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158 lines
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// manager for initial conditions, essential/natural "boundary" conditions
// and sources
// to do:
// handle no sources, time-independent sources
// prescribed surface sources
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "XT_Function.h"
#include "PhysicsModel.h"
#include "FE_Element.h"
#include "Array.h"
#include "Array2D.h"
#include "FE_Engine.h"
//clase FE_Engine
namespace ATC {
using std::vector;
using std::pair;
using std::map;
class PrescribedDataManager {
/** exclusive conditions: free | fixed field | flux or domain source */
//enum Bc_Type {FREE=0,FIELD,SOURCE};
PrescribedDataManager(FE_Engine * feEngine,
const map<FieldName,int> & fieldSize);
/** add/remove a field */
void add_field(FieldName fieldName, int size);
void remove_field(FieldName fieldName);
/** direct access to ics */
map < FieldName, Array2D < XT_Function * > > *
get_ics(void) { return & ics_; }
const Array2D < XT_Function * > *
get_ics(FieldName fieldName) { return & ics_[fieldName]; }
/** direct access to bcs */
map < FieldName, Array2D < XT_Function * > > *
get_bcs(void) { return & bcs_; }
const Array2D < XT_Function * > *
get_bcs(FieldName fieldName) { return & bcs_[fieldName]; }
/** query initial state */
bool is_initially_fixed(const int node,
const FieldName thisField,
const int thisIndex=0) const
return ((ics_.find(thisField)->second))(node,thisIndex) ? true : false ;
/** query state */
bool is_fixed(const int node,
const FieldName thisField,
const int thisIndex=0) const
return ((bcs_.find(thisField)->second))(node,thisIndex) ? true : false ;
/** set initial field values */
void fix_initial_field (const string nodesetName,
const FieldName thisField,
const int thisIndex,
const XT_Function * f);
/** un/set field values at fixed nodes */
void fix_field (const string nodesetName,
const FieldName thisField,
const int thisIndex,
const XT_Function * f);
void unfix_field (const string nodesetName,
const FieldName thisField,
const int thisIndex);
/** un/set fluxes */
void fix_flux (const string facesetName,
const FieldName thisField,
const int thisIndex,
const XT_Function * f);
void unfix_flux(const string facesetName,
const FieldName thisField,
const int thisIndex);
/** un/set sources */
void fix_source(const string nodesetName,
const FieldName thisField,
const int thisIndex,
const XT_Function * f);
void unfix_source(const string nodesetName,
const FieldName thisField,
const int thisIndex);
/** get initial conditions */
void set_initial_conditions(const double time,
FIELDS & fields,
FIELDS & dot_fields,
FIELDS & ddot_fields,
FIELDS & dddot_fields);
/** get "boundary" conditions on fields */
void set_fixed_fields(const double time,
FIELDS & fields,
FIELDS & dot_fields,
FIELDS & ddot_fields,
FIELDS & dddot_fields);
/** get "boundary" conditions on a single field */
void set_fixed_field(const double time,
const FieldName & fieldName,
DENS_MAT & fieldMatrix);
/** get "boundary" conditions on a single time derivative field */
void set_fixed_dfield(const double time,
const FieldName & fieldName,
DENS_MAT & dfieldMatrix);
/** get "sources" (flux and sources: divided by leading coef of ODE) */
void set_sources(const double time,
FIELDS & sources);
/** debugging status output */
void print(void);
/** number of nodes */
int nNodes_;
/** number of elements */
int nElems_;
/** names and sizes of fields */
map<FieldName,int> fieldSizes_;
/** access to all the FE computations */
FE_Engine * feEngine_;
// node numbering & dof numbering : contiguous
// fieldname & bc_type : types/enums
/** ics : XT_Function * f = ics_[field](inode,idof) */
map < FieldName, Array2D < XT_Function * > > ics_;
/** bcs: essential bcs XT_Function * f = bcs_[field][face](idof) */
map < FieldName, Array2D < XT_Function * > > bcs_;
/** sources : XT_Function * f = faceSources_[field][face](idof) */
map < FieldName, map < pair <int, int>, Array < XT_Function * > > >
/** sources : XT_Function * f = elementSources_[field](ielem,idof) */
map < FieldName, Array2D < XT_Function * > > elementSources_;