#pragma omp target exit data nowait() map(from: i) // expected-warning {{extra tokens at the end of '#pragma omp target exit data' are ignored}} expected-error {{expected at least one 'map' clause for '#pragma omp target exit data'}}
#pragma omp target exit data map(from: i) nowait( // expected-warning {{extra tokens at the end of '#pragma omp target exit data' are ignored}}
#pragma omp target exit data map(from: i) nowait (argc)) // expected-warning {{extra tokens at the end of '#pragma omp target exit data' are ignored}}
#pragma omp target exit data map(from: i) nowait device (-10u)
#pragma omp target exit data map(from: i) nowait (3.14) device (-10u) // expected-warning {{extra tokens at the end of '#pragma omp target exit data' are ignored}}
#pragma omp target exit data map(from: i) nowait nowait // expected-error {{directive '#pragma omp target exit data' cannot contain more than one 'nowait' clause}}
#pragma omp target exit data nowait map(from: i) nowait // expected-error {{directive '#pragma omp target exit data' cannot contain more than one 'nowait' clause}}