mirror of https://github.com/lammps/lammps.git
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339 lines
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# Pizza.py toolkit, www.cs.sandia.gov/~sjplimp/pizza.html
# Steve Plimpton, sjplimp@sandia.gov, Sandia National Laboratories
# Copyright (2005) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
# DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
# certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
# the GNU General Public License.
# log tool
oneline = "Read LAMMPS log files and extract thermodynamic data"
docstr = """
l = log("file1") read in one or more log files
l = log("log1 log2.gz") can be gzipped
l = log("file*") wildcard expands to multiple files
l = log("log.lammps",0) two args = store filename, but don't read
incomplete and duplicate thermo entries are deleted
time = l.next() read new thermo info from file
used with 2-argument constructor to allow reading thermo incrementally
return time stamp of last thermo read
return -1 if no new thermo since last read
nvec = l.nvec # of vectors of thermo info
nlen = l.nlen length of each vectors
names = l.names list of vector names
t,pe,... = l.get("Time","KE",...) return one or more vectors of values
l.write("file.txt") write all vectors to a file
l.write("file.txt","Time","PE",...) write listed vectors to a file
get and write allow abbreviated (uniquely) vector names
# History
# 8/05, Steve Plimpton (SNL): original version
# ToDo list
# Variables
# nvec = # of vectors
# nlen = length of each vector
# names = list of vector names
# ptr = dictionary, key = name, value = index into data for which column
# data[i][j] = 2d array of floats, i = 0 to # of entries, j = 0 to nvecs-1
# style = style of LAMMPS log file, 1 = multi, 2 = one, 3 = gran
# firststr = string that begins a thermo section in log file
# increment = 1 if log file being read incrementally
# eof = ptr into incremental file for where to start next read
# Imports and external programs
import sys, re, glob
from os import popen
try: tmp = PIZZA_GUNZIP
except: PIZZA_GUNZIP = "gunzip"
# Class definition
class log:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def __init__(self,*list):
self.nvec = 0
self.names = []
self.ptr = {}
self.data = []
# flist = list of all log file names
words = list[0].split()
self.flist = []
for word in words: self.flist += glob.glob(word)
if len(self.flist) == 0 and len(list) == 1:
raise StandardError,"no log file specified"
if len(list) == 1:
self.increment = 0
if len(self.flist) > 1:
raise StandardError,"can only incrementally read one log file"
self.increment = 1
self.eof = 0
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# read all thermo from all files
def read_all(self):
if self.nvec == 0: raise StandardError,"log file has no values"
# read all files
for file in self.flist: self.read_one(file)
# sort entries by timestep, cull duplicates
self.nlen = len(self.data)
print "read %d log entries" % self.nlen
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def next(self):
if not self.increment: raise StandardError,"cannot read incrementally"
if self.nvec == 0:
try: open(self.flist[0],'r')
except: return -1
if self.nvec == 0: return -1
self.eof = self.read_one(self.flist[0],self.eof)
return int(self.data[-1][0])
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def get(self,*keys):
if len(keys) == 0:
raise StandardError, "no log vectors specified"
map = []
for key in keys:
if self.ptr.has_key(key):
count = 0
for i in range(self.nvec):
if self.names[i].find(key) == 0:
count += 1
index = i
if count == 1:
raise StandardError, "unique log vector %s not found" % key
vecs = []
for i in range(len(keys)):
vecs.append(self.nlen * [0])
for j in xrange(self.nlen):
vecs[i][j] = self.data[j][map[i]]
if len(keys) == 1: return vecs[0]
else: return vecs
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def write(self,filename,*keys):
if len(keys):
map = []
for key in keys:
if self.ptr.has_key(key):
count = 0
for i in range(self.nvec):
if self.names[i].find(key) == 0:
count += 1
index = i
if count == 1:
raise StandardError, "unique log vector %s not found" % key
map = range(self.nvec)
f = open(filename,"w")
for i in xrange(self.nlen):
for j in xrange(len(map)):
print >>f,self.data[i][map[j]],
print >>f
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def compare(self,a,b):
if a[0] < b[0]:
return -1
elif a[0] > b[0]:
return 1
return 0
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def cull(self):
i = 1
while i < len(self.data):
if self.data[i][0] == self.data[i-1][0]: del self.data[i]
else: i += 1
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def read_header(self,file):
str_multi = "----- Step"
str_one = "Step "
if file[-3:] == ".gz":
txt = popen("%s -c %s" % (PIZZA_GUNZIP,file),'r').read()
txt = open(file).read()
if txt.find(str_multi) >= 0:
self.firststr = str_multi
self.style = 1
elif txt.find(str_one) >= 0:
self.firststr = str_one
self.style = 2
if self.style == 1:
s1 = txt.find(self.firststr)
s2 = txt.find("\n--",s1)
pattern = "\s(\S*)\s*="
keywords = re.findall(pattern,txt[s1:s2])
i = 0
for keyword in keywords:
self.ptr[keyword] = i
i += 1
s1 = txt.find(self.firststr)
s2 = txt.find("\n",s1)
line = txt[s1:s2]
words = line.split()
for i in range(len(words)):
self.ptr[words[i]] = i
self.nvec = len(self.names)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def read_one(self,*list):
# if 2nd arg exists set file ptr to that value
# read entire (rest of) file into txt
file = list[0]
if file[-3:] == ".gz":
f = popen("%s -c %s" % (PIZZA_GUNZIP,file),'rb')
f = open(file,'rb')
if len(list) == 2: f.seek(list[1])
txt = f.read()
if file[-3:] == ".gz": eof = 0
else: eof = f.tell()
start = last = 0
while not last:
# chunk = contiguous set of thermo entries (line or multi-line)
# s1 = 1st char on 1st line of chunk
# s2 = 1st char on line after chunk
# set last = 1 if this is last chunk in file, leave 0 otherwise
# set start = position in file to start looking for next chunk
# rewind eof if final entry is incomplete
s1 = txt.find(self.firststr,start)
s2 = txt.find("Loop time of",start+1)
if s2 == -1:
s2 = txt.find("ERROR",start+1)
if s1 >= 0 and s2 >= 0 and s1 < s2: # found s1,s2 with s1 before s2
if self.style == 2:
s1 = txt.find("\n",s1) + 1
elif s1 >= 0 and s2 >= 0 and s2 < s1: # found s1,s2 with s2 before s1
s1 = 0
elif s1 == -1 and s2 >= 0: # found s2, but no s1
last = 1
s1 = 0
elif s1 >= 0 and s2 == -1: # found s1, but no s2
last = 1
if self.style == 1:
s2 = txt.rfind("\n--",s1) + 1
s1 = txt.find("\n",s1) + 1
s2 = txt.rfind("\n",s1) + 1
eof -= len(txt) - s2
elif s1 == -1 and s2 == -1: # found neither
# could be end-of-file section
# or entire read was one chunk
if txt.find("Loop time of",start) == start: # end of file, so exit
eof -= len(txt) - start # reset eof to "Loop"
if txt.find("ERROR",start) == start: # end of file, so exit
eof -= len(txt) - start # reset eof to "ERROR"
last = 1 # entire read is a chunk
s1 = 0
if self.style == 1:
s2 = txt.rfind("\n--",s1) + 1
s2 = txt.rfind("\n",s1) + 1
eof -= len(txt) - s2
if s1 == s2: break
chunk = txt[s1:s2-1]
start = s2
# split chunk into entries
# parse each entry for numeric fields, append to data
if self.style == 1:
sections = chunk.split("\n--")
pat1 = re.compile("Step\s*(\S*)\s")
pat2 = re.compile("=\s*(\S*)")
for section in sections:
word1 = [re.search(pat1,section).group(1)]
word2 = re.findall(pat2,section)
words = word1 + word2
lines = chunk.split("\n")
for line in lines:
words = line.split()
# print last timestep of chunk
print int(self.data[len(self.data)-1][0]),
return eof