2010-09-07 01:07:57 +08:00
# Compute elastic constant tensor for a crystal
2011-04-25 23:20:12 +08:00
# Written by Aidan Thompson (Sandia, athomps@sandia.gov)
2010-09-07 01:07:57 +08:00
# This script uses the following three include files.
# init.mod (must be modified for different crystal structures)
# Define units, deformation parameters and initial
# configuration of the atoms and simulation cell.
# potential.mod (must be modified for different pair styles)
# Define pair style and other attributes
# not stored in restart file
# displace.mod (displace.mod should not need to be modified)
# Perform positive and negative box displacements
# in direction ${dir} and size ${up}.
# It uses the resultant changes
# in stress to compute one
# row of the elastic stiffness tensor
# Inputs variables:
# dir = the Voigt deformation component
# (1,2,3,4,5,6)
# Global constants:
# up = the deformation magnitude (strain units)
# cfac = conversion from LAMMPS pressure units to
# output units for elastic constants
# To run this on a different system, it should only be necessary to
# modify the files init.mod and potential.mod. In order to calculate
# the elastic constants correctly, care must be taken to specify
# the correct units in init.mod (units, cfac and cunits). It is also
# important to verify that the minimization of energy w.r.t atom
# positions in the deformed cell is fully converged.
# One indication of this is that the elastic constants are insensitive
# to the choice of the variable ${up} in init.mod. Another is to check
# the final max and two-norm forces reported in the log file. If you know
# that minimization is not required, you can set maxiter = 0.0 in
# init.mod.
2011-03-22 06:54:01 +08:00
# There are two alternate versions of displace.mod provided.
# They are displace_restart.mod to displace.mod.
# The former resets the box using a restart file while
# the latter reverses the deformation. Copy whichever
# one you like best to displace.mod.
2010-09-07 01:07:57 +08:00
include init.mod
include potential.mod
# Compute initial state
fix 3 all box/relax aniso 0.0
minimize ${etol} ${ftol} ${maxiter} ${maxeval}
variable tmp equal pxx
variable pxx0 equal ${tmp}
variable tmp equal pyy
variable pyy0 equal ${tmp}
variable tmp equal pzz
variable pzz0 equal ${tmp}
variable tmp equal pyz
variable pyz0 equal ${tmp}
variable tmp equal pxz
variable pxz0 equal ${tmp}
variable tmp equal pxy
variable pxy0 equal ${tmp}
variable tmp equal lx
variable lx0 equal ${tmp}
variable tmp equal ly
variable ly0 equal ${tmp}
variable tmp equal lz
variable lz0 equal ${tmp}
# These formulas define the derivatives w.r.t. strain components
# Constants uses $, variables use v_
variable d1 equal -(v_pxx1-${pxx0})/(v_delta/v_len0)*${cfac}
variable d2 equal -(v_pyy1-${pyy0})/(v_delta/v_len0)*${cfac}
variable d3 equal -(v_pzz1-${pzz0})/(v_delta/v_len0)*${cfac}
variable d4 equal -(v_pyz1-${pyz0})/(v_delta/v_len0)*${cfac}
variable d5 equal -(v_pxz1-${pxz0})/(v_delta/v_len0)*${cfac}
variable d6 equal -(v_pxy1-${pxy0})/(v_delta/v_len0)*${cfac}
# Write restart
2011-03-22 06:54:01 +08:00
unfix 3
2010-09-07 01:07:57 +08:00
write_restart restart.equil
# uxx Perturbation
variable dir equal 1
include displace.mod
# uyy Perturbation
variable dir equal 2
include displace.mod
# uzz Perturbation
variable dir equal 3
include displace.mod
# uyz Perturbation
variable dir equal 4
include displace.mod
# uxz Perturbation
variable dir equal 5
include displace.mod
# uxy Perturbation
variable dir equal 6
include displace.mod
# Output final values
variable C11all equal ${C11}
variable C22all equal ${C22}
variable C33all equal ${C33}
variable C12all equal 0.5*(${C12}+${C21})
variable C13all equal 0.5*(${C13}+${C31})
variable C23all equal 0.5*(${C23}+${C32})
variable C44all equal ${C44}
variable C55all equal ${C55}
variable C66all equal ${C66}
variable C14all equal 0.5*(${C14}+${C41})
variable C15all equal 0.5*(${C15}+${C51})
variable C16all equal 0.5*(${C16}+${C61})
variable C24all equal 0.5*(${C24}+${C42})
variable C25all equal 0.5*(${C25}+${C52})
variable C26all equal 0.5*(${C26}+${C62})
variable C34all equal 0.5*(${C34}+${C43})
variable C35all equal 0.5*(${C35}+${C53})
variable C36all equal 0.5*(${C36}+${C63})
variable C45all equal 0.5*(${C45}+${C54})
variable C46all equal 0.5*(${C46}+${C64})
variable C56all equal 0.5*(${C56}+${C65})
# For Stillinger-Weber silicon, the analytical results
# are known to be (E. R. Cowley, 1988):
# C11 = 151.4 GPa
# C12 = 76.4 GPa
# C44 = 56.4 GPa
print "Elastic Constant C11all = ${C11all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C22all = ${C22all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C33all = ${C33all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C12all = ${C12all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C13all = ${C13all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C23all = ${C23all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C44all = ${C44all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C55all = ${C55all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C66all = ${C66all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C14all = ${C14all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C15all = ${C15all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C16all = ${C16all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C24all = ${C24all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C25all = ${C25all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C26all = ${C26all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C34all = ${C34all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C35all = ${C35all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C36all = ${C36all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C45all = ${C45all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C46all = ${C46all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C56all = ${C56all} ${cunits}"