mirror of https://github.com/lammps/lammps.git
added respa compatability, and simplified examples
This commit is contained in:
@ -43,3 +43,6 @@ Thumbs.db
#python example
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ This directory contains the ingredients to run an NVT simulation using the GJF-2
NP=4 #number of processors
mpirun -np $NP lmp_mpi -in.argon -out.argon
mpirun -np $NP lmp_mpi -in.gjf.vhalf
## Required LAMMPS packages: MOLECULE package
@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
# Atom style - charge/vdw/bonded#
atom_style full
#Units Metal : eV - ps - angstrom - bar#
# Real : kcal/mol - fs - angstrom - atm#
units metal
#Run number#
variable run_no equal 0 # is it a restart?
variable res_no equal ${run_no}-1 # restart file number
#Random Seeds and Domain Decomposition#
variable iseed0 equal 2357
variable iseed1 equal 26488
variable iseed2 equal 10669
processors * * *
#Data File#
variable inpfile string argon.lmp
variable resfile string final_restart.${res_no}
variable ff_file string ff-argon.lmp
#Run Type#
variable minimise equal 0 #Energy Minimization
variable md equal 1 #Plain MD
#Molecular Dynamics Parameters#
variable run_no equal 0 # is it a restart?
variable ens equal 9 # ensemble (0=nve, 1=nvt, 2=npt, 3=ber, 4=lang, 5=stoc, 6=vres, 7=stoch, 8=gjf)
variable ts equal 0.120 # simulation timestep (time units)
variable nequil equal 0 # number of equilibration steps
variable nsteps equal 200000 # number of MD steps
#variable nsteps equal 20 # number of MD steps
variable temp_s equal 10 # starting temperature
variable temp_f equal 10 # final simulation temperature
variable trel equal 1 # thermostat relaxation time
variable tscale equal 1 # thermostat relaxation freq - vel rescaling only
variable deltat equal 1 # maximum temperature change - vel rescaling only
variable npttype string iso # type of NPT (iso, aniso, tri, z...)
variable pres equal 1.01325 # pressure (NPT runs only)
variable prel equal 1.0 # barostat relaxation time
neighbor 1 bin
#Output Parameters#
variable ntraj equal 1000 # trajectory output frequency - all system
variable ntraj_s equal -100 # trajectory output frequency - solute only
variable nthermo equal 200 # thermodynamic data output frequency
#Energy Minimization Parameters#
variable mtraj equal 1 # trajectory output frequency - all system
variable etol equal 1e-5 # % change in energy
variable ftol equal 1e-5 # max force threshold (force units)
variable maxiter equal 10000 # max # of iterations
#3D Periodic Simulation#
boundary p p p
#Reading the input structure#
if "${run_no} == 0" then "read_data ${inpfile}" else "read_restart ${resfile}"
#Force Field#
include ${ff_file}
#Thermodynamic Output#
variable str_basic string 'step time pe temp press'
#MD ensemble (0=nve, 1=nvt, 2=npt, 3=ber, 4=lang, 5=stoc, 6=vres)
variable str_ens string ' '
if "${ens} == 0" then "variable str_ens string 'etotal'"
if "${ens} == 2" then "variable str_ens string 'vol pxx pyy pzz cella cellb cellc cellakpha cellbeta cellgamma'"
#Variable for a gulp friend output
if "${ens} >= 0" then "thermo_style custom time temp pe etotal press vol cpu" &
"thermo ${nthermo}" &
"thermo_modify flush yes"
#Energy Minimization#
if "${minimise} <= 0 || ${run_no} > 0" then "jump SELF end_minimise"
print "Doing CG minimisation"
dump mdcd all dcd ${mtraj} min.dcd
dump_modify mdcd unwrap yes
min_style cg
min_modify line quadratic
minimize ${etol} ${ftol} ${maxiter} ${maxiter}
reset_timestep 0
undump mdcd
label end_minimise
#Timestep in ps#
timestep ${ts}
#Restart file#
restart 100000 restart.1 restart.2
#Trajectory output#
#dump xyz all atom 1000 silicon.lammpstrj
if "${ntraj} > 0" then &
"dump 1 all dcd ${ntraj} trajectory.${run_no}.dcd" &
"dump_modify 1 unwrap yes"
fix mom all momentum 1 linear 1 1 1
#Ensembles (0=nve,1=nvt, 2=npt, 3=ber, 4=lang, 5=stoc, 6=vres)#
if "${md} > 0" then 'print "Setting up the ensembles"' &
'if "${run_no} == 0" then "velocity all create ${temp_s} ${iseed0} mom yes dist gaussian"' &
'if "${ens} == 0" then "fix nve all nve"' &
'if "${ens} == 1" then "fix nvt all nvt temp ${temp_s} ${temp_f} ${trel} tchain 5"' &
'if "${ens} == 2" then "fix npt all npt temp ${temp_s} ${temp_f} ${trel} ${npttype} ${pres} ${pres} ${prel} tchain 5 pchain 5 mtk yes"' &
'if "${ens} == 3" then "fix nve all nve" "fix ber all temp/berendsen ${temp_s} ${temp_f} ${trel}"' &
'if "${ens} == 4" then "fix nve all nve" "fix lang all langevin ${temp_s} ${temp_f} ${trel} ${iseed1} tally yes zero yes"' &
'if "${ens} == 5" then "fix nve all nve" "fix stoch all temp/csvr ${temp_s} ${temp_f} ${trel} ${iseed1}"' &
'if "${ens} == 6" then "fix nve all nve" "fix stoch all temp/csld ${temp_s} ${temp_f} ${trel} ${iseed1}"' &
'if "${ens} == 7" then "fix nve all nve" "fix vres all temp/rescale ${tscale} ${temp_s} ${temp_f} ${tmin} ${tmax}"' &
'if "${ens} == 8" then "fix nve all nve" "fix lang all langevin ${temp_s} ${temp_f} ${trel} ${iseed1} gjf yes"' &
'if "${ens} == 9" then "fix nve all nve" "fix lang all langevin ${temp_s} ${temp_f} ${trel} ${iseed1} gjf yes halfstep yes"'
if "${md} > 0" then "print 'Doing Molecular dynamics'" &
"run ${nsteps}" &
"write_restart final_restart.${run_no}"
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# GJF-2GJ thermostat
units metal
atom_style full
boundary p p p
read_data argon.lmp
include ff-argon.lmp
velocity all create 10 2357 mom yes dist gaussian
neighbor 1 bin
timestep 0.1
fix nve all nve
fix lang all langevin 10 10 1 26488 gjf vfull
thermo 200
run 50000
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# GJF-2GJ thermostat
units metal
atom_style full
boundary p p p
read_data argon.lmp
include ff-argon.lmp
velocity all create 10 2357 mom yes dist gaussian
neighbor 1 bin
timestep 0.1
fix nve all nve
fix lang all langevin 10 10 1 26488 gjf vhalf
thermo 200
run 50000
Reference in New Issue