__constantautoerr=[&](){}; //expected-note{{candidate function not viable: 'this' object is in address space '__constant', but method expects object in address space '__generic'}}
autopriv3=[]()__global{}; //expected-note{{candidate function not viable: 'this' object is in address space '__private', but method expects object in address space '__global'}} //expected-note{{conversion candidate of type 'void (*)()'}}
__constantautoconst1=[]()__private{}; //expected-note{{candidate function not viable: 'this' object is in address space '__constant', but method expects object in address space '__private'}} //expected-note{{conversion candidate of type 'void (*)()'}}
__constantautoconst2=[]()__generic{}; //expected-note{{candidate function not viable: 'this' object is in address space '__constant', but method expects object in address space '__generic'}} //expected-note{{conversion candidate of type 'void (*)()'}}
[&]()__global{}(); //expected-error{{no matching function for call to object of type '(lambda at}} expected-note{{candidate function not viable: 'this' object is in default address space, but method expects object in address space '__global'}}
[&]()__private{}(); //expected-error{{no matching function for call to object of type '(lambda at}} expected-note{{candidate function not viable: 'this' object is in default address space, but method expects object in address space '__private'}}