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<H3>10. Using accelerated CPU and GPU styles
<P>NOTE: These doc pages are still incomplete as of 1Jun11.
<P>NOTE: The USER-CUDA package discussed below has not yet been
officially released in LAMMPS.
<P>Accelerated versions of various <A HREF = "pair_style.html">pair_style</A>,
<A HREF = "fix.html">fix</A>, <A HREF = "compute.html">compute</A>, and other command have been
added to LAMMPS, which will typically run faster than the standard
non-accelerated version, if you have the appropriate hardware on your
<P>The accelerated styles have the same name as the standard version,
except that a suffix is appended. Otherwise, the syntax
for the command is identical, and the numerical results it produces
should also be identical, except for precision and round-off issues.
<P>For example, all of these variants of the basic Lennard-Jones pair
style exist in LAMMPS:
<UL><LI><A HREF = "pair_lj.html">pair_style lj/cut</A>
<LI><A HREF = "pair_lj.html">pair_style lj/cut/opt</A>
<LI><A HREF = "pair_lj.html">pair_style lj/cut/gpu</A>
<LI><A HREF = "pair_lj.html">pair_style lj/cut/cuda</A>
<P>Assuming you have built LAMMPS with the appropriate package, these
styles can be invoked by specifying them explicitly in your input
script. Or you can use the <A HREF = "Section_start.html#2_6">-suffix command-line
switch</A> to invoke the accelerated versions
automatically. See the <A HREF = "suffix.html">suffix</A> command for info on how
to turn off/on the suffix associated with this switch within your
input script.
<P>Styles with an "opt" suffix are part of the OPT package and typically
speed-up the pairwise portion of your simulation by 5-25%.
<P>Styles with a "gpu" or "cuda" suffix are part of the GPU or USER-CUDA
packages, and can be run on NVIDIA GPUs associated with your CPUs.
The speed-up due to GPU usage depends on a variety of factors, as
discussed below.
<P>To see what styles are currently available in each of the accelerated
packages, see <A HREF = "Section_commands.html#3_5">this section</A> of the manual.
A list of accelerated styles is included in the pair, fix, compute,
and kspace sections.
<P>The following sections explain:
<UL><LI>how to install the accelerated packages
<LI>what hardware and software they require
<LI>what kind of problems they run best on
<LI>guidelines for how to use the accelerated packages to best advantage
<LI>the kinds of speed-ups you can expect
<P>The final section compares and contrasts the GPU and USER-CUDA
packages, since they are both designed to use NVIDIA GPU hardware.
10.1 <A HREF = "#10_1">OPT package</A><BR>
10.2 <A HREF = "#10_2">GPU package</A><BR>
10.3 <A HREF = "#10_3">USER-CUDA package</A><BR>
10.4 <A HREF = "#10_4">Comparison of GPU and USER-CUDA packages</A> <BR>
<H4><A NAME = "10_1"></A>10.1 OPT package
<P>The OPT package was developed by James Fischer (High Performance
Technologies), David Richie and Vincent Natoli (Stone Ridge
<H4><A NAME = "10_2"></A>10.2 GPU package
<P>The GPU package was developed by Mike Brown at ORNL.
<P>A few LAMMPS <A HREF = "pair_style.html">pair styles</A> can be run on graphical
processing units (GPUs). We plan to add more over time. Currently,
they only support NVIDIA GPU cards. To use them you need to install
certain NVIDIA CUDA software on your system:
<UL><LI>Check if you have an NVIDIA card: cat /proc/driver/nvidia/cards/0 Go
<LI>to http://www.nvidia.com/object/cuda_get.html Install a driver and
<LI>toolkit appropriate for your system (SDK is not necessary) Follow the
<LI>instructions in README in lammps/lib/gpu to build the library Run
<LI>lammps/lib/gpu/nvc_get_devices to list supported devices and
<H4>GPU configuration
<P>When using GPUs, you are restricted to one physical GPU per LAMMPS
process. Multiple processes can share a single GPU and in many cases
it will be more efficient to run with multiple processes per GPU. Any
GPU accelerated style requires that <A HREF = "fix_gpu.html">fix gpu</A> be used in
the input script to select and initialize the GPUs. The format for the
fix is:
<PRE>fix <I>name</I> all gpu <I>mode</I> <I>first</I> <I>last</I> <I>split</I>
<P>where <I>name</I> is the name for the fix. The gpu fix must be the first
fix specified for a given run, otherwise the program will exit with an
error. The gpu fix will not have any effect on runs that do not use
GPU acceleration; there should be no problem with specifying the fix
first in any input script.
<P><I>mode</I> can be either "force" or "force/neigh". In the former, neighbor
list calculation is performed on the CPU using the standard LAMMPS
routines. In the latter, the neighbor list calculation is performed on
the GPU. The GPU neighbor list can be used for better performance,
however, it cannot not be used with a triclinic box or with
<A HREF = "pair_hybrid.html">hybrid</A> pair styles.
<P>There are cases when it might be more efficient to select the CPU for
neighbor list builds. If a non-GPU enabled style requires a neighbor
list, it will also be built using CPU routines. Redundant CPU and GPU
neighbor list calculations will typically be less efficient.
<P><I>first</I> is the ID (as reported by lammps/lib/gpu/nvc_get_devices) of
the first GPU that will be used on each node. <I>last</I> is the ID of the
last GPU that will be used on each node. If you have only one GPU per
node, <I>first</I> and <I>last</I> will typically both be 0. Selecting a
non-sequential set of GPU IDs (e.g. 0,1,3) is not currently supported.
<P><I>split</I> is the fraction of particles whose forces, torques, energies,
and/or virials will be calculated on the GPU. This can be used to
perform CPU and GPU force calculations simultaneously. If <I>split</I> is
negative, the software will attempt to calculate the optimal fraction
automatically every 25 timesteps based on CPU and GPU timings. Because
the GPU speedups are dependent on the number of particles, automatic
calculation of the split can be less efficient, but typically results
in loop times within 20% of an optimal fixed split.
<P>If you have two GPUs per node, 8 CPU cores per node, and would like to
run on 4 nodes with dynamic balancing of force calculation across CPU
and GPU cores, the fix might be
<PRE>fix 0 all gpu force/neigh 0 1 -1
<P>with LAMMPS run on 32 processes. In this case, all CPU cores and GPU
devices on the nodes would be utilized. Each GPU device would be
shared by 4 CPU cores. The CPU cores would perform force calculations
for some fraction of the particles at the same time the GPUs performed
force calculation for the other particles.
<P>Because of the large number of cores on each GPU device, it might be
more efficient to run on fewer processes per GPU when the number of
particles per process is small (100's of particles); this can be
necessary to keep the GPU cores busy.
<H4>GPU input script
<P>In order to use GPU acceleration in LAMMPS, <A HREF = "fix_gpu.html">fix_gpu</A>
should be used in order to initialize and configure the GPUs for
use. Additionally, GPU enabled styles must be selected in the input
script. Currently, this is limited to a few <A HREF = "pair_style.html">pair
styles</A> and PPPM. Some GPU-enabled styles have
additional restrictions listed in their documentation.
<H4>GPU asynchronous pair computation
<P>The GPU accelerated pair styles can be used to perform pair style
force calculation on the GPU while other calculations are performed on
the CPU. One method to do this is to specify a <I>split</I> in the gpu fix
as described above. In this case, force calculation for the pair
style will also be performed on the CPU.
<P>When the CPU work in a GPU pair style has finished, the next force
computation will begin, possibly before the GPU has finished. If
<I>split</I> is 1.0 in the gpu fix, the next force computation will begin
almost immediately. This can be used to run a
<A HREF = "pair_hybrid.html">hybrid</A> GPU pair style at the same time as a hybrid
CPU pair style. In this case, the GPU pair style should be first in
the hybrid command in order to perform simultaneous calculations. This
also allows <A HREF = "bond_style.html">bond</A>, <A HREF = "angle_style.html">angle</A>,
<A HREF = "dihedral_style.html">dihedral</A>, <A HREF = "improper_style.html">improper</A>, and
<A HREF = "kspace_style.html">long-range</A> force computations to be run
simultaneously with the GPU pair style. Once all CPU force
computations have completed, the gpu fix will block until the GPU has
finished all work before continuing the run.
<H4>GPU timing
<P>GPU accelerated pair styles can perform computations asynchronously
with CPU computations. The "Pair" time reported by LAMMPS will be the
maximum of the time required to complete the CPU pair style
computations and the time required to complete the GPU pair style
computations. Any time spent for GPU-enabled pair styles for
computations that run simultaneously with <A HREF = "bond_style.html">bond</A>,
<A HREF = "angle_style.html">angle</A>, <A HREF = "dihedral_style.html">dihedral</A>,
<A HREF = "improper_style.html">improper</A>, and <A HREF = "kspace_style.html">long-range</A>
calculations will not be included in the "Pair" time.
<P>When <I>mode</I> for the gpu fix is force/neigh, the time for neighbor list
calculations on the GPU will be added into the "Pair" time, not the
"Neigh" time. A breakdown of the times required for various tasks on
the GPU (data copy, neighbor calculations, force computations, etc.)
are output only with the LAMMPS screen output at the end of each
run. These timings represent total time spent on the GPU for each
routine, regardless of asynchronous CPU calculations.
<H4>GPU single vs double precision
<P>See the lammps/lib/gpu/README file for instructions on how to build
the LAMMPS gpu library for single, mixed, and double precision. The
latter requires that your GPU card supports double precision.
<H4><A NAME = "10_3"></A>10.3 USER-CUDA package
<P>The USER-CUDA package was developed by Christian Trott at U Technology
Ilmenau in Germany.
<H4><A NAME = "10_4"></A>10.4 Comparison of GPU and USER-CUDA packages