2006-09-22 00:22:34 +08:00
<CENTER><A HREF = "http://lammps.sandia.gov">LAMMPS WWW Site</A> - <A HREF = "Manual.html">LAMMPS Documentation</A> - <A HREF = "Section_commands.html#comm">LAMMPS Commands</A>
<H3>thermo_style command
<PRE>thermo_style style args
<UL><LI>style = <I>one</I> or <I>multi</I> or <I>granular</I> or <I>custom</I>
<LI>args = list of arguments for a particular style
<PRE> <I>one</I> args = none
<I>multi</I> args = none
<I>granular</I> args = none
<I>custom</I> args = list of attributes
2006-12-20 00:33:33 +08:00
possible attributes = step, atoms, cpu, temp, press,
pe, ke, etotal, enthalpy,
evdwl, ecoul, epair, ebond, eangle, edihed, eimp,
emol, elong, etail,
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vol, lx, ly, lz, xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi, zlo, zhi,
pxx, pyy, pzz, pxy, pxz, pyz
drot, grot,
tave, pave, eave, peave,
c_ID, c_ID[n], f_ID, f_ID[n], v_name
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step = timestep
atoms = # of atoms
cpu = elapsed CPU time
temp = temperature
press = pressure
pe = total potential energy
ke = kinetic energy
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etotal = total energy (pe + ke)
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enthalpy = enthalpy (pe + press*vol)
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evdwl = VanderWaal pairwise energy
ecoul = Coulombic pairwise energy
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epair = pairwise energy (evdwl + ecoul + elong + etail)
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ebond = bond energy
eangle = angle energy
edihed = dihedral energy
eimp = improper energy
emol = molecular energy (ebond + eangle + edihed + eimp)
elong = long-range kspace energy
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etail = VanderWaal energy long-range tail correction
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vol = volume
lx,ly,lz = box lengths in x,y,z
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xlo,xhi,ylo,yhi,zlo,zhi = box boundaries
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pxx,pyy,pzz,pxy,pxz,pyz = 6 components of pressure tensor
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drot = rotational energy of dipolar atoms
grot = rotational energy of granular atoms
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tave, pave, eave, peave = time-averaged temp, press, etotal, pe
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c_ID = scalar quantity calculated by a compute identified by its ID
c_ID[N] = Nth vector quantity calculated by a compute identified by its ID
f_ID = scalar quantity calculated by a fix identified by its ID
f_ID[N] = Nth vector quantity calculated by a fix identified by its ID
v_name = current value of a variable identified by the variable name
2006-09-22 00:22:34 +08:00
<PRE>thermo_style multi
2006-11-11 05:27:54 +08:00
thermo_style custom step temp pe etotal press vol
2007-02-10 05:37:30 +08:00
thermo_style custom step temp etotal c_myTemp v_abc
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2007-02-10 05:37:30 +08:00
<P>Set the style and content for printing thermodynamic data to the
screen and log file.
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<P>Style <I>one</I> prints a one-line summary of thermodynamic info that is
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the equivalent of "thermo_style custom step temp epair emol etotal
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press". The line contains only numeric values.
<P>Style <I>multi</I> prints a multiple-line listing of thermodynamic info
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that is the equivalent of "thermo_style custom etotal ke temp pe ebond
2006-09-22 00:22:34 +08:00
eangle edihed eimp evdwl ecoul elong press". The listing contains
numeric values and a string ID for each quantity.
<P>Style <I>granular</I> is used with <A HREF = "atom_style.html">atom style</A> granular
and prints a one-line numeric summary that is the equivalent of
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"thermo_style custom step atoms ke grot".
2006-09-22 00:22:34 +08:00
<P>Style <I>custom</I> is the most general setting and allows you to specify
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which of the keywords listed above you want printed on each
thermodynamic timestep. Note that the keywords c_ID, f_ID, v_name are
references to <A HREF = "compute.html">computes</A>, <A HREF = "fix.html">fixes</A>, and
<A HREF = "variable.html"">variables</A> that have been defined elsewhere in the
input script or can even be new styles which users have added to
LAMMPS (see the <A HREF = "Section_modify.html">Section_modify</A> section of the
documentation). Thus the <I>custom</I> style provides a flexible means of
outputting essentially any desired quantity as a simulation proceeds.
<P>All styles except <I>custom</I> have <I>vol</I> appended to their list of
outputs if the simulation box volume changes during the simulation.
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2007-02-10 05:37:30 +08:00
<P>Options invoked by the <A HREF = "thermo_modify.html">thermo_modify</A> command can
be used to set the one- or multi-line format of the print-out, the
normalization of energy quantities (total or per-atom), and the
numeric precision of each printed value.
<P>Several of the thermodynamic quantities require a temperature to be
computed: "temp", "press", "ke", "etotal", "enthalpy", "pxx etc",
"tave", "pave". To do this, a compute of style "temp" is created, as
if this command had been issued:
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2007-02-10 05:37:30 +08:00
<PRE>compute thermo_temp all temp
<P>See the <A HREF = "compute_temp.html">compute temp</A> command for details. Note
that the ID of the new compute is <I>thermo_temp</I> and the group is
<I>all</I>. You can change the attributes of this temperature (e.g. its
degrees-of-freedom) via the <A HREF = "compute_modify.html">compute_modify</A>
command. Alternatively, you can directly assign a new compute (that
calculates temperature) which you have defined, to be used for any
thermodynamic quantity that requires a temperature. This is done via
the <A HREF = "thermo_modify.html">thermo_modify</A> command.
<P>Several of the thermodynamic quantities require a pressure to be
computed: "press", "enthalpy", "pxx etc", "pave". To do this, a
compute of style "pressure" is created, as if this command had been
<PRE>compute thermo_press all pressure thermo_temp
<P>See the <A HREF = "compute_pressure.html">compute pressure</A> command for details.
Note that the ID of the new compute is <I>thermo_press</I> and the group is
<I>all</I>. You can change the attributes of this pressure via the
<A HREF = "compute_modify.html">compute_modify</A> command. Alternatively, you can
directly assign a new compute (that calculates pressure) which you
have defined, to be used for any thermodynamic quantity that requires
a pressure. This is done via the <A HREF = "thermo_modify.html">thermo_modify</A>
<P>The <I>drot</I> keyword requires a rotational energy to be compute for
dipolar particles. To do this, a compute of style "rotate/dipole" is
created, as if this command had been issued:
<PRE>compute thermo_rotate_dipole all rotate/dipole
<P>See the <A HREF = "compute_rotate_dipole.html">compute rotate/dipole</A> command for
details. Note that the ID of the new compute is
<I>thermo_rotate_dipole</I> and the group is <I>all</I>. You can change the
attributes of this computation via the
<A HREF = "compute_modify.html">compute_modify</A> command. Alternatively, you can
directly assign a new compute which you have defined, to be used for
<I>drot</I>. This is done via the <A HREF = "thermo_modify.html">thermo_modify</A>
command. For example, this could be useful if you wish to exclude
certain particles from the compuation.
<P>The <I>grot</I> keyword requires a rotational energy to be compute for
granular particles. To do this, a compute of style "rotate/gran" is
created, as if this command had been issued:
<PRE>compute thermo_rotate_gran all rotate/gran
<P>See the <A HREF = "compute_rotate_gran.html">compute rotate/gran</A> command for
details. Note that the ID of the new compute is <I>thermo_rotate_gran</I>
and the group is <I>all</I>. You can change the attributes of this
computation via the <A HREF = "compute_modify.html">compute_modify</A> command.
Alternatively, you can directly assign a new compute which you have
defined, to be used for <I>grot</I>. This is done via the
<A HREF = "thermo_modify.html">thermo_modify</A> command. For example, this could
be useful if you wish to exclude frozen particles from the compuation.
<P>The potential energy of the system <I>pe</I> will include contributions
from fixes if the <A HREF = "fix_modify.html">fix_modify thermo</A> option was set
for each fix. For example, the <A HREF = "fix_wall_lj93">fix wall/lj93</A> fix will
contribute the energy of atoms interacting with the wall.
2006-09-22 00:22:34 +08:00
<P>A long-range tail correction <I>etail</I> for the VanderWaal pairwise
energy will be non-zero only if the <A HREF = "pair_modify.html">pair_modify
tail</A> option is turned on. The <I>etail</I> contribution
2006-11-11 05:27:54 +08:00
is included in <I>evdwl</I>, <I>pe</I>, and <I>etotal</I>, and the corresponding tail
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correction to the pressure is included in <I>press</I> and <I>pxx</I>, <I>pyy</I>,
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<P>The time-averaged keywords <I>tave, pave, eave, peave</I> are averaged over
the last N thermodynamic outputs to the screen (not the last N
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timesteps), where N is the value set by the <I>window</I> option of the
<A HREF = "thermo_modify.html">thermo_modify</A> command (N = 10 by default).
2007-02-10 05:37:30 +08:00
<P>The <I>c_ID</I> and <I>c_ID[N]</I> keywords allow scalar or vector quantities
calculated by a compute to be output. The ID in the keyword should be
replaced by the actual ID of the compute that has been defined
elsewhere in the input script. See the <A HREF = "compute.html">compute</A> command
for details. Note that per-atom quantities calcalated by a compute
cannot be output as part of thermodynamics. Rather, these quantities
are output by the <A HREF = "dump.html">dump custom</A> command.
<P>If <I>c_ID</I> is used as a keyword, then the scalar quantity calculated by
the compute is printed. If <I>c_ID[N]</I> is used, then N in the range
2007-02-21 08:18:01 +08:00
from 1-M will print the Nth component of the M-length vector
calculated by the compute.
2007-02-10 05:37:30 +08:00
<P>The <I>f_ID</I> and <I>f_ID[N]</I> keywords allow scalar or vector quantities
calculated by a fix to be output. The ID in the keyword should be
replaced by the actual ID of the fix that has been defined elsewhere
in the input script. See the <A HREF = "fix.html">fix</A> command for details.
<P>If <I>f_ID</I> is used as a keyword, then the scalar quantity calculated by
the fix is printed. If <I>f_ID[N]</I> is used, then N in the range from
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1-M will print the Nth component of the M-length vector calculated by
the fix.
2007-02-10 05:37:30 +08:00
<P>The <I>v_name</I> keyword allow the current value of a variable to be
output. The name in the keyword should be replaced by the actual namd
of the variable that has been defined elsewhere in the input script.
See the <A HREF = "variable.html">variable</A> command for details. Equal-style
variables can calculate complex formulas involving atom and group
properties, mathematical operations, other variables, etc. This
keyword enables them to be evaluated and their value printed
periodically during a simulation.
<P>See <A HREF = "Section_modify.html">this section</A> for information on how to add
new compute and fix styles as well as variable options to LAMMPS that
calculate quantities that could then be output with these keywords.
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2007-02-10 05:37:30 +08:00
2006-09-22 00:22:34 +08:00
<P>This command must come after the simulation box is defined by a
<A HREF = "read_data.html">read_data</A>, <A HREF = "read_restart.html">read_restart</A>, or
<A HREF = "create_box.html">create_box</A> command.
<P><B>Related commands:</B>
<P><A HREF = "thermo.html">thermo</A>, <A HREF = "thermo_modify.html">thermo_modify</A>,
<A HREF = "fix_modify.html">fix_modify</A>, <A HREF = "temperature.html">temperature</A>
<PRE>thermo_style one