mirror of https://github.com/lammps/lammps.git
Fix casing of the word GitHub
This commit is contained in:
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ For bug reports, the next step is that one of the core LAMMPS developers will se
For submitting pull requests, there is a [detailed tutorial](https://lammps.sandia.gov/doc/Howto_github.html) in the LAMMPS manual. Thus only a brief breakdown of the steps is presented here. Please note, that the LAMMPS developers are still reviewing and trying to improve the process. If you are unsure about something, do not hesitate to post a question on the lammps-users mailing list or contact one fo the core LAMMPS developers.
Immediately after the submission, the LAMMPS continuing integration server at ci.lammps.org will download your submitted branch and perform a simple compilation test, i.e. will test whether your submitted code can be compiled under various conditions. It will also do a check on whether your included documentation translates cleanly. Whether these tests are successful or fail will be recorded. If a test fails, please inspect the corresponding output on the CI server and take the necessary steps, if needed, so that the code can compile cleanly again. The test will be re-run each the pull request is updated with a push to the remote branch on GitHub.
Next a LAMMPS core developer will self-assign and do an overall technical assessment of the submission. If you are not yet registered as a LAMMPS collaborator, you will receive an invitation for that. As part of the assesment, the pull request will be categorized with labels. There are two special labels: `needs_work` (indicates that work from the submitter of the pull request is needed) and `work_in_progress` (indicates, that the assigned LAMMPS developer will make changes, if not done by the contributor who made the submit).
Next a LAMMPS core developer will self-assign and do an overall technical assessment of the submission. If you are not yet registered as a LAMMPS collaborator, you will receive an invitation for that. As part of the assessment, the pull request will be categorized with labels. There are two special labels: `needs_work` (indicates that work from the submitter of the pull request is needed) and `work_in_progress` (indicates, that the assigned LAMMPS developer will make changes, if not done by the contributor who made the submit).
You may also receive comments and suggestions on the overall submission or specific details and on occasion specific requests for changes as part of the review. If permitted, also additional changes may be pushed into your pull request branch or a pull request may be filed in your LAMMPS fork on GitHub to include those changes.
The LAMMPS developer may then decide to assign the pull request to another developer (e.g. when that developer is more knowledgeable about the submitted feature or enhancement or has written the modified code). It may also happen, that additional developers are requested to provide a review and approve the changes. For submissions, that may change the general behavior of LAMMPS, or where a possibility of unwanted side effects exists, additional tests may be requested by the assigned developer.
If the assigned developer is satisfied and considers the submission ready for inclusion into LAMMPS, the pull request will receive approvals and be merged into the master branch by one of the core LAMMPS developers. After the pull request is merged, you may delete the feature branch used for the pull request in your personal LAMMPS fork.
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ on the pull request discussion page on GitHub, so that other developers
can later review the entire discussion after the fact and understand the
rationale behind choices made. Exceptions to this policy are technical
discussions, that are centered on tools or policies themselves
(git, github, c++) rather than on the content of the pull request.
(git, GitHub, c++) rather than on the content of the pull request.
### Checklist for Pull Requests
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ explained in more detail here: `feature branch workflow <https://www.atlassian.c
**Feature branches**
First of all, create a clone of your version on github on your local
First of all, create a clone of your version on GitHub on your local
machine via HTTPS:
.. code-block:: bash
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ useful message that explains the change.
.. code-block:: bash
$ git commit -m 'Finally updated the github tutorial'
$ git commit -m 'Finally updated the GitHub tutorial'
After the commit, the changes can be pushed to the same branch on GitHub:
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ profiling and debugging tools (https://github.com/kokkos/kokkos-tools).
A programming guide can be found on the Wiki, the API reference is under development.
For questions find us on Slack: https://kokkosteam.slack.com or open a github issue.
For questions find us on Slack: https://kokkosteam.slack.com or open a GitHub issue.
For non-public questions send an email to
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ To learn more about Kokkos consider watching one of our presentations:
We are open and try to encourage contributions from external developers.
To do so please first open an issue describing the contribution and then issue
a pull request against the develop branch. For larger features it may be good
to get guidance from the core development team first through the github issue.
to get guidance from the core development team first through the GitHub issue.
Note that Kokkos Core is licensed under standard 3-clause BSD terms of use.
Which means contributing to Kokkos allows anyone else to use your contributions
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Building LAMMPS with QUIP support:
1) Building QUIP
1.1) Obtaining QUIP
The most current release of QUIP can be obtained from github:
The most current release of QUIP can be obtained from GitHub:
$ git clone https://github.com/libAtoms/QUIP.git QUIP
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ is required to use the KSPACE scafacos and its kspace_style
scafacos command in a LAMMPS input script.
The ScaFaCoS library is available at http://scafacos.de or
on github at https://github.com/scafacos, the library was
on GitHub at https://github.com/scafacos, the library was
developed by a consortium of different universities in
Germany (Bonn, Chemnitz, Stuttgart, Wuppertal) and
the Research Centre Juelich (Juelich Supercomputing Centre).
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ even if PLUMED is not in the path if as long as the input does not contain a fix
plumed command.
If you wish to statically link PLUMED you must download PLUMED to the /lib/plumed directory before compiling LAMMPS. You can
download a tar ball into that directory or you can clone the plumed2 repository from github there. Once you have created a
download a tar ball into that directory or you can clone the plumed2 repository from GitHub there. Once you have created a
directory containing a distribution of PLUMED within /lib/plumed you then must build PLUMED within that directory by issuing
the usual commands. It is worth noting that we have provided a script that will download and build PLUMED for you with
a minimal set of options. To run this script you need to issue the following command:
@ -37,13 +37,17 @@ StringIO (or io if in Python 3.x)
import os, numpy as np, argparse, time, pickle
import os
import numpy as np
import argparse
import time
import pickle
from scipy.special import logsumexp
from mpi4py import MPI
from tqdm import tqdm
import gzip, bz2
import gzip
import bz2
# python-2
from StringIO import StringIO as IOBuffer
@ -52,12 +56,11 @@ except ImportError:
from io import BytesIO as IOBuffer
# (note that all output on screen will be printed only on the ROOT proc)
ROOT = 0
me = comm.rank # my proc id
me = comm.rank # my proc id
nproc = comm.size
@ -77,7 +80,8 @@ def _get_nearest_temp(temps, query_temp):
out_temp: nearest temp from the list
if isinstance(temps, list): temps = np.array(temps)
if isinstance(temps, list):
temps = np.array(temps)
return temps[np.argmin(np.abs(temps-query_temp))]
@ -95,10 +99,10 @@ def readwrite(trajfn, mode):
if trajfn.endswith(".gz"):
of = gzip.open(trajfn, mode)
#return gzip.GzipFile(trajfn, mode)
# return gzip.GzipFile(trajfn, mode)
elif trajfn.endswith(".bz2"):
of = bz2.open(trajfn, mode)
#return bz2.BZ2File(trajfn, mode)
# return bz2.BZ2File(trajfn, mode)
of = open(trajfn, mode)
return of
@ -123,8 +127,8 @@ def get_replica_frames(logfn, temps, nswap, writefreq):
n_rep = len(temps)
swap_history = np.loadtxt(logfn, skiprows = 3)
master_frametuple_dict = dict( (n, []) for n in range(n_rep) )
swap_history = np.loadtxt(logfn, skiprows=3)
master_frametuple_dict = dict((n, []) for n in range(n_rep))
# walk through the replicas
print("Getting frames from all replicas at temperature:")
@ -136,15 +140,15 @@ def get_replica_frames(logfn, temps, nswap, writefreq):
if writefreq <= nswap:
for ii, i in enumerate(rep_inds[:-1]):
start = int(ii * nswap / writefreq)
stop = int( (ii+1) * nswap / writefreq)
[master_frametuple_dict[n].append( (i,x) ) \
for x in range(start, stop)]
stop = int((ii+1) * nswap / writefreq)
[master_frametuple_dict[n].append((i, x))
for x in range(start, stop)]
# case-2: when temps. are swapped faster than dumping frames
nskip = int(writefreq / nswap)
[master_frametuple_dict[n].append( (i,ii) ) \
for ii, i in enumerate(rep_inds[0::nskip])]
[master_frametuple_dict[n].append((i, ii))
for ii, i in enumerate(rep_inds[0::nskip])]
return master_frametuple_dict
@ -161,11 +165,12 @@ def get_byte_index(rep_inds, byteindfns, intrajfns):
for n in rep_inds:
# check if the byte indices for this traj has already been computed
if os.path.isfile(byteindfns[n]): continue
if os.path.isfile(byteindfns[n]):
# extract bytes
fobj = readwrite(intrajfns[n], "rb")
byteinds = [ [0,0] ]
byteinds = [[0, 0]]
# place file pointer at first line
nframe = 0
@ -175,33 +180,37 @@ def get_byte_index(rep_inds, byteindfns, intrajfns):
# status printed only for replica read on root proc
# this assumes that each proc takes roughly the same time
if me == ROOT:
pb = tqdm(desc = "Reading replicas", leave = True,
position = ROOT + 2*me,
unit = "B/replica", unit_scale = True,
unit_divisor = 1024)
pb = tqdm(desc="Reading replicas", leave=True,
position=ROOT + 2*me,
unit="B/replica", unit_scale=True,
# start crawling through the bytes
while True:
next_line = fobj.readline()
if len(next_line) == 0: break
if len(next_line) == 0:
# this will only work with lammpstrj traj format.
# this condition essentially checks periodic recurrences
# of the token TIMESTEP. Each time it is found,
# we have crawled through a frame (snapshot)
if next_line == first_line:
nframe += 1
byteinds.append( [nframe, cur_pos] )
if me == ROOT: pb.update()
byteinds.append([nframe, cur_pos])
if me == ROOT:
cur_pos = fobj.tell()
if me == ROOT: pb.update(0)
if me == ROOT: pb.close()
if me == ROOT:
if me == ROOT:
# take care of the EOF
cur_pos = fobj.tell()
byteinds.append( [nframe+1, cur_pos] ) # dummy index for the EOF
byteinds.append([nframe+1, cur_pos]) # dummy index for the EOF
# write to file
np.savetxt(byteindfns[n], np.array(byteinds), fmt = "%d")
np.savetxt(byteindfns[n], np.array(byteinds), fmt="%d")
# close the trajfile object
@ -247,15 +256,15 @@ def write_reordered_traj(temp_inds, byte_inds, outtemps, temps,
of = readwrite(outtrajfns[n], "wb")
# get frames
abs_temp_ind = np.argmin( abs(temps - outtemps[n]) )
abs_temp_ind = np.argmin(abs(temps - outtemps[n]))
frametuple = frametuple_dict[abs_temp_ind][-nframes:]
# write frames to buffer
if me == ROOT:
pb = tqdm(frametuple,
desc = ("Buffering trajectories for writing"),
leave = True, position = ROOT + 2*me,
unit = 'frame/replica', unit_scale = True)
desc=("Buffering trajectories for writing"),
leave=True, position=ROOT + 2*me,
unit='frame/replica', unit_scale=True)
iterable = pb
@ -263,20 +272,23 @@ def write_reordered_traj(temp_inds, byte_inds, outtemps, temps,
for i, (rep, frame) in enumerate(iterable):
infobj = infobjs[rep]
start_ptr = int(byte_inds[rep][frame,1])
stop_ptr = int(byte_inds[rep][frame+1,1])
start_ptr = int(byte_inds[rep][frame, 1])
stop_ptr = int(byte_inds[rep][frame+1, 1])
byte_len = stop_ptr - start_ptr
if me == ROOT: pb.close()
if me == ROOT:
# write buffer to disk
if me == ROOT: print("Writing buffer to file")
if me == ROOT:
print("Writing buffer to file")
for i in infobjs: i.close()
for i in infobjs:
@ -325,13 +337,13 @@ def get_canonical_logw(enefn, frametuple_dict, temps, nprod, writefreq,
pip install --user pymbar
sudo pip install pymbar
To install the dev. version directly from github, use:
To install the dev. version directly from GitHub, use:
pip install pip install git+https://github.com/choderalab/pymbar.git
u_rn = np.loadtxt(enefn)
ntemps = u_rn.shape[0] # number of temps.
nframes = int(nprod / writefreq) # number of frames at each temp.
ntemps = u_rn.shape[0] # number of temps.
nframes = int(nprod / writefreq) # number of frames at each temp.
# reorder the temps
u_kn = np.zeros([ntemps, nframes], float)
@ -341,91 +353,90 @@ def get_canonical_logw(enefn, frametuple_dict, temps, nprod, writefreq,
u_kn[k, i] = u_rn[rep, frame]
# prep input for pymbar
#1) array of frames at each temp.
# 1) array of frames at each temp.
nframes_k = nframes * np.ones(ntemps, np.uint8)
#2) inverse temps. for chosen energy scale
# 2) inverse temps. for chosen energy scale
beta_k = 1.0 / (kB * temps)
#3) get reduced energies (*ONLY FOR THE CANONICAL ENSEMBLE*)
# 3) get reduced energies (*ONLY FOR THE CANONICAL ENSEMBLE*)
u_kln = np.zeros([ntemps, ntemps, nframes], float)
for k in range(ntemps):
u_kln[k] = np.outer(beta_k, u_kn[k])
# run pymbar and extract the free energies
print("\nRunning pymbar...")
mbar = pymbar.mbar.MBAR(u_kln, nframes_k, verbose = True)
f_k = mbar.f_k # (1 x k array)
mbar = pymbar.mbar.MBAR(u_kln, nframes_k, verbose=True)
f_k = mbar.f_k # (1 x k array)
# calculate the log-weights
print("\nExtracting log-weights...")
log_nframes = np.log(nframes)
logw = dict( (k, np.zeros([ntemps, nframes], float)) for k in range(ntemps) )
logw = dict((k, np.zeros([ntemps, nframes], float)) for k in range(ntemps))
# get log-weights to reweight to this temp.
for k in range(ntemps):
for n in range(nframes):
num = -beta_k[k] * u_kn[k,n]
denom = f_k - beta_k[k] * u_kn[k,n]
num = -beta_k[k] * u_kn[k, n]
denom = f_k - beta_k[k] * u_kn[k, n]
for l in range(ntemps):
logw[l][k,n] = num - logsumexp(denom) - log_nframes
logw[l][k, n] = num - logsumexp(denom) - log_nframes
return logw
if __name__ == "__main__":
# accept user inputs
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = __doc__,
formatter_class = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__,
help = "Prefix of REMD LAMMPS trajectories.\
help="Prefix of REMD LAMMPS trajectories.\
Supply full path. Trajectories assumed to be named as \
<prefix>.%%d.lammpstrj. \
Can be in compressed (.gz or .bz2) format. \
This is a required argument")
parser.add_argument("-logfn", "--logfn", default = "log.lammps",
help = "LAMMPS log file that contains swap history \
parser.add_argument("-logfn", "--logfn", default="log.lammps",
help="LAMMPS log file that contains swap history \
of temperatures among replicas. \
Default = 'lammps.log'")
parser.add_argument("-tfn", "--tempfn", default = "temps.txt",
help = "ascii file (readable by numpy.loadtxt) with \
parser.add_argument("-tfn", "--tempfn", default="temps.txt",
help="ascii file (readable by numpy.loadtxt) with \
the temperatures used in the REMD simulation.")
parser.add_argument("-ns", "--nswap", type = int,
help = "Swap frequency used in LAMMPS temper command")
parser.add_argument("-ns", "--nswap", type=int,
help="Swap frequency used in LAMMPS temper command")
parser.add_argument("-nw", "--nwrite", type = int, default = 1,
help = "Trajectory writing frequency used \
parser.add_argument("-nw", "--nwrite", type=int, default=1,
help="Trajectory writing frequency used \
in LAMMPS dump command")
parser.add_argument("-np", "--nprod", type = int, default = 0,
help = "Number of timesteps to save in the reordered\
parser.add_argument("-np", "--nprod", type=int, default=0,
help="Number of timesteps to save in the reordered\
This should be in units of the LAMMPS timestep")
parser.add_argument("-logw", "--logw", action = 'store_true',
help = "Supplying this flag \
parser.add_argument("-logw", "--logw", action='store_true',
help="Supplying this flag \
calculates *canonical* (NVT ensemble) log weights")
parser.add_argument("-e", "--enefn",
help = "File that has n_replica x n_frames array\
help="File that has n_replica x n_frames array\
of total potential energies")
parser.add_argument("-kB", "--boltzmann_const",
type = float, default = 0.001987,
help = "Boltzmann constant in appropriate units. \
type=float, default=0.001987,
help="Boltzmann constant in appropriate units. \
Default is kcal/mol")
parser.add_argument("-ot", "--out_temps", nargs = '+', type = np.float64,
help = "Reorder trajectories at these temperatures.\n \
parser.add_argument("-ot", "--out_temps", nargs='+', type=np.float64,
help="Reorder trajectories at these temperatures.\n \
Default is all temperatures used in the simulation")
parser.add_argument("-od", "--outdir", default = ".",
help = "All output will be saved to this directory")
parser.add_argument("-od", "--outdir", default=".",
help="All output will be saved to this directory")
# parse inputs
args = parser.parse_args()
@ -438,14 +449,16 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
nprod = args.nprod
enefn = args.enefn
if not enefn is None: enefn = os.path.abspath(enefn)
if not enefn is None:
enefn = os.path.abspath(enefn)
get_logw = args.logw
kB = args.boltzmann_const
out_temps = args.out_temps
outdir = os.path.abspath(args.outdir)
if not os.path.isdir(outdir):
if me == ROOT: os.mkdir(outdir)
if me == ROOT:
# check that all input files are present (only on the ROOT proc)
if me == ROOT:
@ -465,7 +478,8 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
for i in range(ntemps):
this_intrajfn = intrajfns[i]
x = this_intrajfn + ".gz"
if os.path.isfile(this_intrajfn): continue
if os.path.isfile(this_intrajfn):
elif os.path.isfile(this_intrajfn + ".gz"):
intrajfns[i] = this_intrajfn + ".gz"
elif os.path.isfile(this_intrajfn + ".bz2"):
@ -476,42 +490,41 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# set output filenames
outprefix = os.path.join(outdir, traj_prefix.split('/')[-1])
outtrajfns = ["%s.%3.2f.lammpstrj.gz" % \
(outprefix, _get_nearest_temp(temps, t)) \
outtrajfns = ["%s.%3.2f.lammpstrj.gz" %
(outprefix, _get_nearest_temp(temps, t))
for t in out_temps]
byteindfns = [os.path.join(outdir, ".byteind_%d.gz" % k) \
byteindfns = [os.path.join(outdir, ".byteind_%d.gz" % k)
for k in range(ntemps)]
frametuplefn = outprefix + '.frametuple.pickle'
if get_logw:
logwfn = outprefix + ".logw.pickle"
# get a list of all frames at a particular temp visited by each replica
# this is fast so run only on ROOT proc.
master_frametuple_dict = {}
if me == ROOT:
master_frametuple_dict = get_replica_frames(logfn = logfn,
temps = temps,
nswap = nswap,
writefreq = writefreq)
master_frametuple_dict = get_replica_frames(logfn=logfn,
# save to a pickle from the ROOT proc
with open(frametuplefn, 'wb') as of:
pickle.dump(master_frametuple_dict, of)
# broadcast to all procs
master_frametuple_dict = comm.bcast(master_frametuple_dict, root = ROOT)
master_frametuple_dict = comm.bcast(master_frametuple_dict, root=ROOT)
# define a chunk of replicas to process on each proc
CHUNKSIZE_1 = int(ntemps/nproc)
if me < nproc - 1:
my_rep_inds = range( (me*CHUNKSIZE_1), (me+1)*CHUNKSIZE_1 )
my_rep_inds = range((me*CHUNKSIZE_1), (me+1)*CHUNKSIZE_1)
my_rep_inds = range( (me*CHUNKSIZE_1), ntemps )
my_rep_inds = range((me*CHUNKSIZE_1), ntemps)
# get byte indices from replica (un-ordered) trajs. in parallel
get_byte_index(rep_inds = my_rep_inds,
byteindfns = byteindfns,
intrajfns = intrajfns)
# block until all procs have finished
@ -520,7 +533,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
infobjs = [readwrite(i, "rb") for i in intrajfns]
# open all byteindex files
byte_inds = dict( (i, np.loadtxt(fn)) for i, fn in enumerate(byteindfns) )
byte_inds = dict((i, np.loadtxt(fn)) for i, fn in enumerate(byteindfns))
# define a chunk of output trajs. to process for each proc.
# # of reordered trajs. to write may be less than the total # of replicas
@ -536,38 +549,38 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
nproc_active = nproc
if me < nproc_active-1:
my_temp_inds = range( (me*CHUNKSIZE_2), (me+1)*CHUNKSIZE_1 )
my_temp_inds = range((me*CHUNKSIZE_2), (me+1)*CHUNKSIZE_1)
my_temp_inds = range( (me*CHUNKSIZE_2), n_out_temps)
my_temp_inds = range((me*CHUNKSIZE_2), n_out_temps)
# retire the excess procs
# dont' forget to close any open file objects
if me >= nproc_active:
for fobj in infobjs: fobj.close()
for fobj in infobjs:
# write reordered trajectories to disk from active procs in parallel
write_reordered_traj(temp_inds = my_temp_inds,
byte_inds = byte_inds,
outtemps = out_temps, temps = temps,
frametuple_dict = master_frametuple_dict,
nprod = nprod, writefreq = writefreq,
outtrajfns = outtrajfns,
infobjs = infobjs)
outtemps=out_temps, temps=temps,
nprod=nprod, writefreq=writefreq,
# calculate canonical log-weights if requested
# usually this is very fast so retire all but the ROOT proc
if not get_logw: exit()
if not me == ROOT: exit()
logw = get_canonical_logw(enefn = enefn, temps = temps,
frametuple_dict = master_frametuple_dict,
nprod = nprod, writefreq = writefreq,
kB = kB)
if not get_logw:
if not me == ROOT:
logw = get_canonical_logw(enefn=enefn, temps=temps,
nprod=nprod, writefreq=writefreq,
# save the logweights to a pickle
with open(logwfn, 'wb') as of:
pickle.dump(logw, of)
Reference in New Issue