + 1 , " expected one extra copy for return value " ) ;
# endif
2013-12-04 08:28:23 +08:00
2014-02-03 10:13:49 +08:00
namespace dr321 { // dr321: dup 557
namespace N {
template < int > struct A {
template < int > struct B ;
} ;
template < > template < > struct A < 0 > : : B < 0 > ;
void f ( A < 0 > : : B < 0 > ) ;
template < > template < > struct N : : A < 0 > : : B < 0 > { } ;
template < typename T > void g ( T t ) { f ( t ) ; }
template void g ( N : : A < 0 > : : B < 0 > ) ;
namespace N {
template < typename > struct I { friend bool operator = = ( const I & , const I & ) ; } ;
N : : I < int > i , j ;
bool x = i = = j ;
namespace dr322 { // dr322: yes
struct A {
template < typename T > operator T & ( ) ;
} a ;
int & r = static_cast < int & > ( a ) ;
int & s = a ;
// dr323: no
namespace dr324 { // dr324: yes
struct S { int n : 1 ; } s ; // expected-note 3{{bit-field is declared here}}
int & a = s . n ; // expected-error {{non-const reference cannot bind to bit-field}}
int * b = & s . n ; // expected-error {{address of bit-field}}
int & c = ( s . n = 0 ) ; // expected-error {{non-const reference cannot bind to bit-field}}
int * d = & ( s . n = 0 ) ; // expected-error {{address of bit-field}}
int & e = true ? s . n : s . n ; // expected-error {{non-const reference cannot bind to bit-field}}
int * f = & ( true ? s . n : s . n ) ; // expected-error {{address of bit-field}}
int & g = ( void ( ) , s . n ) ; // expected-error {{non-const reference cannot bind to bit-field}}
int * h = & ( void ( ) , s . n ) ; // expected-error {{address of bit-field}}
2014-07-31 12:52:13 +08:00
int * i = & + + s . n ; // expected-error {{address of bit-field}}
2014-02-03 10:13:49 +08:00
namespace dr326 { // dr326: yes
struct S { } ;
int test [ __is_trivially_constructible ( S , const S & ) ? 1 : - 1 ] ;
namespace dr327 { // dr327: dup 538
struct A ;
class A { } ;
class B ;
struct B { } ;
namespace dr328 { // dr328: yes
struct A ; // expected-note 3{{forward declaration}}
struct B { A a ; } ; // expected-error {{incomplete}}
template < typename > struct C { A a ; } ; // expected-error {{incomplete}}
A * p = new A [ 0 ] ; // expected-error {{incomplete}}
2014-02-03 10:37:59 +08:00
namespace dr329 { // dr329: 3.5
2014-02-03 10:13:49 +08:00
struct B { } ;
template < typename T > struct A : B {
friend void f ( A a ) { g ( a ) ; }
friend void h ( A a ) { g ( a ) ; } // expected-error {{undeclared}}
2014-02-03 10:37:59 +08:00
friend void i ( B b ) { } // expected-error {{redefinition}} expected-note {{previous}}
2014-02-03 10:13:49 +08:00
} ;
A < int > a ;
2014-02-03 10:37:59 +08:00
A < char > b ; // expected-note {{instantiation}}
2014-02-03 10:13:49 +08:00
void test ( ) {
h ( a ) ; // expected-note {{instantiation}}
2014-02-03 14:34:23 +08:00
2018-07-11 08:19:19 +08:00
namespace dr330 { // dr330: 7
// Conversions between P and Q will be allowed by P0388.
typedef int * ( * P ) [ 3 ] ;
typedef const int * const ( * Q ) [ 3 ] ;
typedef const int * Qinner [ 3 ] ;
typedef Qinner const * Q2 ; // same as Q, but 'const' written outside the array type
typedef const int * const ( * R ) [ 4 ] ;
typedef const int * const ( * S ) [ ] ;
typedef const int * ( * T ) [ ] ;
void f ( P p , Q q , Q2 q2 , R r , S s , T t ) {
q = p ; // ok
q2 = p ; // ok
r = p ; // expected-error {{incompatible}}
2021-05-21 04:31:31 +08:00
s = p ;
# if __cplusplus < 202002
// expected-error@-2 {{incompatible}} (fixed by p0388)
# endif
2018-07-11 08:19:19 +08:00
t = p ; // expected-error {{incompatible}}
2021-05-21 04:31:31 +08:00
s = q ;
# if __cplusplus < 202002
// expected-error@-2 {{incompatible}} (fixed by p0388)
# endif
s = q2 ;
# if __cplusplus < 202002
// expected-error@-2 {{incompatible}} (fixed by p0388)
# endif
2018-07-11 08:19:19 +08:00
s = t ; // ok, adding const
2020-02-25 22:49:59 +08:00
t = s ; // expected-error {{discards qualifiers}}
2018-07-11 08:19:19 +08:00
( void ) const_cast < P > ( q ) ;
( void ) const_cast < P > ( q2 ) ;
( void ) const_cast < Q > ( p ) ;
( void ) const_cast < Q2 > ( p ) ;
( void ) const_cast < S > ( p ) ; // expected-error {{not allowed}} (for now)
( void ) const_cast < P > ( s ) ; // expected-error {{not allowed}} (for now)
( void ) const_cast < S > ( q ) ; // expected-error {{not allowed}}
( void ) const_cast < S > ( q2 ) ; // expected-error {{not allowed}}
( void ) const_cast < Q > ( s ) ; // expected-error {{not allowed}}
( void ) const_cast < Q2 > ( s ) ; // expected-error {{not allowed}}
( void ) const_cast < T > ( s ) ;
( void ) const_cast < S > ( t ) ;
( void ) const_cast < T > ( q ) ; // expected-error {{not allowed}}
( void ) const_cast < Q > ( t ) ; // expected-error {{not allowed}}
( void ) reinterpret_cast < P > ( q ) ; // expected-error {{casts away qualifiers}}
( void ) reinterpret_cast < P > ( q2 ) ; // expected-error {{casts away qualifiers}}
( void ) reinterpret_cast < Q > ( p ) ;
( void ) reinterpret_cast < Q2 > ( p ) ;
( void ) reinterpret_cast < S > ( p ) ;
( void ) reinterpret_cast < P > ( s ) ; // expected-error {{casts away qualifiers}}
( void ) reinterpret_cast < S > ( q ) ;
( void ) reinterpret_cast < S > ( q2 ) ;
( void ) reinterpret_cast < Q > ( s ) ;
( void ) reinterpret_cast < Q2 > ( s ) ;
( void ) reinterpret_cast < T > ( s ) ; // expected-error {{casts away qualifiers}}
( void ) reinterpret_cast < S > ( t ) ;
( void ) reinterpret_cast < T > ( q ) ; // expected-error {{casts away qualifiers}}
( void ) reinterpret_cast < Q > ( t ) ;
2018-07-19 04:13:36 +08:00
namespace swift_17882 {
typedef const char P [ 72 ] ;
typedef int * Q ;
void f ( P & pr , P * pp ) {
( void ) reinterpret_cast < const Q & > ( pr ) ;
( void ) reinterpret_cast < const Q * > ( pp ) ;
struct X { } ;
typedef const volatile int A [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ;
typedef int * const X : : * volatile * B1 ;
typedef int * const X : : * * B2 ;
typedef int * X : : * volatile * B3 ;
typedef volatile int * ( * const B4 ) [ 4 ] ;
void f ( A * a ) {
( void ) reinterpret_cast < B1 * > ( a ) ;
( void ) reinterpret_cast < B2 * > ( a ) ; // expected-error {{casts away qualifiers}}
( void ) reinterpret_cast < B3 * > ( a ) ; // expected-error {{casts away qualifiers}}
( void ) reinterpret_cast < B4 * > ( a ) ;
2018-07-11 08:19:19 +08:00
2014-02-03 14:34:23 +08:00
namespace dr331 { // dr331: yes
struct A {
2020-04-03 17:00:16 +08:00
A ( volatile A & ) ; // expected-note 2{{candidate}}
} const a , b ( a ) ; // expected-error 2{{no matching constructor}}
2014-02-03 14:34:23 +08:00
2014-09-03 05:29:16 +08:00
namespace dr332 { // dr332: dup 577
2014-02-03 14:34:23 +08:00
void f ( volatile void ) ; // expected-error {{'void' as parameter must not have type qualifiers}}
2021-03-24 04:20:07 +08:00
// cxx20_2b-warning@-1 {{volatile-qualified parameter type 'volatile void' is deprecated}}
2014-02-03 14:34:23 +08:00
void g ( const void ) ; // expected-error {{'void' as parameter must not have type qualifiers}}
void h ( int n , volatile void ) ; // expected-error {{'void' must be the first and only parameter}}
2021-03-24 04:20:07 +08:00
// cxx20_2b-warning@-1 {{volatile-qualified parameter type 'volatile void' is deprecated}}
2014-02-03 14:34:23 +08:00
namespace dr333 { // dr333: yes
int n = 0 ;
int f ( int ( n ) ) ;
int g ( ( int ( n ) ) ) ;
int h = f ( g ) ;
namespace dr334 { // dr334: yes
template < typename T > void f ( ) {
T x ;
f ( ( x , 123 ) ) ;
struct S {
friend S operator , ( S , int ) ;
friend void f ( S ) ;
} ;
template void f < S > ( ) ;
// dr335: no
namespace dr336 { // dr336: yes
namespace Pre {
template < class T1 > class A {
template < class T2 > class B {
template < class T3 > void mf1 ( T3 ) ;
void mf2 ( ) ;
} ;
} ;
template < > template < class X > class A < int > : : B { } ;
template < > template < > template < class T > void A < int > : : B < double > : : mf1 ( T t ) { } // expected-error {{does not match}}
template < class Y > template < > void A < Y > : : B < double > : : mf2 ( ) { } // expected-error {{does not refer into a class}}
namespace Post {
template < class T1 > class A {
template < class T2 > class B {
template < class T3 > void mf1 ( T3 ) ;
void mf2 ( ) ;
} ;
} ;
template < > template < class X > class A < int > : : B {
template < class T > void mf1 ( T ) ;
} ;
template < > template < > template < class T > void A < int > : : B < double > : : mf1 ( T t ) { }
// FIXME: This diagnostic isn't very good.
template < class Y > template < > void A < Y > : : B < double > : : mf2 ( ) { } // expected-error {{does not refer into a class}}
namespace dr337 { // dr337: yes
template < typename T > void f ( T ( * ) [ 1 ] ) ;
template < typename T > int & f ( . . . ) ;
struct A { virtual ~ A ( ) = 0 ; } ;
int & r = f < A > ( 0 ) ;
// FIXME: The language rules here are completely broken. We cannot determine
// whether an incomplete type is abstract. See DR1640, which will probably
// supersede this one and remove this rule.
struct B ;
int & s = f < B > ( 0 ) ; // expected-error {{of type 'void'}}
struct B { virtual ~ B ( ) = 0 ; } ;
namespace dr339 { // dr339: yes
template < int I > struct A { static const int value = I ; } ;
char xxx ( int ) ;
char ( & xxx ( float ) ) [ 2 ] ;
template < class T > A < sizeof ( xxx ( ( T ) 0 ) ) > f ( T ) { } // expected-note {{candidate}}
void test ( ) {
A < 1 > a = f ( 0 ) ;
A < 2 > b = f ( 0.0f ) ;
A < 3 > c = f ( " foo " ) ; // expected-error {{no matching function}}
char f ( int ) ;
int f ( . . . ) ;
template < class T > struct conv_int {
static const bool value = sizeof ( f ( T ( ) ) ) = = 1 ;
} ;
template < class T > bool conv_int2 ( A < sizeof ( f ( T ( ) ) ) > p ) ;
template < typename T > A < sizeof ( f ( T ( ) ) ) > make_A ( ) ;
int a [ conv_int < char > : : value ? 1 : - 1 ] ;
bool b = conv_int2 < char > ( A < 1 > ( ) ) ;
A < 1 > c = make_A < char > ( ) ;
namespace dr340 { // dr340: yes
struct A { A ( int ) ; } ;
struct B { B ( A , A , int ) ; } ;
int x , y ;
B b ( A ( x ) , A ( y ) , 3 ) ;
namespace dr341 { // dr341: sup 1708
namespace A {
int n ;
extern " C " int & dr341_a = n ; // expected-note {{previous}} expected-note {{declared with C language linkage here}}
namespace B {
extern " C " int & dr341_a = dr341_a ; // expected-error {{redefinition}}
extern " C " void dr341_b ( ) ; // expected-note {{declared with C language linkage here}}
int dr341_a ; // expected-error {{declaration of 'dr341_a' in global scope conflicts with declaration with C language linkage}}
int dr341_b ; // expected-error {{declaration of 'dr341_b' in global scope conflicts with declaration with C language linkage}}
int dr341_c ; // expected-note {{declared in global scope here}}
int dr341_d ; // expected-note {{declared in global scope here}}
namespace dr341 {
extern " C " int dr341_c ; // expected-error {{declaration of 'dr341_c' with C language linkage conflicts with declaration in global scope}}
extern " C " void dr341_d ( ) ; // expected-error {{declaration of 'dr341_d' with C language linkage conflicts with declaration in global scope}}
namespace A { extern " C " int dr341_e ; } // expected-note {{previous}}
namespace B { extern " C " void dr341_e ( ) ; } // expected-error {{redefinition of 'dr341_e' as different kind of symbol}}
// dr342: na
2014-12-17 07:12:52 +08:00
namespace dr343 { // FIXME 343: no
2014-03-05 05:14:30 +08:00
// FIXME: dup 1710
template < typename T > struct A {
template < typename U > struct B { } ;
} ;
// FIXME: In these contexts, the 'template' keyword is optional.
template < typename T > struct C : public A < T > : : B < T > { // expected-error {{use 'template'}}
C ( ) : A < T > : : B < T > ( ) { } // expected-error {{use 'template'}}
} ;
namespace dr344 { // dr344: dup 1435
struct A { inline virtual ~ A ( ) ; } ;
struct B { friend A : : ~ A ( ) ; } ;
2014-02-03 14:34:23 +08:00
namespace dr345 { // dr345: yes
struct A {
struct X { } ;
int X ; // expected-note {{here}}
} ;
struct B {
struct X { } ;
} ;
template < class T > void f ( T t ) { typename T : : X x ; } // expected-error {{refers to non-type member 'X'}}
void f ( A a , B b ) {
f ( b ) ;
f ( a ) ; // expected-note {{instantiation}}
// dr346: na
namespace dr347 { // dr347: yes
struct base {
struct nested ;
static int n ;
static void f ( ) ;
void g ( ) ;
} ;
struct derived : base { } ;
struct derived : : nested { } ; // expected-error {{no struct named 'nested'}}
int derived : : n ; // expected-error {{no member named 'n'}}
void derived : : f ( ) { } // expected-error {{does not match any}}
void derived : : g ( ) { } // expected-error {{does not match any}}
// dr348: na
namespace dr349 { // dr349: no
struct A {
template < class T > operator T * * * ( ) {
int * * * p = 0 ;
2021-03-19 10:32:06 +08:00
return p ; // cxx98_20-error {{cannot initialize return object of type 'const int ***' with an lvalue of type 'int ***'}}
// cxx2b-error@-1 {{cannot initialize return object of type 'const int ***' with an rvalue of type 'int ***'}}
2014-02-03 14:34:23 +08:00
} ;
// FIXME: This is valid.
A a ;
const int * const * const * p1 = a ; // expected-note {{in instantiation of}}
struct B {
template < class T > operator T * * * ( ) {
const int * * * p = 0 ;
return p ;
} ;
// FIXME: This is invalid.
B b ;
const int * const * const * p2 = b ;
2014-02-11 03:53:17 +08:00
// dr351: na
namespace dr352 { // dr352: yes
namespace example1 {
namespace A {
enum E { } ;
template < typename R , typename A > void foo ( E , R ( * ) ( A ) ) ; // expected-note 2{{couldn't infer template argument 'R'}}
template < typename T > void arg ( T ) ;
template < typename T > int arg ( T ) = delete ; // expected-note {{here}} expected-error 0-1{{extension}}
void f ( A : : E e ) {
foo ( e , & arg ) ; // expected-error {{no matching function}}
using A : : foo ;
foo < int , int > ( e , & arg ) ; // expected-error {{deleted}}
int arg ( int ) ;
void g ( A : : E e ) {
foo ( e , & arg ) ; // expected-error {{no matching function}}
using A : : foo ;
foo < int , int > ( e , & arg ) ; // ok, uses non-template
namespace contexts {
template < int I > void f1 ( int ( & ) [ I ] ) ;
template < int I > void f2 ( int ( & ) [ I + 1 ] ) ; // expected-note {{couldn't infer}}
template < int I > void f3 ( int ( & ) [ I + 1 ] , int ( & ) [ I ] ) ;
void f ( ) {
int a [ 4 ] ;
int b [ 3 ] ;
f1 ( a ) ;
f2 ( a ) ; // expected-error {{no matching function}}
f3 ( a , b ) ;
template < int I > struct S { } ;
template < int I > void g1 ( S < I > ) ;
template < int I > void g2 ( S < I + 1 > ) ; // expected-note {{couldn't infer}}
template < int I > void g3 ( S < I + 1 > , S < I > ) ;
void g ( ) {
S < 4 > a ;
S < 3 > b ;
g1 ( a ) ;
g2 ( a ) ; // expected-error {{no matching function}}
g3 ( a , b ) ;
template < typename T > void h1 ( T = 0 ) ; // expected-note {{couldn't infer}}
template < typename T > void h2 ( T , T = 0 ) ;
void h ( ) {
h1 ( ) ; // expected-error {{no matching function}}
h1 ( 0 ) ;
h1 < int > ( ) ;
h2 ( 0 ) ;
template < typename T > int tmpl ( T ) ;
template < typename R , typename A > void i1 ( R ( * ) ( A ) ) ; // expected-note 3{{couldn't infer}}
template < typename R , typename A > void i2 ( R , A , R ( * ) ( A ) ) ; // expected-note {{not viable}}
void i ( ) {
extern int single ( int ) ;
i1 ( single ) ;
i2 ( 0 , 0 , single ) ;
extern int ambig ( float ) , ambig ( int ) ;
i1 ( ambig ) ; // expected-error {{no matching function}}
i2 ( 0 , 0 , ambig ) ;
extern void no_match ( float ) , no_match ( int ) ;
i1 ( no_match ) ; // expected-error {{no matching function}}
i2 ( 0 , 0 , no_match ) ; // expected-error {{no matching function}}
i1 ( tmpl ) ; // expected-error {{no matching function}}
i2 ( 0 , 0 , tmpl ) ;
template < typename T > struct is_int ;
template < > struct is_int < int > { } ;
namespace example2 {
template < typename T > int f ( T ( * p ) ( T ) ) { is_int < T > ( ) ; }
int g ( int ) ;
int g ( char ) ;
int i = f ( g ) ;
namespace example3 {
template < typename T > int f ( T , T ( * p ) ( T ) ) { is_int < T > ( ) ; }
int g ( int ) ;
char g ( char ) ;
int i = f ( 1 , g ) ;
namespace example4 {
template < class T > int f ( T , T ( * p ) ( T ) ) { is_int < T > ( ) ; }
char g ( char ) ;
template < class T > T g ( T ) ;
int i = f ( 1 , g ) ;
namespace example5 {
template < int I > class A { } ;
template < int I > void g ( A < I + 1 > ) ; // expected-note {{couldn't infer}}
template < int I > void f ( A < I > , A < I + 1 > ) ;
void h ( A < 1 > a1 , A < 2 > a2 ) {
g ( a1 ) ; // expected-error {{no matching function}}
g < 0 > ( a1 ) ;
f ( a1 , a2 ) ;
// dr353 needs an IRGen test.
namespace dr354 { // dr354: yes c++11
// FIXME: Should we allow this in C++98 too?
struct S { } ;
2014-11-26 11:26:53 +08:00
template < int * > struct ptr { } ; // expected-note 0-4{{here}}
2014-02-11 03:53:17 +08:00
ptr < 0 > p0 ;
ptr < ( int * ) 0 > p1 ;
ptr < ( float * ) 0 > p2 ;
ptr < ( int S : : * ) 0 > p3 ;
# if __cplusplus < 201103L
// expected-error@-5 {{does not refer to any decl}}
// expected-error@-5 {{does not refer to any decl}}
// expected-error@-5 {{does not refer to any decl}}
// expected-error@-5 {{does not refer to any decl}}
2014-11-26 11:26:53 +08:00
# elif __cplusplus <= 201402L
2014-02-11 03:53:17 +08:00
// expected-error@-10 {{must be cast}}
// ok
// expected-error@-10 {{does not match}}
// expected-error@-10 {{does not match}}
2014-11-26 11:26:53 +08:00
# else
// expected-error@-15 {{conversion from 'int' to 'int *' is not allowed}}
// ok
// expected-error@-15 {{'float *' is not implicitly convertible to 'int *'}}
// expected-error@-15 {{'int dr354::S::*' is not implicitly convertible to 'int *'}}
2014-02-11 03:53:17 +08:00
# endif
template < int * > int both ( ) ;
template < int > int both ( ) ;
int b0 = both < 0 > ( ) ;
int b1 = both < ( int * ) 0 > ( ) ;
# if __cplusplus < 201103L
// expected-error@-2 {{no matching function}}
// expected-note@-6 {{candidate}}
// expected-note@-6 {{candidate}}
# endif
2014-11-26 11:26:53 +08:00
template < int S : : * > struct ptr_mem { } ; // expected-note 0-4{{here}}
2014-02-11 03:53:17 +08:00
ptr_mem < 0 > m0 ;
ptr_mem < ( int S : : * ) 0 > m1 ;
ptr_mem < ( float S : : * ) 0 > m2 ;
ptr_mem < ( int * ) 0 > m3 ;
# if __cplusplus < 201103L
// expected-error@-5 {{cannot be converted}}
// expected-error@-5 {{is not a pointer to member constant}}
// expected-error@-5 {{cannot be converted}}
// expected-error@-5 {{cannot be converted}}
2014-11-26 11:26:53 +08:00
# elif __cplusplus <= 201402L
2014-02-11 03:53:17 +08:00
// expected-error@-10 {{must be cast}}
// ok
// expected-error@-10 {{does not match}}
// expected-error@-10 {{does not match}}
2014-11-26 11:26:53 +08:00
# else
// expected-error@-15 {{conversion from 'int' to 'int dr354::S::*' is not allowed}}
// ok
// expected-error@-15 {{'float dr354::S::*' is not implicitly convertible to 'int dr354::S::*'}}
// expected-error@-15 {{'int *' is not implicitly convertible to 'int dr354::S::*'}}
2014-02-11 03:53:17 +08:00
# endif
struct dr355_S ; // dr355: yes
struct : : dr355_S { } ; // expected-warning {{extra qualification}}
namespace dr355 { struct : : dr355_S s ; }
// dr356: na
namespace dr357 { // dr357: yes
template < typename T > struct A {
void f ( ) const ; // expected-note {{const qualified}}
} ;
template < typename T > void A < T > : : f ( ) { } // expected-error {{does not match}}
struct B {
template < typename T > void f ( ) ;
} ;
template < typename T > void B : : f ( ) const { } // expected-error {{does not match}}
namespace dr358 { // dr358: yes
extern " C " void dr358_f ( ) ;
namespace N {
int var ;
extern " C " void dr358_f ( ) { var = 10 ; }
namespace dr359 { // dr359: yes
// Note, the example in the DR is wrong; it doesn't contain an anonymous
// union.
struct E {
union {
struct {
int x ;
} s ;
} v ;
union {
struct { // expected-error {{extension}}
int x ;
} s ;
struct S { // expected-error {{types cannot be declared in an anonymous union}}
int x ;
} t ;
union { // expected-error {{extension}}
int u ;
} ;
} ;
} ;
// dr362: na
// dr363: na
namespace dr364 { // dr364: yes
struct S {
static void f ( int ) ;
void f ( char ) ;
} ;
void g ( ) {
S : : f ( ' a ' ) ; // expected-error {{call to non-static}}
S : : f ( 0 ) ;
# if "foo" // expected-error {{invalid token}} dr366: yes
# endif
namespace dr367 { // dr367: yes
// FIXME: These diagnostics are terrible. Don't diagnose an ill-formed global
// array as being a VLA!
int a [ true ? throw 0 : 4 ] ; // expected-error 2{{variable length array}}
int b [ true ? 4 : throw 0 ] ;
2020-08-20 03:46:22 +08:00
int c [ true ? * new int : 4 ] ; // expected-error 2{{variable length array}} expected-note {{read of uninitialized}}
2014-02-11 03:53:17 +08:00
int d [ true ? 4 : * new int ] ;
# if __cplusplus < 201103L
2020-10-16 10:32:15 +08:00
// expected-error@-4 2{{variable length array}}
// expected-error@-3 2{{variable length array}}
2014-02-11 03:53:17 +08:00
# endif
namespace dr368 { // dr368: yes
template < typename T , T > struct S { } ; // expected-note {{here}}
template < typename T > int f ( S < T , T ( ) > * ) ; // expected-error {{function type}}
2021-03-24 04:20:07 +08:00
template < typename T > int g ( S < T , ( T ( ) ) > * ) ; // cxx98_17-note {{type 'dr368::X'}}
// cxx20_2b-note@-1 {{candidate function [with T = dr368::X]}}
template < typename T > int g ( S < T , true ? T ( ) : T ( ) > * ) ; // cxx98_17-note {{type 'dr368::X'}}
// cxx20_2b-note@-1 {{candidate function [with T = dr368::X]}}
2014-02-11 03:53:17 +08:00
struct X { } ;
2021-03-24 04:20:07 +08:00
int n = g < X > ( 0 ) ; // cxx98_17-error {{no matching}}
// cxx20_2b-error@-1 {{call to 'g' is ambiguous}}
2014-02-11 03:53:17 +08:00
// dr370: na
2014-03-06 06:54:58 +08:00
namespace dr372 { // dr372: no
namespace example1 {
template < typename T > struct X {
protected :
typedef T Type ; // expected-note 2{{protected}}
} ;
template < typename T > struct Y { } ;
// FIXME: These two are valid; deriving from T1<T> gives Z1 access to
// the protected member T1<T>::Type.
template < typename T ,
template < typename > class T1 ,
template < typename > class T2 > struct Z1 :
T1 < T > ,
T2 < typename T1 < T > : : Type > { } ; // expected-error {{protected}}
template < typename T ,
template < typename > class T1 ,
template < typename > class T2 > struct Z2 :
T2 < typename T1 < T > : : Type > , // expected-error {{protected}}
T1 < T > { } ;
Z1 < int , X , Y > z1 ; // expected-note {{instantiation of}}
Z2 < int , X , Y > z2 ; // expected-note {{instantiation of}}
namespace example2 {
struct X {
private :
typedef int Type ; // expected-note {{private}}
} ;
template < typename T > struct A {
typename T : : Type t ; // expected-error {{private}}
} ;
A < X > ax ; // expected-note {{instantiation of}}
namespace example3 {
struct A {
protected :
typedef int N ; // expected-note 2{{protected}}
} ;
template < typename T > struct B { } ;
template < typename U > struct C : U , B < typename U : : N > { } ; // expected-error {{protected}}
template < typename U > struct D : B < typename U : : N > , U { } ; // expected-error {{protected}}
C < A > x ; // expected-note {{instantiation of}}
D < A > y ; // expected-note {{instantiation of}}
namespace example4 {
class A {
class B { } ;
friend class X ;
} ;
struct X : A : : B {
A : : B mx ;
class Y {
A : : B my ;
} ;
} ;
2018-04-06 05:49:20 +08:00
// FIXME: This is valid: deriving from A gives D access to A::B
namespace std_example {
class A {
protected :
struct B { } ; // expected-note {{here}}
} ;
struct D : A : : B , A { } ; // expected-error {{protected}}
// FIXME: This is valid: deriving from A::B gives access to A::B!
namespace badwolf {
class A {
protected :
struct B ; // expected-note {{here}}
} ;
struct A : : B : A { } ;
struct C : A : : B { } ; // expected-error {{protected}}
2014-03-06 06:54:58 +08:00
2017-03-18 05:41:20 +08:00
namespace dr373 { // dr373: 5
namespace X { int dr373 ; }
2014-03-06 06:54:58 +08:00
struct dr373 { // expected-note {{here}}
void f ( ) {
2017-03-18 05:41:20 +08:00
using namespace dr373 : : X ;
2014-03-06 06:54:58 +08:00
int k = dr373 ; // expected-error {{does not refer to a value}}
2017-03-18 05:41:20 +08:00
namespace Y = dr373 : : X ;
2014-03-06 06:54:58 +08:00
k = Y : : dr373 ;
} ;
2017-03-18 05:41:20 +08:00
struct A { struct B { } ; } ; // expected-note 2{{here}}
namespace X = A : : B ; // expected-error {{expected namespace name}}
using namespace A : : B ; // expected-error {{expected namespace name}}
2014-03-06 06:54:58 +08:00
2018-03-16 21:36:56 +08:00
namespace dr374 { // dr374: yes
2014-03-06 06:54:58 +08:00
namespace N {
template < typename T > void f ( ) ;
template < typename T > struct A { void f ( ) ; } ;
template < > void N : : f < char > ( ) { }
template < > void N : : A < char > : : f ( ) { }
template < > struct N : : A < int > { } ;
// dr375: dup 345
// dr376: na
namespace dr377 { // dr377: yes
enum E { // expected-error {{enumeration values exceed range of largest integer}}
a = - __LONG_LONG_MAX__ - 1 , // expected-error 0-1{{extension}}
b = 2 * ( unsigned long long ) __LONG_LONG_MAX__ // expected-error 0-2{{extension}}
} ;
// dr378: dup 276
// dr379: na
2014-03-11 15:49:32 +08:00
namespace dr381 { // dr381: yes
struct A {
int a ;
} ;
struct B : virtual A { } ;
struct C : B { } ;
struct D : B { } ;
struct E : public C , public D { } ;
struct F : public A { } ;
void f ( ) {
E e ;
e . B : : a = 0 ; // expected-error {{ambiguous conversion}}
F f ;
f . A : : a = 1 ;
namespace dr382 { // dr382: yes c++11
// FIXME: Should we allow this in C++98 mode?
struct A { typedef int T ; } ;
typename A : : T t ;
typename dr382 : : A a ;
# if __cplusplus < 201103L
// expected-error@-3 {{occurs outside of a template}}
// expected-error@-3 {{occurs outside of a template}}
# endif
typename A b ; // expected-error {{expected a qualified name}}
namespace dr383 { // dr383: yes
struct A { A & operator = ( const A & ) ; } ;
struct B { ~ B ( ) ; } ;
union C { C & operator = ( const C & ) ; } ;
union D { ~ D ( ) ; } ;
int check [ ( __is_pod ( A ) | | __is_pod ( B ) | | __is_pod ( C ) | | __is_pod ( D ) ) ? - 1 : 1 ] ;
namespace dr384 { // dr384: yes
namespace N1 {
template < typename T > struct Base { } ;
template < typename T > struct X {
struct Y : public Base < T > {
Y operator + ( int ) const ;
} ;
Y f ( unsigned i ) { return Y ( ) + i ; }
} ;
namespace N2 {
struct Z { } ;
template < typename T > int * operator + ( T , unsigned ) ;
int main ( ) {
N1 : : X < N2 : : Z > v ;
v . f ( 0 ) ;
namespace dr385 { // dr385: yes
2021-04-03 09:10:12 +08:00
struct A { protected : void f ( ) ; } ;
2014-03-11 15:49:32 +08:00
struct B : A { using A : : f ; } ;
struct C : A { void g ( B b ) { b . f ( ) ; } } ;
void h ( B b ) { b . f ( ) ; }
struct D { int n ; } ; // expected-note {{member}}
2020-11-30 11:17:49 +08:00
struct E : protected D { } ; // expected-note {{protected}}
2014-03-11 15:49:32 +08:00
struct F : E { friend int i ( E ) ; } ;
2020-11-30 11:17:49 +08:00
int i ( E e ) { return e . n ; } // expected-error {{protected member}}
2014-03-11 15:49:32 +08:00
namespace dr387 { // dr387: yes
namespace old {
template < typename T > class number {
number ( int ) ; // expected-note 2{{here}}
friend number gcd ( number & x , number & y ) { }
} ;
void g ( ) {
number < double > a ( 3 ) , b ( 4 ) ; // expected-error 2{{private}}
a = gcd ( a , b ) ;
b = gcd ( 3 , 4 ) ; // expected-error {{undeclared}}
namespace newer {
template < typename T > class number {
public :
number ( int ) ;
friend number gcd ( number x , number y ) { return 0 ; }
} ;
void g ( ) {
number < double > a ( 3 ) , b ( 4 ) ;
a = gcd ( a , b ) ;
b = gcd ( 3 , 4 ) ; // expected-error {{undeclared}}
// FIXME: dr388 needs codegen test
2014-03-13 16:40:37 +08:00
namespace dr389 { // dr389: no
struct S {
typedef struct { } A ;
typedef enum { } B ;
typedef struct { } const C ; // expected-note 0-2{{here}}
typedef enum { } const D ; // expected-note 0-1{{here}}
} ;
template < typename > struct T { } ;
struct WithLinkage1 { } ;
enum WithLinkage2 { } ;
typedef struct { } * WithLinkage3a , WithLinkage3b ;
typedef enum { } WithLinkage4a , * WithLinkage4b ;
typedef S : : A WithLinkage5 ;
typedef const S : : B WithLinkage6 ;
typedef int WithLinkage7 ;
typedef void ( * WithLinkage8 ) ( WithLinkage2 WithLinkage1 : : * , WithLinkage5 * ) ;
typedef T < WithLinkage5 > WithLinkage9 ;
typedef struct { } * WithoutLinkage1 ; // expected-note 0-1{{here}}
typedef enum { } const WithoutLinkage2 ; // expected-note 0-1{{here}}
// These two types don't have linkage even though they are externally visible
// and the ODR requires them to be merged across TUs.
typedef S : : C WithoutLinkage3 ;
typedef S : : D WithoutLinkage4 ;
typedef void ( * WithoutLinkage5 ) ( int ( WithoutLinkage3 : : * ) ( char ) ) ;
# if __cplusplus >= 201103L
// This has linkage even though its template argument does not.
// FIXME: This is probably a defect.
typedef T < WithoutLinkage1 > WithLinkage10 ;
# else
typedef int WithLinkage10 ; // dummy
typedef T < WithLinkage1 > GoodArg1 ;
typedef T < WithLinkage2 > GoodArg2 ;
typedef T < WithLinkage3a > GoodArg3a ;
typedef T < WithLinkage3b > GoodArg3b ;
typedef T < WithLinkage4a > GoodArg4a ;
typedef T < WithLinkage4b > GoodArg4b ;
typedef T < WithLinkage5 > GoodArg5 ;
typedef T < WithLinkage6 > GoodArg6 ;
typedef T < WithLinkage7 > GoodArg7 ;
typedef T < WithLinkage8 > GoodArg8 ;
typedef T < WithLinkage9 > GoodArg9 ;
typedef T < WithoutLinkage1 > BadArg1 ; // expected-error{{template argument uses}}
typedef T < WithoutLinkage2 > BadArg2 ; // expected-error{{template argument uses}}
typedef T < WithoutLinkage3 > BadArg3 ; // expected-error{{template argument uses}}
typedef T < WithoutLinkage4 > BadArg4 ; // expected-error{{template argument uses}}
typedef T < WithoutLinkage5 > BadArg5 ; // expected-error{{template argument uses}}
# endif
extern WithLinkage1 withLinkage1 ;
extern WithLinkage2 withLinkage2 ;
extern WithLinkage3a withLinkage3a ;
extern WithLinkage3b withLinkage3b ;
extern WithLinkage4a withLinkage4a ;
extern WithLinkage4b withLinkage4b ;
extern WithLinkage5 withLinkage5 ;
extern WithLinkage6 withLinkage6 ;
extern WithLinkage7 withLinkage7 ;
extern WithLinkage8 withLinkage8 ;
extern WithLinkage9 withLinkage9 ;
extern WithLinkage10 withLinkage10 ;
// FIXME: These are all ill-formed.
extern WithoutLinkage1 withoutLinkage1 ;
extern WithoutLinkage2 withoutLinkage2 ;
extern WithoutLinkage3 withoutLinkage3 ;
extern WithoutLinkage4 withoutLinkage4 ;
extern WithoutLinkage5 withoutLinkage5 ;
// OK, extern "C".
extern " C " {
extern WithoutLinkage1 dr389_withoutLinkage1 ;
extern WithoutLinkage2 dr389_withoutLinkage2 ;
extern WithoutLinkage3 dr389_withoutLinkage3 ;
extern WithoutLinkage4 dr389_withoutLinkage4 ;
extern WithoutLinkage5 dr389_withoutLinkage5 ;
// OK, defined.
WithoutLinkage1 withoutLinkageDef1 ;
WithoutLinkage2 withoutLinkageDef2 = WithoutLinkage2 ( ) ;
WithoutLinkage3 withoutLinkageDef3 = { } ;
WithoutLinkage4 withoutLinkageDef4 = WithoutLinkage4 ( ) ;
WithoutLinkage5 withoutLinkageDef5 ;
void use ( const void * ) ;
void use_all ( ) {
use ( & withLinkage1 ) ; use ( & withLinkage2 ) ; use ( & withLinkage3a ) ; use ( & withLinkage3b ) ;
use ( & withLinkage4a ) ; use ( & withLinkage4b ) ; use ( & withLinkage5 ) ; use ( & withLinkage6 ) ;
use ( & withLinkage7 ) ; use ( & withLinkage8 ) ; use ( & withLinkage9 ) ; use ( & withLinkage10 ) ;
use ( & withoutLinkage1 ) ; use ( & withoutLinkage2 ) ; use ( & withoutLinkage3 ) ;
use ( & withoutLinkage4 ) ; use ( & withoutLinkage5 ) ;
use ( & dr389_withoutLinkage1 ) ; use ( & dr389_withoutLinkage2 ) ;
use ( & dr389_withoutLinkage3 ) ; use ( & dr389_withoutLinkage4 ) ;
use ( & dr389_withoutLinkage5 ) ;
use ( & withoutLinkageDef1 ) ; use ( & withoutLinkageDef2 ) ; use ( & withoutLinkageDef3 ) ;
use ( & withoutLinkageDef4 ) ; use ( & withoutLinkageDef5 ) ;
void local ( ) {
// FIXME: This is ill-formed.
extern WithoutLinkage1 withoutLinkageLocal ;
namespace dr390 { // dr390: yes
template < typename T >
struct A {
A ( ) { f ( ) ; } // expected-warning {{call to pure virt}}
virtual void f ( ) = 0 ; // expected-note {{here}}
virtual ~ A ( ) = 0 ;
} ;
template < typename T > A < T > : : ~ A ( ) { T : : error ; } // expected-error {{cannot be used prior to}}
template < typename T > void A < T > : : f ( ) { T : : error ; } // ok, not odr-used
struct B : A < int > { // expected-note 2{{in instantiation of}}
void f ( ) { }
} b ;
namespace dr391 { // dr391: yes c++11
// FIXME: Should this apply to C++98 too?
class A { A ( const A & ) ; } ; // expected-note 0-1{{here}}
A fa ( ) ;
const A & a = fa ( ) ;
# if __cplusplus < 201103L
// expected-error@-2 {{C++98 requires an accessible copy constructor}}
# endif
struct B { B ( const B & ) = delete ; } ; // expected-error 0-1{{extension}} expected-note 0-1{{here}}
B fb ( ) ;
const B & b = fb ( ) ;
# if __cplusplus < 201103L
// expected-error@-2 {{deleted}}
# endif
template < typename T >
struct C {
C ( const C & ) { T : : error ; }
} ;
C < int > fc ( ) ;
const C < int > & c = fc ( ) ;
// dr392 FIXME write codegen test
// dr394: na
namespace dr395 { // dr395: yes
struct S {
2014-12-19 10:07:47 +08:00
template < typename T , int N > ( & operator T ( ) ) [ N ] ; // expected-error {{cannot specify any part of a return type}}
2014-03-13 16:40:37 +08:00
template < typename T , int N > operator ( T ( & ) [ N ] ) ( ) ; // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} expected-error +{{}}
template < typename T > operator T * ( ) const { return 0 ; }
template < typename T , typename U > operator T U : : * ( ) const { return 0 ; }
template < typename T , typename U > operator T ( U : : * ) ( ) ( ) const { return 0 ; } // expected-error +{{}}
} ;
struct null1_t {
template < class T , class U > struct ptr_mem_fun_t {
typedef T ( U : : * type ) ( ) ;
} ;
template < class T , class U >
operator typename ptr_mem_fun_t < T , U > : : type ( ) const { // expected-note {{couldn't infer}}
return 0 ;
} null1 ;
int ( S : : * p ) ( ) = null1 ; // expected-error {{no viable conversion}}
template < typename T > using id = T ; // expected-error 0-1{{extension}}
struct T {
template < typename T , int N > operator id < T [ N ] > & ( ) ;
template < typename T , typename U > operator id < T ( U : : * ) ( ) > ( ) const ;
} ;
struct null2_t {
template < class T , class U > using ptr_mem_fun_t = T ( U : : * ) ( ) ; // expected-error 0-1{{extension}}
template < class T , class U > operator ptr_mem_fun_t < T , U > ( ) const { return 0 ; } ;
} null2 ;
int ( S : : * q ) ( ) = null2 ;
namespace dr396 { // dr396: yes
void f ( ) {
auto int a ( ) ; // expected-error {{storage class on function}}
int ( i ) ; // expected-note {{previous}}
auto int ( i ) ; // expected-error {{redefinition}}
# if __cplusplus >= 201103L
// expected-error@-4 {{'auto' storage class}} expected-error@-2 {{'auto' storage class}}
# endif
// dr397: sup 1823
namespace dr398 { // dr398: yes
namespace example1 {
struct S {
static int const I = 42 ;
} ;
template < int N > struct X { } ;
template < typename T > void f ( X < T : : I > * ) { }
template < typename T > void f ( X < T : : J > * ) { }
void foo ( ) { f < S > ( 0 ) ; }
namespace example2 {
template < int I > struct X { } ;
template < template < class T > class > struct Z { } ;
template < class T > void f ( typename T : : Y * ) { } // expected-note 2{{substitution failure}}
template < class T > void g ( X < T : : N > * ) { } // expected-note {{substitution failure}}
template < class T > void h ( Z < T : : template TT > * ) { } // expected-note {{substitution failure}}
struct A { } ;
struct B {
int Y ;
} ;
struct C {
typedef int N ;
} ;
struct D {
typedef int TT ;
} ;
void test ( ) {
f < A > ( 0 ) ; // expected-error {{no matching function}}
f < B > ( 0 ) ; // expected-error {{no matching function}}
g < C > ( 0 ) ; // expected-error {{no matching function}}
h < D > ( 0 ) ; // expected-error {{no matching function}}