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The ``LIBLAMMPS`` Fortran Module
The ``LIBLAMMPS`` module provides an interface to call LAMMPS from a
Fortran code. It is based on the LAMMPS C-library interface and
requires a Fortran 2003 compatible compiler to be compiled.
While C libraries have a defined binary interface (ABI) and can thus be
used from multiple compiler versions from different vendors for as long
as they are compatible with the hosting operating system, the same is
not true for Fortran codes. Thus the LAMMPS Fortran module needs to be
compiled alongside the code using it from the source code in
``fortran/lammps.f90``. When linking, you also need to
:doc:`link to the LAMMPS library <Build_link>`. A typical command line
for a simple program using the Fortran interface would be:
.. code-block:: bash
mpifort -o testlib.x lammps.f90 testlib.f90 -L. -llammps
Please note, that the MPI compiler wrapper is only required when the
calling the library from an MPI parallel code. Please also note the order
of the source files: the lammps.f90 file needs to be compiled first,
since it provides the ``LIBLAMMPS`` module that is imported by the
Fortran code using the interface.
.. versionadded:: 6Oct2020
.. admonition:: Work in Progress
This Fortran module is work in progress and only the documented
functionality is currently available. The final implementation should
cover the entire range of functionality available in the C and
Python library interfaces.
Creating or deleting a LAMMPS object
With the Fortran interface the creation of a :cpp:class:`LAMMPS
<LAMMPS_NS::LAMMPS>` instance is included in the constructor for
creating the :f:func:`lammps` derived type. To import the definition of
that type and its type bound procedures you need to add a ``USE
LIBLAMMPS`` statement. Internally it will call either
:cpp:func:`lammps_open_fortran` or :cpp:func:`lammps_open_no_mpi` from
the C library API to create the class instance. All arguments are
optional and :cpp:func:`lammps_mpi_init` will be called automatically,
if it is needed. Similarly, a possible call to :cpp:func:`lammps_finalize`
is integrated into the :f:func:`close` function and triggered with
the optional logical argument set to ``.true.``. Here is a simple example:
.. code-block:: fortran
PROGRAM testlib
USE LIBLAMMPS ! include the LAMMPS library interface
TYPE(lammps) :: lmp ! derived type to hold LAMMPS instance
[ CHARACTER(len=12) :: 'liblammps', '-log', 'none' ]
! create a LAMMPS instance (and initialize MPI)
lmp = lammps(args)
! get and print numerical version code
PRINT*, 'LAMMPS Version: ', lmp%version()
! delete LAMMPS instance (and shuts down MPI)
CALL lmp%close(.true.)
Executing LAMMPS commands
Once a LAMMPS instance is created, it is possible to "drive" the LAMMPS
simulation by telling LAMMPS to read commands from a file, or pass
individual or multiple commands from strings or lists of strings. This
is done similar to how it is implemented in the `C-library
<pg_lib_execute>` interface. Before handing off the calls to the
C-library interface, the corresponding Fortran versions of the calls
(:f:func:`file`, :f:func:`command`, :f:func:`commands_list`, and
:f:func:`commands_string`) have to make a copy of the strings passed as
arguments so that they can be modified to be compatible with the
requirements of strings in C without affecting the original strings.
Those copies are automatically deleted after the functions return.
Below is a small demonstration of the uses of the different functions:
.. code-block:: fortran
PROGRAM testcmd
TYPE(lammps) :: lmp
CHARACTER(len=512) :: cmds
CHARACTER(len=40),ALLOCATABLE :: cmdlist(:)
CHARACTER(len=10) :: trimmed
lmp = lammps()
CALL lmp%file('in.melt')
CALL lmp%command('variable zpos index 1.0')
! define 10 groups of 10 atoms each
DO i=1,10
WRITE(trimmed,'(I10)') 10*i
WRITE(cmdlist(i),'(A,I1,A,I10,A,A)') &
'group g',i-1,' id ',10*(i-1)+1,':',ADJUSTL(trimmed)
CALL lmp%commands_list(cmdlist)
! run multiple commands from multi-line string
cmds = 'clear' // NEW_LINE('A') // &
'region box block 0 2 0 2 0 2' // NEW_LINE('A') // &
'create_box 1 box' // NEW_LINE('A') // &
'create_atoms 1 single 1.0 1.0 ${zpos}'
CALL lmp%commands_string(cmds)
CALL lmp%close()
The ``LIBLAMMPS`` module API
Below are the detailed descriptions of definitions and interfaces
of the contents of the ``LIBLAMMPS`` Fortran interface to LAMMPS.
.. f:type:: lammps
Derived type that is the general class of the Fortran interface.
It holds a reference to the :cpp:class:`LAMMPS <LAMMPS_NS::LAMMPS>` class instance
that any of the included calls are forwarded to.
:f c_ptr handle: reference to the LAMMPS class
:f close: :f:func:`close`
:f version: :f:func:`version`
:f file: :f:func:`file`
:f command: :f:func:`command`
:f commands_list: :f:func:`commands_list`
:f commands_string: :f:func:`commands_string`
.. f:function:: lammps(args[,comm])
This is the constructor for the Fortran class and will forward
the arguments to a call to either :cpp:func:`lammps_open_fortran`
or :cpp:func:`lammps_open_no_mpi`. If the LAMMPS library has been
compiled with MPI support, it will also initialize MPI, if it has
not already been initialized before.
The *args* argument with the list of command line parameters is
optional and so it the *comm* argument with the MPI communicator.
If *comm* is not provided, ``MPI_COMM_WORLD`` is assumed. For
more details please see the documentation of :cpp:func:`lammps_open`.
:p character(len=*) args(*) [optional]: arguments as list of strings
:o integer comm [optional]: MPI communicator
:r lammps: an instance of the :f:type:`lammps` derived type
.. f:subroutine:: close([finalize])
This method will close down the LAMMPS instance through calling
:cpp:func:`lammps_close`. If the *finalize* argument is present and
has a value of ``.true.``, then this subroutine also calls
:o logical finalize [optional]: shut down the MPI environment of the LAMMPS library if true.
.. f:function:: version()
This method returns the numeric LAMMPS version like :cpp:func:`lammps_version`
:r integer: LAMMPS version
.. f:subroutine:: file(filename)
This method will call :cpp:func:`lammps_file` to have LAMMPS read
and process commands from a file.
:p character(len=*) filename: name of file with LAMMPS commands
.. f:subroutine:: command(cmd)
This method will call :cpp:func:`lammps_command` to have LAMMPS
execute a single command.
:p character(len=*) cmd: single LAMMPS command
.. f:subroutine:: commands_list(cmds)
This method will call :cpp:func:`lammps_commands_list` to have LAMMPS
execute a list of input lines.
:p character(len=*) cmd(*): list of LAMMPS input lines
.. f:subroutine:: commands_string(str)
This method will call :cpp:func:`lammps_commands_string` to have LAMMPS
execute a block of commands from a string.
:p character(len=*) str: LAMMPS input in string