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/* -*- c++ -*- ----------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifndef LMP_UTILS_H
#define LMP_UTILS_H
/*! \file utils.h */
#include "lmptype.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdio>
namespace LAMMPS_NS {
// forward declarations
class Error;
class LAMMPS;
namespace utils {
/** \brief Match text against a simplified regex pattern
* \param text the text to be matched against the pattern
* \param pattern the search pattern, which may contain regexp markers
* \return true if the pattern matches, false if not
bool strmatch(const std::string &text, const std::string &pattern);
/** \brief Send message to screen and logfile, if available
* \param lmp pointer to LAMMPS class instance
* \param mesg message to be printed
void logmesg(LAMMPS *lmp, const std::string &mesg);
/** \brief return a string representing the current system error status
* This is a wrapper around calling strerror(errno).
* \return error string
std::string getsyserror();
/** \brief safe wrapper around fgets() which aborts on errors
* or EOF and prints a suitable error message to help debugging
* \param srcname name of the calling source file (from FLERR macro)
* \param srcline line in the calling source file (from FLERR macro)
* \param s buffer for storing the result of fgets()
* \param size size of buffer s (max number of bytes read by fgets())
* \param fp file pointer used by fgets()
* \param filename file name associated with fp (may be NULL; then LAMMPS will try to detect)
* \param error pointer to Error class instance (for abort)
void sfgets(const char *srcname, int srcline, char *s, int size,
FILE *fp, const char *filename, Error *error);
/** \brief safe wrapper around fread() which aborts on errors
* or EOF and prints a suitable error message to help debugging
* \param srcname name of the calling source file (from FLERR macro)
* \param srcline line in the calling source file (from FLERR macro)
* \param s buffer for storing the result of fread()
* \param size size of data elements read by fread()
* \param num number of data elements read by fread()
* \param fp file pointer used by fread()
* \param filename file name associated with fp (may be NULL; then LAMMPS will try to detect)
* \param error pointer to Error class instance (for abort)
void sfread(const char *srcname, int srcline, void *s, size_t size,
size_t num, FILE *fp, const char *filename, Error *error);
/** \brief Report if a requested style is in a package or may have a typo
* \param style type of style that is to be checked for
* \param name name of style that was not found
* \param lmp pointer to top-level LAMMPS class instance
* \return string usable for error messages
std::string check_packages_for_style(const std::string &style,
const std::string &name, LAMMPS *lmp);
/** \brief Convert a string to a floating point number while checking
if it is a valid floating point or integer number
* \param file name of source file for error message
* \param line in source file for error message
* \param str string to be converted to number
* \param do_abort determines whether to call Error::one() or Error::all()
* \param lmp pointer to top-level LAMMPS class instance
* \return double precision floating point number
double numeric(const char *file, int line, const char *str,
bool do_abort, LAMMPS *lmp);
/** \brief Convert a string to an integer number while checking
if it is a valid integer number (regular int)
* \param file name of source file for error message
* \param line in source file for error message
* \param str string to be converted to number
* \param do_abort determines whether to call Error::one() or Error::all()
* \param lmp pointer to top-level LAMMPS class instance
* \return integer number (regular int)
int inumeric(const char *file, int line, const char *str,
bool do_abort, LAMMPS *lmp);
/** \brief Convert a string to an integer number while checking
if it is a valid integer number (bigint)
* \param file name of source file for error message
* \param line in source file for error message
* \param str string to be converted to number
* \param do_abort determines whether to call Error::one() or Error::all()
* \param lmp pointer to top-level LAMMPS class instance
* \return integer number (bigint)
bigint bnumeric(const char *file, int line, const char *str,
bool do_abort, LAMMPS *lmp);
/** \brief Convert a string to an integer number while checking
if it is a valid integer number (tagint)
* \param file name of source file for error message
* \param line in source file for error message
* \param str string to be converted to number
* \param do_abort determines whether to call Error::one() or Error::all()
* \param lmp pointer to top-level LAMMPS class instance
* \return integer number (tagint)
tagint tnumeric(const char *file, int line, const char *str,
bool do_abort, LAMMPS *lmp);
* \brief Trim leading and trailing whitespace. Like TRIM() in Fortran.
* \param line string that should be trimmed
* \return new string without whitespace (string)
std::string trim(const std::string &line);
* \brief Trim anything from '#' onward
* \param line string that should be trimmed
* \return new string without comment (string)
std::string trim_comment(const std::string &line);
* \brief Count words in string
* \param text string that should be searched
* \param separators string containing characters that will be treated as whitespace
* \return number of words found
size_t count_words(const std::string & text, const std::string & separators);
* \brief Count words in string, ignore any whitespace matching " \t\r\n\f"
* \param text string that should be searched
* \param separators string containing characters that will be treated as whitespace
* \return number of words found
size_t count_words(const std::string & text);
* \brief Count words in C-string, ignore any whitespace matching " \t\r\n\f"
* \param text string that should be searched
* \param separators string containing characters that will be treated as whitespace
* \return number of words found
size_t count_words(const char * text);
* \brief Count words in a single line, trim anything from '#' onward
* \param text string that should be trimmed and searched
* \param separators string containing characters that will be treated as whitespace
* \return number of words found
size_t trim_and_count_words(const std::string & text, const std::string & separators = " \t\r\n\f");
* \brief Take text and split into non-whitespace words.
* This can handle single and double quotes, escaped quotes,
* and escaped codes within quotes, but due to using an STL
* container and STL strings is rather slow because of making
* copies. Designed for parsing command lines and similar text
* and not for time critical processing. Use a tokenizer for that.
* \param text string that should be split
* \return STL vector with the words
std::vector<std::string> split_words(const std::string &text);
* \brief Check if string can be converted to valid integer
* \param text string that should be checked
* \return true, if string contains valid integer, false otherwise
bool is_integer(const std::string & str);
* \brief Check if string can be converted to valid floating-point number
* \param text string that should be checked
* \return true, if string contains valid floating-point number, false otherwise
bool is_double(const std::string & str);
/** \brief try to detect pathname from FILE pointer.
* Currently only supported on Linux, otherwise will report "(unknown)".
* \param buf storage buffer for pathname. output will be truncated if not large enough
* \param len size of storage buffer. output will be truncated to this length - 1
* \param fp FILE pointer structe from STDIO library for which we want to detect the name
* \return pointer to the storage buffer, i.e. buf
const char *guesspath(char *buf, int len, FILE *fp);
* \brief Strip off leading part of path, return just the filename
* \param path file path
* \return file name
std::string path_basename(const std::string & path);
* \brief Join two paths
* \param a first path
* \param b second path
* \return combined path
std::string path_join(const std::string & a, const std::string & b);
* \brief Check if file exists and is readable
* \param path file path
* \return true if file exists and is readable
bool file_is_readable(const std::string & path);
* \brief Determine full path of potential file
* If file is not found in current directory, search LAMMPS_POTENTIALS folder
* \param path file path
* \return full path to potential file
std::string get_potential_file_path(const std::string& path);
* \brief Read potential file and return DATE field if it is present
* \param path file path
* \param potential_name name of potential that is being read
* \return DATE field if present
std::string get_potential_date(const std::string & path, const std::string & potential_name);
* \brief Read potential file and return UNITS field if it is present
* \param path file path
* \param potential_name name of potential that is being read
* \return UNITS field if present
std::string get_potential_units(const std::string & path, const std::string & potential_name);
enum { NOCONVERT = 0, METAL2REAL = 1, REAL2METAL = 1<<1 };
enum { UNKNOWN = 0, ENERGY };
* \brief Return bitmask of available conversion factors for a given propert
* \param property property to be converted
* \return bitmask indicating available conversions
int get_supported_conversions(const int property);
* \brief Return unit conversion factor for given property and selected from/to units
* \param property property to be converted
* \param conversion constant indicating the conversion
* \return conversion factor
double get_conversion_factor(const int property, const int conversion);
* \brief Convert a time string to seconds
* The strings "off" and "unlimited" result in -1
* \param timespec a string in the following format: ([[HH:]MM:]SS)
* \return total in seconds
double timespec2seconds(const std::string & timespec);
/* ERROR/WARNING messages: