mirror of https://github.com/lammps/lammps.git
git-svn-id: svn://svn.icms.temple.edu/lammps-ro/trunk@6727 f3b2605a-c512-4ea7-a41b-209d697bcdaa
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,23 +1,25 @@
This directory contains libraries that can be linked with when
building LAMMPS. The library itself must be built first, so that a
lib*.a file exists for LAMMPS to link against.
building LAMMPS, if particular packages are included in a LAMMPS
build. The library itself must be built first, so that a lib*.a file
exists for LAMMPS to link against.
Each library directory contains a README with additional info. You
will need to copy one of the Makefile.* files to Makefile before
building a library. If a Makefile.* suitable for your machine does
not exist, you will need to edit one of the existing Makefiles.
Each library directory contains a README with additional info about
how to build the library. This may require you to edit one of the
provided Makefiles to make it suitable for your machine.
The libraries included in the LAMMPS distribution are the following:
atc atomistic-to-continuum methods
atc atomistic-to-continuum methods, USER-ATC package
from Reese Jones, Jeremy Templeton, Jon Zimmerman (Sandia)
awpmd antisymmetrized wave packet molecular dynamics
awpmd antisymmetrized wave packet molecular dynamics, AWPMD package
from Ilya Valuev (JIHT RAS)
gpu graphical processor (GPU) routines, currently NVIDIA specific
from Mike Brown (Sandia)
poems POEMS rigid-body integration package
from RPI
meam modified embedded atom method (MEAM) potential
cuda NVIDIA GPU routines, USER_CUDA package
from Christian Trott (U Tech Ilmenau)
gpu graphical processor (GPU) routines, GPU package
from Mike Brown (ORNL)
poems POEMS rigid-body integration package, POEMS package
from Rudranarayan Mukherjee (RPI)
meam modified embedded atom method (MEAM) potential, MEAM package
from Greg Wagner (Sandia)
reax ReaxFF potential
reax ReaxFF potential, REAX package
from Adri van Duin (Penn State) and Aidan Thompson (Sandia)
@ -1,3 +1,27 @@
This directory has source files to build a library that LAMMPS
links against when using the USER-ATC package.
When you are done building this library, two files should
exist in this directory:
libatc.a the library LAMMPS will link against
Makefile.lammps settings the LAMMPS Makefile will import
The latter file will have settings like this (can be omitted if blank):
user-atc_SYSINC =
user-atc_SYSLIB = -lblas -llapack
user-atc_SYSPATH =
SYSINC is for settings needed to compile LAMMPS source files
SYSLIB is for additional system libraries needed by this package
SYSPATH is the path(s) to where those libraries are
You must insure these settings are correct for your system, else
the LAMMPS build will likely fail.
ATC (Atom To Continuum methods)
Reese Jones, Jeremy Templeton, Jonathan Zimmerman (Sandia National Labs)
@ -1,3 +1,27 @@
This directory has source files to build a library that LAMMPS
links against when using the AWPMD package.
When you are done building this library, two files should
exist in this directory:
libawpmd.a the library LAMMPS will link against
Makefile.lammps settings the LAMMPS Makefile will import
The latter file will have settings like this (can be omitted if blank):
user-awpmd_SYSINC =
user-awpmd_SYSLIB = -lblas -llapack
user-awpmd_SYSPATH =
SYSINC is for settings needed to compile LAMMPS source files
SYSLIB is for additional system libraries needed by this package
SYSPATH is the path(s) to where those libraries are
You must insure these settings are correct for your system, else
the LAMMPS build will likely fail.
AWPMD (Antisymmetrized Wave Packet Molecular Dynamics) library
Ilya Valuev, Igor Morozov, JIHT RAS
@ -1,22 +1,33 @@
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator
http://lammps.sandia.gov, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton, sjplimp@sandia.gov
This directory has source files to build a library that LAMMPS
links against when using the GPU package.
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
When you are done building this library, two files should
exist in this directory:
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
libgpu.a the library LAMMPS will link against
Makefile.lammps settings the LAMMPS Makefile will import
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Contributing authors: Mike Brown (ORNL), brownw@ornl.gov
Peng Wang (Nvidia), penwang@nvidia.com
Inderaj Bains (NVIDIA), ibains@nvidia.com
Paul Crozier (SNL), pscrozi@sandia.gov
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
The latter file will have settings like this (can be omitted if blank):
gpu_SYSINC =
gpu_SYSLIB = -lcudart -lcuda
gpu_SYSPATH = -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64
SYSINC is for settings needed to compile LAMMPS source files
SYSLIB is for additional system libraries needed by this package
SYSPATH is the path(s) to where those libraries are
You must insure these settings are correct for your system, else
the LAMMPS build will likely fail.
Contributing authors: Mike Brown (ORNL), brownw@ornl.gov
Peng Wang (Nvidia), penwang@nvidia.com
Inderaj Bains (NVIDIA), ibains@nvidia.com
Paul Crozier (SNL), pscrozi@sandia.gov
@ -1,10 +1,38 @@
This directory has source files to build a library that LAMMPS
links against when using the MEAM package.
When you are done building this library, two files should
exist in this directory:
libmeam.a the library LAMMPS will link against
Makefile.lammps settings the LAMMPS Makefile will import
The latter file will have settings like this (can be omitted if blank):
meam_SYSINC =
meam_SYSLIB = -lgfortran
meam_SYSPATH =
SYSINC is for settings needed to compile LAMMPS source files
SYSLIB is for additional system libraries needed by this package
SYSPATH is the path(s) to where those libraries are
You must insure these settings are correct for your system, else
the LAMMPS build will likely fail.
Note that the source files for this library are Fortran. LAMMPS is
built with a C++ compiler/linker. Thus you need to insure the
settings above enable usage of a Fortran library by a C++ program.
MEAM (modified embedded atom method) library
Greg Wagner, Sandia National Labs
gjwagne at sandia.gov
Jan 2007
This library is in implementation of the MEAM potential, specifically
designed to work with LAMMPS.
@ -1,3 +1,27 @@
This directory has source files to build a library that LAMMPS
links against when using the POEMS package.
When you are done building this library, two files should
exist in this directory:
libpoems.a the library LAMMPS will link against
Makefile.lammps settings the LAMMPS Makefile will import
The latter file will have settings like this (can be omitted if blank):
poems_SYSINC =
poems_SYSLIB =
poems_SYSPATH =
SYSINC is for settings needed to compile LAMMPS source files
SYSLIB is for additional system libraries needed by this package
SYSPATH is the path(s) to where those libraries are
You must insure these settings are correct for your system, else
the LAMMPS build will likely fail.
POEMS (Parallelizable Open source Efficient Multibody Software) library
Rudranarayan Mukherjee, RPI
@ -1,3 +1,31 @@
This directory has source files to build a library that LAMMPS
links against when using the REAX package.
When you are done building this library, two files should
exist in this directory:
libreax.a the library LAMMPS will link against
Makefile.lammps settings the LAMMPS Makefile will import
The latter file will have settings like this (can be omitted if blank):
reax_SYSINC =
reax_SYSLIB = -lgfortran
reax_SYSPATH =
SYSINC is for settings needed to compile LAMMPS source files
SYSLIB is for additional system libraries needed by this package
SYSPATH is the path(s) to where those libraries are
You must insure these settings are correct for your system, else
the LAMMPS build will likely fail.
Note that the source files for this library are Fortran. LAMMPS is
built with a C++ compiler/linker. Thus you need to insure the
settings above enable usage of a Fortran library by a C++ program.
ReaxFF library
Aidan Thompson, Sandia National Labs
Reference in New Issue