This commit is contained in:
exapde 2022-12-01 09:18:18 -05:00
commit db8b4af924
9 changed files with 679 additions and 631 deletions

View File

@ -27,54 +27,145 @@ Description
Fit a machine-learning interatomic potential (ML-IAP) based on proper
orthogonal descriptors (POD). Two input files are required for this
command. The first input file describes a POD potential, while the
second input file specifies the DFT data.
command. The first input file describes a POD potential parameter
settings, while the second input file specifies the DFT data used for
the fitting procedure.
Below is a one-line description of all the keywords that can be assigned
in the first input file (``Ta_param.pod``):
The table below has one-line descriptions of all the keywords that can
be used in the first input file (i.e. ``Ta_param.pod`` in the example
* species (STRING): Chemical symbols for all elements in the system and have to match XYZ training files.
* pbc 1 1 1 (INT): three integer constants specify boundary conditions
* rin 1.0 (REAL): a real number specifies the inner cut-off radius
* rcut 5.0 (REAL): a real number specifies the outer cut-off radius
* bessel_polynomial_degree 3 (INT): the maximum degree of Bessel polynomials
* inverse_polynomial_degree 6 (INT): the maximum degree of inverse radial basis functions
* onebody 1 (BOOL): turns on/off one-body potential
* twobody_number_radial_basis_functions 6 (INT): number of radial basis functions for two-body potential
* threebody_number_radial_basis_functions 5 (INT): number of radial basis functions for three-body potential
* threebody_number_angular_basis_functions 5 (INT): number of angular basis functions for three-body potential
* fourbody_snap_twojmax 0 (INT): band limit for SNAP bispectrum components (0,2,4,6,8... allowed)
* fourbody_snap_chemflag 0 (BOOL): turns on/off the explicit multi-element variant of the SNAP bispectrum components
* quadratic_pod_potential 0 (BOOL): turns on/off quadratic POD potential
* basename_for_output_files pod (STRING): a basename string added to the output files
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
:widths: auto
All keywords except species have default values. If keywords are not set
in the input file, their defaults are used. Next, we describe all the
keywords that can be assigned in the second input file (``Ta_data.pod``):
* - Keyword
- Default
- Type
- Description
* - species
- (none)
- Chemical symbols for all elements in the system and have to match XYZ training files.
* - pbc
- 1 1 1
- three integer constants specify boundary conditions
* - rin
- 1.0
- a real number specifies the inner cut-off radius
* - rcut
- 5.0
- a real number specifies the outer cut-off radius
* - bessel_polynomial_degree
- 3
- the maximum degree of Bessel polynomials
* - inverse_polynomial_degree
- 6
- the maximum degree of inverse radial basis functions
* - onebody
- 1
- turns on/off one-body potential
* - twobody_number_radial_basis_functions
- 6
- number of radial basis functions for two-body potential
* - threebody_number_radial_basis_functions
- 5
- number of radial basis functions for three-body potential
* - threebody_number_angular_basis_functions
- 5
- number of angular basis functions for three-body potential
* - fourbody_snap_twojmax
- 0
- band limit for SNAP bispectrum components (0,2,4,6,8... allowed)
* - fourbody_snap_chemflag
- 0
- turns on/off the explicit multi-element variant of the SNAP bispectrum components
* - quadratic_pod_potential
- 0
- turns on/off quadratic POD potential
* - basename_for_output_files
- pod
- a basename string added to the output files
* file_format extxyz (STRING): only extended xyz format is currently supported
* file_extension xyz (STRING): extension of the data files
* path_to_training_data_set (STRING): specifies the path to training data files in double quotes
* path_to_test_data_set "" (STRING): specifies the path to test data files in double quotes
* fraction_training_data_set 1.0 (REAL): a real number (<= 1.0) specifies the fraction of the training set used to fit POD
* randomize_training_data_set 0 (BOOL): turns on/off randomization of the training set
* fitting_weight_energy 100.0 (REAL): a real constant specifies the weight for energy in the least-squares fit
* fitting_weight_force 1.0 (REAL): a real constant specifies the weight for force in the least-squares fit
* error_analysis_for_training_data_set 0 (BOOL): turns on/off error analysis for the training data set
* error_analysis_for_test_data_set 0 (BOOL): turns on/off error analysis for the test data set
All keywords except *species* have default values. If a keyword is not
set in the input file, its default value is used. The next table
describes all keywords that can be used in the second input file
(i.e. ``Ta_data.pod`` in the example above):
All keywords except path_to_training_data_set have default values. If
keywords are not set in the input file, their defaults are used. On
successful training, it produces a number of output files:
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
:widths: auto
* ``basename_training_errors.pod`` reports the errors in energy and forces for the training data set
* ``basename_training_analysis.pod`` reports detailed errors for all training configurations
* ``basename_test_errors.pod`` reports errors for the test data set
* ``basename_test_analysis.pod`` reports detailed errors for all test configurations
* ``basename_coefficients.pod`` contains the coefficients of the POD potential
* - Keyword
- Default
- Type
- Description
* - file_format
- extxyz
- only the extended xyz format (extxyz) is currently supported
* - file_extension
- xyz
- extension of the data files
* - path_to_training_data_set
- (none)
- specifies the path to training data files in double quotes
* - path_to_test_data_set
- ""
- specifies the path to test data files in double quotes
* - fraction_training_data_set
- 1.0
- a real number (<= 1.0) specifies the fraction of the training set used to fit POD
* - randomize_training_data_set
- 0
- turns on/off randomization of the training set
* - fitting_weight_energy
- 100.0
- a real constant specifies the weight for energy in the least-squares fit
* - fitting_weight_force
- 1.0
- a real constant specifies the weight for force in the least-squares fit
* - error_analysis_for_training_data_set
- 0
- turns on/off error analysis for the training data set
* - error_analysis_for_test_data_set
- 0
- turns on/off error analysis for the test data set
After training the POD potential, ``Ta_param.pod`` and ``basename_coefficients.pod``
are two files needed to use the POD potential in LAMMPS. See
All keywords except *path_to_training_data_set* have default values. If
a keyword is not set in the input file, its default value is used. After
successful training, a number of output files are produced, if enabled:
* ``<basename>_training_errors.pod`` reports the errors in energy and forces for the training data set
* ``<basename>_training_analysis.pod`` reports detailed errors for all training configurations
* ``<basename>_test_errors.pod`` reports errors for the test data set
* ``<basename>_test_analysis.pod`` reports detailed errors for all test configurations
* ``<basename>_coefficients.pod`` contains the coefficients of the POD potential
After training the POD potential, ``Ta_param.pod`` and ``<basename>_coefficients.pod``
are the two files needed to use the POD potential in LAMMPS. See
:doc:`pair_style pod <pair_pod>` for using the POD potential. Examples
about training and using POD potentials are found in the directory

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
**************** Begin of Error Analysis for the Training Data Set ****************
File | # configs | # atoms | MAE energy | RMSE energy | MAE force | RMSE force |
File | # configs | # atoms | MAE energy | RMSE energy | MAE force | RMSE force
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 576 0.011326 0.011373 0.113223 0.141496 9 486 0.012158 0.013983 0.240350 0.311834 9 432 0.001459 0.001605 0.082874 0.104038
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ 7 236 0.025392 0.037556 0.096037 30 240 0.039262 0.048655 0.000000 0.000000 21 42 0.049805 0.067608 0.000000 0.000000 31 124 0.030071 0.041758 0.000000 0.000000
All files 363 4224 0.012915 0.025804 0.122413 0.259832
**************** End of Error Analysis for the Training Data Set ****************

View File

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ fitting weight for stress: 0
**************** Begin of Training Data Set ****************
data file | number of configurations | number of atoms
--------------------------------------------------------------- | 9 | 576 | 9 | 486 | 9 | 432
@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ Configuration: # 201
Configuration: # 301
**************** End of Error Calculation ****************
**************** Begin of Error Analysis for the Training Data Set ****************
File | # configs | # atoms | MAE energy | RMSE energy | MAE force | RMSE force |
File | # configs | # atoms | MAE energy | RMSE energy | MAE force | RMSE force
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 576 0.011326 0.011373 0.113223 0.141496 9 486 0.012158 0.013983 0.240350 0.311834 9 432 0.001459 0.001605 0.082874 0.104038
@ -106,9 +106,9 @@ 7 236 0.025392 0.037556 0.096037 30 240 0.039262 0.048655 0.000000 0.000000 21 42 0.049805 0.067608 0.000000 0.000000 31 124 0.030071 0.041758 0.000000 0.000000
All files 363 4224 0.012915 0.025804 0.122413 0.259832
**************** End of Error Analysis for the Training Data Set ****************
Total wall time: 0:00:01

View File

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ fitting weight for stress: 0
**************** Begin of Training Data Set ****************
data file | number of configurations | number of atoms
--------------------------------------------------------------- | 9 | 576 | 9 | 486 | 9 | 432
@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ Configuration: # 201
Configuration: # 301
**************** End of Error Calculation ****************
**************** Begin of Error Analysis for the Training Data Set ****************
File | # configs | # atoms | MAE energy | RMSE energy | MAE force | RMSE force |
File | # configs | # atoms | MAE energy | RMSE energy | MAE force | RMSE force
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 576 0.011326 0.011373 0.113223 0.141496 9 486 0.012158 0.013983 0.240350 0.311834 9 432 0.001459 0.001605 0.082874 0.104038
@ -106,9 +106,9 @@ 7 236 0.025392 0.037556 0.096037 30 240 0.039262 0.048655 0.000000 0.000000 21 42 0.049805 0.067608 0.000000 0.000000 31 124 0.030071 0.041758 0.000000 0.000000
All files 363 4224 0.012915 0.025804 0.122413 0.259832
**************** End of Error Analysis for the Training Data Set ****************
Total wall time: 0:00:00

View File

@ -99,31 +99,31 @@ Neighbor list info ...
bin: standard
Per MPI rank memory allocation (min/avg/max) = 3.082 | 3.082 | 3.082 Mbytes
Step Temp E_pair E_mol TotEng Press
0 300 -11.841653 0 -11.803178 -15932.81
10 296.91627 -11.841257 0 -11.803178 -15691.292
20 287.83193 -11.840092 0 -11.803178 -14982.943
30 273.2481 -11.838222 0 -11.803177 -13854.289
40 253.97579 -11.83575 0 -11.803177 -12377.385
50 231.08941 -11.832815 0 -11.803177 -10642.841
60 205.86307 -11.829579 0 -11.803177 -8751.3479
70 179.69197 -11.826223 0 -11.803177 -6804.808
80 154.00241 -11.822928 0 -11.803177 -4898.2688
90 130.15527 -11.819869 0 -11.803177 -3113.7145
100 109.34992 -11.817201 0 -11.803177 -1516.1852
Loop time of 2.33037 on 1 procs for 100 steps with 128 atoms
0 300 -11.841652 0 -11.803177 -15932.736
10 296.91627 -11.841257 0 -11.803177 -15691.219
20 287.83193 -11.840092 0 -11.803177 -14982.869
30 273.2481 -11.838221 0 -11.803177 -13854.215
40 253.97579 -11.835749 0 -11.803177 -12377.312
50 231.08941 -11.832814 0 -11.803177 -10642.767
60 205.86306 -11.829579 0 -11.803177 -8751.2744
70 179.69196 -11.826222 0 -11.803177 -6804.7346
80 154.0024 -11.822927 0 -11.803177 -4898.1954
90 130.15526 -11.819869 0 -11.803176 -3113.6412
100 109.34991 -11.8172 0 -11.803176 -1516.1119
Loop time of 2.21891 on 1 procs for 100 steps with 128 atoms
Performance: 1.854 ns/day, 12.947 hours/ns, 42.912 timesteps/s, 5.493 katom-step/s
99.8% CPU use with 1 MPI tasks x 1 OpenMP threads
Performance: 1.947 ns/day, 12.327 hours/ns, 45.067 timesteps/s, 5.769 katom-step/s
99.9% CPU use with 1 MPI tasks x 1 OpenMP threads
MPI task timing breakdown:
Section | min time | avg time | max time |%varavg| %total
Pair | 2.3293 | 2.3293 | 2.3293 | 0.0 | 99.95
Pair | 2.2179 | 2.2179 | 2.2179 | 0.0 | 99.95
Neigh | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0 | 0.00
Comm | 0.00039757 | 0.00039757 | 0.00039757 | 0.0 | 0.02
Output | 0.00023376 | 0.00023376 | 0.00023376 | 0.0 | 0.01
Modify | 0.00017018 | 0.00017018 | 0.00017018 | 0.0 | 0.01
Other | | 0.0003112 | | | 0.01
Comm | 0.00038894 | 0.00038894 | 0.00038894 | 0.0 | 0.02
Output | 0.00020551 | 0.00020551 | 0.00020551 | 0.0 | 0.01
Modify | 0.00016188 | 0.00016188 | 0.00016188 | 0.0 | 0.01
Other | | 0.0002651 | | | 0.01
Nlocal: 128 ave 128 max 128 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

View File

@ -99,31 +99,31 @@ Neighbor list info ...
bin: standard
Per MPI rank memory allocation (min/avg/max) = 3.062 | 3.062 | 3.062 Mbytes
Step Temp E_pair E_mol TotEng Press
0 300 -11.841653 0 -11.803178 -15932.81
10 296.91627 -11.841257 0 -11.803178 -15691.292
20 287.83193 -11.840092 0 -11.803178 -14982.943
30 273.2481 -11.838222 0 -11.803177 -13854.289
40 253.97579 -11.83575 0 -11.803177 -12377.385
50 231.08941 -11.832815 0 -11.803177 -10642.841
60 205.86307 -11.829579 0 -11.803177 -8751.3479
70 179.69197 -11.826223 0 -11.803177 -6804.808
80 154.00241 -11.822928 0 -11.803177 -4898.2688
90 130.15527 -11.819869 0 -11.803177 -3113.7145
100 109.34992 -11.817201 0 -11.803177 -1516.1852
Loop time of 0.615992 on 4 procs for 100 steps with 128 atoms
0 300 -11.841652 0 -11.803177 -15932.736
10 296.91627 -11.841257 0 -11.803177 -15691.219
20 287.83193 -11.840092 0 -11.803177 -14982.869
30 273.2481 -11.838221 0 -11.803177 -13854.215
40 253.97579 -11.835749 0 -11.803177 -12377.312
50 231.08941 -11.832814 0 -11.803177 -10642.767
60 205.86306 -11.829579 0 -11.803177 -8751.2744
70 179.69196 -11.826222 0 -11.803177 -6804.7346
80 154.0024 -11.822927 0 -11.803177 -4898.1954
90 130.15526 -11.819869 0 -11.803176 -3113.6412
100 109.34991 -11.8172 0 -11.803176 -1516.1119
Loop time of 0.593779 on 4 procs for 100 steps with 128 atoms
Performance: 7.013 ns/day, 3.422 hours/ns, 162.340 timesteps/s, 20.779 katom-step/s
Performance: 7.275 ns/day, 3.299 hours/ns, 168.413 timesteps/s, 21.557 katom-step/s
99.6% CPU use with 4 MPI tasks x 1 OpenMP threads
MPI task timing breakdown:
Section | min time | avg time | max time |%varavg| %total
Pair | 0.59266 | 0.5987 | 0.60449 | 0.6 | 97.19
Pair | 0.57816 | 0.58286 | 0.58797 | 0.5 | 98.16
Neigh | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0 | 0.00
Comm | 0.010733 | 0.016433 | 0.022459 | 3.7 | 2.67
Output | 0.00020418 | 0.00021619 | 0.00025121 | 0.0 | 0.04
Modify | 9.9553e-05 | 0.00010738 | 0.0001217 | 0.0 | 0.02
Other | | 0.000532 | | | 0.09
Comm | 0.0049949 | 0.010104 | 0.01481 | 3.5 | 1.70
Output | 0.00018367 | 0.00020879 | 0.00024911 | 0.0 | 0.04
Modify | 9.0609e-05 | 0.00010382 | 0.00012125 | 0.0 | 0.02
Other | | 0.0005076 | | | 0.09
Nlocal: 32 ave 32 max 32 min
Histogram: 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

View File

@ -453,9 +453,10 @@ void FitPOD::get_data(datastruct &data, std::vector<std::string> species)
size_t maxname = 9;
for (auto fname : data.data_files) maxname = MAX(maxname,fname.size());
maxname -= data.data_path.size()+1;
const std::string sepline(maxname+46, '-');
if (comm->me == 0)
utils::logmesg(lmp, "{:-<{}}\n {:^{}} | number of configurations | number of atoms\n{:=<{}}\n",
"", maxname+46, "data file", maxname, "", maxname+46);
utils::logmesg(lmp, "{}\n {:^{}} | number of configurations | number of atoms\n{}\n",
sepline, "data file", maxname, sepline);
int i = 0;
for (auto fname : data.data_files) {
std::string filename = fname.substr(data.data_path.size()+1);
@ -466,7 +467,7 @@ void FitPOD::get_data(datastruct &data, std::vector<std::string> species)
if (comm->me == 0) {
utils::logmesg(lmp, "{:-<{}}\n", "", maxname+46);
utils::logmesg(lmp, "{}\n", sepline);
utils::logmesg(lmp, "number of files: {}\n", data.data_files.size());
utils::logmesg(lmp, "number of configurations in all files: {}\n", data.num_config_sum);
utils::logmesg(lmp, "number of atoms in all files: {}\n", data.num_atom_sum);
@ -1316,54 +1317,46 @@ double FitPOD::energyforce_calculation(double *force, double *coeff, datastruct
void FitPOD::print_analysis(datastruct data, double *outarray, double *errors)
std::string s = "All files";
int nfiles = data.data_files.size(); // number of files
int lm = s.size();
int lm = 10;
for (int i = 0; i < nfiles; i++)
lm = MAX(lm, (int) data.filenames[i].size());
lm = lm + 2;
std::string filename_errors = ( ? "training_errors" : "test_errors");
std::string filename_analysis = ( ? "training_analysis" : "test_analysis");
filename_errors = podptr->pod.filenametag + "_" + filename_errors + ".pod";
filename_analysis = podptr->pod.filenametag + "_" + filename_analysis + ".pod";
std::string filename_errors = fmt::format("{}_{}_errors.pod", podptr->pod.filenametag, ? "training" : "test");
std::string filename_analysis = fmt::format("{}_{}_analysis.pod", podptr->pod.filenametag, ? "training" : "test");
FILE *fp_errors = nullptr;
FILE *fp_analysis = nullptr;
fp_errors = fopen(filename_errors.c_str(), "w");
fp_analysis = fopen(filename_analysis.c_str(), "w");
std::string sa = "**************** Begin of Error Analysis for the Training Data Set ****************";
std::string sb = "**************** Begin of Error Analysis for the Test Data Set ****************";
std::string mystr = ( ? sa : sb;
std::string mystr = fmt::format("**************** Begin of Error Analysis for the {} Data Set ****************\n", ? "Training" : "Test");
utils::logmesg(lmp, "{}\n", mystr);
fmt::print(fp_errors, mystr + "\n");
utils::logmesg(lmp, mystr);
fmt::print(fp_errors, mystr);
sa = "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
sb = " File | # configs | # atoms | MAE energy | RMSE energy | MAE force | RMSE force |\n";
utils::logmesg(lmp, "{}", sa);
utils::logmesg(lmp, "{}", sb);
utils::logmesg(lmp, "{}", sa);
fmt::print(fp_errors, sa);
fmt::print(fp_errors, sb);
fmt::print(fp_errors, sa);
std::string sa(lm+80,'-');
sa += '\n';
std::string sb = fmt::format(" {:^{}} | # configs | # atoms | MAE energy | RMSE energy | MAE force | RMSE force\n",
"File", lm);
utils::logmesg(lmp, sa + sb + sa);
fmt::print(fp_errors, sa + sb + sa);
int ci=0, m=8, nc=0, nf=0;
for (int file = 0; file < nfiles; file++) {
fmt::print(fp_analysis, "# {}\n", data.filenames[file]);
sb = "| config | # atoms | energy | DFT energy | energy error | force | DFT force | force error |\n";
fmt::print(fp_analysis, sb);
fmt::print(fp_analysis, " config # atoms energy DFT energy energy error "
" force DFT force force error\n");
int nforceall = 0;
int nconfigs = data.num_config[file];
nc += nconfigs;
for (int ii=0; ii < nconfigs; ii++) { // loop over each configuration in a file
fmt::print(fp_analysis, " ");
for(int count = 0; count < m; count ++)
fmt::print(fp_analysis, "{} ", outarray[count + m*ci]);
fmt::print(fp_analysis, "{:6} {:8} ", outarray[m*ci], outarray[1 + m*ci]);
for(int count = 2; count < m; count ++)
fmt::print(fp_analysis, "{:<15.10} ", outarray[count + m*ci]);
fmt::print(fp_analysis, "\n");
nforceall += 3*data.num_atom[ci];
@ -1372,63 +1365,25 @@ void FitPOD::print_analysis(datastruct data, double *outarray, double *errors)
nf += nforceall;
int q = file+1;
std::string s = data.filenames[file];
s = s + std::string(lm-s.size(), ' ');
std::string s1 = std::to_string(nconfigs);
s1 = s1 + std::string(MAX(6- (int) s1.size(),1), ' ');
s = s + " " + s1;
s1 = std::to_string(nforceall/3);
s1 = s1 + std::string(MAX(7 - (int) s1.size(),1), ' ');
s = s + " " + s1;
s1 = std::to_string(errors[0 + 4*q]);
s1 = s1 + std::string(MAX(10 - (int) s1.size(),1), ' ');
s = s + " " + s1;
s1 = std::to_string(errors[1 + 4*q]);
s1 = s1 + std::string(MAX(10 - (int) s1.size(),1), ' ');
s = s + " " + s1;
s1 = std::to_string(errors[2 + 4*q]);
s1 = s1 + std::string(MAX(10 - (int) s1.size(),1), ' ');
s = s + " " + s1;
s1 = std::to_string(errors[3 + 4*q]);
s1 = s1 + std::string(MAX(10 - (int) s1.size(),1), ' ');
s = s + " " + s1 + "\n";
utils::logmesg(lmp, "{}", s);
fmt::print(fp_errors, "{}", s);
auto s = fmt::format("{:<{}} {:>10} {:>11} {:<10.6f} {:<10.6f} {:<10.6f} {:<10.6f}\n",
data.filenames[file], lm, nconfigs, nforceall/3,
errors[0 + 4*q], errors[1 + 4*q], errors[2 + 4*q], errors[3 + 4*q]);
utils::logmesg(lmp, s);
fmt::print(fp_errors, s);
utils::logmesg(lmp, sa);
fmt::print(fp_errors, sa);
utils::logmesg(lmp, "{}", sa);
fmt::print(fp_errors, "{}", sa);
auto s = fmt::format("{:<{}} {:>10} {:>11} {:<10.6f} {:<10.6f} {:<10.6f} {:<10.6f}\n",
"All files", lm, nc, nf/3, errors[0], errors[1], errors[2], errors[3]);
utils::logmesg(lmp, s + sa);
fmt::print(fp_errors, "{}", s + sa);
s = s + std::string(MAX(lm - (int) s.size(),1), ' ');
std::string s1 = std::to_string(nc);
s1 = s1 + std::string(MAX(6- (int) s1.size(),1), ' ');
s = s + " " + s1;
s1 = std::to_string(nf/3);
s1 = s1 + std::string(MAX(7 - (int) s1.size(),1), ' ');
s = s + " " + s1;
s1 = std::to_string(errors[0]);
s1 = s1 + std::string(MAX(10 - (int) s1.size(),1), ' ');
s = s + " " + s1;
s1 = std::to_string(errors[1]);
s1 = s1 + std::string(MAX(10 - (int) s1.size(),1), ' ');
s = s + " " + s1;
s1 = std::to_string(errors[2]);
s1 = s1 + std::string(MAX(10 - (int) s1.size(),1), ' ');
s = s + " " + s1;
s1 = std::to_string(errors[3]);
s1 = s1 + std::string(MAX(10 - (int) s1.size(),1), ' ');
s = s + " " + s1 + "\n";
utils::logmesg(lmp, "{}", s);
utils::logmesg(lmp, "{}", sa);
fmt::print(fp_errors, "{}", s);
fmt::print(fp_errors, "{}", sa);
mystr = fmt::format("**************** End of Error Analysis for the {} Data Set ****************\n", ? "Training" : "Test");
sa = "**************** End of Error Analysis for the Training Data Set ****************";
sb = "**************** End of Error Analysis for the Test Data Set ****************";
mystr = ( ? sa : sb;
utils::logmesg(lmp, "{}\n", mystr);
fmt::print(fp_errors, "{}\n", mystr);
utils::logmesg(lmp, mystr);
fmt::print(fp_errors, mystr);

View File

@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ void PairPOD::compute(int eflag, int vflag)
if (peratom_warn && (vflag_atom || eflag_atom)) {
peratom_warn = false;
if (comm->me == 0)
error->warning(FLERR, "Pair style mlpod does not support per-atom energies or stresses");
error->warning(FLERR, "Pair style pod does not support per-atom energies or stresses");
double **x = atom->x;
@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ void PairPOD::compute(int eflag, int vflag)
// compute global POD descriptors for atom i
podptr->linear_descriptors_ij(gd, tmpmem, rij, &tmpmem[nd1234], numneighsum,
typeai, idxi, ti, tj, 1, nij);
podptr->linear_descriptors_ij(gd, tmpmem, rij, &tmpmem[nd1234], numneighsum, typeai, idxi, ti,
tj, 1, nij);
int nd22 = podptr->pod.nd22;
@ -153,12 +153,11 @@ void PairPOD::compute(int eflag, int vflag)
// compute atomic force for atom i
podptr->calculate_force(f, forcecoeff, rij, tmpmem, numneighsum,
typeai, idxi, ai, aj, ti, tj, 1, nij);
podptr->calculate_force(f, forcecoeff, rij, tmpmem, numneighsum, typeai, idxi, ai, aj, ti, tj,
1, nij);
if (vflag_fdotr) virial_fdotr_compute();
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -167,7 +166,7 @@ void PairPOD::compute(int eflag, int vflag)
void PairPOD::settings(int narg, char ** /* arg */)
if (narg > 0) error->all(FLERR,"Pair style mlpod accepts no arguments");
if (narg > 0) error->all(FLERR, "Pair style pod accepts no arguments");
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -176,17 +175,16 @@ void PairPOD::settings(int narg, char ** /* arg */)
void PairPOD::coeff(int narg, char **arg)
int n = atom->ntypes;
const int np1 = atom->ntypes + 1;
memory->create(setflag, np1, np1, "pair:setflag");
memory->create(cutsq, np1, np1, "pair:cutsq");
delete[] map;
map = new int[n+1];
map = new int[np1];
allocated = 1;
if (narg != 4 + atom->ntypes) error->all(FLERR,"Incorrect args for pair coefficients");
if (narg < 4) utils::missing_cmd_args(FLERR, "pair_coeff", error);
map_element2type(narg - 4, arg + 4);
std::string pod_file = std::string(arg[2]); // pod input file
@ -212,9 +210,8 @@ void PairPOD::coeff(int narg, char **arg)
podptr->podArrayCopy(newpodcoeff, podptr->pod.coeff, podptr->pod.nd);
for (int ii = 0; ii < n+1; ii++)
for (int jj = 0; jj < n+1; jj++)
cutsq[ii][jj] = podptr->pod.rcut*podptr->pod.rcut;
for (int ii = 0; ii < np1; ii++)
for (int jj = 0; jj < np1; jj++) cutsq[ii][jj] = podptr->pod.rcut * podptr->pod.rcut;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -223,7 +220,7 @@ void PairPOD::coeff(int narg, char **arg)
void PairPOD::init_style()
if (force->newton_pair == 0) error->all(FLERR,"Pair style mlpod requires newton pair on");
if (force->newton_pair == 0) error->all(FLERR, "Pair style pod requires newton pair on");
// need a full neighbor list
@ -291,16 +288,21 @@ void PairPOD::estimate_tempmemory()
int szsnap = 0;
if (podptr->sna.twojmax > 0) {
szsnap += nijmax * dim;
szsnap += MAX(2*podptr->sna.idxu_max*nijmax, 2*podptr->sna.idxz_max*podptr->sna.ndoubles*nablockmax); // (Ur, Ui) and (Zr, Zi)
szsnap += MAX(2 * podptr->sna.idxu_max * nijmax,
2 * podptr->sna.idxz_max * podptr->sna.ndoubles *
nablockmax); // (Ur, Ui) and (Zr, Zi)
szsnap += 2 * podptr->sna.idxu_max * dim * nijmax; // dUr, dUi
szsnap += MAX(podptr->sna.idxb_max*podptr->sna.ntriples*dim*nijmax, 2*podptr->sna.idxu_max*podptr->sna.nelements*nablockmax); // dblist and (Utotr, Utoti)
szsnap += MAX(podptr->sna.idxb_max * podptr->sna.ntriples * dim * nijmax,
2 * podptr->sna.idxu_max * podptr->sna.nelements *
nablockmax); // dblist and (Utotr, Utoti)
szd = MAX(szsnap, szd);
szd = nablockmax * (podptr->pod.nd1234) + szd;
void PairPOD::lammpsNeighPairs(double **x, int **firstneigh, int *atomtypes, int *map, int *numneigh, int gi)
void PairPOD::lammpsNeighPairs(double **x, int **firstneigh, int *atomtypes, int *map,
int *numneigh, int gi)
double rcutsq = podptr->pod.rcut * podptr->pod.rcut;