mirror of https://github.com/lammps/lammps.git
change purge target in Makefile, also fixed one issue with Make.py
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Run this example as:
mpirun -np 3 lmp_linux -partition 3x1 -in in.tad
mpirun -np 3 lmp_g++ -partition 3x1 -in in.tad
You should be able to use any number of replicas >= 3.
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator
http://lammps.sandia.gov, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton, sjplimp@sandia.gov
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <string.h>
#include "comm_tiled_kokkos.h"
#include "comm_brick.h"
#include "atom_kokkos.h"
#include "atom_vec.h"
#include "domain.h"
#include "force.h"
#include "pair.h"
#include "neighbor.h"
#include "modify.h"
#include "fix.h"
#include "compute.h"
#include "output.h"
#include "dump.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "atom_masks.h"
using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
#define BUFFACTOR 1.5
#define BUFFACTOR 1.5
#define BUFMIN 1000
#define BUFEXTRA 1000
#define EPSILON 1.0e-6
#define DELTA_PROCS 16
enum{SINGLE,MULTI}; // same as in Comm
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
CommTiledKokkos::CommTiledKokkos(LAMMPS *lmp) : CommTiled(lmp)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//IMPORTANT: we *MUST* pass "*oldcomm" to the Comm initializer here, as
// the code below *requires* that the (implicit) copy constructor
// for Comm is run and thus creating a shallow copy of "oldcomm".
// The call to Comm::copy_arrays() then converts the shallow copy
// into a deep copy of the class with the new layout.
CommTiledKokkos::CommTiledKokkos(LAMMPS *lmp, Comm *oldcomm) : CommTiled(lmp,oldcomm)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
forward communication of atom coords every timestep
other per-atom attributes may also be sent via pack/unpack routines
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void CommTiledKokkos::forward_comm(int dummy)
if (comm_x_only) {
} else if (ghost_velocity) {
atomKK->sync(Host,X_MASK | V_MASK);
atomKK->modified(Host,X_MASK | V_MASK);
} else {
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
reverse communication of forces on atoms every timestep
other per-atom attributes may also be sent via pack/unpack routines
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void CommTiledKokkos::reverse_comm()
if (comm_f_only)
if (comm_f_only)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
exchange: move atoms to correct processors
atoms exchanged with procs that touch sub-box in each of 3 dims
send out atoms that have left my box, receive ones entering my box
atoms will be lost if not inside a touching proc's box
can happen if atom moves outside of non-periodic bounary
or if atom moves more than one proc away
this routine called before every reneighboring
for triclinic, atoms must be in lamda coords (0-1) before exchange is called
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void CommTiledKokkos::exchange()
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
borders: list nearby atoms to send to neighboring procs at every timestep
one list is created per swap/proc that will be made
as list is made, actually do communication
this does equivalent of a forward_comm(), so don't need to explicitly
call forward_comm() on reneighboring timestep
this routine is called before every reneighboring
for triclinic, atoms must be in lamda coords (0-1) before borders is called
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void CommTiledKokkos::borders()
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
forward communication invoked by a Pair
nsize used only to set recv buffer limit
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void CommTiledKokkos::forward_comm_pair(Pair *pair)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
reverse communication invoked by a Pair
nsize used only to set recv buffer limit
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void CommTiledKokkos::reverse_comm_pair(Pair *pair)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
forward communication invoked by a Fix
size/nsize used only to set recv buffer limit
size = 0 (default) -> use comm_forward from Fix
size > 0 -> Fix passes max size per atom
the latter is only useful if Fix does several comm modes,
some are smaller than max stored in its comm_forward
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void CommTiledKokkos::forward_comm_fix(Fix *fix, int size)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
reverse communication invoked by a Fix
size/nsize used only to set recv buffer limit
size = 0 (default) -> use comm_forward from Fix
size > 0 -> Fix passes max size per atom
the latter is only useful if Fix does several comm modes,
some are smaller than max stored in its comm_forward
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void CommTiledKokkos::reverse_comm_fix(Fix *fix, int size)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
reverse communication invoked by a Fix with variable size data
query fix for all pack sizes to insure buf_send is big enough
handshake sizes before irregular comm to insure buf_recv is big enough
NOTE: how to setup one big buf recv with correct offsets ??
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void CommTiledKokkos::reverse_comm_fix_variable(Fix *fix)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
forward communication invoked by a Compute
nsize used only to set recv buffer limit
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void CommTiledKokkos::forward_comm_compute(Compute *compute)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
reverse communication invoked by a Compute
nsize used only to set recv buffer limit
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void CommTiledKokkos::reverse_comm_compute(Compute *compute)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
forward communication invoked by a Dump
nsize used only to set recv buffer limit
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void CommTiledKokkos::forward_comm_dump(Dump *dump)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
reverse communication invoked by a Dump
nsize used only to set recv buffer limit
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void CommTiledKokkos::reverse_comm_dump(Dump *dump)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
forward communication of Nsize values in per-atom array
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void CommTiledKokkos::forward_comm_array(int nsize, double **array)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
exchange info provided with all 6 stencil neighbors
NOTE: this method is currently not used
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int CommTiledKokkos::exchange_variable(int n, double *inbuf, double *&outbuf)
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- ----------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator
http://lammps.sandia.gov, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton, sjplimp@sandia.gov
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "comm_tiled.h"
#include "kokkos_type.h"
namespace LAMMPS_NS {
class CommTiledKokkos : public CommTiled {
CommTiledKokkos(class LAMMPS *);
CommTiledKokkos(class LAMMPS *, class Comm *);
virtual ~CommTiledKokkos();
void forward_comm(int dummy = 0); // forward comm of atom coords
void reverse_comm(); // reverse comm of forces
void exchange(); // move atoms to new procs
void borders(); // setup list of atoms to comm
void forward_comm_pair(class Pair *); // forward comm from a Pair
void reverse_comm_pair(class Pair *); // reverse comm from a Pair
void forward_comm_fix(class Fix *, int size=0);
// forward comm from a Fix
void reverse_comm_fix(class Fix *, int size=0);
// reverse comm from a Fix
void reverse_comm_fix_variable(class Fix *);
// variable size reverse comm from a Fix
void forward_comm_compute(class Compute *); // forward from a Compute
void reverse_comm_compute(class Compute *); // reverse from a Compute
void forward_comm_dump(class Dump *); // forward comm from a Dump
void reverse_comm_dump(class Dump *); // reverse comm from a Dump
void forward_comm_array(int, double **); // forward comm of array
int exchange_variable(int, double *, double *&); // exchange on neigh stencil
/* ERROR/WARNING messages:
@ -280,15 +280,19 @@ void NeighborKokkos::choose_build(int index, NeighRequest *rq)
if (rq->kokkos_host != 0) {
PairPtrHost pb = NULL;
if (rq->ghost) {
if (rq->full) pb = &NeighborKokkos::full_bin_kokkos<LMPHostType,0,1>;
else if (rq->half) &NeighborKokkos::full_bin_kokkos<LMPHostType,1,1>;
pair_build_host[index] = pb;
if (rq->full) {
if (rq->full_cluster) pb = &NeighborKokkos::full_bin_cluster_kokkos<LMPHostType>;
else pb = &NeighborKokkos::full_bin_kokkos<LMPHostType,0,1>;
else if (rq->half) pb = &NeighborKokkos::full_bin_kokkos<LMPHostType,1,1>;
} else {
if (rq->full) pb = &NeighborKokkos::full_bin_kokkos<LMPHostType,0,0>;
if (rq->full) {
if (rq->full_cluster) pb = &NeighborKokkos::full_bin_cluster_kokkos<LMPHostType>;
else pb = &NeighborKokkos::full_bin_kokkos<LMPHostType,0,0>;
else if (rq->half) pb = &NeighborKokkos::full_bin_kokkos<LMPHostType,1,0>;
pair_build_host[index] = pb;
pair_build_host[index] = pb;
if (rq->kokkos_device != 0) {
PairPtrDevice pb = NULL;
@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ libclasses = ("atc","awpmd","colvars","cuda","gpu","h5md",
buildclasses = ("intel","kokkos")
makeclasses = ("cc","flags","mpi","fft","jpg","png")
setargs = ("gzip","#gzip","ffmpeg","#ffmpeg","smallbig","bigbig","smallsmall","exceptions","#exceptions")
setargs = ("gzip","#gzip","ffmpeg","#ffmpeg","smallbig","bigbig",
actionargs = ("lib-all","file","clean","exe")
gpubuildflag = 0
@ -85,7 +86,8 @@ def switch2str(switches,switch_order):
def compile_check(compiler,ccflags,warn):
open("tmpauto.cpp",'w').write("int main(int, char **) {}\n")
tmp = "%s %s -c tmpauto.cpp" % (compiler,ccflags)
try: txt = subprocess.check_output(tmp,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True).decode()
try: txt = subprocess.check_output(tmp,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: txt = e.output
flag = 1
if txt or not os.path.isfile("tmpauto.o"):
@ -105,7 +107,8 @@ def compile_check(compiler,ccflags,warn):
def link_check(linker,linkflags,libs,warn):
open("tmpauto.cpp",'w').write("int main(int, char **) {}\n")
tmp = "%s %s -o tmpauto tmpauto.cpp %s" % (linker,linkflags,libs)
try: txt = subprocess.check_output(tmp,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True).decode()
try: txt = subprocess.check_output(tmp,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: txt = e.output
flag = 1
if txt or not os.path.isfile("tmpauto"):
@ -532,7 +535,8 @@ class Actions(object):
if caller == "file" or "file" not in self.alist:
# make certain that 'MAKE/MINE' folder exists.
subprocess.check_output("mkdir -p %s/MAKE/MINE" % dir.src,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True)
subprocess.check_output("mkdir -p %s/MAKE/MINE" % dir.src,
make.write("%s/MAKE/MINE/Makefile.auto" % dir.src,1)
print("Created src/MAKE/MINE/Makefile.auto")
@ -859,9 +863,12 @@ class Packages(object):
if self.plist: print("Installing packages ...")
for one in self.plist:
if one == "orig": continue
subprocess.check_output("cd %s; make %s" % (dir.src,one),stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True)
subprocess.check_output("cd %s; make %s" % (dir.src,one),
if self.plist and verbose:
txt = subprocess.check_output("cd %s; make ps" % dir.src,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True).decode()
txt = subprocess.check_output("cd %s; make ps" % dir.src,
print("Package status after installation:")
@ -871,12 +878,16 @@ class Packages(object):
def uninstall(self):
if not self.plist or self.plist[-1] != "orig": return
print("Restoring packages to original state ...")
subprocess.check_output("cd %s; make no-all" % dir.src,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True)
subprocess.check_output("cd %s; make no-all" % dir.src,
for one in self.all:
if self.original[one]:
subprocess.check_output("cd %s; make yes-%s" % (dir.src,one),stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True)
subprocess.check_output("cd %s; make yes-%s" % (dir.src,one),
if verbose:
txt = subprocess.check_output("cd %s; make ps" % dir.src,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True).decode()
txt = subprocess.check_output("cd %s; make ps" % dir.src,
print("Restored package status:")
@ -970,7 +981,8 @@ class Settings(object):
def help(self):
return """
-s set1 set2 ...
possible settings = gzip #gzip ffmpeg #ffmpeg smallbig bigbig smallsmall exceptions #exceptions
possible settings = gzip #gzip ffmpeg #ffmpeg
smallbig bigbig smallsmall exceptions #exceptions
alter LAMMPS ifdef settings in Makefile.auto
only happens if new Makefile.auto is created by use of "file" action
gzip and #gzip turn on/off LAMMPS_GZIP setting
@ -1059,7 +1071,8 @@ class ATC(object):
make.setvar("EXTRAMAKE","Makefile.lammps.%s" % self.lammps)
make.write("%s/Makefile.auto" % libdir)
subprocess.check_output("cd %s; make -f Makefile.auto clean" % libdir,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True)
subprocess.check_output("cd %s; make -f Makefile.auto clean" %
if jmake: txt = "cd %s; make -j %d -f Makefile.auto" % (libdir,jmake.n)
else: txt = "cd %s; make -f Makefile.auto" % libdir
@ -1110,7 +1123,8 @@ class AWPMD(object):
make.setvar("EXTRAMAKE","Makefile.lammps.%s" % self.lammps)
make.write("%s/Makefile.auto" % libdir)
subprocess.check_output("cd %s; make -f Makefile.auto clean" % libdir,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True)
subprocess.check_output("cd %s; make -f Makefile.auto clean" %
if jmake: txt = "cd %s; make -j %d -f Makefile.auto" % (libdir,jmake.n)
else: txt = "cd %s; make -f Makefile.auto" % libdir
@ -1161,7 +1175,8 @@ class COLVARS(object):
make.setvar("EXTRAMAKE","Makefile.lammps.%s" % self.lammps)
make.write("%s/Makefile.auto" % libdir)
subprocess.check_output("cd %s; make -f Makefile.auto clean" % libdir,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True)
subprocess.check_output("cd %s; make -f Makefile.auto clean" %
if jmake: txt = "cd %s; make -j %d -f Makefile.auto" % (libdir,jmake.n)
else: txt = "cd %s; make -f Makefile.auto" % libdir
@ -1213,7 +1228,8 @@ class CUDA(object):
def build(self):
libdir = dir.lib + "/cuda"
subprocess.check_output("cd %s; make clean" % libdir,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True)
subprocess.check_output("cd %s; make clean" % libdir,
if self.mode == "double": n = 2
elif self.mode == "mixed": n = 3
elif self.mode == "single": n = 1
@ -1308,7 +1324,8 @@ class GPU(object):
make = "make"
if "shannon" == platform.node(): make = "srun make"
subprocess.check_output("cd %s; %s -f Makefile.auto clean" % (libdir,make),stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True)
subprocess.check_output("cd %s; %s -f Makefile.auto clean" %
if jmake: txt = "cd %s; %s -j %d -f Makefile.auto" % (libdir,make,jmake.n)
else: txt = "cd %s; %s -f Makefile.auto" % (libdir,make)
@ -1359,7 +1376,8 @@ class H5MD(object):
make.setvar("EXTRAMAKE","Makefile.lammps.%s" % self.lammps)
make.write("%s/Makefile.auto" % libdir)
subprocess.check_output("cd %s; make clean" % libdir,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True)
subprocess.check_output("cd %s; make clean" % libdir,
txt = "cd %s; make" % libdir
# if verbose, print output as build proceeds, else only print if fails
@ -1409,7 +1427,8 @@ class MEAM(object):
make.setvar("EXTRAMAKE","Makefile.lammps.%s" % self.lammps)
make.write("%s/Makefile.auto" % libdir)
subprocess.check_output("cd %s; make -f Makefile.auto clean" % libdir,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True)
subprocess.check_output("cd %s; make -f Makefile.auto clean" %
# do not use -j for MEAM build, parallel build does not work
txt = "cd %s; make -f Makefile.auto" % libdir
@ -1460,7 +1479,8 @@ class POEMS(object):
make.setvar("EXTRAMAKE","Makefile.lammps.%s" % self.lammps)
make.write("%s/Makefile.auto" % libdir)
subprocess.check_output("cd %s; make -f Makefile.auto clean" % libdir,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True)
subprocess.check_output("cd %s; make -f Makefile.auto clean" % libdir,
if jmake: txt = "cd %s; make -j %d -f Makefile.auto" % (libdir,jmake.n)
else: txt = "cd %s; make -f Makefile.auto" % libdir
@ -1506,9 +1526,10 @@ class PYTHON(object):
libdir = dir.lib + "/python"
if self.lammpsflag:
subprocess.check_output("cd %s; cp Makefile.lammps.%s Makefile.lammps" %
if not os.path.isfile("%s/Makefile.lammps.%s" % (libdir,self.lammps)):
error("Unsuccessful creation of lib/python/Makefile.lammps.%s file" % self.lammps)
error("Unsuccessful creation of lib/python/Makefile.lammps.%s file" %
else: print("Created lib/python/Makefile.lammps file")
# QMMM lib
@ -1546,7 +1567,8 @@ class QMMM(object):
make.setvar("EXTRAMAKE","Makefile.lammps.%s" % self.lammps)
make.write("%s/Makefile.auto" % libdir)
subprocess.check_output("cd %s; make -f Makefile.auto clean" % libdir,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True)
subprocess.check_output("cd %s; make -f Makefile.auto clean" %
if jmake: txt = "cd %s; make -j %d -f Makefile.auto" % (libdir,jmake.n)
else: txt = "cd %s; make -f Makefile.auto" % libdir
@ -1597,7 +1619,8 @@ class REAX(object):
make.setvar("EXTRAMAKE","Makefile.lammps.%s" % self.lammps)
make.write("%s/Makefile.auto" % libdir)
commands.getoutput("cd %s; make -f Makefile.auto clean" % libdir)
cmd = "cd %s; make -f Makefile.auto clean" % libdir
if jmake: txt = "cd %s; make -j %d -f Makefile.auto" % (libdir,jmake.n)
else: txt = "cd %s; make -f Makefile.auto" % libdir
@ -1643,7 +1666,8 @@ class VORONOI(object):
if not self.install: return
libdir = dir.lib + "/voronoi"
cmd = "cd %s; python install.py %s" % (libdir,self.install)
txt = subprocess.check_output(cmd,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True).decode()
txt = subprocess.check_output(cmd,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
if verbose: print(txt)
print("Created lib/voronoi library")
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ help:
@echo 'make package-update (pu) replace src files with updated package files'
@echo 'make package-overwrite replace package files with src files'
@echo 'make package-diff (pd) diff src files against package files'
@echo 'make package-purge purge obsolete copies of package sources'
@echo 'make purge purge obsolete copies of source files'
@echo ''
@echo 'make machine build LAMMPS for machine'
@echo 'make mode=lib machine build LAMMPS as static lib for machine'
@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ package-diff pd:
@echo ''
@for p in $(PACKUSERUC); do $(SHELL) Package.sh $$p diff; done
package-purge: Purge.list
purge: Purge.list
@echo 'Purging obsolete and auto-generated source files'
@for f in `grep -v '#' Purge.list` ; \
do test -f $$f && rm $$f && echo $$f || : ; \
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ void PairReaxC::init_style( )
int iqeq;
for (iqeq = 0; iqeq < modify->nfix; iqeq++)
if (strcmp(modify->fix[iqeq]->style,"qeq/reax") == 0) break;
if (strstr(modify->fix[iqeq]->style,"qeq/reax")) break;
if (iqeq == modify->nfix && qeqflag == 1)
error->all(FLERR,"Pair reax/c requires use of fix qeq/reax");
@ -45,9 +45,6 @@ enum{LAYOUT_UNIFORM,LAYOUT_NONUNIFORM,LAYOUT_TILED}; // several files
CommTiled::CommTiled(LAMMPS *lmp) : Comm(lmp)
if (lmp->kokkos)
error->all(FLERR,"KOKKOS package does not yet support comm_style tiled");
style = 1;
pbc_flag = NULL;
@ -63,9 +60,6 @@ CommTiled::CommTiled(LAMMPS *lmp) : Comm(lmp)
CommTiled::CommTiled(LAMMPS *lmp, Comm *oldcomm) : Comm(*oldcomm)
if (lmp->kokkos)
error->all(FLERR,"KOKKOS package does not yet support comm_style tiled");
style = 1;
layout = oldcomm->layout;
@ -26,26 +26,26 @@ class CommTiled : public Comm {
void init();
void setup(); // setup comm pattern
void forward_comm(int dummy = 0); // forward comm of atom coords
void reverse_comm(); // reverse comm of forces
void exchange(); // move atoms to new procs
void borders(); // setup list of atoms to comm
virtual void forward_comm(int dummy = 0); // forward comm of atom coords
virtual void reverse_comm(); // reverse comm of forces
virtual void exchange(); // move atoms to new procs
virtual void borders(); // setup list of atoms to comm
void forward_comm_pair(class Pair *); // forward comm from a Pair
void reverse_comm_pair(class Pair *); // reverse comm from a Pair
virtual void forward_comm_pair(class Pair *); // forward comm from a Pair
virtual void reverse_comm_pair(class Pair *); // reverse comm from a Pair
virtual void forward_comm_fix(class Fix *, int size=0);
// forward comm from a Fix
virtual void reverse_comm_fix(class Fix *, int size=0);
// reverse comm from a Fix
virtual void reverse_comm_fix_variable(class Fix *);
// variable size reverse comm from a Fix
void forward_comm_compute(class Compute *); // forward from a Compute
void reverse_comm_compute(class Compute *); // reverse from a Compute
void forward_comm_dump(class Dump *); // forward comm from a Dump
void reverse_comm_dump(class Dump *); // reverse comm from a Dump
virtual void forward_comm_compute(class Compute *); // forward from a Compute
virtual void reverse_comm_compute(class Compute *); // reverse from a Compute
virtual void forward_comm_dump(class Dump *); // forward comm from a Dump
virtual void reverse_comm_dump(class Dump *); // reverse comm from a Dump
void forward_comm_array(int, double **); // forward comm of array
int exchange_variable(int, double *, double *&); // exchange on neigh stencil
virtual void forward_comm_array(int, double **); // forward comm of array
virtual int exchange_variable(int, double *, double *&); // exchange on neigh stencil
void coord2proc_setup();
int coord2proc(double *, int &, int &, int &);
Reference in New Issue