mirror of https://github.com/lammps/lammps.git
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150 lines
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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator
Original Version:
http://lammps.sandia.gov, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton, sjplimp@sandia.gov
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
USER-CUDA Package and associated modifications:
Christian Trott, christian.trott@tu-ilmenau.de
Lars Winterfeld, lars.winterfeld@tu-ilmenau.de
Theoretical Physics II, University of Technology Ilmenau, Germany
See the README file in the USER-CUDA directory.
This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// load some variables from shared cuda data into device's constant memory:
__device__ __constant__ X_FLOAT rez_bin_size[3];
__device__ __constant__ unsigned* bin_error_count;
__device__ __constant__ int cuda_dummy_type;
__device__ __constant__ unsigned binned_size_all;
__device__ __constant__ X_FLOAT outside[3];
__global__ void PreBinning_Kernel()
const unsigned bin = gridDim.y * blockIdx.x + blockIdx.y;
if(bin < gridDim.x * gridDim.y) // TODO: suspected always to be true
_binned_type[blockDim.x * bin + threadIdx.x] = cuda_dummy_type;
const int i = 3*blockDim.x * bin + threadIdx.x;
X_FLOAT* binned_x = _binned_x + i; *binned_x = _subhi[0] + outside[0] * (1+i);
binned_x += blockDim.x; *binned_x = _subhi[1] + outside[1] * (1+i);
binned_x += blockDim.x; *binned_x = _subhi[2] + outside[2] * (1+i);
__global__ void Binning_Kernel(X_FLOAT* x, X_FLOAT* binned_x, int q_flag, int offset, int rmass_flag)
const unsigned i = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x+offset;
int binatoms=_natoms;
if(offset==0) binatoms=_nlocal ;
if(i < binatoms)
// copy atom position from global device memory to local register
// in this 3 steps to get as much coalesced access as possible
X_FLOAT my_xX, my_xY, my_xZ;
x += i; my_xX = *x;
x += _nmax; my_xY = *x;
x += _nmax; my_xZ = *x;
// calculate flat bin index
int bx=__float2int_rd(rez_bin_size[0] * (my_xX - _sublo[0]))+2;
int by=__float2int_rd(rez_bin_size[1] * (my_xY - _sublo[1]))+2;
int bz=__float2int_rd(rez_bin_size[2] * (my_xZ - _sublo[2]))+2;
const unsigned j = _bin_dim.z * ( _bin_dim.y *bx+by)+bz;
// add new atom to bin, get bin-array position
const unsigned k = atomicAdd(& _bin_count_all[j], 1);
if(offset==0) atomicAdd(& _bin_count_local[j], 1);
if(k < _bin_nmax)
// copy register values back to global device memory
unsigned pos = 3*_bin_nmax * j + k;
binned_x += pos; *binned_x = my_xX;
binned_x += _bin_nmax; *binned_x = my_xY;
binned_x += _bin_nmax; *binned_x = my_xZ;
// also copy velocity and force accordingly
binned_x = _binned_v + pos; x = _v + i; *binned_x = *x;
binned_x += _bin_nmax; x += _nmax; *binned_x = *x;
binned_x += _bin_nmax; x += _nmax; *binned_x = *x;
binned_x = _binned_f + pos; x = _f + i; *binned_x = *x;
binned_x += _bin_nmax; x += _nmax; *binned_x = *x;
binned_x += _bin_nmax; x += _nmax; *binned_x = *x;
pos = _bin_nmax * j + k;
_binned_type [pos] = _type[i];
_binned_tag [pos] = _tag[i];
_binned_rmass[pos] = _rmass[i];
_binned_q [pos] = _q[i];
{ // normally, this should not happen:
int errorn=atomicAdd(bin_error_count, 1);
MYEMUDBG( printf("# CUDA: Binning_Kernel: WARNING: atom %i ignored, no place left in bin %u\n", i, j); )
__global__ void ReverseBinning_Kernel(X_FLOAT* x, X_FLOAT* binned_x,int q_flag)
const unsigned i = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
if(i < _nlocal)
unsigned bin_pos3 = _binpos[i];
unsigned bin_pos=bin_pos3/(3*_bin_nmax);
binned_x = _binned_x + bin_pos3; x = x + i; *x = *binned_x;
binned_x += _bin_nmax; x += _nmax; *x = *binned_x;
binned_x += _bin_nmax; x += _nmax; *x = *binned_x;
binned_x = _binned_v + bin_pos3; x = _v + i; *x = *binned_x;
binned_x += _bin_nmax; x += _nmax; *x = *binned_x;
binned_x += _bin_nmax; x += _nmax; *x = *binned_x;
binned_x = _binned_f + bin_pos3; x = _f + i; *x = *binned_x;
binned_x += _bin_nmax; x += _nmax; *x = *binned_x;
binned_x += _bin_nmax; x += _nmax; *x = *binned_x;
_type[i] = _binned_type[bin_pos];
_tag[i] = _binned_tag[bin_pos];
if(q_flag) _q[i] = _binned_q[bin_pos];