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This directory contains links to the ScaFaCoS library which
is required to use the KSPACE scafacos and its kspace_style
scafacos command in a LAMMPS input script.
The ScaFaCoS library is available at http://scafacos.de or
on GitHub at https://github.com/scafacos, the library was
developed by a consortium of different universities in
Germany (Bonn, Chemnitz, Stuttgart, Wuppertal) and
the Research Centre Juelich (Juelich Supercomputing Centre).
1.) Download ScaFaCoS at http://scafacos.de or directly from github
https://github.com/scafacos where you can either clone the
repository or download the latest stable release.
NOTE: For the P2NFFT solver, you require an installation of the
GNU Scientific Library (GSL). Also to ensure the correct
linker-flags are used, ScaFaCoS employs the pkg-config
tool, which is also required.
If you cloned the repository, please refer to 2.), else continue
with 3.)
2.) If you cloned the git repository, you require autotools to setup
the library. For that the following packages are required:
In the build_aux folder of the scafacos folder, you can find the
get_autotools.sh script, that downloads and installs the tools
to ${HOME}/local. To change the target folder, please change the
value of 'myprefix' in that script.
To start the auto-configuration process, please run the './bootstrap'
command in the scafacos base-folder.
3.) If you downloaded the library as a tarball, please extract the file
to somewhere in your file system, or if you finished running
'./bootstrap', please run './configure' in the base folder.
Important flags for './configure' are:
--prefix=<install_dir>: sets the directory the compiled files will
be installed to [default: /usr/local]
--fcs-enable-solvers=<list>: sets the list of solvers that are going to
be built. By default all solvers will be
built. Currently supported by the kspace in LAMMPS
are: direct, ewald, fmm, p2nfft
The other solvers might work, but support
is purely experimental at the moment. To
give a list of solvers, use a comma separated
--fcs-disable-doc: disables the compilation of the documentation,
e.g. if no Latex is available on the system.
4.) To build the library after configuration, run 'make' from the base folder.
5.) To install the library in the designated installation folder, run 'make install'.
Installation is required, as ScaFaCoS does not support an in-source build!
6.) Create two soft links to this directory (lib/scafacos) to where the library
is installed. E.g. if you built ScaFaCoS in the default install directory:
% ln -s /usr/local/include includelink
% ln -s /usr/local/lib liblink
for any custom directory <custom_dir>:
% ln -s <custom_dir>/include includelink
% ln -s <custom_dir>/lib liblink
7.) ScaFaCoS uses the pkg-config tool to supply the correct, so you need to setup your
PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable to include the lib/pkgconfig folder in the
installation directory.
Depending on the shell you use, this can be done either by:
% export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=<custom_dir>/lib/pkgconfig:${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}
% setenv PKG_CONFIG_PATH=<custom_dir>/lib/pkgconfig:${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}