2013-11-08 13:16:50 +08:00
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++98 -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown %s -verify -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -pedantic-errors
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++11 -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown %s -verify -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -pedantic-errors
2014-09-29 05:56:04 +08:00
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++14 -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown %s -verify -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -pedantic-errors
2017-08-14 06:26:53 +08:00
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++17 -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown %s -verify -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -pedantic-errors
2022-09-07 08:33:54 +08:00
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++20 -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown %s -verify -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -pedantic-errors
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
namespace dr100 { // dr100: yes
2020-10-25 13:08:24 +08:00
template<const char (*)[4]> struct A {}; // expected-note 0-1{{declared here}}
2014-11-26 11:26:53 +08:00
template<const char (&)[4]> struct B {}; // expected-note 0-1{{declared here}}
2020-10-25 13:08:24 +08:00
template<const char *> struct C {}; // expected-note 0-1{{declared here}}
template<const char &> struct D {}; // expected-note 0-1{{declared here}}
A<&"foo"> a; // #100a
B<"bar"> b; // #100b
C<"baz"> c; // #100c
D<*"quux"> d; // #100d
#if __cplusplus < 201703L
// expected-error@#100a {{does not refer to any declaration}}
// expected-error@#100b {{does not refer to any declaration}}
// expected-error@#100c {{does not refer to any declaration}}
// expected-error@#100d {{does not refer to any declaration}}
// expected-error@#100a {{pointer to string literal is not allowed in a template argument}}
// expected-error@#100b {{reference to string literal is not allowed in a template argument}}
// expected-error@#100c {{pointer to subobject of string literal is not allowed in a template argument}}
// expected-error@#100d {{reference to subobject of string literal is not allowed in a template argument}}
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
2014-02-06 09:31:33 +08:00
namespace dr101 { // dr101: 3.5
2013-06-19 04:15:12 +08:00
extern "C" void dr101_f();
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
typedef unsigned size_t;
namespace X {
2013-06-19 04:15:12 +08:00
extern "C" void dr101_f();
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
typedef unsigned size_t;
2013-06-19 04:15:12 +08:00
using X::dr101_f;
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
using X::size_t;
2014-02-06 09:31:33 +08:00
extern "C" void dr101_f();
typedef unsigned size_t;
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
namespace dr102 { // dr102: yes
namespace A {
template<typename T> T f(T a, T b) { return a + b; } // expected-error {{neither visible in the template definition nor found by argument-dependent lookup}}
namespace B {
struct S {};
B::S operator+(B::S, B::S); // expected-note {{should be declared prior to the call site or in namespace 'dr102::B'}}
template B::S A::f(B::S, B::S); // expected-note {{in instantiation of}}
// dr103: na
2016-12-10 03:35:45 +08:00
// dr104: na lib
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
// dr105: na
namespace dr106 { // dr106: sup 540
typedef int &r1;
typedef r1 &r1;
2014-02-19 08:13:27 +08:00
typedef const r1 r1; // expected-warning {{has no effect}}
typedef const r1 &r1; // expected-warning {{has no effect}}
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
typedef const int &r2;
typedef r2 &r2;
2014-02-19 08:13:27 +08:00
typedef const r2 r2; // expected-warning {{has no effect}}
typedef const r2 &r2; // expected-warning {{has no effect}}
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
namespace dr107 { // dr107: yes
struct S {};
extern "C" S operator+(S, S) { return S(); }
namespace dr108 { // dr108: yes
template<typename T> struct A {
struct B { typedef int X; };
2022-09-07 08:33:54 +08:00
B::X x;
#if __cplusplus <= 201703L
// expected-error@-2 {{implicit 'typename' is a C++20 extension}}
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
struct C : B { X x; }; // expected-error {{unknown type name}}
template<> struct A<int>::B { int X; };
namespace dr109 { // dr109: yes
struct A { template<typename T> void f(T); };
template<typename T> struct B : T {
2018-04-27 10:00:13 +08:00
using T::template f; // expected-error {{'template' keyword not permitted here}}
using T::template f<int>; // expected-error {{'template' keyword not permitted here}} expected-error {{using declaration cannot refer to a template specialization}}
// FIXME: We shouldn't suggest using the 'template' keyword in a location where it's not valid.
using T::f<int>; // expected-error {{use 'template' keyword}} expected-error {{using declaration cannot refer to a template specialization}}
2018-05-15 04:52:48 +08:00
void g() { this->f<int>(123); } // expected-error {{use 'template' keyword}}
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
namespace dr111 { // dr111: dup 535
struct A { A(); A(volatile A&, int = 0); A(A&, const char * = "foo"); };
2013-11-04 09:48:18 +08:00
struct B : A { B(); }; // expected-note +{{would lose const qualifier}} expected-note {{requires 0 arguments}}
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
const B b1;
B b2(b1); // expected-error {{no matching constructor}}
namespace dr112 { // dr112: yes
struct T { int n; };
typedef T Arr[1];
const T a1[1] = {};
volatile T a2[1] = {};
const Arr a3 = {};
volatile Arr a4 = {};
template<const volatile T*> struct X {};
X<a1> x1;
X<a2> x2;
X<a3> x3;
X<a4> x4;
#if __cplusplus < 201103L
// expected-error@-5 {{internal linkage}} expected-note@-10 {{here}}
// expected-error@-4 {{internal linkage}} expected-note@-9 {{here}}
// FIXME: Test this somehow.
namespace dr113 { // dr113: yes
extern void (*p)();
void f() {
no_such_function(); // expected-error {{undeclared}}
void g();
void (*p)() = &g;
namespace dr114 { // dr114: yes
struct A {
virtual void f(int) = 0; // expected-note {{unimplemented}}
struct B : A {
template<typename T> void f(T);
void g() { f(0); }
} b; // expected-error {{abstract}}
namespace dr115 { // dr115: yes
template<typename T> int f(T); // expected-note +{{}}
template<typename T> int g(T); // expected-note +{{}}
template<typename T> int g(T, int); // expected-note +{{}}
int k1 = f(&f); // expected-error {{no match}}
int k2 = f(&f<int>);
int k3 = f(&g<int>); // expected-error {{no match}}
void h() {
(void)&f; // expected-error {{address of overloaded function 'f' cannot be cast to type 'void'}}
(void)&g<int>; // expected-error {{address of overloaded function 'g' cannot be cast to type 'void'}}
&f; // expected-error {{reference to overloaded function could not be resolved}}
&f<int>; // expected-warning {{unused}}
&g<int>; // expected-error {{reference to overloaded function could not be resolved}}
struct S {
template<typename T> static int f(T);
template<typename T> static int g(T);
template<typename T> static int g(T, int);
} s;
int k4 = f(&s.f); // expected-error {{non-constant pointer to member}}
int k5 = f(&s.f<int>);
int k6 = f(&s.g<int>); // expected-error {{non-constant pointer to member}}
void i() {
(void)&s.f; // expected-error {{non-constant pointer to member}}
(void)&s.g<int>; // expected-error {{non-constant pointer to member}}
&s.f; // expected-error {{non-constant pointer to member}}
&s.f<int>; // expected-warning {{unused}}
&s.g<int>; // expected-error {{non-constant pointer to member}}
struct T {
template<typename T> int f(T);
template<typename T> int g(T);
template<typename T> int g(T, int);
} t;
int k7 = f(&s.f); // expected-error {{non-constant pointer to member}}
int k8 = f(&s.f<int>);
int k9 = f(&s.g<int>); // expected-error {{non-constant pointer to member}}
void j() {
(void)&s.f; // expected-error {{non-constant pointer to member}}
(void)&s.g<int>; // expected-error {{non-constant pointer to member}}
&s.f; // expected-error {{non-constant pointer to member}}
&s.f<int>; // expected-warning {{unused}}
&s.g<int>; // expected-error {{non-constant pointer to member}}
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
// Special case kicks in only if a template argument list is specified.
template<typename T=int> void with_default(); // expected-note +{{}}
int k10 = f(&with_default); // expected-error {{no matching function}}
int k11 = f(&with_default<>);
void k() {
(void)&with_default; // expected-error {{overloaded function}}
&with_default; // expected-error {{overloaded function}}
&with_default<>; // expected-warning {{unused}}
namespace dr116 { // dr116: yes
template<int> struct A {};
template<int N> void f(A<N>) {} // expected-note {{previous}}
template<int M> void f(A<M>) {} // expected-error {{redefinition}}
template<typename T> void f(A<sizeof(T)>) {} // expected-note {{previous}}
template<typename U> void f(A<sizeof(U)>) {} // expected-error {{redefinition}}
// dr117: na
2016-12-10 03:35:45 +08:00
// dr118 is in its own file.
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
// dr119: na
// dr120: na
namespace dr121 { // dr121: yes
struct X {
template<typename T> struct Y {};
template<typename T> struct Z {
X::Y<T> x;
T::Y<T> y; // expected-error +{{}}
Z<X> z;
namespace dr122 { // dr122: yes
template<typename T> void f();
void g() { f<int>(); }
// dr123: na
// dr124: dup 201
// dr125: yes
2013-10-15 08:00:26 +08:00
struct dr125_A { struct dr125_B {}; }; // expected-note {{here}}
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
dr125_A::dr125_B dr125_C();
namespace dr125_B { dr125_A dr125_C(); }
namespace dr125 {
struct X {
friend dr125_A::dr125_B (::dr125_C)(); // ok
friend dr125_A (::dr125_B::dr125_C)(); // ok
2013-10-15 08:00:26 +08:00
friend dr125_A::dr125_B::dr125_C(); // expected-error {{did you mean the constructor name 'dr125_B'?}}
2015-09-30 08:48:50 +08:00
// expected-error@-1 {{missing exception specification}}
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
2018-01-13 13:05:45 +08:00
namespace dr126 { // dr126: partial
// FIXME: We do not yet generate correct code for this change:
// eg:
// catch (void*&) should catch void* but not int*
// catch (void*) and catch (void*const&) should catch both
// Likewise:
// catch (Base *&) should catch Base* but not Derived*
// catch (Base *) should catch both
// In each case, we emit the same code for both catches.
// The ABI does not let us represent the language rule in the unwind tables.
// So, when catching by non-const (or volatile) reference to pointer, we
// should compare the exception type to the caught type and only accept an
// exact match.
2016-12-08 10:49:07 +08:00
#if __cplusplus <= 201402L
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
struct C {};
struct D : C {};
struct E : private C { friend class A; friend class B; };
struct F : protected C {};
struct G : C {};
struct H : D, G {};
struct A {
virtual void cp() throw(C*);
virtual void dp() throw(C*);
virtual void ep() throw(C*); // expected-note {{overridden}}
virtual void fp() throw(C*); // expected-note {{overridden}}
virtual void gp() throw(C*);
virtual void hp() throw(C*); // expected-note {{overridden}}
virtual void cr() throw(C&);
virtual void dr() throw(C&);
virtual void er() throw(C&); // expected-note {{overridden}}
virtual void fr() throw(C&); // expected-note {{overridden}}
virtual void gr() throw(C&);
virtual void hr() throw(C&); // expected-note {{overridden}}
2018-01-13 13:05:45 +08:00
virtual void pv() throw(void*);
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
2018-01-13 13:05:45 +08:00
virtual void np() throw(C*);
virtual void npm() throw(int C::*);
virtual void nr() throw(C*&); // expected-note {{overridden}}
virtual void ncr() throw(C*const&);
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
virtual void ref1() throw(C *const&);
virtual void ref2() throw(C *);
virtual void v() throw(int);
virtual void w() throw(const int);
2018-01-13 13:05:45 +08:00
virtual void x() throw(int*); // expected-note {{overridden}}
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
virtual void y() throw(const int*);
virtual void z() throw(int); // expected-note {{overridden}}
struct B : A {
virtual void cp() throw(C*);
virtual void dp() throw(D*);
virtual void ep() throw(E*); // expected-error {{more lax}}
virtual void fp() throw(F*); // expected-error {{more lax}}
virtual void gp() throw(G*);
virtual void hp() throw(H*); // expected-error {{more lax}}
virtual void cr() throw(C&);
virtual void dr() throw(D&);
virtual void er() throw(E&); // expected-error {{more lax}}
virtual void fr() throw(F&); // expected-error {{more lax}}
virtual void gr() throw(G&);
virtual void hr() throw(H&); // expected-error {{more lax}}
2018-01-13 13:05:45 +08:00
virtual void pv() throw(C*);
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
using nullptr_t = decltype(nullptr);
2018-01-13 13:05:45 +08:00
virtual void np() throw(nullptr_t);
virtual void npm() throw(nullptr_t&);
virtual void nr() throw(nullptr_t); // expected-error {{more lax}}
virtual void ncr() throw(nullptr_t);
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
virtual void ref1() throw(D *const &);
virtual void ref2() throw(D *);
virtual void v() throw(const int);
virtual void w() throw(int);
2018-01-13 13:05:45 +08:00
virtual void x() throw(const int*); // expected-error {{more lax}}
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
virtual void y() throw(int*); // ok
virtual void z() throw(long); // expected-error {{more lax}}
2016-12-08 10:49:07 +08:00
2017-08-14 06:26:53 +08:00
void f() throw(int); // expected-error {{ISO C++17 does not allow}} expected-note {{use 'noexcept}}
2016-12-08 10:49:07 +08:00
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
namespace dr127 { // dr127: yes
2013-06-18 02:05:42 +08:00
__extension__ typedef __decltype(sizeof(0)) size_t;
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
template<typename T> struct A {
2016-12-08 10:49:07 +08:00
A() { throw 0; }
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
void *operator new(size_t, const char * = 0);
void operator delete(void *, const char *) { T::error; } // expected-error 2{{no members}}
void operator delete(void *) { T::error; }
A<void> *p = new A<void>; // expected-note {{instantiat}}
A<int> *q = new ("") A<int>; // expected-note {{instantiat}}
namespace dr128 { // dr128: yes
enum E1 { e1 } x = e1;
enum E2 { e2 } y = static_cast<E2>(x), z = static_cast<E2>(e1);
// dr129: dup 616
// dr130: na
2021-08-18 19:33:14 +08:00
namespace dr131 { // dr131: sup P1949
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
const char *a_with_\u0e8c = "\u0e8c";
const char *b_with_\u0e8d = "\u0e8d";
const char *c_with_\u0e8e = "\u0e8e";
namespace dr132 { // dr132: no
void f() {
extern struct {} x; // ok
extern struct S {} y; // FIXME: This is invalid.
static enum { E } e;
// dr133: dup 87
// dr134: na
namespace dr135 { // dr135: yes
struct A {
A f(A a) { return a; }
friend A g(A a) { return a; }
static A h(A a) { return a; }
2013-06-26 07:09:30 +08:00
namespace dr136 { // dr136: 3.4
void f(int, int, int = 0); // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}}
void g(int, int, int); // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}}
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
struct A {
2013-06-26 07:09:30 +08:00
friend void f(int, int = 0, int); // expected-error {{friend declaration specifying a default argument must be the only declaration}}
friend void g(int, int, int = 0); // expected-error {{friend declaration specifying a default argument must be the only declaration}}
friend void h(int, int, int = 0); // expected-error {{friend declaration specifying a default argument must be a definition}}
friend void i(int, int, int = 0) {} // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}}
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
friend void j(int, int, int = 0) {}
operator int();
2013-06-26 07:09:30 +08:00
void i(int, int, int); // expected-error {{friend declaration specifying a default argument must be the only declaration}}
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
void q() {
j(A(), A()); // ok, has default argument
2020-06-03 01:42:36 +08:00
extern "C" void k(int, int, int, int); // expected-note 2{{previous declaration is here}}
2013-06-26 07:09:30 +08:00
namespace NSA {
struct A {
2019-01-07 14:00:46 +08:00
friend void dr136::k(int, int, int, int = 0); // expected-error {{friend declaration specifying a default argument must be the only declaration}}
2013-06-26 07:09:30 +08:00
namespace NSB {
struct A {
2020-06-03 01:42:36 +08:00
friend void dr136::k(int, int, int = 0, int); // expected-error {{missing default argument on parameter}} expected-error {{must be the only declaration}}
2013-06-26 07:09:30 +08:00
struct B {
void f(int); // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}}
struct C {
friend void B::f(int = 0); // expected-error {{friend declaration specifying a default argument must be the only declaration}}
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
namespace dr137 { // dr137: yes
extern void *p;
extern const void *cp;
extern volatile void *vp;
extern const volatile void *cvp;
int *q = static_cast<int*>(p);
int *qc = static_cast<int*>(cp); // expected-error {{casts away qualifiers}}
int *qv = static_cast<int*>(vp); // expected-error {{casts away qualifiers}}
int *qcv = static_cast<int*>(cvp); // expected-error {{casts away qualifiers}}
const int *cq = static_cast<const int*>(p);
const int *cqc = static_cast<const int*>(cp);
const int *cqv = static_cast<const int*>(vp); // expected-error {{casts away qualifiers}}
const int *cqcv = static_cast<const int*>(cvp); // expected-error {{casts away qualifiers}}
const volatile int *cvq = static_cast<const volatile int*>(p);
const volatile int *cvqc = static_cast<const volatile int*>(cp);
const volatile int *cvqv = static_cast<const volatile int*>(vp);
const volatile int *cvqcv = static_cast<const volatile int*>(cvp);
namespace dr139 { // dr139: yes
namespace example1 {
typedef int f; // expected-note {{previous}}
struct A {
friend void f(A &); // expected-error {{different kind of symbol}}
namespace example2 {
typedef int f;
namespace N {
struct A {
friend void f(A &);
operator int();
void g(A a) { int i = f(a); } // ok, f is typedef not friend function
namespace dr140 { // dr140: yes
void f(int *const) {} // expected-note {{previous}}
void f(int[3]) {} // expected-error {{redefinition}}
void g(const int);
void g(int n) { n = 2; }
namespace dr141 { // dr141: yes
template<typename T> void f();
2021-10-15 03:49:22 +08:00
template<typename T> struct S { int n; }; // expected-note {{'::dr141::S<int>::n' declared here}}
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
struct A : S<int> {
template<typename T> void f();
template<typename T> struct S {};
} a;
struct B : S<int> {} b;
void g() {
2021-10-15 03:49:22 +08:00
(void)a.S<int>::n; // expected-error {{no member named 'n' in 'dr141::A::S<int>'; did you mean '::dr141::S<int>::n'?}}
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
#if __cplusplus < 201103L
// expected-error@-2 {{ambiguous}}
// expected-note@-11 {{lookup from the current scope}}
// expected-note@-9 {{lookup in the object type}}
b.f<int>(); // expected-error {{no member}} expected-error +{{}}
template<typename T> struct C {
T t;
void g() {
t.f<int>(); // expected-error {{use 'template'}}
void h() {
(void)t.S<int>::n; // ok
void i() {
(void)t.S<int>(); // ok!
void h() { C<B>().h(); } // ok
struct X {
template<typename T> void S();
void i() { C<X>().i(); } // ok!!
namespace dr142 { // dr142: yes
class B { // expected-note +{{here}}
int mi; // expected-note +{{here}}
static int si; // expected-note +{{here}}
class D : private B { // expected-note +{{here}}
class DD : public D {
void f();
void DD::f() {
2020-11-30 11:17:49 +08:00
mi = 3; // expected-error {{private member}}
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
si = 3; // expected-error {{private member}}
B b_old; // expected-error {{private member}}
dr142::B b;
b.mi = 3;
b.si = 3;
B::si = 3; // expected-error {{private member}}
dr142::B::si = 3;
B *bp1_old = this; // expected-error {{private member}} expected-error {{private base class}}
dr142::B *bp1 = this; // expected-error {{private base class}}
B *bp2_old = (B*)this; // expected-error 2{{private member}}
dr142::B *bp2 = (dr142::B*)this;
bp2->mi = 3;
namespace dr143 { // dr143: yes
namespace A { struct X; }
namespace B { void f(A::X); }
namespace A {
struct X { friend void B::f(X); };
void g(A::X x) {
f(x); // expected-error {{undeclared identifier 'f'}}
namespace dr145 { // dr145: yes
void f(bool b) {
2015-11-26 10:16:37 +08:00
#if __cplusplus <= 201402L
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
++b; // expected-warning {{deprecated}}
b++; // expected-warning {{deprecated}}
2015-11-26 10:16:37 +08:00
++b; // expected-error {{increment}}
b++; // expected-error {{increment}}
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
2017-01-20 05:00:13 +08:00
namespace dr147 { // dr147: yes
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
namespace example1 {
template<typename> struct A {
template<typename T> A(T);
2017-01-20 05:00:13 +08:00
// Per core issue 1435, this is ill-formed because A<int>::A<int> does not
// name the injected-class-name. (A<int>::A does, though.)
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
template<> template<> A<int>::A<int>(int) {} // expected-error {{out-of-line constructor for 'A' cannot have template arguments}}
2017-01-20 05:00:13 +08:00
template<> template<> A<float>::A(float) {}
2013-06-16 16:00:51 +08:00
namespace example2 {
struct A { A(); };
struct B : A { B(); };
A::A a1; // expected-error {{is a constructor}}
B::A a2;
namespace example3 {
template<typename> struct A {
template<typename T> A(T);
static A a;
template<> A<int>::A<int>(A<int>::a); // expected-error {{is a constructor}}
namespace dr148 { // dr148: yes
struct A { int A::*p; };
int check1[__is_pod(int(A::*)) ? 1 : -1];
int check2[__is_pod(A) ? 1 : -1];
// dr149: na
2013-11-07 14:24:09 +08:00
namespace dr151 { // dr151: yes
struct X {};
typedef int X::*p;
#if __cplusplus < 201103L
#define fold(x) (__builtin_constant_p(0) ? (x) : (x))
#define fold
int check[fold(p() == 0) ? 1 : -1];
#undef fold
namespace dr152 { // dr152: yes
struct A {
2016-12-07 07:52:28 +08:00
A(); // expected-note 0-2{{not viable}}
2020-01-10 04:27:48 +08:00
explicit A(const A&); // expected-note 1-2{{not a candidate}}
2013-11-07 14:24:09 +08:00
2016-12-07 07:52:28 +08:00
A a1 = A();
#if __cplusplus <= 201402L
// expected-error@-2 {{no matching constructor}}
2013-11-07 14:24:09 +08:00
A a2((A()));
2016-12-07 07:52:28 +08:00
A &f();
A a3 = f(); // expected-error {{no matching constructor}}
A a4(f());
2013-11-07 14:24:09 +08:00
// dr153: na
namespace dr154 { // dr154: yes
union { int a; }; // expected-error {{must be declared 'static'}}
namespace {
union { int b; };
static union { int c; };
namespace dr155 { // dr155: dup 632
struct S { int n; } s = { { 1 } }; // expected-warning {{braces around scalar initializer}}
2016-12-10 03:35:45 +08:00
// dr158 is in its own file.
2014-03-05 05:14:30 +08:00
2013-12-05 15:51:02 +08:00
namespace dr159 { // dr159: 3.5
2013-11-07 14:24:09 +08:00
namespace X { void f(); }
void f();
2013-12-05 15:51:02 +08:00
void dr159::f() {} // expected-warning {{extra qualification}}
2013-11-07 14:24:09 +08:00
void dr159::X::f() {}
// dr160: na
namespace dr161 { // dr161: yes
class A {
struct B { int n; } b; // expected-note 2{{here}}
static B bs;
void f(); // expected-note {{here}}
static void sf();
struct C : A {};
struct D : A {
void g(C c) {
B b1;
C::B b2; // ok, accessible as a member of A
(void)&C::b; // expected-error {{protected}}
(void)c.b; // expected-error {{protected}}
c.f(); // expected-error {{protected}}
namespace dr162 { // dr162: no
struct A {
char &f(char);
static int &f(int);
void g() {
int &a = (&A::f)(0); // FIXME: expected-error {{could not be resolved}}
char &b = (&A::f)('0'); // expected-error {{could not be resolved}}
int &c = (&A::f)(0); // FIXME: expected-error {{could not be resolved}}
char &d = (&A::f)('0'); // expected-error {{could not be resolved}}
// dr163: na
namespace dr164 { // dr164: yes
void f(int);
template <class T> int g(T t) { return f(t); }
enum E { e };
int f(E);
int k = g(e);
namespace dr165 { // dr165: no
namespace N {
struct A { friend struct B; };
void f() { void g(); }
// FIXME: dr1477 says this is ok, dr165 says it's ill-formed
struct N::B {};
// FIXME: dr165 says this is ill-formed, but the argument in dr1477 says it's ok
void N::g() {}
2013-11-08 03:26:14 +08:00
namespace dr166 { // dr166: yes
namespace A { class X; }
template<typename T> int f(T t) { return t.n; }
int g(A::X);
template<typename T> int h(T t) { return t.n; } // expected-error {{private}}
int i(A::X);
namespace A {
class X {
friend int f<X>(X);
friend int dr166::g(X);
friend int h(X);
friend int i(X);
int n; // expected-note 2{{here}}
int h(X x) { return x.n; }
int i(X x) { return x.n; }
template int f(A::X);
int g(A::X x) { return x.n; }
template int h(A::X); // expected-note {{instantiation}}
int i(A::X x) { return x.n; } // expected-error {{private}}
// dr167: sup 1012
namespace dr168 { // dr168: no
extern "C" typedef int (*p)();
extern "C++" typedef int (*q)();
struct S {
static int f();
p a = &S::f; // FIXME: this should fail.
q b = &S::f;
namespace dr169 { // dr169: yes
template<typename> struct A { int n; };
struct B {
template<typename> struct C;
template<typename> void f();
template<typename> static int n; // expected-error 0-1{{extension}}
struct D : A<int>, B {
using A<int>::n;
2014-03-08 06:36:23 +08:00
using B::C<int>; // expected-error {{using declaration cannot refer to a template specialization}}
using B::f<int>; // expected-error {{using declaration cannot refer to a template specialization}}
using B::n<int>; // expected-error {{using declaration cannot refer to a template specialization}}
2013-11-08 03:26:14 +08:00
2013-11-08 10:05:54 +08:00
namespace { // dr171: yes
int dr171a;
int dr171b; // expected-note {{here}}
namespace dr171 {
extern "C" void dr171a();
extern "C" void dr171b(); // expected-error {{conflicts}}
namespace dr172 { // dr172: yes
enum { zero };
int check1[-1 < zero ? 1 : -1];
enum { x = -1, y = (unsigned int)-1 };
int check2[sizeof(x) > sizeof(int) ? 1 : -1];
enum { a = (unsigned int)-1 / 2 };
int check3a[sizeof(a) == sizeof(int) ? 1 : -1];
int check3b[-a < 0 ? 1 : -1];
enum { b = (unsigned int)-1 / 2 + 1 };
int check4a[sizeof(b) == sizeof(unsigned int) ? 1 : -1];
int check4b[-b > 0 ? 1 : -1];
enum { c = (unsigned long)-1 / 2 };
int check5a[sizeof(c) == sizeof(long) ? 1 : -1];
int check5b[-c < 0 ? 1 : -1];
enum { d = (unsigned long)-1 / 2 + 1 };
int check6a[sizeof(d) == sizeof(unsigned long) ? 1 : -1];
int check6b[-d > 0 ? 1 : -1];
enum { e = (unsigned long long)-1 / 2 }; // expected-error 0-1{{extension}}
int check7a[sizeof(e) == sizeof(long) ? 1 : -1]; // expected-error 0-1{{extension}}
int check7b[-e < 0 ? 1 : -1];
enum { f = (unsigned long long)-1 / 2 + 1 }; // expected-error 0-1{{extension}}
int check8a[sizeof(f) == sizeof(unsigned long) ? 1 : -1]; // expected-error 0-1{{extension}}
int check8b[-f > 0 ? 1 : -1];
namespace dr173 { // dr173: yes
int check[('0' + 1 == '1' && '0' + 2 == '2' && '0' + 3 == '3' &&
'0' + 4 == '4' && '0' + 5 == '5' && '0' + 6 == '6' &&
'0' + 7 == '7' && '0' + 8 == '8' && '0' + 9 == '9') ? 1 : -1];
// dr174: sup 1012
namespace dr175 { // dr175: yes
struct A {}; // expected-note {{here}}
struct B : private A {}; // expected-note {{constrained by private inheritance}}
struct C : B {
A a; // expected-error {{private}}
dr175::A b;
namespace dr176 { // dr176: yes
template<typename T> class Y;
template<> class Y<int> {
void f() {
typedef Y A; // expected-note {{here}}
typedef Y<char> A; // expected-error {{different types ('Y<char>' vs 'Y<int>')}}
template<typename T> struct Base {}; // expected-note 2{{found}}
template<typename T> struct Derived : public Base<T> {
void f() {
typedef typename Derived::template Base<T> A;
typedef typename Derived::Base A;
template struct Derived<int>;
template<typename T> struct Derived2 : Base<int>, Base<char> {
typename Derived2::Base b; // expected-error {{found in multiple base classes}}
typename Derived2::Base<double> d;
template<typename T> class X { // expected-note {{here}}
X *p1;
X<T> *p2;
X<int> *p3;
dr176::X *p4; // expected-error {{requires template arguments}}
namespace dr177 { // dr177: yes
struct B {};
struct A {
2020-11-16 01:02:09 +08:00
A(A &); // expected-note 0-1{{not viable: expects an lvalue}}
[clang] Implement ElaboratedType sugaring for types written bare
Without this patch, clang will not wrap in an ElaboratedType node types written
without a keyword and nested name qualifier, which goes against the intent that
we should produce an AST which retains enough details to recover how things are
The lack of this sugar is incompatible with the intent of the type printer
default policy, which is to print types as written, but to fall back and print
them fully qualified when they are desugared.
An ElaboratedTypeLoc without keyword / NNS uses no storage by itself, but still
requires pointer alignment due to pre-existing bug in the TypeLoc buffer
Troubleshooting list to deal with any breakage seen with this patch:
1) The most likely effect one would see by this patch is a change in how
a type is printed. The type printer will, by design and default,
print types as written. There are customization options there, but
not that many, and they mainly apply to how to print a type that we
somehow failed to track how it was written. This patch fixes a
problem where we failed to distinguish between a type
that was written without any elaborated-type qualifiers,
such as a 'struct'/'class' tags and name spacifiers such as 'std::',
and one that has been stripped of any 'metadata' that identifies such,
the so called canonical types.
namespace foo {
struct A {};
A a;
If one were to print the type of `foo::a`, prior to this patch, this
would result in `foo::A`. This is how the type printer would have,
by default, printed the canonical type of A as well.
As soon as you add any name qualifiers to A, the type printer would
suddenly start accurately printing the type as written. This patch
will make it print it accurately even when written without
qualifiers, so we will just print `A` for the initial example, as
the user did not really write that `foo::` namespace qualifier.
2) This patch could expose a bug in some AST matcher. Matching types
is harder to get right when there is sugar involved. For example,
if you want to match a type against being a pointer to some type A,
then you have to account for getting a type that is sugar for a
pointer to A, or being a pointer to sugar to A, or both! Usually
you would get the second part wrong, and this would work for a
very simple test where you don't use any name qualifiers, but
you would discover is broken when you do. The usual fix is to
either use the matcher which strips sugar, which is annoying
to use as for example if you match an N level pointer, you have
to put N+1 such matchers in there, beginning to end and between
all those levels. But in a lot of cases, if the property you want
to match is present in the canonical type, it's easier and faster
to just match on that... This goes with what is said in 1), if
you want to match against the name of a type, and you want
the name string to be something stable, perhaps matching on
the name of the canonical type is the better choice.
3) This patch could expose a bug in how you get the source range of some
TypeLoc. For some reason, a lot of code is using getLocalSourceRange(),
which only looks at the given TypeLoc node. This patch introduces a new,
and more common TypeLoc node which contains no source locations on itself.
This is not an inovation here, and some other, more rare TypeLoc nodes could
also have this property, but if you use getLocalSourceRange on them, it's not
going to return any valid locations, because it doesn't have any. The right fix
here is to always use getSourceRange() or getBeginLoc/getEndLoc which will dive
into the inner TypeLoc to get the source range if it doesn't find it on the
top level one. You can use getLocalSourceRange if you are really into
micro-optimizations and you have some outside knowledge that the TypeLocs you are
dealing with will always include some source location.
4) Exposed a bug somewhere in the use of the normal clang type class API, where you
have some type, you want to see if that type is some particular kind, you try a
`dyn_cast` such as `dyn_cast<TypedefType>` and that fails because now you have an
ElaboratedType which has a TypeDefType inside of it, which is what you wanted to match.
Again, like 2), this would usually have been tested poorly with some simple tests with
no qualifications, and would have been broken had there been any other kind of type sugar,
be it an ElaboratedType or a TemplateSpecializationType or a SubstTemplateParmType.
The usual fix here is to use `getAs` instead of `dyn_cast`, which will look deeper
into the type. Or use `getAsAdjusted` when dealing with TypeLocs.
For some reason the API is inconsistent there and on TypeLocs getAs behaves like a dyn_cast.
5) It could be a bug in this patch perhaps.
Let me know if you need any help!
Signed-off-by: Matheus Izvekov <mizvekov@gmail.com>
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D112374
2021-10-12 00:15:36 +08:00
A(const B &); // expected-note 0-1{{not viable: no known conversion from 'A' to}}
2013-11-08 10:05:54 +08:00
B b;
2016-12-07 07:52:28 +08:00
A a = b;
#if __cplusplus <= 201402L
// expected-error@-2 {{no viable constructor copying variable}}
2020-11-16 01:02:09 +08:00
struct C { C(C&); }; // expected-note {{not viable: expects an lvalue for 1st argument}}
2016-12-07 07:52:28 +08:00
struct D : C {};
struct E { operator D(); };
E e;
[clang] Implement ElaboratedType sugaring for types written bare
Without this patch, clang will not wrap in an ElaboratedType node types written
without a keyword and nested name qualifier, which goes against the intent that
we should produce an AST which retains enough details to recover how things are
The lack of this sugar is incompatible with the intent of the type printer
default policy, which is to print types as written, but to fall back and print
them fully qualified when they are desugared.
An ElaboratedTypeLoc without keyword / NNS uses no storage by itself, but still
requires pointer alignment due to pre-existing bug in the TypeLoc buffer
Troubleshooting list to deal with any breakage seen with this patch:
1) The most likely effect one would see by this patch is a change in how
a type is printed. The type printer will, by design and default,
print types as written. There are customization options there, but
not that many, and they mainly apply to how to print a type that we
somehow failed to track how it was written. This patch fixes a
problem where we failed to distinguish between a type
that was written without any elaborated-type qualifiers,
such as a 'struct'/'class' tags and name spacifiers such as 'std::',
and one that has been stripped of any 'metadata' that identifies such,
the so called canonical types.
namespace foo {
struct A {};
A a;
If one were to print the type of `foo::a`, prior to this patch, this
would result in `foo::A`. This is how the type printer would have,
by default, printed the canonical type of A as well.
As soon as you add any name qualifiers to A, the type printer would
suddenly start accurately printing the type as written. This patch
will make it print it accurately even when written without
qualifiers, so we will just print `A` for the initial example, as
the user did not really write that `foo::` namespace qualifier.
2) This patch could expose a bug in some AST matcher. Matching types
is harder to get right when there is sugar involved. For example,
if you want to match a type against being a pointer to some type A,
then you have to account for getting a type that is sugar for a
pointer to A, or being a pointer to sugar to A, or both! Usually
you would get the second part wrong, and this would work for a
very simple test where you don't use any name qualifiers, but
you would discover is broken when you do. The usual fix is to
either use the matcher which strips sugar, which is annoying
to use as for example if you match an N level pointer, you have
to put N+1 such matchers in there, beginning to end and between
all those levels. But in a lot of cases, if the property you want
to match is present in the canonical type, it's easier and faster
to just match on that... This goes with what is said in 1), if
you want to match against the name of a type, and you want
the name string to be something stable, perhaps matching on
the name of the canonical type is the better choice.
3) This patch could expose a bug in how you get the source range of some
TypeLoc. For some reason, a lot of code is using getLocalSourceRange(),
which only looks at the given TypeLoc node. This patch introduces a new,
and more common TypeLoc node which contains no source locations on itself.
This is not an inovation here, and some other, more rare TypeLoc nodes could
also have this property, but if you use getLocalSourceRange on them, it's not
going to return any valid locations, because it doesn't have any. The right fix
here is to always use getSourceRange() or getBeginLoc/getEndLoc which will dive
into the inner TypeLoc to get the source range if it doesn't find it on the
top level one. You can use getLocalSourceRange if you are really into
micro-optimizations and you have some outside knowledge that the TypeLocs you are
dealing with will always include some source location.
4) Exposed a bug somewhere in the use of the normal clang type class API, where you
have some type, you want to see if that type is some particular kind, you try a
`dyn_cast` such as `dyn_cast<TypedefType>` and that fails because now you have an
ElaboratedType which has a TypeDefType inside of it, which is what you wanted to match.
Again, like 2), this would usually have been tested poorly with some simple tests with
no qualifications, and would have been broken had there been any other kind of type sugar,
be it an ElaboratedType or a TemplateSpecializationType or a SubstTemplateParmType.
The usual fix here is to use `getAs` instead of `dyn_cast`, which will look deeper
into the type. Or use `getAsAdjusted` when dealing with TypeLocs.
For some reason the API is inconsistent there and on TypeLocs getAs behaves like a dyn_cast.
5) It could be a bug in this patch perhaps.
Let me know if you need any help!
Signed-off-by: Matheus Izvekov <mizvekov@gmail.com>
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D112374
2021-10-12 00:15:36 +08:00
C c = e; // expected-error {{no viable constructor copying variable of type 'D'}}
2013-11-08 10:05:54 +08:00
namespace dr178 { // dr178: yes
int check[int() == 0 ? 1 : -1];
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
static_assert(int{} == 0, "");
struct S { int a, b; };
static_assert(S{1}.b == 0, "");
struct T { constexpr T() : n() {} int n; };
static_assert(T().n == 0, "");
struct U : S { constexpr U() : S() {} };
static_assert(U().b == 0, "");
namespace dr179 { // dr179: yes
void f();
int n = &f - &f; // expected-error {{arithmetic on pointers to the function type 'void ()'}}
namespace dr180 { // dr180: yes
template<typename T> struct X : T, T::some_base {
X() : T::some_type_that_might_be_T(), T::some_base() {}
friend class T::some_class;
void f() {
enum T::some_enum e;
namespace dr181 { // dr181: yes
namespace X {
template <template X<class T> > struct A { }; // expected-error +{{}}
template <template X<class T> > void f(A<X>) { } // expected-error +{{}}
namespace Y {
template <template <class T> class X> struct A { };
template <template <class T> class X> void f(A<X>) { }
namespace dr182 { // dr182: yes
template <class T> struct C {
void f();
void g();
template <class T> void C<T>::f() {}
template <class T> void C<T>::g() {}
class A {
2021-08-10 23:20:50 +08:00
class B {};
2013-11-08 10:05:54 +08:00
void f();
template void C<A::B>::f();
2021-08-10 23:20:50 +08:00
template <> void C<A::B>::g();
2013-11-08 10:05:54 +08:00
void A::f() {
C<B> cb;
namespace dr183 { // dr183: sup 382
template<typename T> struct A {};
template<typename T> struct B {
typedef int X;
template<> struct A<int> {
2016-04-29 10:24:14 +08:00
#if __cplusplus <= 199711
typename B<int>::X x; // expected-error {{'typename' occurs outside of a template}}
2013-11-08 10:05:54 +08:00
typename B<int>::X x;
2016-04-29 10:24:14 +08:00
2013-11-08 10:05:54 +08:00
namespace dr184 { // dr184: yes
template<typename T = float> struct B {};
template<template<typename TT = float> class T> struct A {
void f();
void g();
template<template<typename TT> class T> void A<T>::f() { // expected-note {{here}}
T<> t; // expected-error {{too few template arguments}}
template<template<typename TT = char> class T> void A<T>::g() {
T<> t;
typedef T<> X;
typedef T<char> X;
void h() { A<B>().g(); }
// dr185 FIXME: add codegen test
namespace dr187 { // dr187: sup 481
const int Z = 1;
template<int X = Z, int Z = X> struct A;
typedef A<> T;
typedef A<1, 1> T;
namespace dr188 { // dr188: yes
char c[10];
int check[sizeof(0, c) == 10 ? 1 : -1];
// dr190 FIXME: add codegen test for tbaa
// dr193 FIXME: add codegen test
namespace dr194 { // dr194: yes
struct A {
2015-07-06 09:04:39 +08:00
void A(); // expected-error {{constructor cannot have a return type}}
2013-11-08 10:05:54 +08:00
struct B {
2015-07-06 09:04:39 +08:00
void B(); // expected-error {{constructor cannot have a return type}}
2013-11-08 10:05:54 +08:00
struct C {
inline explicit C(int) {}
namespace dr195 { // dr195: yes
void f();
int *p = (int*)&f; // expected-error 0-1{{extension}}
void (*q)() = (void(*)())&p; // expected-error 0-1{{extension}}
namespace dr197 { // dr197: yes
char &f(char);
template <class T> void g(T t) {
char &a = f(1);
char &b = f(T(1)); // expected-error {{unrelated type 'int'}}
char &c = f(t); // expected-error {{unrelated type 'int'}}
void f(int);
enum E { e };
int &f(E);
void h() {
g(e); // expected-note {{in instantiation of}}
namespace dr198 { // dr198: yes
struct A {
int n;
struct B {
int m[sizeof(n)];
#if __cplusplus < 201103L
// expected-error@-2 {{invalid use of non-static data member}}
int f() { return n; }
// expected-error@-1 {{use of non-static data member 'n' of 'A' from nested type 'B'}}
struct C;
struct D;
struct A::C {
int m[sizeof(n)];
#if __cplusplus < 201103L
// expected-error@-2 {{invalid use of non-static data member}}
int f() { return n; }
// expected-error@-1 {{use of non-static data member 'n' of 'A' from nested type 'C'}}
struct A::D : A {
int m[sizeof(n)];
#if __cplusplus < 201103L
// expected-error@-2 {{invalid use of non-static data member}}
int f() { return n; }
// dr199 FIXME: add codegen test