2012-01-09 06:09:58 +08:00
def c_compiler_rule ( b , name , description , compiler , flags ) :
command = " %s -MMD -MF $out.d %s -c -o $out $in " % ( compiler , flags )
b . rule ( name , command , description + " $out " , depfile = " $out.d " )
2013-06-27 02:20:03 +08:00
version_major = 0 ;
version_minor = 0 ;
version_patch = 1 ;
2012-01-09 06:09:58 +08:00
from optparse import OptionParser
import os
from subprocess import *
import sys
srcdir = os . path . dirname ( sys . argv [ 0 ] )
sys . path . insert ( 0 , os . path . join ( srcdir , ' build ' ) )
import metabuild
p = OptionParser ( )
p . add_option ( ' --with-llvm-config ' , metavar = ' PATH ' ,
help = ' use given llvm-config script ' )
2013-10-23 10:49:27 +08:00
p . add_option ( ' --with-cxx-compiler ' , metavar = ' PATH ' ,
help = ' use given C++ compiler ' )
2012-06-02 01:29:59 +08:00
p . add_option ( ' --prefix ' , metavar = ' PATH ' ,
help = ' install to given prefix ' )
2013-06-27 02:20:03 +08:00
p . add_option ( ' --libexecdir ' , metavar = ' PATH ' ,
help = ' install *.bc to given dir ' )
p . add_option ( ' --includedir ' , metavar = ' PATH ' ,
help = ' install include files to given dir ' )
p . add_option ( ' --pkgconfigdir ' , metavar = ' PATH ' ,
help = ' install clc.pc to given dir ' )
2012-01-09 06:09:58 +08:00
p . add_option ( ' -g ' , metavar = ' GENERATOR ' , default = ' make ' ,
help = ' use given generator (default: make) ' )
( options , args ) = p . parse_args ( )
llvm_config_exe = options . with_llvm_config or " llvm-config "
2013-06-27 02:20:03 +08:00
prefix = options . prefix
if not prefix :
prefix = ' /usr/local '
libexecdir = options . libexecdir
if not libexecdir :
libexecdir = os . path . join ( prefix , ' lib/clc ' )
includedir = options . includedir
if not includedir :
includedir = os . path . join ( prefix , ' include ' )
pkgconfigdir = options . pkgconfigdir
if not pkgconfigdir :
2013-09-06 07:27:58 +08:00
pkgconfigdir = os . path . join ( prefix , ' share/pkgconfig ' )
2013-06-27 02:20:03 +08:00
2012-01-09 06:09:58 +08:00
def llvm_config ( args ) :
try :
proc = Popen ( [ llvm_config_exe ] + args , stdout = PIPE )
return proc . communicate ( ) [ 0 ] . rstrip ( ) . replace ( ' \n ' , ' ' )
except OSError :
print " Error executing llvm-config. "
print " Please ensure that llvm-config is in your $PATH, or use --with-llvm-config. "
sys . exit ( 1 )
llvm_bindir = llvm_config ( [ ' --bindir ' ] )
2012-12-05 15:39:02 +08:00
llvm_core_libs = llvm_config ( [ ' --libs ' , ' core ' , ' bitreader ' , ' bitwriter ' ] ) + ' ' + \
llvm_config ( [ ' --ldflags ' ] )
2012-01-09 06:09:58 +08:00
llvm_cxxflags = llvm_config ( [ ' --cxxflags ' ] ) + ' -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti '
llvm_clang = os . path . join ( llvm_bindir , ' clang ' )
llvm_link = os . path . join ( llvm_bindir , ' llvm-link ' )
llvm_opt = os . path . join ( llvm_bindir , ' opt ' )
2013-10-23 10:49:27 +08:00
cxx_compiler = options . with_cxx_compiler
if not cxx_compiler :
cxx_compiler = os . path . join ( llvm_bindir , ' clang++ ' )
2013-06-27 02:20:38 +08:00
available_targets = {
' r600-- ' : { ' devices ' :
[ { ' gpu ' : ' cedar ' , ' aliases ' : [ ' palm ' , ' sumo ' , ' sumo2 ' , ' redwood ' , ' juniper ' ] } ,
{ ' gpu ' : ' cypress ' , ' aliases ' : [ ' hemlock ' ] } ,
{ ' gpu ' : ' barts ' , ' aliases ' : [ ' turks ' , ' caicos ' ] } ,
{ ' gpu ' : ' cayman ' , ' aliases ' : [ ' aruba ' ] } ,
{ ' gpu ' : ' tahiti ' , ' aliases ' : [ ' pitcairn ' , ' verde ' , ' oland ' ] } ] } ,
' nvptx--nvidiacl ' : { ' devices ' : [ { ' gpu ' : ' ' , ' aliases ' : [ ] } ] } ,
' nvptx64--nvidiacl ' : { ' devices ' : [ { ' gpu ' : ' ' , ' aliases ' : [ ] } ] }
2013-06-27 02:18:59 +08:00
default_targets = [ ' nvptx--nvidiacl ' , ' nvptx64--nvidiacl ' , ' r600-- ' ]
2012-01-09 06:09:58 +08:00
targets = args
if not targets :
targets = default_targets
b = metabuild . from_name ( options . g )
b . rule ( " LLVM_AS " , " %s -o $out $in " % os . path . join ( llvm_bindir , " llvm-as " ) ,
' LLVM-AS $out ' )
b . rule ( " LLVM_LINK " , command = llvm_link + " -o $out $in " ,
description = ' LLVM-LINK $out ' )
b . rule ( " OPT " , command = llvm_opt + " -O3 -o $out $in " ,
description = ' OPT $out ' )
2013-10-23 10:49:27 +08:00
c_compiler_rule ( b , " LLVM_TOOL_CXX " , ' CXX ' , cxx_compiler , llvm_cxxflags )
b . rule ( " LLVM_TOOL_LINK " , cxx_compiler + " -o $out $in %s " % llvm_core_libs , ' LINK $out ' )
2012-01-09 06:09:58 +08:00
prepare_builtins = os . path . join ( ' utils ' , ' prepare-builtins ' )
b . build ( os . path . join ( ' utils ' , ' prepare-builtins.o ' ) , " LLVM_TOOL_CXX " ,
os . path . join ( srcdir , ' utils ' , ' prepare-builtins.cpp ' ) )
b . build ( prepare_builtins , " LLVM_TOOL_LINK " ,
os . path . join ( ' utils ' , ' prepare-builtins.o ' ) )
b . rule ( " PREPARE_BUILTINS " , " %s -o $out $in " % prepare_builtins ,
2013-10-11 03:09:01 +08:00
b . rule ( " PYTHON_GEN " , " python < $in > $out " , " PYTHON_GEN $out " )
b . build ( ' generic/lib/convert.cl ' , " PYTHON_GEN " , [ ' generic/lib/gen_convert.py ' ] )
2012-01-09 06:09:58 +08:00
manifest_deps = set ( [ sys . argv [ 0 ] , os . path . join ( srcdir , ' build ' , ' metabuild.py ' ) ,
os . path . join ( srcdir , ' build ' , ' ninja_syntax.py ' ) ] )
2013-06-27 02:20:03 +08:00
install_files_bc = [ ]
2012-06-02 01:29:59 +08:00
install_deps = [ ]
2013-06-27 02:20:03 +08:00
# Create libclc.pc
clc = open ( ' libclc.pc ' , ' w ' )
clc . write ( ' includedir= %(inc)s \n libexecdir= %(lib)s \n \n Name: libclc \n Description: Library requirements of the OpenCL C programming language \n Version: %(maj)s . %(min)s . %(pat)s \n Cflags: -I$ {includedir} \n Libs: -L$ {libexecdir} ' %
{ ' inc ' : includedir , ' lib ' : libexecdir , ' maj ' : version_major , ' min ' : version_minor , ' pat ' : version_patch } )
clc . close ( )
2012-01-09 06:09:58 +08:00
for target in targets :
( t_arch , t_vendor , t_os ) = target . split ( ' - ' )
archs = [ t_arch ]
2012-05-29 04:42:15 +08:00
if t_arch == ' nvptx ' or t_arch == ' nvptx64 ' :
2012-01-09 06:09:58 +08:00
archs . append ( ' ptx ' )
archs . append ( ' generic ' )
subdirs = [ ]
for arch in archs :
subdirs . append ( " %s - %s - %s " % ( arch , t_vendor , t_os ) )
subdirs . append ( " %s - %s " % ( arch , t_os ) )
subdirs . append ( arch )
2012-06-02 01:29:59 +08:00
incdirs = filter ( os . path . isdir ,
[ os . path . join ( srcdir , subdir , ' include ' ) for subdir in subdirs ] )
libdirs = filter ( lambda d : os . path . isfile ( os . path . join ( d , ' SOURCES ' ) ) ,
[ os . path . join ( srcdir , subdir , ' lib ' ) for subdir in subdirs ] )
2012-01-09 06:09:58 +08:00
2012-06-02 01:29:59 +08:00
clang_cl_includes = ' ' . join ( [ " -I %s " % incdir for incdir in incdirs ] )
2012-01-09 06:09:58 +08:00
2013-06-27 02:20:38 +08:00
for device in available_targets [ target ] [ ' devices ' ] :
# The rule for building a .bc file for the specified architecture using clang.
clang_bc_flags = " -target %s -I`dirname $in` %s " \
" -Dcl_clang_storage_class_specifiers " \
" -Dcl_khr_fp64 " \
2013-10-11 03:09:01 +08:00
" -Dcles_khr_int64 " \
2013-10-11 03:08:51 +08:00
2013-06-27 02:20:38 +08:00
" -emit-llvm " % ( target , clang_cl_includes )
if device [ ' gpu ' ] != ' ' :
clang_bc_flags + = ' -mcpu= ' + device [ ' gpu ' ]
clang_bc_rule = " CLANG_CL_BC_ " + target
c_compiler_rule ( b , clang_bc_rule , " LLVM-CC " , llvm_clang , clang_bc_flags )
objects = [ ]
sources_seen = set ( )
if device [ ' gpu ' ] == ' ' :
full_target_name = target
obj_suffix = ' '
else :
full_target_name = device [ ' gpu ' ] + ' - ' + target
obj_suffix = ' . ' + device [ ' gpu ' ]
for libdir in libdirs :
subdir_list_file = os . path . join ( libdir , ' SOURCES ' )
manifest_deps . add ( subdir_list_file )
override_list_file = os . path . join ( libdir , ' OVERRIDES ' )
# Add target overrides
if os . path . exists ( override_list_file ) :
for override in open ( override_list_file ) . readlines ( ) :
override = override . rstrip ( )
sources_seen . add ( override )
for src in open ( subdir_list_file ) . readlines ( ) :
src = src . rstrip ( )
if src not in sources_seen :
sources_seen . add ( src )
obj = os . path . join ( target , ' lib ' , src + obj_suffix + ' .bc ' )
objects . append ( obj )
src_file = os . path . join ( libdir , src )
ext = os . path . splitext ( src ) [ 1 ]
if ext == ' .ll ' :
b . build ( obj , ' LLVM_AS ' , src_file )
else :
b . build ( obj , clang_bc_rule , src_file )
builtins_link_bc = os . path . join ( target , ' lib ' , ' builtins.link ' + obj_suffix + ' .bc ' )
builtins_opt_bc = os . path . join ( target , ' lib ' , ' builtins.opt ' + obj_suffix + ' .bc ' )
builtins_bc = os . path . join ( ' built_libs ' , full_target_name + ' .bc ' )
b . build ( builtins_link_bc , " LLVM_LINK " , objects )
b . build ( builtins_opt_bc , " OPT " , builtins_link_bc )
b . build ( builtins_bc , " PREPARE_BUILTINS " , builtins_opt_bc , prepare_builtins )
install_files_bc . append ( ( builtins_bc , builtins_bc ) )
install_deps . append ( builtins_bc )
for alias in device [ ' aliases ' ] :
b . rule ( " CREATE_ALIAS " , " ln -fs %s $out " % os . path . basename ( builtins_bc )
, " CREATE-ALIAS $out " )
alias_file = os . path . join ( ' built_libs ' , alias + ' - ' + target + ' .bc ' )
b . build ( alias_file , " CREATE_ALIAS " , builtins_bc )
install_files_bc . append ( ( alias_file , alias_file ) )
install_deps . append ( alias_file )
b . default ( builtins_bc )
2012-06-02 01:29:59 +08:00
2013-06-27 02:20:03 +08:00
install_cmd = ' && ' . join ( [ ' mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/ %(dst)s && cp -r %(src)s $(DESTDIR)/ %(dst)s ' %
{ ' src ' : file ,
' dst ' : libexecdir }
for ( file , dest ) in install_files_bc ] )
2013-06-27 02:20:35 +08:00
install_cmd = ' && ' . join ( [ ' %(old)s && mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/ %(dst)s && cp -r %(srcdir)s /generic/include/clc $(DESTDIR)/ %(dst)s ' %
2013-06-27 02:20:03 +08:00
{ ' old ' : install_cmd ,
2013-06-27 02:20:35 +08:00
' dst ' : includedir ,
' srcdir ' : srcdir } ] )
2013-06-27 02:20:03 +08:00
install_cmd = ' && ' . join ( [ ' %(old)s && mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/ %(dst)s && cp -r libclc.pc $(DESTDIR)/ %(dst)s ' %
{ ' old ' : install_cmd ,
' dst ' : pkgconfigdir } ] )
b . rule ( ' install ' , command = install_cmd , description = ' INSTALL ' )
b . build ( ' install ' , ' install ' , install_deps )
2012-01-09 06:09:58 +08:00
b . rule ( " configure " , command = ' ' . join ( sys . argv ) , description = ' CONFIGURE ' ,
generator = True )
b . build ( b . output_filename ( ) , ' configure ' , list ( manifest_deps ) )
b . finish ( )