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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "pointers.h"
namespace LAMMPS_NS {
class Variable : protected Pointers {
Variable(class LAMMPS *);
void set(int, char **);
void set(char *, int, char **);
int next(int, char **);
int find(char *);
int equalstyle(int);
int atomstyle(int);
char *retrieve(char *);
double compute_equal(int);
void compute_atom(int, int, double *, int, int);
int int_between_brackets(char *&);
double evaluate_boolean(char *);
int me;
int nvar; // # of defined variables
int maxvar; // max # of variables arrays can hold
char **names; // name of each variable
int *style; // style of each variable
int *num; // # of values for each variable
int *which; // next available value for each variable
int *pad; // 1 = pad loop/uloop variables with 0s, 0 = no pad
char ***data; // str value of each variable's values
double PI;
class RanMars *randomequal; // random number generator for equal-style vars
class RanMars *randomatom; // random number generator for atom-style vars
int precedence[16]; // precedence level of math operators
// set length to include OR in enum
struct Tree { // parse tree for atom-style variables
double value;
double *array;
int *iarray;
int type;
int nstride;
int ivalue1,ivalue2;
Tree *left,*middle,*right;
void remove(int);
void extend();
void copy(int, char **, char **);
double evaluate(char *, Tree **);
double collapse_tree(Tree *);
double eval_tree(Tree *, int);
void free_tree(Tree *);
int find_matching_paren(char *, int, char *&);
int math_function(char *, char *, Tree **, Tree **, int &, double *, int &);
int group_function(char *, char *, Tree **, Tree **, int &, double *, int &);
int region_function(char *);
int special_function(char *, char *, Tree **, Tree **,
int &, double *, int &);
void peratom2global(int, char *, double *, int, int,
Tree **, Tree **, int &, double *, int &);
int is_atom_vector(char *);
void atom_vector(char *, Tree **, Tree **, int &);
int is_constant(char *);
double constant(char *);
double numeric(char *);
int inumeric(char *);
char *find_next_comma(char *);
void print_tree(Tree *, int);