diff --git a/tools/README b/tools/README index b09334fee0..b611b6c97f 100644 --- a/tools/README +++ b/tools/README @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ amber2lmp python scripts for using AMBER to setup LAMMPS input binary2txt convert a LAMMPS dump file from binary to ASCII text ch2lmp convert CHARMM files to LAMMPS input chain create a data file of bead-spring chains +colvars post-process output of the fix colvars command createatoms generate lattices of atoms within a geometry data2xmovie convert a data file to a snapshot that xmovie can viz eam_database one tool to generate EAM alloy potential files @@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ lmp2vmd tools for visualizing and analyzing LAMMPS data with VMD matlab MatLab scripts for post-processing LAMMPS output micelle2d create a data file of small lipid chains in solvent msi2lmp use Accelrys Insight code to setup LAMMPS input -phonon post-process output of fix phonon command +phonon post-process output of the fix phonon command pymol_asphere convert LAMMPS output of ellipsoids to PyMol format python Python scripts for post-processing LAMMPS output reax Tools for analyzing output of ReaxFF simulations