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269 lines
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// -*- c++ -*-
// This file is part of the Collective Variables module (Colvars).
// The original version of Colvars and its updates are located at:
// https://github.com/colvars/colvars
// Please update all Colvars source files before making any changes.
// If you wish to distribute your changes, please submit them to the
// Colvars repository at GitHub.
#include "colvar.h"
#include "colvarparse.h"
#include "colvardeps.h"
/// \brief Collective variable bias, base class
class colvarbias
: public virtual colvarparse, public virtual colvardeps {
/// Name of this bias
std::string name;
/// Type of this bias
std::string bias_type;
/// If there is more than one bias of this type, record its rank
int rank;
/// Add a new collective variable to this bias
int add_colvar(std::string const &cv_name);
/// How many variables are defined for this bias
inline size_t num_variables() const
return colvars.size();
/// Access the variables vector
inline std::vector<colvar *> *variables()
return &colvars;
/// Access the i-th variable
inline colvar * variables(int i) const
return colvars[i];
/// Retrieve colvar values and calculate their biasing forces
/// Return bias energy
virtual int update();
/// \brief Compute the energy of the bias with alternative values of the
/// collective variables (suitable for bias exchange)
virtual int calc_energy(std::vector<colvarvalue> const &values =
cvm::error("Error: calc_energy() not implemented.\n", COLVARS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
/// Send forces to the collective variables
virtual void communicate_forces();
/// Load new configuration - force constant and/or centers only
virtual int change_configuration(std::string const &conf);
/// Calculate change in energy from using alternate configuration
virtual cvm::real energy_difference(std::string const &conf);
/// Give the total number of bins for a given bias.
// FIXME this is currently 1D only
virtual int bin_num();
/// Calculate the bin index for a given bias.
// FIXME this is currently 1D only
virtual int current_bin();
//// Give the count at a given bin index.
// FIXME this is currently 1D only
virtual int bin_count(int bin_index);
//// Share information between replicas, whatever it may be.
virtual int replica_share();
/// Perform analysis tasks
virtual void analyze() {}
/// \brief Constructor
colvarbias(char const *key);
/// \brief Parse config string and (re)initialize
virtual int init(std::string const &conf);
/// \brief Set to zero all mutable data
virtual int reset();
/// Default constructor
/// Copy constructor
colvarbias(colvarbias &);
/// \brief Delete everything
virtual int clear();
/// \brief Delete only the allocatable data (save memory)
virtual int clear_state_data();
/// Destructor
virtual ~colvarbias();
/// Write the values of specific mutable properties to a string
virtual std::string const get_state_params() const;
/// Read the values of specific mutable properties from a string
virtual int set_state_params(std::string const &state_conf);
/// Write all mutable data not already written by get_state_params()
virtual std::ostream & write_state_data(std::ostream &os)
return os;
/// Read all mutable data not already set by set_state_params()
virtual std::istream & read_state_data(std::istream &is)
return is;
/// Read a keyword from the state data (typically a header)
std::istream & read_state_data_key(std::istream &is, char const *key);
/// Write the bias configuration to a restart file or other stream
virtual std::ostream & write_state(std::ostream &os);
/// Read the bias configuration from a restart file or other stream
virtual std::istream & read_state(std::istream &is);
/// Write a label to the trajectory file (comment line)
virtual std::ostream & write_traj_label(std::ostream &os);
/// Output quantities such as the bias energy to the trajectory file
virtual std::ostream & write_traj(std::ostream &os);
/// (Re)initialize the output files (does not write them yet)
virtual int setup_output()
return COLVARS_OK;
/// Write any output files that this bias may have (e.g. PMF files)
virtual int write_output_files()
return COLVARS_OK;
/// Use this prefix for all output files
std::string output_prefix;
/// If this bias is communicating with other replicas through files, send it to them
virtual int write_state_to_replicas()
return COLVARS_OK;
inline cvm::real get_energy()
return bias_energy;
/// \brief Implementation of the feature list for colvarbias
static std::vector<feature *> cvb_features;
/// \brief Implementation of the feature list accessor for colvarbias
virtual const std::vector<feature *> &features()
return cvb_features;
virtual std::vector<feature *> &modify_features()
return cvb_features;
static void delete_features() {
for (size_t i=0; i < cvb_features.size(); i++) {
delete cvb_features[i];
/// \brief Pointers to collective variables to which the bias is
/// applied; current values and metric functions will be obtained
/// through each colvar object
std::vector<colvar *> colvars;
/// \brief Current forces from this bias to the variables
std::vector<colvarvalue> colvar_forces;
/// \brief Forces last applied by this bias to the variables
std::vector<colvarvalue> previous_colvar_forces;
/// \brief Current energy of this bias (colvar_forces should be obtained by deriving this)
cvm::real bias_energy;
/// Whether to write the current bias energy from this bias to the trajectory file
bool b_output_energy;
/// \brief Whether this bias has already accumulated information
/// (for history-dependent biases)
bool has_data;
/// \brief Step number read from the last state file
size_t state_file_step;
class colvar_grid_gradient;
class colvar_grid_count;
/// \brief Base class for unconstrained thermodynamic-integration FE estimator
class colvarbias_ti : public virtual colvarbias {
colvarbias_ti(char const *key);
virtual ~colvarbias_ti();
virtual int clear_state_data();
virtual int init(std::string const &conf);
virtual int init_grids();
virtual int update();
/// Subtract applied forces (either last forces or argument) from the total
/// forces
virtual int update_system_forces(std::vector<colvarvalue> const
virtual std::string const get_state_params() const;
virtual int set_state_params(std::string const &state_conf);
virtual std::ostream & write_state_data(std::ostream &os);
virtual std::istream & read_state_data(std::istream &is);
virtual int write_output_files();
/// \brief Forces exerted from the system to the associated variables
std::vector<colvarvalue> ti_system_forces;
/// Averaged system forces
colvar_grid_gradient *ti_avg_forces;
/// Histogram of sampled data
colvar_grid_count *ti_count;
/// Because total forces may be from the last simulation step,
/// store the index of the variables then
std::vector<int> ti_bin;