
226 lines
7.2 KiB

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "region_union.h"
#include "domain.h"
#include "error.h"
using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
#define BIG 1.0e20
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
RegUnion::RegUnion(LAMMPS *lmp, int narg, char **arg) : Region(lmp, narg, arg)
if (narg < 5) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal region command");
int n = atoi(arg[2]);
if (n < 2) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal region command");
// build list of regions to union
list = new int[n];
nregion = 0;
int iregion;
for (int iarg = 0; iarg < n; iarg++) {
iregion = domain->find_region(arg[iarg+3]);
if (iregion == -1)
error->all(FLERR,"Region union region ID does not exist");
list[nregion++] = iregion;
// this region is variable shape if any of sub-regions are
Region **regions = domain->regions;
for (int ilist = 0; ilist < nregion; ilist++)
if (regions[list[ilist]]->varshape) varshape = 1;
// extent of union of regions
// has bounding box if interior and all sub-regions have bounding box
bboxflag = 1;
for (int ilist = 0; ilist < nregion; ilist++)
if (regions[list[ilist]]->bboxflag == 0) bboxflag = 0;
if (!interior) bboxflag = 0;
if (bboxflag) {
extent_xlo = extent_ylo = extent_zlo = BIG;
extent_xhi = extent_yhi = extent_zhi = -BIG;
for (int ilist = 0; ilist < nregion; ilist++) {
extent_xlo = MIN(extent_xlo,regions[list[ilist]]->extent_xlo);
extent_ylo = MIN(extent_ylo,regions[list[ilist]]->extent_ylo);
extent_zlo = MIN(extent_zlo,regions[list[ilist]]->extent_zlo);
extent_xhi = MAX(extent_xhi,regions[list[ilist]]->extent_xhi);
extent_yhi = MAX(extent_yhi,regions[list[ilist]]->extent_yhi);
extent_zhi = MAX(extent_zhi,regions[list[ilist]]->extent_zhi);
// possible contacts = sum of possible contacts in all sub-regions
cmax = 0;
for (int ilist = 0; ilist < nregion; ilist++)
cmax += regions[list[ilist]]->cmax;
contact = new Contact[cmax];
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
delete [] list;
delete [] contact;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void RegUnion::init()
Region **regions = domain->regions;
for (int ilist = 0; ilist < nregion; ilist++)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
return 1 if region is dynamic, 0 if static
dynamic if any sub-region is dynamic, else static
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int RegUnion::dynamic_check()
Region **regions = domain->regions;
for (int ilist = 0; ilist < nregion; ilist++)
if (regions[list[ilist]]->dynamic_check()) return 1;
return 0;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
inside = 1 if x,y,z is match() with any sub-region
else inside = 0
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int RegUnion::inside(double x, double y, double z)
int ilist;
Region **regions = domain->regions;
for (ilist = 0; ilist < nregion; ilist++)
if (regions[list[ilist]]->match(x,y,z)) break;
if (ilist == nregion) return 0;
return 1;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
compute contacts with interior of union of sub-regions
(1) compute contacts in each sub-region
(2) only keep a contact if surface point is not match() to all other regions
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int RegUnion::surface_interior(double *x, double cutoff)
int m,ilist,jlist,iregion,jregion,ncontacts;
double xs,ys,zs;
Region **regions = domain->regions;
int n = 0;
for (ilist = 0; ilist < nregion; ilist++) {
iregion = list[ilist];
ncontacts = regions[iregion]->surface(x[0],x[1],x[2],cutoff);
for (m = 0; m < ncontacts; m++) {
xs = x[0] - regions[iregion]->contact[m].delx;
ys = x[1] - regions[iregion]->contact[m].dely;
zs = x[2] - regions[iregion]->contact[m].delz;
for (jlist = 0; jlist < nregion; jlist++) {
if (jlist == ilist) continue;
jregion = list[jlist];
if (regions[jregion]->match(xs,ys,zs)) break;
if (jlist == nregion) {
contact[n].r = regions[iregion]->contact[m].r;
contact[n].delx = regions[iregion]->contact[m].delx;
contact[n].dely = regions[iregion]->contact[m].dely;
contact[n].delz = regions[iregion]->contact[m].delz;
return n;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
compute contacts with exterior of union of sub-regions
(1) flip interior/exterior flag of each sub-region
(2) compute contacts in each sub-region
(3) only keep a contact if surface point is match() to all other regions
(4) flip interior/exterior flags back to original settings
this is effectively same algorithm as surface_interior() for RegIntersect
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int RegUnion::surface_exterior(double *x, double cutoff)
int m,ilist,jlist,iregion,jregion,ncontacts;
double xs,ys,zs;
Region **regions = domain->regions;
int n = 0;
for (ilist = 0; ilist < nregion; ilist++)
regions[list[ilist]]->interior ^= 1;
for (ilist = 0; ilist < nregion; ilist++) {
iregion = list[ilist];
ncontacts = regions[iregion]->surface(x[0],x[1],x[2],cutoff);
for (m = 0; m < ncontacts; m++) {
xs = x[0] - regions[iregion]->contact[m].delx;
ys = x[1] - regions[iregion]->contact[m].dely;
zs = x[2] - regions[iregion]->contact[m].delz;
for (jlist = 0; jlist < nregion; jlist++) {
if (jlist == ilist) continue;
jregion = list[jlist];
if (!regions[jregion]->match(xs,ys,zs)) break;
if (jlist == nregion) {
contact[n].r = regions[iregion]->contact[m].r;
contact[n].delx = regions[iregion]->contact[m].delx;
contact[n].dely = regions[iregion]->contact[m].dely;
contact[n].delz = regions[iregion]->contact[m].delz;
for (ilist = 0; ilist < nregion; ilist++)
regions[list[ilist]]->interior ^= 1;
return n;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
change region shape of all sub-regions
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void RegUnion::shape_update()
Region **regions = domain->regions;
for (int ilist = 0; ilist < nregion; ilist++)