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add piston logs
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@ -61,5 +61,5 @@ fix fxprint all print 1000 "${s} ${top_wall}" file top_wall.csv screen no
thermo_style custom step c_temp_mobile c_qwa c_qau v_top_wall
thermo 5000
run 100000
write_data "data.pistoned"
write_data "data.piston.final"
@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
LAMMPS (3 Nov 2022)
# The intention is to find the average position of one wall at atmospheric
# pressure. The output is the wall position over time which can be used to
# find the average position for a run with fixed wall position.
# ----------------- Init Section -----------------
atom_style full
units real
boundary p p f
kspace_style pppm/electrode 1e-4
kspace_modify slab 3.0
pair_style lj/cut/coul/long 8 8
bond_style harmonic
angle_style harmonic
if "$(extract_setting(world_size) % 2) == 0" then "processors * * 2"
# ----------------- Atom Definition Section -----------------
read_data "data.piston"
Reading data file ...
orthogonal box = (0 0 0) to (17.6494 20.3798 26)
1 by 1 by 1 MPI processor grid
reading atoms ...
726 atoms
reading velocities ...
726 velocities
scanning bonds ...
2 = max bonds/atom
scanning angles ...
1 = max angles/atom
reading bonds ...
420 bonds
reading angles ...
210 angles
Finding 1-2 1-3 1-4 neighbors ...
special bond factors lj: 0 0 0
special bond factors coul: 0 0 0
2 = max # of 1-2 neighbors
1 = max # of 1-3 neighbors
1 = max # of 1-4 neighbors
2 = max # of special neighbors
special bonds CPU = 0.001 seconds
read_data CPU = 0.011 seconds
# ----------------- Settings Section -----------------
pair_coeff 1 1 0.069 2.78
pair_coeff 2 2 5.29 2.951
pair_coeff 3 3 0.1553 3.166
pair_coeff 4 4 0.0 0.0
bond_coeff 1 600.0 1.0
angle_coeff 1 75.0 109.47
group wall type 1
48 atoms in group wall
group gold type 2
48 atoms in group gold
group spce type 3:4
630 atoms in group spce
group ele union wall gold
96 atoms in group ele
fix fRattleSPCE spce shake 0.0001 10 0 b 1 a 1
Finding SHAKE clusters ...
0 = # of size 2 clusters
0 = # of size 3 clusters
0 = # of size 4 clusters
210 = # of frozen angles
find clusters CPU = 0.000 seconds
pair_modify mix arithmetic
# ----------------- Run Section -----------------
neigh_modify every 1 delay 0
timestep 2
fix fxnvt spce nvt temp 300 300 500
fix fxforce_au gold setforce 0.0 0.0 0.0
# equilibrate z-coordinate of upper electrode while keeping the electrode rigid
fix fxforce_wa wall setforce 0.0 0.0 NULL
fix fxpressure wall aveforce 0 0 -0.005246 # atomspheric pressure: area/force->nktv2p
fix fxdrag wall viscous 100
fix fxrigid wall rigid/nve single
1 rigid bodies with 48 atoms
# maintain constant potential during equilibration
# 'algo cg' allows for moving electrodes
fix fxele ele electrode/conp 0.0 1.805 symm on algo cg 1e-4
96 atoms in group conp_group
# setup output and run
variable q atom q
compute qwa wall reduce sum v_q
compute qau gold reduce sum v_q
variable top_wall equal (bound(wall,zmin))
compute temp_mobile spce temp
variable s equal step
fix fxprint all print 1000 "${s} ${top_wall}" file top_wall.csv screen no
thermo_style custom step c_temp_mobile c_qwa c_qau v_top_wall
thermo 5000
run 100000
Your simulation uses code contributions which should be cited:
- kspace_style pppm/electrode command:
author = {Ahrens-Iwers, Ludwig J.V. and Mei{\ss}ner, Robert H.},
doi = {10.1063/5.0063381},
title = {{Constant potential simulations on a mesh}},
journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
year = {2021}
volume = {155},
pages = {104104},
- fix electrode command:
author = {Ahrens-Iwers, Ludwig J.V. and Janssen, Mahijs and Tee, Shern R. and Mei{\ss}ner, Robert H.},
doi = {10.1063/5.0099239},
title = {{ELECTRODE: An electrochemistry package for LAMMPS}},
journal = {The Journal of Chemical Physics},
year = {2022}
volume = {157},
pages = {084801},
PPPM/electrode initialization ...
using 12-bit tables for long-range coulomb (src/kspace.cpp:342)
G vector (1/distance) = 0.32814871
grid = 12 15 36
stencil order = 5
estimated absolute RMS force accuracy = 0.02930901
estimated relative force accuracy = 8.8263214e-05
using double precision MKL FFT
3d grid and FFT values/proc = 15884 6480
Generated 6 of 6 mixed pair_coeff terms from arithmetic mixing rule
Neighbor list info ...
update: every = 1 steps, delay = 0 steps, check = yes
max neighbors/atom: 2000, page size: 100000
master list distance cutoff = 10
ghost atom cutoff = 10
binsize = 5, bins = 4 5 6
2 neighbor lists, perpetual/occasional/extra = 2 0 0
(1) pair lj/cut/coul/long, perpetual
attributes: half, newton on
pair build: half/bin/newton
stencil: half/bin/3d
bin: standard
(2) fix electrode/conp, perpetual, copy from (1)
attributes: half, newton on
pair build: copy
stencil: none
bin: none
Per MPI rank memory allocation (min/avg/max) = 11.7 | 11.7 | 11.7 Mbytes
Step c_temp_mobile c_qwa c_qau v_top_wall
0 303.38967 -0.042963484 0.042963484 21.4018
5000 285.08828 -0.26105255 0.26105255 25.155629
10000 323.19176 -0.26264003 0.26264003 24.541676
15000 310.479 -0.27318148 0.27318148 23.141522
20000 295.18544 -0.11313444 0.11313444 23.828735
25000 295.38607 -0.25433086 0.25433086 23.673314
30000 288.0613 -0.30099901 0.30099901 23.438086
35000 278.5591 -0.15823576 0.15823576 24.311915
40000 303.95751 -0.19941381 0.19941381 23.69594
45000 279.026 -0.1659962 0.1659962 23.588604
50000 298.79278 -0.28866703 0.28866703 23.372508
55000 301.03353 -0.078370381 0.078370381 23.192985
60000 306.77965 -0.12807205 0.12807205 23.968574
65000 309.86008 -0.27162663 0.27162663 23.616704
70000 287.31116 -0.029751882 0.029751882 23.667495
75000 312.48654 -0.10759866 0.10759866 23.504105
80000 309.94267 -0.2558548 0.2558548 23.810576
85000 328.04389 -0.1575471 0.1575471 24.013437
90000 302.9806 -0.032002164 0.032002164 24.264432
95000 294.20804 -0.27797238 0.27797238 23.291758
100000 307.63019 -0.19047448 0.19047448 23.632147
Loop time of 530.844 on 1 procs for 100000 steps with 726 atoms
Performance: 32.552 ns/day, 0.737 hours/ns, 188.379 timesteps/s, 136.763 katom-step/s
100.0% CPU use with 1 MPI tasks x no OpenMP threads
MPI task timing breakdown:
Section | min time | avg time | max time |%varavg| %total
Pair | 190.47 | 190.47 | 190.47 | 0.0 | 35.88
Bond | 0.10754 | 0.10754 | 0.10754 | 0.0 | 0.02
Kspace | 73.179 | 73.179 | 73.179 | 0.0 | 13.79
Neigh | 24.209 | 24.209 | 24.209 | 0.0 | 4.56
Comm | 1.6857 | 1.6857 | 1.6857 | 0.0 | 0.32
Output | 0.0016861 | 0.0016861 | 0.0016861 | 0.0 | 0.00
Modify | 240.23 | 240.23 | 240.23 | 0.0 | 45.26
Other | | 0.9595 | | | 0.18
Nlocal: 726 ave 726 max 726 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nghost: 2335 ave 2335 max 2335 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Neighs: 120271 ave 120271 max 120271 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total # of neighbors = 120271
Ave neighs/atom = 165.66253
Ave special neighs/atom = 1.7355372
Neighbor list builds = 7722
Dangerous builds = 0
write_data "data.piston.final"
System init for write_data ...
PPPM/electrode initialization ...
using 12-bit tables for long-range coulomb (src/kspace.cpp:342)
G vector (1/distance) = 0.32814871
grid = 12 15 36
stencil order = 5
estimated absolute RMS force accuracy = 0.029311365
estimated relative force accuracy = 8.8270304e-05
using double precision MKL FFT
3d grid and FFT values/proc = 15884 6480
Generated 6 of 6 mixed pair_coeff terms from arithmetic mixing rule
Average conjugate gradient steps: 1.981
Total wall time: 0:08:50
@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
LAMMPS (3 Nov 2022)
# The intention is to find the average position of one wall at atmospheric
# pressure. The output is the wall position over time which can be used to
# find the average position for a run with fixed wall position.
# ----------------- Init Section -----------------
atom_style full
units real
boundary p p f
kspace_style pppm/electrode 1e-4
kspace_modify slab 3.0
pair_style lj/cut/coul/long 8 8
bond_style harmonic
angle_style harmonic
if "$(extract_setting(world_size) % 2) == 0" then "processors * * 2"
processors * * 2
# ----------------- Atom Definition Section -----------------
read_data "data.piston"
Reading data file ...
orthogonal box = (0 0 0) to (17.6494 20.3798 26)
1 by 2 by 2 MPI processor grid
reading atoms ...
726 atoms
reading velocities ...
726 velocities
scanning bonds ...
2 = max bonds/atom
scanning angles ...
1 = max angles/atom
reading bonds ...
420 bonds
reading angles ...
210 angles
Finding 1-2 1-3 1-4 neighbors ...
special bond factors lj: 0 0 0
special bond factors coul: 0 0 0
2 = max # of 1-2 neighbors
1 = max # of 1-3 neighbors
1 = max # of 1-4 neighbors
2 = max # of special neighbors
special bonds CPU = 0.001 seconds
read_data CPU = 0.017 seconds
# ----------------- Settings Section -----------------
pair_coeff 1 1 0.069 2.78
pair_coeff 2 2 5.29 2.951
pair_coeff 3 3 0.1553 3.166
pair_coeff 4 4 0.0 0.0
bond_coeff 1 600.0 1.0
angle_coeff 1 75.0 109.47
group wall type 1
48 atoms in group wall
group gold type 2
48 atoms in group gold
group spce type 3:4
630 atoms in group spce
group ele union wall gold
96 atoms in group ele
fix fRattleSPCE spce shake 0.0001 10 0 b 1 a 1
Finding SHAKE clusters ...
0 = # of size 2 clusters
0 = # of size 3 clusters
0 = # of size 4 clusters
210 = # of frozen angles
find clusters CPU = 0.002 seconds
pair_modify mix arithmetic
# ----------------- Run Section -----------------
neigh_modify every 1 delay 0
timestep 2
fix fxnvt spce nvt temp 300 300 500
fix fxforce_au gold setforce 0.0 0.0 0.0
# equilibrate z-coordinate of upper electrode while keeping the electrode rigid
fix fxforce_wa wall setforce 0.0 0.0 NULL
fix fxpressure wall aveforce 0 0 -0.005246 # atomspheric pressure: area/force->nktv2p
fix fxdrag wall viscous 100
fix fxrigid wall rigid/nve single
1 rigid bodies with 48 atoms
# maintain constant potential during equilibration
# 'algo cg' allows for moving electrodes
fix fxele ele electrode/conp 0.0 1.805 symm on algo cg 1e-4
96 atoms in group conp_group
# setup output and run
variable q atom q
compute qwa wall reduce sum v_q
compute qau gold reduce sum v_q
variable top_wall equal (bound(wall,zmin))
compute temp_mobile spce temp
variable s equal step
fix fxprint all print 1000 "${s} ${top_wall}" file top_wall.csv screen no
thermo_style custom step c_temp_mobile c_qwa c_qau v_top_wall
thermo 5000
run 100000
Your simulation uses code contributions which should be cited:
- kspace_style pppm/electrode command:
author = {Ahrens-Iwers, Ludwig J.V. and Mei{\ss}ner, Robert H.},
doi = {10.1063/5.0063381},
title = {{Constant potential simulations on a mesh}},
journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
year = {2021}
volume = {155},
pages = {104104},
- fix electrode command:
author = {Ahrens-Iwers, Ludwig J.V. and Janssen, Mahijs and Tee, Shern R. and Mei{\ss}ner, Robert H.},
doi = {10.1063/5.0099239},
title = {{ELECTRODE: An electrochemistry package for LAMMPS}},
journal = {The Journal of Chemical Physics},
year = {2022}
volume = {157},
pages = {084801},
PPPM/electrode initialization ...
using 12-bit tables for long-range coulomb (src/kspace.cpp:342)
G vector (1/distance) = 0.32814871
grid = 12 15 36
stencil order = 5
estimated absolute RMS force accuracy = 0.02930901
estimated relative force accuracy = 8.8263214e-05
using double precision MKL FFT
3d grid and FFT values/proc = 8512 2880
Generated 6 of 6 mixed pair_coeff terms from arithmetic mixing rule
Neighbor list info ...
update: every = 1 steps, delay = 0 steps, check = yes
max neighbors/atom: 2000, page size: 100000
master list distance cutoff = 10
ghost atom cutoff = 10
binsize = 5, bins = 4 5 6
2 neighbor lists, perpetual/occasional/extra = 2 0 0
(1) pair lj/cut/coul/long, perpetual
attributes: half, newton on
pair build: half/bin/newton
stencil: half/bin/3d
bin: standard
(2) fix electrode/conp, perpetual, copy from (1)
attributes: half, newton on
pair build: copy
stencil: none
bin: none
Per MPI rank memory allocation (min/avg/max) = 10.06 | 10.22 | 10.41 Mbytes
Step c_temp_mobile c_qwa c_qau v_top_wall
0 303.38967 -0.042963484 0.042963484 21.4018
5000 292.03027 -0.19040435 0.19040435 24.581338
10000 309.52764 -0.48308301 0.48308301 23.776985
15000 295.00243 -0.16591109 0.16591109 23.672038
20000 293.5536 -0.086669084 0.086669084 23.426455
25000 303.0079 -0.16488112 0.16488112 23.862966
30000 306.31463 -0.23192653 0.23192653 23.819882
35000 303.66268 -0.2317907 0.2317907 23.495344
40000 301.39435 -0.34661329 0.34661329 23.657835
45000 291.61205 -0.30539427 0.30539427 23.437303
50000 298.65319 -0.096107034 0.096107034 23.57809
55000 282.65069 -0.14943539 0.14943539 23.823728
60000 310.64182 -0.17418813 0.17418813 23.286959
65000 308.47141 -0.02075662 0.02075662 23.91313
70000 292.5186 -0.080163162 0.080163162 23.96283
75000 270.13928 -0.029528648 0.029528648 23.488972
80000 322.10914 0.030761045 -0.030761045 23.47592
85000 310.60347 -0.24069996 0.24069996 23.987091
90000 294.35695 -0.070458235 0.070458235 23.397929
95000 308.69043 -0.2652581 0.2652581 23.473813
100000 318.71883 0.024035956 -0.024035956 23.449863
Loop time of 590.232 on 4 procs for 100000 steps with 726 atoms
Performance: 29.277 ns/day, 0.820 hours/ns, 169.425 timesteps/s, 123.003 katom-step/s
72.5% CPU use with 4 MPI tasks x no OpenMP threads
MPI task timing breakdown:
Section | min time | avg time | max time |%varavg| %total
Pair | 57.391 | 75.867 | 96.292 | 212.1 | 12.85
Bond | 0.10177 | 0.11042 | 0.12415 | 2.7 | 0.02
Kspace | 102.79 | 123.16 | 141.5 | 165.7 | 20.87
Neigh | 12.808 | 12.895 | 12.982 | 2.3 | 2.18
Comm | 18.885 | 19.973 | 21.064 | 24.0 | 3.38
Output | 0.0022573 | 0.0022749 | 0.0023225 | 0.1 | 0.00
Modify | 355.89 | 356.74 | 357.61 | 4.2 | 60.44
Other | | 1.478 | | | 0.25
Nlocal: 181.5 ave 207 max 169 min
Histogram: 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Nghost: 1961.5 ave 1984 max 1926 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
Neighs: 30051 ave 41646 max 20775 min
Histogram: 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Total # of neighbors = 120204
Ave neighs/atom = 165.57025
Ave special neighs/atom = 1.7355372
Neighbor list builds = 7663
Dangerous builds = 0
write_data "data.piston.final"
System init for write_data ...
PPPM/electrode initialization ...
using 12-bit tables for long-range coulomb (src/kspace.cpp:342)
G vector (1/distance) = 0.32814871
grid = 12 15 36
stencil order = 5
estimated absolute RMS force accuracy = 0.029311028
estimated relative force accuracy = 8.8269289e-05
using double precision MKL FFT
3d grid and FFT values/proc = 8512 2880
Generated 6 of 6 mixed pair_coeff terms from arithmetic mixing rule
Average conjugate gradient steps: 1.982
Total wall time: 0:09:50
Reference in New Issue