git-svn-id: svn:// f3b2605a-c512-4ea7-a41b-209d697bcdaa

This commit is contained in:
sjplimp 2014-10-07 15:24:30 +00:00
parent 0377592bd5
commit 69f2390b06
5 changed files with 47 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -19,6 +19,34 @@ directories for instructions on how to build the packages with
different precisions. The GPU and USER-CUDA sub-sections of the
doc/Section_accelerate.html file also describes this process. -d ~/lammps -j 16 -p #all orig -m linux -o cpu exe -d ~/lammps -j 16 -p #all opt orig -m linux -o opt exe -d ~/lammps -j 16 -p #all omp orig -m linux -o omp exe -d ~/lammps -j 16 -p #all gpu orig -m linux \
-gpu mode=double arch=20 -o gpu_double libs exe -d ~/lammps -j 16 -p #all gpu orig -m linux \
-gpu mode=mixed arch=20 -o gpu_mixed libs exe -d ~/lammps -j 16 -p #all gpu orig -m linux \
-gpu mode=single arch=20 -o gpu_single libs exe -d ~/lammps -j 16 -p #all cuda orig -m linux \
-cuda mode=double arch=20 -o cuda_double libs exe -d ~/lammps -j 16 -p #all cuda orig -m linux \
-cuda mode=mixed arch=20 -o cuda_mixed libs exe -d ~/lammps -j 16 -p #all cuda orig -m linux \
-cuda mode=single arch=20 -o cuda_single libs exe -d ~/lammps -j 16 -p #all intel orig -m linux -o intel_cpu exe -d ~/lammps -j 16 -p #all kokkos orig -m linux -o kokkos_omp exe -d ~/lammps -j 16 -p #all kokkos orig -kokkos cuda arch=20 \
-m cuda -o kokkos_cuda exe -d ~/lammps -j 16 -p #all opt omp gpu cuda intel kokkos orig \
-gpu mode=double arch=20 -cuda mode=double arch=20 -m linux \
-o all libs exe -d ~/lammps -j 16 -p #all opt omp gpu cuda intel kokkos orig \
-kokkos cuda arch=20 -gpu mode=double arch=20 \
-cuda mode=double arch=20 -m cuda -o all_cuda libs exe
To run on just CPUs (without using the GPU or USER-CUDA styles),

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@ -87,26 +87,31 @@ Building LAMMPS can be simple or not-so-simple. If all you need are
the default packages installed in LAMMPS, and MPI is already installed
on your machine, or you just want to run LAMMPS in serial, then you
can typically use the Makefile.mpi or Makefile.serial files in
src/MAKE and type one of these lines (from the src dir):
src/MAKE by typing one of these lines (from the src dir):
make mpi
make serial :pre
Or if one of the other Makefile.machine files in the src/MAKE
sub-directories matches your system (type "make" to see a list), you
can use it as-is by typing (for example):
Note that on a facility supercomputer, there are often "modules"
loaded in your environment that provide the compilers and MPI you
should use. In this case, the "mpicxx" compile/link command in
Makefile.mpi should just work by accessing those modules.
It may be the case that one of the other Makefile.machine files in the
src/MAKE sub-directories is a better match to your system (type "make"
to see a list), you can use it as-is by typing (for example):
make stampede :pre
If any of these builds with an existing Makefile.machine works on your
system, then you're done!
If any of these builds (with an existing Makefile.machine) works on
your system, then you're done!
If you want to do one of these:
If you want to do one of the following:
use optional LAMMPS features that require additional libraries
use optional packages that require additional libraries
use optional accelerator packages that require special compiler/linker settings
run on a specialized platform like a supercomputer that has its own compilers, settings, or other libs to use :ul
run on a specialized platform that has its own compilers, settings, or other libs to use :ul
then building LAMMPS is more complicated. You may need to find where
auxiliary libraries exist on your machine or install them if they
@ -135,9 +140,9 @@ please post the issue to the "LAMMPS mail
If you succeed in building LAMMPS on a new kind of machine, for which
there isn't a similar machine Makefile included in the src/MAKE/MORE
directory, then send it to the developers and we can include it in the
LAMMPS distribution.
there isn't a similar machine Makefile included in the
src/MAKE/MACHINES directory, then send it to the developers and we can
include it in the LAMMPS distribution.

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@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ section of the LAMMPS WWW Site.
These are the sample problems and their output in the various
accelerate: use of all the various accelerator packages
balance: dynamic load balancing, 2d system
body: body particles, 2d system
colloid: big colloid particles in a small particle solvent, 2d system
comb: models using the COMB potential
crack: crack propagation in a 2d solid
cuda: use of the USER-CUDA package for GPU acceleration
deposit: deposition of atoms and molecules onto a 3d substrate
dipole: point dipolar particles, 2d system
dreiding: methanol via Dreiding FF
@ -71,12 +71,9 @@ eim: NaCl using the EIM potential
ellipse: ellipsoidal particles in spherical solvent, 2d system
flow: Couette and Poiseuille flow in a 2d channel
friction: frictional contact of spherical asperities between 2d surfaces
gpu: use of the GPU package for GPU acceleration
hugoniostat: Hugoniostat shock dynamics
indent: spherical indenter into a 2d solid
intel: use of the USER-INTEL package for CPU or Xeon Phi acceleration
kim: use of potentials in Knowledge Base for Interatomic Models (KIM)
kokkos: use of the KOKKOS package for multi-threading and GPU acceleration
meam: MEAM test for SiC and shear (same as shear examples)
melt: rapid melt of 3d LJ system
micelle: self-assembly of small lipid-like molecules into 2d bilayers

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#precision setting: 1 single, 2 double, 4 mixed
precision ?= 1
precision ?= 2
#verbose setting: 0 no, 1 yes
verbose ?= 1

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Settings that the LAMMPS build will import when this package library is used
CUDA_USRLIB_CONDITIONAL := -L/usr/local/cuda/lib -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64 -lcufft
user-cuda_SYSINC = ${CUDA_FLAGS}