git-svn-id: svn:// f3b2605a-c512-4ea7-a41b-209d697bcdaa

This commit is contained in:
sjplimp 2007-10-03 16:26:20 +00:00
parent 9be7620ace
commit 10cb6b72e9
15 changed files with 2284 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "string.h"
#include "compute_attribute_atom.h"
#include "atom.h"
#include "domain.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "error.h"
using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ComputeAttributeAtom::ComputeAttributeAtom(LAMMPS *lmp, int narg, char **arg) :
Compute(lmp, narg, arg)
if (narg != 4) error->all("Illegal compute ke/atom command");
peratom_flag = 1;
size_peratom = 0;
allocate = 1;
if (strcmp(arg[3],"x") == 0) which = X;
else if (strcmp(arg[3],"y") == 0) which = Y;
else if (strcmp(arg[3],"z") == 0) which = Z;
else if (strcmp(arg[3],"xu") == 0) which = XU;
else if (strcmp(arg[3],"yu") == 0) which = YU;
else if (strcmp(arg[3],"zu") == 0) which = ZU;
else if (strcmp(arg[3],"vx") == 0) which = VX;
else if (strcmp(arg[3],"vy") == 0) which = VY;
else if (strcmp(arg[3],"vz") == 0) which = VZ;
else if (strcmp(arg[3],"fx") == 0) which = FX;
else if (strcmp(arg[3],"fy") == 0) which = FY;
else if (strcmp(arg[3],"fz") == 0) which = FZ;
else if (strcmp(arg[3],"xyz") == 0) {
which = XYZ;
size_peratom = 3;
allocate = 0;
} else if (strcmp(arg[3],"v") == 0) {
which = V;
size_peratom = 3;
allocate = 0;
} else if (strcmp(arg[3],"f") == 0) {
which = F;
size_peratom = 3;
allocate = 0;
} else error->all("Illegal compute attribute/atom command");
nmax = 0;
s_attribute = NULL;
v_attribute = NULL;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
if (allocate) {
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void ComputeAttributeAtom::compute_peratom()
// grow attribute array if necessary
if (allocate && atom->nlocal > nmax) {
if (size_peratom == 0) {
nmax = atom->nmax;
s_attribute = (double *)
} else {
nmax = atom->nmax;
v_attribute =
// fill attribute vector with appropriate atom value
// or simply set pointer to exisitng atom vector
double xprd = domain->xprd;
double yprd = domain->yprd;
double zprd = domain->zprd;
double **x = atom->x;
double **v = atom->v;
double **f = atom->f;
int *mask = atom->mask;
int *image = atom->image;
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
if (which == X) {
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++)
if (mask[i] & groupbit) s_attribute[i] = x[i][0];
else s_attribute[i] = 0.0;
} else if (which == Y) {
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++)
if (mask[i] & groupbit) s_attribute[i] = x[i][1];
else s_attribute[i] = 0.0;
} else if (which == Z) {
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++)
if (mask[i] & groupbit) s_attribute[i] = x[i][2];
else s_attribute[i] = 0.0;
} else if (which == XU) {
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++)
if (mask[i] & groupbit)
s_attribute[i] = x[i][0] + ((image[i] & 1023) - 512) * xprd;
else s_attribute[i] = 0.0;
} else if (which == YU) {
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++)
if (mask[i] & groupbit)
s_attribute[i] = x[i][1] + ((image[i] >> 10 & 1023) - 512) * yprd;
else s_attribute[i] = 0.0;
} else if (which == ZU) {
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++)
if (mask[i] & groupbit)
s_attribute[i] = x[i][2] + ((image[i] >> 20) - 512) * zprd;
else s_attribute[i] = 0.0;
} else if (which == VX) {
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++)
if (mask[i] & groupbit) s_attribute[i] = v[i][0];
else s_attribute[i] = 0.0;
} else if (which == VY) {
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++)
if (mask[i] & groupbit) s_attribute[i] = v[i][1];
else s_attribute[i] = 0.0;
} else if (which == VZ) {
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++)
if (mask[i] & groupbit) s_attribute[i] = v[i][2];
else s_attribute[i] = 0.0;
} else if (which == FX) {
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++)
if (mask[i] & groupbit) s_attribute[i] = f[i][0];
else s_attribute[i] = 0.0;
} else if (which == FY) {
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++)
if (mask[i] & groupbit) s_attribute[i] = f[i][1];
else s_attribute[i] = 0.0;
} else if (which == FZ) {
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++)
if (mask[i] & groupbit) s_attribute[i] = f[i][2];
else s_attribute[i] = 0.0;
} else if (which == XYZ) v_attribute = x;
else if (which == V) v_attribute = v;
else if (which == F) v_attribute = f;
// set appropriate compute ptr to local array
if (size_peratom == 0) scalar_atom = s_attribute;
else vector_atom = v_attribute;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
memory usage of local atom-based array
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int ComputeAttributeAtom::memory_usage()
int bytes = 0;
if (allocate) {
if (size_peratom == 0) bytes = nmax * sizeof(double);
else bytes = size_peratom * nmax * sizeof(double);
return bytes;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "compute.h"
namespace LAMMPS_NS {
class ComputeAttributeAtom : public Compute {
ComputeAttributeAtom(class LAMMPS *, int, char **);
void init() {}
void compute_peratom();
int memory_usage();
int which,allocate,nmax;
double *s_attribute,**v_attribute;

src/compute_sum_atom.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "string.h"
#include "compute_sum_atom.h"
#include "atom.h"
#include "modify.h"
#include "force.h"
#include "comm.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "error.h"
using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ComputeSumAtom::ComputeSumAtom(LAMMPS *lmp, int narg, char **arg) :
Compute(lmp, narg, arg)
if (narg < 5) error->all("Illegal compute sum/atom command");
// store pre-compute IDs
npre = narg - 3;
id_pre = new char*[npre];
for (int i = 0; i < npre; i++) {
int iarg = i + 3;
int n = strlen(arg[iarg]) + 1;
id_pre[i] = new char[n];
compute = new Compute*[npre];
// check consistency of set of pre-computes for scalar & vector output
peratom_flag = 1;
int icompute = modify->find_compute(id_pre[0]);
size_peratom = modify->compute[icompute]->size_peratom;
for (int i = 1; i < npre; i++) {
icompute = modify->find_compute(id_pre[i]);
if (icompute < 0)
error->all("Could not find compute sum/atom pre-compute ID");
if (modify->compute[icompute]->peratom_flag == 0)
error->all("Compute sum/atom compute does not compute vector per atom");
if (modify->compute[icompute]->size_peratom != size_peratom)
error->all("Inconsistent sizes of compute sum/atom compute vectors");
nmax = 0;
s_value = NULL;
v_value = NULL;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
delete [] compute;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void ComputeSumAtom::init()
// set ptrs to Computes used as pre-computes by this compute
for (int i = 0; i < npre; i++) {
int icompute = modify->find_compute(id_pre[i]);
if (icompute < 0)
error->all("Could not find compute sum/atom pre-compute ID");
compute[i] = modify->compute[icompute];
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void ComputeSumAtom::compute_peratom()
int i,j,m;
// grow sum array if necessary
if (atom->nlocal > nmax) {
nmax = atom->nmax;
if (size_peratom == 0) {
s_value = (double *)
scalar_atom = s_value;
} else {
v_value = memory->create_2d_double_array(nmax,size_peratom,
vector_atom = v_value;
// sum over pre-computes
// pre-computes of the pre-computes are not invoked
int *mask = atom->mask;
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
if (size_peratom == 0) {
double *scalar = compute[0]->scalar_atom;
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++)
if (mask[i] & groupbit) s_value[i] = scalar[i];
else s_value[i] = 0.0;
for (m = 1; m < npre; m++) {
scalar = compute[m]->scalar_atom;
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++)
if (mask[i] & groupbit) s_value[i] += scalar[i];
} else {
double **vector = compute[0]->vector_atom;
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++)
if (mask[i] & groupbit)
for (j = 0; j < size_peratom; j++)
v_value[i][j] = vector[i][j];
for (j = 0; j < size_peratom; j++)
v_value[i][j] = 0.0;
for (m = 1; m < npre; m++) {
vector = compute[m]->vector_atom;
for (j = 0; j < size_peratom; j++)
if (mask[i] & groupbit) v_value[i][j] += vector[i][j];
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
memory usage of local atom-based array
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int ComputeSumAtom::memory_usage()
int bytes = 0;
if (size_peratom == 0) bytes = nmax * sizeof(double);
else bytes = nmax*size_peratom * sizeof(double);
return bytes;

src/compute_sum_atom.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "compute.h"
namespace LAMMPS_NS {
class ComputeSumAtom : public Compute {
ComputeSumAtom(class LAMMPS *, int, char **);
void init();
void compute_peratom();
int memory_usage();
int nmax;
class Compute **compute;
double *s_value,**v_value;

src/fix_ave_atom.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "fix_ave_atom.h"
#include "atom.h"
#include "update.h"
#include "modify.h"
#include "compute.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "error.h"
using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
FixAveAtom::FixAveAtom(LAMMPS *lmp, int narg, char **arg) :
Fix(lmp, narg, arg)
if (narg != 7) error->all("Illegal fix ave/atom command");
nevery = atoi(arg[3]);
nrepeat = atoi(arg[4]);
peratom_freq = atoi(arg[5]);
int n = strlen(arg[6]) + 1;
id_compute = new char[n];
// setup and error check
if (nevery <= 0) error->all("Illegal fix ave/atom command");
if (peratom_freq < nevery || peratom_freq % nevery ||
(nrepeat-1)*nevery >= peratom_freq)
error->all("Illegal fix ave/atom command");
int icompute = modify->find_compute(id_compute);
if (icompute < 0) error->all("Compute ID for fix ave/atom does not exist");
if (modify->compute[icompute]->peratom_flag == 0)
error->all("Fix ave/atom compute does not calculate per-atom info");
if (modify->compute[icompute]->pressflag) pressure_every = nevery;
peratom_flag = 1;
// setup list of computes to call, including pre-computes
ncompute = 1 + modify->compute[icompute]->npre;
compute = new Compute*[ncompute];
// perform initial allocation of atom-based array
// register with Atom class
size_peratom = modify->compute[icompute]->size_peratom;
scalar = NULL;
vector = NULL;
// zero the array since dump may access it on timestep 0
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
if (size_peratom == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) scalar[i] = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++)
for (int m = 0; m < size_peratom; m++)
vector[i][m] = 0.0;
// nvalid = next step on which end_of_step does something
irepeat = 0;
nvalid = (update->ntimestep/peratom_freq)*peratom_freq + peratom_freq;
nvalid -= (nrepeat-1)*nevery;
if (nvalid <= update->ntimestep)
error->all("Fix ave/atom cannot be started on this timestep");
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// unregister callback to this fix from Atom class
delete [] id_compute;
delete [] compute;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int FixAveAtom::setmask()
int mask = 0;
mask |= END_OF_STEP;
return mask;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixAveAtom::init()
// set ptrs to one or more computes called each end-of-step
int icompute = modify->find_compute(id_compute);
if (icompute < 0) error->all("Compute ID for fix ave/atom does not exist");
ncompute = 0;
if (modify->compute[icompute]->npre)
for (int i = 0; i < modify->compute[icompute]->npre; i++) {
int ic = modify->find_compute(modify->compute[icompute]->id_pre[i]);
if (ic < 0)
error->all("Precompute ID for fix ave/atom does not exist");
compute[ncompute++] = modify->compute[ic];
compute[ncompute++] = modify->compute[icompute];
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixAveAtom::end_of_step()
int i,m;
// skip if not step which requires doing something
if (update->ntimestep != nvalid) return;
// zero if first step
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
if (irepeat == 0) {
if (size_peratom == 0)
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) scalar[i] = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++)
for (m = 0; m < size_peratom; m++)
vector[i][m] = 0.0;
// accumulate results of compute to local copy
for (i = 0; i < ncompute; i++) compute[i]->compute_peratom();
int *mask = atom->mask;
if (size_peratom == 0) {
double *compute_scalar = compute[ncompute-1]->scalar_atom;
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++)
if (mask[i] & groupbit) scalar[i] += compute_scalar[i];
} else {
double **compute_vector = compute[ncompute-1]->vector_atom;
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++)
if (mask[i] & groupbit)
for (m = 0; m < size_peratom; m++)
vector[i][m] += compute_vector[i][m];
nvalid += nevery;
// divide by nrepeat if final step
// reset irepeat and nvalid
if (irepeat == nrepeat) {
double repeat = nrepeat;
if (size_peratom == 0)
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++)
scalar[i] /= repeat;
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++)
for (m = 0; m < size_peratom; m++)
vector[i][m] /= repeat;
irepeat = 0;
nvalid = update->ntimestep+peratom_freq - (nrepeat-1)*nevery;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
memory usage of local atom-based array
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int FixAveAtom::memory_usage()
int bytes;
if (size_peratom == 0) bytes = atom->nmax * sizeof(double);
else bytes = atom->nmax*size_peratom * sizeof(double);
return bytes;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
allocate atom-based array
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixAveAtom::grow_arrays(int nmax)
if (size_peratom == 0) {
scalar = (double *) memory->srealloc(scalar,nmax,"fix_ave/atom:scalar");
scalar_atom = scalar;
} else {
vector = memory->grow_2d_double_array(vector,nmax,size_peratom,
vector_atom = vector;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
copy values within local atom-based array
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixAveAtom::copy_arrays(int i, int j)
if (size_peratom == 0)
scalar[j] = scalar[i];
for (int m = 0; m <= size_peratom; m++)
vector[j][m] = vector[i][m];
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
pack values in local atom-based array for exchange with another proc
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int FixAveAtom::pack_exchange(int i, double *buf)
if (size_peratom == 0) {
buf[0] = scalar[i];
return 1;
for (int m = 0; m <= size_peratom; m++) buf[m] = vector[i][m];
return size_peratom;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
unpack values in local atom-based array from exchange with another proc
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int FixAveAtom::unpack_exchange(int nlocal, double *buf)
if (size_peratom == 0) {
scalar[nlocal] = buf[0];
return 1;
for (int m = 0; m <= size_peratom; m++) vector[nlocal][m] = buf[m];
return size_peratom;

src/fix_ave_atom.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifndef FIX_AVE_ATOM_H
#define FIX_AVE_ATOM_H
#include "stdio.h"
#include "fix.h"
namespace LAMMPS_NS {
class FixAveAtom : public Fix {
FixAveAtom(class LAMMPS *, int, char **);
int setmask();
void init();
void end_of_step();
int memory_usage();
void grow_arrays(int);
void copy_arrays(int, int);
int pack_exchange(int, double *);
int unpack_exchange(int, double *);
int nrepeat,irepeat,nvalid;
char *id_compute;
int ncompute;
class Compute **compute;
double *scalar;
double **vector;

src/neigh_derive.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "neighbor.h"
#include "neigh_list.h"
#include "atom.h"
#include "error.h"
using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
build half list from full list
pair stored once if i,j are both owned and i < j
pair stored by me if j is ghost (also stored by proc owning j)
works if full list is a skip list
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Neighbor::half_full_no_newton(NeighList *list)
int i,j,ii,jj,n,jnum;
int *neighptr,*jlist;
int *ilist = list->ilist;
int *numneigh = list->numneigh;
int **firstneigh = list->firstneigh;
int **pages = list->pages;
int *ilist_full = list->listfull->ilist;
int *numneigh_full = list->listfull->numneigh;
int **firstneigh_full = list->listfull->firstneigh;
int inum_full = list->listfull->inum;
int inum = 0;
int npage = 0;
int npnt = 0;
// loop over atoms in full list
for (ii = 0; ii < inum_full; ii++) {
if (pgsize - npnt < oneatom) {
npnt = 0;
if (npage == list->maxpage) pages = list->add_pages();
neighptr = &pages[npage][npnt];
n = 0;
// loop over full neighbor list
i = ilist_full[ii];
jlist = firstneigh_full[i];
jnum = numneigh_full[i];
for (j = 0; jj < jnum; jj++) {
j = jlist[jj];
if (j > i) neighptr[n++] = j;
ilist[inum] = i;
firstneigh[i] = neighptr;
numneigh[i] = n;
npnt += n;
if (npnt >= pgsize)
error->one("Neighbor list overflow, boost neigh_modify one or page");
list->inum = inum;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
build half list from full list
pair stored once if i,j are both owned and i < j
pair stored by me if j is ghost (also stored by proc owning j)
works if full list is a skip list
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Neighbor::half_full_newton(NeighList *list)
int i,j,ii,jj,n,jnum;
int *neighptr,*jlist;
double xtmp,ytmp,ztmp;
double **x = atom->x;
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
int *ilist = list->ilist;
int *numneigh = list->numneigh;
int **firstneigh = list->firstneigh;
int **pages = list->pages;
int *ilist_full = list->listfull->ilist;
int *numneigh_full = list->listfull->numneigh;
int **firstneigh_full = list->listfull->firstneigh;
int inum_full = list->listfull->inum;
int inum = 0;
int npage = 0;
int npnt = 0;
// loop over atoms in full list
for (ii = 0; ii < inum_full; ii++) {
if (pgsize - npnt < oneatom) {
npnt = 0;
if (npage == list->maxpage) pages = list->add_pages();
neighptr = &pages[npage][npnt];
n = 0;
i = ilist_full[ii];
xtmp = x[i][0];
ytmp = x[i][1];
ztmp = x[i][2];
// loop over full neighbor list
jlist = firstneigh_full[i];
jnum = numneigh_full[i];
for (jj = 0; jj < jnum; jj++) {
j = jlist[jj];
if (j < nlocal) {
if (i > j) continue;
} else {
if (x[j][2] < ztmp) continue;
if (x[j][2] == ztmp && x[j][1] < ytmp) continue;
if (x[j][2] == ztmp && x[j][1] == ytmp && x[j][0] < xtmp) continue;
neighptr[n++] = j;
ilist[inum] = i;
firstneigh[i] = neighptr;
numneigh[i] = n;
npnt += n;
if (npnt >= pgsize)
error->one("Neighbor list overflow, boost neigh_modify one or page");
list->inum = inum;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
build skip list for subset of types from parent list
iskip and ijskip flag which atom types and type pairs to skip
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Neighbor::skip_from(NeighList *list)
int i,j,ii,jj,n,itype,jnum,joriginal;
int *neighptr,*jlist;
int *type = atom->type;
int nall = atom->nlocal + atom->nghost;
int *ilist = list->ilist;
int *numneigh = list->numneigh;
int **firstneigh = list->firstneigh;
int **pages = list->pages;
int *ilist_skip = list->listskip->ilist;
int *numneigh_skip = list->listskip->numneigh;
int **firstneigh_skip = list->listskip->firstneigh;
int inum_skip = list->listskip->inum;
int *iskip = list->iskip;
int **ijskip = list->ijskip;
int inum = 0;
int npage = 0;
int npnt = 0;
// loop over atoms in other list
// skip I atom entirely if iskip is set for type[I]
// skip I,J pair if ijskip is set for type[I],type[J]
for (ii = 0; ii < inum_skip; ii++) {
i = ilist_skip[ii];
itype = type[i];
if (iskip[type[i]]) continue;
if (pgsize - npnt < oneatom) {
npnt = 0;
if (npage == list->maxpage) pages = list->add_pages();
neighptr = &pages[npage][npnt];
n = 0;
// loop over full neighbor list
jlist = firstneigh_skip[i];
jnum = numneigh_skip[i];
for (jj = 0; jj < jnum; jj++) {
j = joriginal = jlist[jj];
if (j >= nall) j %= nall;
if (ijskip[itype][type[j]]) continue;
neighptr[n++] = joriginal;
ilist[inum] = i;
firstneigh[i] = neighptr;
numneigh[i] = n;
npnt += n;
if (npnt >= pgsize)
error->one("Neighbor list overflow, boost neigh_modify one or page");
list->inum = inum;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
create list which is simply a copy of another list
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Neighbor::copy_from(NeighList *list)
NeighList *listcopy = list->listcopy;
list->inum = listcopy->inum;
list->ilist = listcopy->ilist;
list->numneigh = listcopy->numneigh;
list->firstneigh = listcopy->firstneigh;
list->firstdouble = listcopy->firstdouble;
list->pages = listcopy->pages;
list->dpages = listcopy->dpages;

src/neigh_half_multi.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "neighbor.h"
#include "neigh_list.h"
#include "atom.h"
#include "error.h"
using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
binned neighbor list construction with partial Newton's 3rd law
each owned atom i checks own bin and other bins in stencil
multi-type stencil is itype dependent and is distance checked
pair stored once if i,j are both owned and i < j
pair stored by me if j is ghost (also stored by proc owning j)
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Neighbor::half_multi_no_newton(NeighList *list)
int i,j,k,n,itype,jtype,ibin,which,ns;
double xtmp,ytmp,ztmp,delx,dely,delz,rsq;
int *neighptr,*s;
double *cutsq,*distsq;
// bin local & ghost atoms
// loop over each atom, storing neighbors
double **x = atom->x;
int *type = atom->type;
int *mask = atom->mask;
int *molecule = atom->molecule;
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
int nall = atom->nlocal + atom->nghost;
int molecular = atom->molecular;
int *ilist = list->ilist;
int *numneigh = list->numneigh;
int **firstneigh = list->firstneigh;
int **pages = list->pages;
int *nstencil_multi = list->nstencil_multi;
int **stencil_multi = list->stencil_multi;
double **distsq_multi = list->distsq_multi;
int inum = 0;
int npage = 0;
int npnt = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
if (pgsize - npnt < oneatom) {
npnt = 0;
if (npage == list->maxpage) pages = list->add_pages();
neighptr = &pages[npage][npnt];
n = 0;
itype = type[i];
xtmp = x[i][0];
ytmp = x[i][1];
ztmp = x[i][2];
// loop over all atoms in other bins in stencil including self
// only store pair if i < j
// skip if i,j neighbor cutoff is less than bin distance
// stores own/own pairs only once
// stores own/ghost pairs on both procs
ibin = coord2bin(x[i]);
s = stencil_multi[itype];
distsq = distsq_multi[itype];
cutsq = cutneighsq[itype];
ns = nstencil_multi[itype];
for (k = 0; k < ns; k++) {
for (j = binhead[ibin+s[k]]; j >= 0; j = bins[j]) {
if (j <= i) continue;
jtype = type[j];
if (cutsq[jtype] < distsq[k]) continue;
if (exclude && exclusion(i,j,itype,jtype,mask,molecule)) continue;
delx = xtmp - x[j][0];
dely = ytmp - x[j][1];
delz = ztmp - x[j][2];
rsq = delx*delx + dely*dely + delz*delz;
if (rsq <= cutneighsq[itype][jtype]) {
if (molecular) which = find_special(i,j);
else which = 0;
if (which == 0) neighptr[n++] = j;
else if (which > 0) neighptr[n++] = which*nall + j;
ilist[inum] = i;
firstneigh[i] = neighptr;
numneigh[i] = n;
npnt += n;
if (npnt >= pgsize)
error->one("Neighbor list overflow, boost neigh_modify one or page");
list->inum = inum;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
binned neighbor list construction with full Newton's 3rd law
each owned atom i checks its own bin and other bins in Newton stencil
multi-type stencil is itype dependent and is distance checked
every pair stored exactly once by some processor
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Neighbor::half_multi_newton(NeighList *list)
int i,j,k,n,itype,jtype,ibin,which,ns;
double xtmp,ytmp,ztmp,delx,dely,delz,rsq;
int *neighptr,*s;
double *cutsq,*distsq;
// bin local & ghost atoms
// loop over each atom, storing neighbors
double **x = atom->x;
int *type = atom->type;
int *mask = atom->mask;
int *molecule = atom->molecule;
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
int nall = atom->nlocal + atom->nghost;
int molecular = atom->molecular;
int *ilist = list->ilist;
int *numneigh = list->numneigh;
int **firstneigh = list->firstneigh;
int **pages = list->pages;
int *nstencil_multi = list->nstencil_multi;
int **stencil_multi = list->stencil_multi;
double **distsq_multi = list->distsq_multi;
int inum = 0;
int npage = 0;
int npnt = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
if (pgsize - npnt < oneatom) {
npnt = 0;
if (npage == list->maxpage) pages = list->add_pages();
neighptr = &pages[npage][npnt];
n = 0;
itype = type[i];
xtmp = x[i][0];
ytmp = x[i][1];
ztmp = x[i][2];
// loop over rest of atoms in i's bin, ghosts are at end of linked list
// if j is owned atom, store it, since j is beyond i in linked list
// if j is ghost, only store if j coords are "above and to the right" of i
for (j = bins[i]; j >= 0; j = bins[j]) {
if (j >= nlocal) {
if (x[j][2] < ztmp) continue;
if (x[j][2] == ztmp && x[j][1] < ytmp) continue;
if (x[j][2] == ztmp && x[j][1] == ytmp && x[j][0] < xtmp) continue;
jtype = type[j];
if (exclude && exclusion(i,j,itype,jtype,mask,molecule)) continue;
delx = xtmp - x[j][0];
dely = ytmp - x[j][1];
delz = ztmp - x[j][2];
rsq = delx*delx + dely*dely + delz*delz;
if (rsq <= cutneighsq[itype][jtype]) {
if (molecular) which = find_special(i,j);
else which = 0;
if (which == 0) neighptr[n++] = j;
else if (which > 0) neighptr[n++] = which*nall + j;
// loop over all atoms in other bins in stencil, store every pair
// skip if i,j neighbor cutoff is less than bin distance
ibin = coord2bin(x[i]);
s = stencil_multi[itype];
distsq = distsq_multi[itype];
cutsq = cutneighsq[itype];
ns = nstencil_multi[itype];
for (k = 0; k < ns; k++) {
for (j = binhead[ibin+s[k]]; j >= 0; j = bins[j]) {
jtype = type[j];
if (cutsq[jtype] < distsq[k]) continue;
if (exclude && exclusion(i,j,itype,jtype,mask,molecule)) continue;
delx = xtmp - x[j][0];
dely = ytmp - x[j][1];
delz = ztmp - x[j][2];
rsq = delx*delx + dely*dely + delz*delz;
if (rsq <= cutneighsq[itype][jtype]) {
if (molecular) which = find_special(i,j);
else which = 0;
if (which == 0) neighptr[n++] = j;
else if (which > 0) neighptr[n++] = which*nall + j;
ilist[inum] = i;
firstneigh[i] = neighptr;
numneigh[i] = n;
npnt += n;
if (npnt >= pgsize)
error->one("Neighbor list overflow, boost neigh_modify one or page");
list->inum = inum;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
binned neighbor list construction with Newton's 3rd law for triclinic
each owned atom i checks its own bin and other bins in triclinic stencil
multi-type stencil is itype dependent and is distance checked
every pair stored exactly once by some processor
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Neighbor::half_multi_newton_tri(NeighList *list)
int i,j,k,n,itype,jtype,ibin,which,ns;
double xtmp,ytmp,ztmp,delx,dely,delz,rsq;
int *neighptr,*s;
double *cutsq,*distsq;
// bin local & ghost atoms
// loop over each atom, storing neighbors
double **x = atom->x;
int *type = atom->type;
int *mask = atom->mask;
int *molecule = atom->molecule;
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
int nall = atom->nlocal + atom->nghost;
int molecular = atom->molecular;
int *ilist = list->ilist;
int *numneigh = list->numneigh;
int **firstneigh = list->firstneigh;
int **pages = list->pages;
int *nstencil_multi = list->nstencil_multi;
int **stencil_multi = list->stencil_multi;
double **distsq_multi = list->distsq_multi;
int inum = 0;
int npage = 0;
int npnt = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
if (pgsize - npnt < oneatom) {
npnt = 0;
if (npage == list->maxpage) pages = list->add_pages();
neighptr = &pages[npage][npnt];
n = 0;
itype = type[i];
xtmp = x[i][0];
ytmp = x[i][1];
ztmp = x[i][2];
// loop over all atoms in bins, including self, in stencil
// skip if i,j neighbor cutoff is less than bin distance
// bins below self are excluded from stencil
// pairs for atoms j below i are excluded
ibin = coord2bin(x[i]);
s = stencil_multi[itype];
distsq = distsq_multi[itype];
cutsq = cutneighsq[itype];
ns = nstencil_multi[itype];
for (k = 0; k < ns; k++) {
for (j = binhead[ibin+s[k]]; j >= 0; j = bins[j]) {
jtype = type[j];
if (cutsq[jtype] < distsq[k]) continue;
if (x[j][2] < ztmp) continue;
if (x[j][2] == ztmp && x[j][1] < ytmp) continue;
if (x[j][2] == ztmp && x[j][1] == ytmp && x[j][0] <= xtmp) continue;
if (exclude && exclusion(i,j,itype,jtype,mask,molecule)) continue;
delx = xtmp - x[j][0];
dely = ytmp - x[j][1];
delz = ztmp - x[j][2];
rsq = delx*delx + dely*dely + delz*delz;
if (rsq <= cutneighsq[itype][jtype]) {
if (molecular) which = find_special(i,j);
else which = 0;
if (which == 0) neighptr[n++] = j;
else if (which > 0) neighptr[n++] = which*nall + j;
ilist[inum] = i;
firstneigh[i] = neighptr;
numneigh[i] = n;
npnt += n;
if (npnt >= pgsize)
error->one("Neighbor list overflow, boost neigh_modify one or page");
list->inum = inum;

src/neigh_half_nsq.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "neighbor.h"
#include "neigh_list.h"
#include "atom.h"
#include "error.h"
using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
N^2 / 2 search for neighbor pairs with partial Newton's 3rd law
pair stored once if i,j are both owned and i < j
pair stored by me if j is ghost (also stored by proc owning j)
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Neighbor::half_nsq_no_newton(NeighList *list)
int i,j,n,itype,jtype,which;
double xtmp,ytmp,ztmp,delx,dely,delz,rsq;
int *neighptr;
double **x = atom->x;
int *type = atom->type;
int *mask = atom->mask;
int *molecule = atom->molecule;
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
int nall = atom->nlocal + atom->nghost;
int molecular = atom->molecular;
int *ilist = list->ilist;
int *numneigh = list->numneigh;
int **firstneigh = list->firstneigh;
int **pages = list->pages;
int nstencil = list->nstencil;
int *stencil = list->stencil;
int inum = 0;
int npage = 0;
int npnt = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
if (pgsize - npnt < oneatom) {
npnt = 0;
if (npage == list->maxpage) pages = list->add_pages();
neighptr = &pages[npage][npnt];
n = 0;
itype = type[i];
xtmp = x[i][0];
ytmp = x[i][1];
ztmp = x[i][2];
// loop over remaining atoms, owned and ghost
for (j = i+1; j < nall; j++) {
jtype = type[j];
if (exclude && exclusion(i,j,itype,jtype,mask,molecule)) continue;
delx = xtmp - x[j][0];
dely = ytmp - x[j][1];
delz = ztmp - x[j][2];
rsq = delx*delx + dely*dely + delz*delz;
if (rsq <= cutneighsq[itype][jtype]) {
if (molecular) which = find_special(i,j);
else which = 0;
if (which == 0) neighptr[n++] = j;
else if (which > 0) neighptr[n++] = which*nall + j;
ilist[inum] = i;
firstneigh[i] = neighptr;
numneigh[i] = n;
npnt += n;
if (npnt >= pgsize)
error->one("Neighbor list overflow, boost neigh_modify one or page");
list->inum = inum;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
N^2 / 2 search for neighbor pairs with full Newton's 3rd law
every pair stored exactly once by some processor
decision on ghost atoms based on itag,jtag tests
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Neighbor::half_nsq_newton(NeighList *list)
int i,j,n,itype,jtype,itag,jtag,which;
double xtmp,ytmp,ztmp,delx,dely,delz,rsq;
int *neighptr;
double **x = atom->x;
int *tag = atom->tag;
int *type = atom->type;
int *mask = atom->mask;
int *molecule = atom->molecule;
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
int nall = atom->nlocal + atom->nghost;
int molecular = atom->molecular;
int *ilist = list->ilist;
int *numneigh = list->numneigh;
int **firstneigh = list->firstneigh;
int **pages = list->pages;
int nstencil = list->nstencil;
int *stencil = list->stencil;
int inum = 0;
int npage = 0;
int npnt = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
if (pgsize - npnt < oneatom) {
npnt = 0;
if (npage == list->maxpage) pages = list->add_pages();
neighptr = &pages[npage][npnt];
n = 0;
itag = tag[i];
itype = type[i];
xtmp = x[i][0];
ytmp = x[i][1];
ztmp = x[i][2];
// loop over remaining atoms, owned and ghost
// itag = jtag is possible for long cutoffs that include images of self
for (j = i+1; j < nall; j++) {
if (j >= nlocal) {
jtag = tag[j];
if (itag > jtag) {
if ((itag+jtag) % 2 == 0) continue;
} else if (itag < jtag) {
if ((itag+jtag) % 2 == 1) continue;
} else {
if (x[j][2] < ztmp) continue;
else if (x[j][2] == ztmp && x[j][1] < ytmp) continue;
else if (x[j][2] == ztmp && x[j][1] == ytmp && x[j][0] < xtmp)
jtype = type[j];
if (exclude && exclusion(i,j,itype,jtype,mask,molecule)) continue;
delx = xtmp - x[j][0];
dely = ytmp - x[j][1];
delz = ztmp - x[j][2];
rsq = delx*delx + dely*dely + delz*delz;
if (rsq <= cutneighsq[itype][jtype]) {
if (molecular) which = find_special(i,j);
else which = 0;
if (which == 0) neighptr[n++] = j;
else if (which > 0) neighptr[n++] = which*nall + j;
ilist[inum] = i;
firstneigh[i] = neighptr;
numneigh[i] = n;
npnt += n;
if (npnt >= pgsize)
error->one("Neighbor list overflow, boost neigh_modify one or page");
list->inum = inum;

src/neigh_list.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "neigh_list.h"
#include "atom.h"
#include "comm.h"
#include "neighbor.h"
#include "neigh_request.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "error.h"
using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
#define PGDELTA 1
enum{NSQ,BIN,MULTI}; // also in neighbor.cpp
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
NeighList::NeighList(LAMMPS *lmp, int size) : Pointers(lmp)
maxlocal = 0;
pgsize = size;
ilist = NULL;
numneigh = NULL;
firstneigh = NULL;
firstdouble = NULL;
maxpage = 0;
pages = NULL;
dpages = NULL;
dnum = 0;
skip = 0;
iskip = NULL;
ijskip = NULL;
listgranhistory = NULL;
fix_history = NULL;
respamiddle = 0;
listinner = NULL;
listmiddle = NULL;
listfull = NULL;
listcopy = NULL;
listskip = NULL;
maxstencil = 0;
stencil = NULL;
maxstencil_multi = 0;
nstencil_multi = NULL;
stencil_multi = NULL;
distsq_multi = NULL;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
if (!listcopy) {
for (int i = 0; i < maxpage; i++) memory->sfree(pages[i]);
if (dnum) {
for (int i = 0; i < maxpage; i++) memory->sfree(dpages[i]);
if (maxstencil) memory->sfree(stencil);
if (maxstencil_multi) {
for (int i = 1; i <= atom->ntypes; i++) {
delete [] nstencil_multi;
delete [] stencil_multi;
delete [] distsq_multi;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
grow atom arrays to allow for nmax atoms
triggered by more atoms on a processor
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void NeighList::grow(int nmax)
// skip if grow not needed (don't think this should happen)
if (nmax <= maxlocal) return;
maxlocal = nmax;
ilist = (int *)
numneigh = (int *)
firstneigh = (int **)
memory->smalloc(maxlocal*sizeof(int *),"neighlist:firstneigh");
if (dnum)
firstdouble = (double **)
memory->smalloc(maxlocal*sizeof(double *),"neighlist:firstdouble");
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
insure stencils are large enough for smax bins
style = BIN or MULTI
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void NeighList::stencil_allocate(int smax, int style)
int i;
if (style == BIN) {
if (smax > maxstencil) {
maxstencil = smax;
stencil = (int *) memory->smalloc(smax*sizeof(int),"neighlist:stencil");
} else {
int n = atom->ntypes;
if (maxstencil_multi == 0) {
nstencil_multi = new int[n+1];
stencil_multi = new int*[n+1];
distsq_multi = new double*[n+1];
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
nstencil_multi[i] = 0;
stencil_multi[i] = NULL;
distsq_multi[i] = NULL;
if (smax > maxstencil_multi) {
maxstencil_multi = smax;
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
stencil_multi[i] = (int *)
distsq_multi[i] = (double *) memory->smalloc(smax*sizeof(double),
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
add PGDELTA pages to neighbor list
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int **NeighList::add_pages()
int npage = maxpage;
maxpage += PGDELTA;
pages = (int **)
memory->srealloc(pages,maxpage*sizeof(int *),"neighlist:pages");
for (int i = npage; i < maxpage; i++)
pages[i] = (int *) memory->smalloc(pgsize*sizeof(int),
if (dnum) {
dpages = (double **)
memory->srealloc(dpages,maxpage*sizeof(double *),"neighlist:dpages");
for (int i = npage; i < maxpage; i++)
dpages[i] = (double *) memory->smalloc(dnum*pgsize*sizeof(double),
return pages;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
print attributes of this list and associated request
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void NeighList::print_attributes()
if (comm->me != 0) return;
NeighRequest *rq = neighbor->requests[index];
printf("Neighbor list/request %d:\n",index);
printf(" %d = build flag\n",buildflag);
printf(" %d = grow flag\n",growflag);
printf(" %d = stencil flag\n",stencilflag);
printf(" %d = pair\n",rq->pair);
printf(" %d = fix\n",rq->fix);
printf(" %d = compute\n",rq->compute);
printf(" %d = command\n",rq->command);
printf(" %d = half\n",rq->half);
printf(" %d = full\n",rq->full);
printf(" %d = gran\n",rq->gran);
printf(" %d = granhistory\n",rq->granhistory);
printf(" %d = respainner\n",rq->respainner);
printf(" %d = respamiddle\n",rq->respamiddle);
printf(" %d = respaouter\n",rq->respaouter);
printf(" %d = half_from_full\n",rq->half_from_full);
printf(" %d = occasional\n",rq->occasional);
printf(" %d = dnum\n",rq->dnum);
printf(" %d = copy\n",rq->copy);
printf(" %d = skip\n",rq->skip);
printf(" %d = otherlist\n",rq->otherlist);
printf(" %p = listskip\n",listskip);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
return # of bytes of allocated memory
if growflag = 0, maxlocal & maxpage will also be 0
if stencilflag = 0, maxstencil * maxstencil_multi will also be 0
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int NeighList::memory_usage()
int bytes = 0;
bytes += 2 * maxlocal * sizeof(int);
bytes += maxlocal * sizeof(int *);
bytes += maxpage*pgsize * sizeof(int);
if (dnum) {
bytes += maxlocal * sizeof(double *);
bytes += dnum * maxpage*pgsize * sizeof(double);
if (maxstencil) bytes += maxstencil * sizeof(int);
if (maxstencil_multi) {
bytes += atom->ntypes * maxstencil_multi * sizeof(int);
bytes += atom->ntypes * maxstencil_multi * sizeof(double);
return bytes;

src/neigh_list.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifndef NEIGH_LIST_H
#define NEIGH_LIST_H
#include "pointers.h"
namespace LAMMPS_NS {
class NeighList : protected Pointers {
int index; // index of which neigh list it is
// needed when a class invokes it directly
int buildflag; // 1 if pair_build invoked every reneigh
int growflag; // 1 if stores atom-based arrays & pages
int stencilflag; // 1 if stores stencil arrays
// data structs to store neighbor pairs I,J and associated values
int inum; // # of I atoms neighbors are stored for
int *ilist; // local indices of I atoms
int *numneigh; // # of J neighbors for each I atom
int **firstneigh; // ptr to 1st J int value of each I atom
double **firstdouble; // ptr to 1st J double value of each I atom
int pgsize; // size of each page
int maxpage; // # of pages currently allocated
int **pages; // neighbor list pages for ints
double **dpages; // neighbor list pages for doubles
int dnum; // # of doubles for each pair (0 if none)
// atom types to skip when building list
// iskip,ijskip are just ptrs to corresponding request
int skip; // 1 if this list skips atom types from another list
int *iskip; // iskip[i] if atoms of type I are not in list
int **ijskip; // ijskip[i][j] if pairs of type I,J are not in list
// settings and pointers for related neighbor lists and fixes
NeighList *listgranhistory; // point at history list
class FixShearHistory *fix_history; // fix that stores history info
int respamiddle; // 1 if this respaouter has middle list
NeighList *listinner; // me = respaouter, point to respainner
NeighList *listmiddle; // me = respaouter, point to respamiddle
NeighList *listfull; // me = half list, point to full I derive from
NeighList *listcopy; // me = copy list, point to list I copy from
NeighList *listskip; // me = skip list, point to list I skip from
// stencils of bin indices for neighbor finding
int maxstencil; // max size of stencil
int nstencil; // # of bins in stencil
int *stencil; // list of bin offsets
int maxstencil_multi; // max sizes of stencils
int *nstencil_multi; // # bins in each type-based multi stencil
int **stencil_multi; // list of bin offsets in each stencil
double **distsq_multi; // sq distances to bins in each stencil
NeighList(class LAMMPS *, int);
void grow(int); // grow maxlocal
void stencil_allocate(int, int); // allocate stencil arrays
int **add_pages(); // add pages to neigh list
void print_attributes(); // debug routine
int memory_usage();
int maxlocal; // size of allocated atom arrays

src/neigh_request.cpp Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "neigh_request.h"
#include "atom.h"
#include "memory.h"
using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
NeighRequest::NeighRequest(LAMMPS *lmp) : Pointers(lmp)
// default ID = 0
id = 0;
// default is pair request
pair = 1;
fix = compute = command = 0;
// default is half neighbor list
half = 1;
full = 0;
gran = granhistory = 0;
respainner = respamiddle = respaouter = 0;
half_from_full = 0;
// default is every reneighboring
occasional = 0;
// default is no auxiliary floating point values
dnum = 0;
// default is no copy or skip
copy = 0;
skip = 0;
iskip = NULL;
ijskip = NULL;
otherlist = -1;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
delete [] iskip;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
compare this request to other request
return 1 if every variable is same, 0 if different in any way
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int NeighRequest::identical(NeighRequest *other)
int same = 1;
if (requestor != other->requestor) same = 0;
if (id != other->id) same = 0;
if (pair != other->pair) same = 0;
if (fix != other->fix) same = 0;
if (compute != other->compute) same = 0;
if (command != other->command) same = 0;
if (half != other->half) same = 0;
if (full != other->full) same = 0;
if (gran != other->gran) same = 0;
if (granhistory != other->granhistory) same = 0;
if (respainner != other->respainner) same = 0;
if (respamiddle != other->respamiddle) same = 0;
if (respaouter != other->respaouter) same = 0;
if (half_from_full != other->half_from_full) same = 0;
if (occasional != other->occasional) same = 0;
if (dnum != other->dnum) same = 0;
if (copy != other->copy) same = 0;
if (same_skip(other) == 0) same = 0;
if (otherlist != other->otherlist) same = 0;
return same;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
compare kind of this request to other request
return 1 if same, 0 if different
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int NeighRequest::same_kind(NeighRequest *other)
int same = 1;
if (half != other->half) same = 0;
if (full != other->full) same = 0;
if (gran != other->gran) same = 0;
if (granhistory != other->granhistory) same = 0;
if (respainner != other->respainner) same = 0;
if (respamiddle != other->respamiddle) same = 0;
if (respaouter != other->respaouter) same = 0;
if (half_from_full != other->half_from_full) same = 0;
return same;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
set kind value of this request to that of other request
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void NeighRequest::copy_kind(NeighRequest *other)
half = 0;
if (other->half) half = 1;
if (other->full) full = 1;
if (other->gran) gran = 1;
if (other->granhistory) granhistory = 1;
if (other->respainner) respainner = 1;
if (other->respamiddle) respamiddle = 1;
if (other->respaouter) respaouter = 1;
if (other->half_from_full) half_from_full = 1;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
compare skip attributes of this request to other request
return 1 if same, 0 if different
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int NeighRequest::same_skip(NeighRequest *other)
int i,j;
int same = 1;
if (skip != other->skip) same = 0;
if (skip && other->skip) {
int ntypes = atom->ntypes;
for (i = 1; i <= ntypes; i++)
if (iskip[i] != other->iskip[i]) same = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= ntypes; i++)
for (j = 1; j <= ntypes; j++)
if (ijskip[i][j] != other->ijskip[i][j]) same = 0;
return same;

src/neigh_request.h Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "pointers.h"
namespace LAMMPS_NS {
class NeighRequest : protected Pointers {
void *requestor; // class that made request
int id; // ID of request
// used to track multiple requests from one class
// which class is requesting the list, one flag is 1, others are 0
int pair;
int fix;
int compute;
int command;
// kind of list requested, one flag is 1, others are 0
// set by reqeusting class
int half; // 1 if half neigh list
int full; // 1 if full neigh list
int gran; // 1 if granular list
int granhistory; // 1 if granular history list
int respainner; // 1 if a rRESPA inner list
int respamiddle; // 1 if a rRESPA middle list
int respaouter; // 1 if a rRESPA outer list
int half_from_full; // 1 if half list computed from previous full list
// 0 if needed every reneighboring during run
// 1 if occasionally needed by a fix, compute, etc
// set by requesting class
int occasional;
// number of auxiliary floating point values to store, 0 if none
// set by requesting class
int dnum;
// set by neighbor and pair_hybrid after all requests are made
// these settings do not change kind value
int copy; // 1 if this list copied from another list
int skip; // 1 if this list skips atom types from another list
int *iskip; // iskip[i] if atoms of type I are not in list
int **ijskip; // ijskip[i][j] if pairs of type I,J are not in list
int otherlist; // other list to copy or skip from
// methods
NeighRequest(class LAMMPS *);
int identical(NeighRequest *);
int same_kind(NeighRequest *);
void copy_kind(NeighRequest *);
int same_skip(NeighRequest *);

src/pair_hybrid_overlay.cpp Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "string.h"
#include "pair_hybrid_overlay.h"
#include "atom.h"
#include "force.h"
#include "neighbor.h"
#include "neigh_request.h"
#include "error.h"
using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
#define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
PairHybridOverlay::PairHybridOverlay(LAMMPS *lmp) : PairHybrid(lmp) {}
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
set coeffs for one or more type pairs
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void PairHybridOverlay::coeff(int narg, char **arg)
if (narg < 3) error->all("Incorrect args for pair coefficients");
if (!allocated) allocate();
int ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi;
// 3rd arg = pair sub-style name
// allow for "none" as valid sub-style name
int m;
for (m = 0; m < nstyles; m++)
if (strcmp(arg[2],keywords[m]) == 0) break;
int none = 0;
if (m == nstyles) {
if (strcmp(arg[2],"none") == 0) none = 1;
else error->all("Pair coeff for hybrid has invalid style");
// move 1st/2nd args to 2nd/3rd args
// invoke sub-style coeff() starting with 1st arg
if (!none) styles[m]->coeff(narg-1,&arg[1]);
// set setflag and which type pairs map to which sub-style
// if sub-style is none: set hybrid subflag, wipe out map
// else: set hybrid setflag & map only if substyle setflag is set
// multiple mappings are allowed,
// but don't map again if already mapped to this sub-style
int count = 0;
for (int i = ilo; i <= ihi; i++) {
for (int j = MAX(jlo,i); j <= jhi; j++) {
if (none) {
setflag[i][j] = 1;
nmap[i][j] = 0;
} else if (styles[m]->setflag[i][j] ) {
int k;
for (k = 0; k < nmap[i][j]; k++)
if (map[i][j][k] == m) break;
if (k < nmap[i][j]) continue;
setflag[i][j] = 1;
map[i][j][nmap[i][j]++] = m;
if (count == 0) error->all("Incorrect args for pair coefficients");
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
combine sub-style neigh list requests and create new ones if needed
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void PairHybridOverlay::modify_requests()
int i,j;
NeighRequest *irq,*jrq;
// loop over pair requests
// if a previous list is same kind with same skip attributes
// then make this one a copy list of that one
// NOTE: SHOULD I SKIP granhistory, respamiddle, halffromfull ??
for (i = 0; i < neighbor->nrequest; i++) {
irq = neighbor->requests[i];
for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
jrq = neighbor->requests[j];
if (irq->same_kind(jrq) && irq->same_skip(jrq)) {
irq->copy = 1;
irq->otherlist = j;
// if list is skip list and not copy, look for non-skip list of same kind
// if one exists, point at that one
// else make new non-skip request of same kind and point at that one
for (i = 0; i < neighbor->nrequest; i++) {
irq = neighbor->requests[i];
if (irq->skip == 0 || irq->copy) continue;
for (j = 0; j < neighbor->nrequest; j++) {
jrq = neighbor->requests[j];
if (irq->same_kind(jrq) && jrq->skip == 0) break;
if (j < neighbor->nrequest) irq->otherlist = j;
else {
int newrequest = neighbor->request(this);
irq->otherlist = newrequest;

src/pair_hybrid_overlay.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "pair_hybrid.h"
namespace LAMMPS_NS {
class PairHybridOverlay : public PairHybrid {
PairHybridOverlay(class LAMMPS *);
void coeff(int, char **);
void modify_requests();