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# Pizza.py toolkit, www.cs.sandia.gov/~sjplimp/pizza.html
# Steve Plimpton, sjplimp@sandia.gov, Sandia National Laboratories
# Copyright (2005) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
# DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
# certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
# the GNU General Public License.
# pdb tool
oneline = "Read, write PDB files in combo with LAMMPS snapshots"
docstr = """
p = pdbfile("3CRO") create pdb object from PDB file or WWW
p = pdbfile("pep1 pep2") read in multiple PDB files
p = pdbfile("pep*") can use wildcards
p = pdbfile(d) read in snapshot data with no PDB file
p = pdbfile("3CRO",d) read in single PDB file with snapshot data
string arg contains one or more PDB files
don't need .pdb suffix except wildcard must expand to file.pdb
if only one 4-char file specified and it is not found,
it will be downloaded from http://www.rcsb.org as 3CRO.pdb
d arg is object with atom coordinates (dump, data)
p.one() write all output as one big PDB file to tmp.pdb
p.one("mine") write to mine.pdb
p.many() write one PDB file per snapshot: tmp0000.pdb, ...
p.many("mine") write as mine0000.pdb, mine0001.pdb, ...
p.single(N) write timestamp N as tmp.pdb
p.single(N,"new") write as new.pdb
how new PDB files are created depends on constructor inputs:
if no d: one new PDB file for each file in string arg (just a copy)
if only d specified: one new PDB file per snapshot in generic format
if one file in str arg and d: one new PDB file per snapshot
using input PDB file as template
multiple input PDB files with a d is not allowed
index,time,flag = p.iterator(0)
index,time,flag = p.iterator(1)
iterator = loop over number of PDB files
call first time with arg = 0, thereafter with arg = 1
N = length = # of snapshots or # of input PDB files
index = index of snapshot or input PDB file (0 to N-1)
time = timestep value (time stamp for snapshot, index for multiple PDB)
flag = -1 when iteration is done, 1 otherwise
typically call p.single(time) in iterated loop to write out one PDB file
# History
# 8/05, Steve Plimpton (SNL): original version
# ToDo list
# for generic PDB file (no template) from a LJ unit system,
# the atoms in PDB file are too close together
# Variables
# files = list of input PDB files
# data = data object (ccell,data,dump) to read snapshots from
# atomlines = dict of ATOM lines in original PDB file
# key = atom id, value = tuple of (beginning,end) of line
# Imports and external programs
import sys, types, glob, urllib
# Class definition
class pdbfile:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def __init__(self,*args):
if len(args) == 1:
if type(args[0]) is types.StringType:
filestr = args[0]
self.data = None
filestr = None
self.data = args[0]
elif len(args) == 2:
filestr = args[0]
self.data = args[1]
else: raise StandardError, "invalid args for pdb()"
# flist = full list of all PDB input file names
# append .pdb if needed
if filestr:
list = filestr.split()
flist = []
for file in list:
if '*' in file: flist += glob.glob(file)
else: flist.append(file)
for i in xrange(len(flist)):
if flist[i][-4:] != ".pdb": flist[i] += ".pdb"
if len(flist) == 0:
raise StandardError,"no PDB file specified"
self.files = flist
else: self.files = []
if len(self.files) > 1 and self.data:
raise StandardError, "cannot use multiple PDB files with data object"
if len(self.files) == 0 and not self.data:
raise StandardError, "no input PDB file(s)"
# grab PDB file from http://rcsb.org if not a local file
if len(self.files) == 1 and len(self.files[0]) == 8:
print "downloading %s from http://rcsb.org" % self.files[0]
fetchstr = "http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/cgi/export.cgi/%s?format=PDB&pdbId=2cpk&compression=None" % self.files[0]
if self.data and len(self.files): self.read_template(self.files[0])
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# write a single large PDB file for concatenating all input data or files
# if data exists:
# only selected atoms returned by extract
# atoms written in order they appear in snapshot
# atom only written if its tag is in PDB template file
# if no data:
# concatenate all input files to one output file
def one(self,*args):
if len(args) == 0: file = "tmp.pdb"
elif args[0][-4:] == ".pdb": file = args[0]
else: file = args[0] + ".pdb"
f = open(file,'w')
# use template PDB file with each snapshot
if self.data:
n = flag = 0
while 1:
which,time,flag = self.data.iterator(flag)
if flag == -1: break
print >>f,"END"
print time,
n += 1
for file in self.files:
print >>f,"END"
print file,
print "\nwrote %d datasets to %s in PDB format" % (n,file)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# write series of numbered PDB files
# if data exists:
# only selected atoms returned by extract
# atoms written in order they appear in snapshot
# atom only written if its tag is in PDB template file
# if no data:
# just copy all input files to output files
def many(self,*args):
if len(args) == 0: root = "tmp"
else: root = args[0]
if self.data:
n = flag = 0
while 1:
which,time,flag = self.data.iterator(flag)
if flag == -1: break
if n < 10:
file = root + "000" + str(n)
elif n < 100:
file = root + "00" + str(n)
elif n < 1000:
file = root + "0" + str(n)
file = root + str(n)
file += ".pdb"
f = open(file,'w')
print time,
n += 1
n = 0
for infile in self.files:
if n < 10:
file = root + "000" + str(n)
elif n < 100:
file = root + "00" + str(n)
elif n < 1000:
file = root + "0" + str(n)
file = root + str(n)
file += ".pdb"
f = open(file,'w')
print file,
n += 1
print "\nwrote %d datasets to %s*.pdb in PDB format" % (n,root)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# write a single PDB file
# if data exists:
# time is timestamp in snapshot
# only selected atoms returned by extract
# atoms written in order they appear in snapshot
# atom only written if its tag is in PDB template file
# if no data:
# time is index into list of input PDB files
# just copy one input file to output file
def single(self,time,*args):
if len(args) == 0: file = "tmp.pdb"
elif args[0][-4:] == ".pdb": file = args[0]
else: file = args[0] + ".pdb"
f = open(file,'w')
if self.data:
which = self.data.findtime(time)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# iterate over list of input files or selected snapshots
# latter is done via data objects iterator
def iterator(self,flag):
if not self.data:
if not flag: self.iterate = 0
self.iterate += 1
if self.iterate > len(self.files): return 0,0,-1
return self.iterate,self.iterate,1
return self.data.iterator(flag)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# read a PDB file and store ATOM lines
def read_template(self,file):
lines = open(file,'r').readlines()
self.atomlines = {}
for line in lines:
if line.find("ATOM") == 0:
tag = int(line[4:11])
begin = line[:30]
end = line[54:]
self.atomlines[tag] = (begin,end)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# convert one set of atoms to PDB format and write to f
def convert(self,f,which):
time,box,atoms,bonds,tris,lines = self.data.viz(which)
if len(self.files):
for atom in atoms:
id = atom[0]
if self.atomlines.has_key(id):
(begin,end) = self.atomlines[id]
line = "%s%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%s" % (begin,atom[2],atom[3],atom[4],end)
print >>f,line,
for atom in atoms:
begin = "ATOM %6d %2d R00 1 " % (atom[0],atom[1])
middle = "%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f" % (atom[2],atom[3],atom[4])
end = " 1.00 0.00 NONE"
print >>f,begin+middle+end