git-svn-id: svn:// f3b2605a-c512-4ea7-a41b-209d697bcdaa

This commit is contained in:
sjplimp 2010-09-30 23:10:46 +00:00
parent 2c7f136bfc
commit b2e57ae886
1 changed files with 63 additions and 23 deletions

View File

@ -56,9 +56,12 @@ d.aselect.test("$id > 100 and $type == 2",N) select matching atoms in one step
Python comparison syntax: == != < > <= >= and or
$name must end with a space
d.write("file") write selected steps/atoms to dump file
d.scatter("tmp") write selected steps/atoms to mutiple files
d.write("file") write selected steps/atoms to dump file
d.write("file",head,app) write selected steps/atoms to dump file
d.scatter("tmp") write selected steps/atoms to multiple files
write() can be specified with 2 additional flags
headd = 0/1 for no/yes snapshot header, app = 0/1 for write vs append
scatter() files are given timestep suffix: e.g. tmp.0, tmp.100, etc
d.scale() scale x,y,z to 0-1 for all timesteps
@ -81,6 +84,7 @@ d.sort(1000) sort atoms in timestep N
m1,m2 = d.minmax("type") find min/max values for a column
d.set("$ke = $vx * $vx + $vy * $vy") set a column to a computed value
d.setv("type",vector) set a column to a vector of values
d.spread("ke",N,"color") 2nd col = N ints spread over 1st col
d.clone(1000,"color") clone timestep N values to other steps
@ -90,6 +94,10 @@ d.clone(1000,"color") clone timestep N values to other steps
left-hand side column is unset or unchanged for non-selected atoms
equation is in Python syntax
use $ for column names, $name must end with a space
setv() operates on selected timesteps and atoms
if column label does not exist, column is created
values in vector are assigned sequentially to atoms, so may want to sort()
length of vector must match # of selected atoms
spread() operates on selected timesteps and atoms
min and max are found for 1st specified column across all selected atoms
atom's value is linear mapping (1-N) between min and max
@ -133,6 +141,7 @@ d.extra(data) extract bond/tri/line list from data
# History
# 8/05, Steve Plimpton (SNL): original version
# 12/09, David Hart (SNL): allow use of NumPy or Numeric
# ToDo list
# try to optimize this line in read_snap: words += f.readline().split()
@ -173,7 +182,13 @@ d.extra(data) extract bond/tri/line list from data
import sys, commands, re, glob, types
from os import popen
from math import * # any function could be used by set()
import Numeric
import numpy as np
oldnumeric = False
import Numeric as np
oldnumeric = True
try: from DEFAULTS import PIZZA_GUNZIP
except: PIZZA_GUNZIP = "gunzip"
@ -329,7 +344,7 @@ class dump:
item = f.readline()
snap.natoms = int(f.readline())
snap.aselect = Numeric.zeros(snap.natoms)
snap.aselect = np.zeros(snap.natoms)
item = f.readline()
words = f.readline().split()
@ -358,7 +373,8 @@ class dump:
for i in xrange(1,snap.natoms):
words += f.readline().split()
floats = map(float,words)
atoms = Numeric.zeros((snap.natoms,ncol),Numeric.Float)
if oldnumeric: atoms = np.zeros((snap.natoms,ncol),np.Float)
else: atoms = np.zeros((snap.natoms,ncol),np.float)
start = 0
stop = ncol
for i in xrange(snap.natoms):
@ -585,30 +601,32 @@ class dump:
def sort_one(self,snap,id):
atoms = snap.atoms
ids = atoms[:,id]
ordering = Numeric.argsort(ids)
ordering = np.argsort(ids)
for i in xrange(len(atoms[0])):
atoms[:,i] = Numeric.take(atoms[:,i],ordering)
atoms[:,i] = np.take(atoms[:,i],ordering)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# write a single dump file from current selection
def write(self,file):
def write(self,file,header=1,append=0):
if len(self.snaps): namestr = self.names2str()
f = open(file,"w")
if not append: f = open(file,"w")
else: f = open(file,"a")
for snap in self.snaps:
if not snap.tselect: continue
print snap.time,
print >>f,"ITEM: TIMESTEP"
print >>f,snap.time
print >>f,snap.nselect
print >>f,"ITEM: BOX BOUNDS"
print >>f,snap.xlo,snap.xhi
print >>f,snap.ylo,snap.yhi
print >>f,snap.zlo,snap.zhi
print >>f,"ITEM: ATOMS",namestr
if header:
print >>f,"ITEM: TIMESTEP"
print >>f,snap.time
print >>f,snap.nselect
print >>f,"ITEM: BOX BOUNDS"
print >>f,snap.xlo,snap.xhi
print >>f,snap.ylo,snap.yhi
print >>f,snap.zlo,snap.zhi
print >>f,"ITEM: ATOMS",namestr
atoms = snap.atoms
nvalues = len(atoms[0])
@ -677,7 +695,7 @@ class dump:
return (min,max)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# set a column value via an equation
# set a column value via an equation for all selected snapshots
def set(self,eq):
print "Setting ..."
@ -700,6 +718,26 @@ class dump:
for i in xrange(snap.natoms):
if snap.aselect[i]: exec ceq
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# set a column value via an input vec for all selected snapshots/atoms
def setv(self,colname,vec):
print "Setting ..."
if not self.names.has_key(colname):
icol = self.names[colname]
for snap in self.snaps:
if not snap.tselect: continue
if snap.nselect != len(vec):
raise StandardError,"vec length does not match # of selected atoms"
atoms = snap.atoms
m = 0
for i in xrange(snap.natoms):
if snap.aselect[i]:
atoms[i][icol] = vec[m]
m += 1
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# clone value in col across selected timesteps for atoms with same ID
@ -816,7 +854,8 @@ class dump:,str)
for snap in self.snaps:
atoms = snap.atoms
newatoms = Numeric.zeros((snap.natoms,ncol+1),Numeric.Float)
if oldnumeric: newatoms = np.zeros((snap.natoms,ncol+1),np.Float)
else: newatoms = np.zeros((snap.natoms,ncol+1),np.float)
newatoms[:,0:ncol] = snap.atoms
snap.atoms = newatoms
@ -870,7 +909,7 @@ class dump:
z = self.names["z"]
# create atom list needed by viz from id,type,x,y,z
# need Numeric mode here
# need Numeric/Numpy mode here
atoms = []
for i in xrange(snap.natoms):
@ -883,7 +922,7 @@ class dump:
# lookup bond atom IDs in alist and grab their coords
# try is used since some atoms may be unselected
# any bond with unselected atom is not returned to viz caller
# need Numeric mode here
# need Numeric/Numpy mode here
bonds = []
if self.bondflag:
@ -975,7 +1014,8 @@ class dump:
# convert values to int and absolute value since can be negative types
bondlist = Numeric.zeros((nbonds,4),Numeric.Int)
if oldnumeric: bondlist = np.zeros((nbonds,4),np.Int)
else: bondlist = np.zeros((nbonds,4),
ints = [abs(int(value)) for value in words]
start = 0
stop = 4