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W. Michael Brown
Memory routines for moving atom and force data between host and gpu
This file is part of the LAMMPS GPU Library
begin : Tue Aug 4 2009
copyright : (C) 2009 by W. Michael Brown
email : wmbrown@sandia.gov
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Copyright (2009) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// PRECISION - Precision for rsq, energy, force, and torque calculation
// ACC_PRECISION - Precision for accumulation of energies, forces, and torques
#define PRECISION float
#define ACC_PRECISION double
#define PRECISION double
#define ACC_PRECISION double
#define PRECISION float
#define ACC_PRECISION double
#define MAX_ATOMS 65536
#include "nvc_timer.h"
#include "pair_gpu_texture.h"
template <class numtyp, class acctyp>
class PairGPUAtom {
PairGPUAtom() : _atom_fields(4), _ans_fields(10), allocated(false) {}
~PairGPUAtom() { clear(); }
// Accessors
inline int atom_fields() const { return _atom_fields; }
inline int ans_fields() const { return _ans_fields; }
inline int max_atoms() const { return _max_atoms; }
inline int nall() const { return _nall; }
inline int inum() const { return _inum; }
/// Set number of atoms for future copy operations
inline void nall(const int n) { _nall=n; }
/// Set number of inum for future copy operations
inline void inum(const int n) { _inum=n; }
/// Set the number of atom fields (x, y, z, type, etc)
inline void atom_fields(const int n) { _atom_fields=n; }
/// Set the number of answer fields (energy, virial, force, etc.)
inline void ans_fields(const int n) { _ans_fields=n; }
/// Memory usage per atom in this class
/** \note atom_fields and ans_fields should be set for correct answer **/
int bytes_per_atom() const;
/// Must be called once to allocate host and device memory
/** \note atom_fields and ans_fields should be set first if not default **/
void init(const int max_atoms);
/// Free all memory on host and device
void clear();
/// Return the total amount of host memory used by class
double host_memory_usage(const int max_atoms) const;
// -------------------------COPY TO GPU ----------------------------------
/// Reset the write buffer pointer (Start copying new atom data)
inline void reset_write_buffer() { _write_loc=host_write.begin(); }
/// Add a row to write buffer with unit stride
/** Copies nall() elements **/
template<class cpytyp>
inline void add_atom_data(const cpytyp *host_ptr)
{ for (int i=0; i<_nall; i++) { *_write_loc=host_ptr[i]; _write_loc++; } }
/// Add a row to write buffer with non-unit stride
/** Copies nall() elements **/
template<class cpytyp>
inline void add_atom_data(const cpytyp *hostptr, const int stride) {
int t=_nall*stride;
for (int i=0; i<t; i+=stride) { *_write_loc=hostptr[i]; _write_loc++; }
/// Copy num_rows x nall() write buffer to x in GPU
/** num_rows<=atom_fields() **/
inline void copy_atom_data(const int num_rows, cudaStream_t &stream)
{ dev_x.copy_2Dfrom_host(host_write.begin(),num_rows,nall(),stream); }
// -------------------------COPY FROM GPU -------------------------------
/// Copy answers from GPU into read buffer
void copy_answers(const bool eflag, const bool vflag, cudaStream_t &s);
/// Copy energy and virial data into LAMMPS memory
double energy_virial(const int *ilist, const bool eflag_atom,
const bool vflag_atom, double *eatom, double **vatom,
double *virial);
/// Add forces from the GPU into a LAMMPS pointer
void add_forces(const int *ilist, double **f);
/// Add torques from the GPU into a LAMMPS pointer
void add_torques(const int *ilist, double **tor, const int n);
// ------------------------------ DATA ----------------------------------
// atom_fields() x n (example: rows 1-3 position, 4 is type)
NVC_ConstMatT dev_x;
// ans_fields() x n Storage for Forces, etc.
// example: if (eflag and vflag) 1 is energy, 2-7 is virial, 8-10 is force
// example: if (!eflag) 1-3 is force
NVC_Mat<acctyp> ans;
// Buffer for moving floating point data to GPU
NVC_HostT host_write;
// Buffer for moving floating point data to CPU
NVC_Host<acctyp> host_read;
// Timing Stuff
NVCTimer time_atom, time_answer;
bool allocated, _eflag, _vflag;
int _atom_fields, _ans_fields;
int _max_atoms, _nall, _inum;
numtyp * _write_loc;
acctyp * _read_loc;