
290 lines
15 KiB

module TubePotBase !********************************************************************************
! Non-Bonded pair interaction potential and transfer functions for atoms composing nanotubes.
! Intel Fortran
! Alexey N. Volkov, University of Alabama,, Version 13.00, 2020
! This module contains basic parameters for all modules involved into calculations of tubular
! potentials.
! It includes definitions of
! -- TPBU, Lennard-Jones (12-6) potential;
! -- TPBQ, Transfer function,
! All default values are adjusted for non-bonded carbon-carbon interaction in carbon nanotubes.
use TPMLib
implicit none
! Constants
! Types of the potential with respect to the breathing mode
integer*4, parameter :: TP_POT_MONO_R = 0
integer*4, parameter :: TP_POT_POLY_R = 1
! Maximum number of elements in corresponding tables
integer*4, parameter :: TPBNMAX = 2001
! Numerical constants
real*8, parameter :: TPbConstD = 5.196152422706632d+00 ! = 3.0**1.5
! Mass of C atom
real*8, parameter :: TPBMc = 12.0107d+00 ! (Da)
! Parameters of the Van der Waals interaction between carbon atoms in graphene sheets, see
! Stuart S.J., Tutein A.B., Harrison J.A., J. Chem. Phys. 112(14), 2000
real*8, parameter :: TPBEcc = 0.00284d+00 ! (eV)
real*8, parameter :: TPBScc = 3.4d+00 ! (A)
! Lattice parameter and surface number density of atoms for a graphene sheet, see
! Dresselhaus et al, Carbon 33(7), 1995
real*8, parameter :: TPBAcc = 1.421d+00 ! (A)
real*8, parameter :: TPBDcc = 4.0d+00 / ( TPBConstD * TPBAcc * TPBAcc ) ! (1/A^2)
! Specific heat of carbon nanotubes
real*8, parameter :: TPBSHcc = 600.0d+00 / K_MDCU ! (eV/(Da*K))
! Cutoff distances for interactomic potential and transfer function.
! Changes in these parameters can result in necessity to change some numerical parameters too.
real*8, parameter :: TPBRmincc = 0.001d+00 * TPBScc ! (A)
real*8, parameter :: TPBRcutoffcc = 3.0d+00 * TPBScc ! (A)
real*8, parameter :: TPBRcutoff1cc = 2.16d+00 * TPBScc ! (A)
! Parameters of the transfer function for non-bonded interaction between carbon atoms
real*8, parameter :: TPBQScc = 7.0d+00 ! (A)
real*8, parameter :: TPBQRcutoff1cc = 8.0d+00 ! (A)
! Global variables
logical :: TPErrCheck = .true. ! Set to .true. to generate diagnostic and warning messages
character*512 :: TPErrMsg = ''
real*8 :: TPGeomPrec = 1.0d-06 ! Geometric precision, see TPInt
integer*4 :: TPPotType = TP_POT_MONO_R ! Type of the potential with respect to the breathing mode
! Parameters of the interatomic potential and atoms distribution at the nanotube surface
real*8 :: TPBM = TPBMc ! Mass of an atom (Da)
real*8 :: TPBE = TPBEcc ! Depth of the energy well in (12-6) LJ interatomic potential (eV)
real*8 :: TPBS = TPBScc ! Sigma parameter of (12-6) LJ interatomic potential (A)
real*8 :: TPBD = TPBDcc ! Numerical density of atoms at the tube surface (1/A^2)
real*8 :: TPBSH = TPBSHcc ! Specific heat (eV/(Da*K))
real*8 :: TPBRmin = TPBRmincc ! (A)
real*8 :: TPBRcutoff = TPBRcutoffcc ! (A)
real*8 :: TPBRcutoff1 = TPBRcutoff1cc ! (A)
! Physical parameters of the transfer function
real*8 :: TPBQS = TPBQScc ! Sigma parameter of the transfer function (A)
real*8 :: TPBQRcutoff1 = TPBQRcutoff1cc ! (A)
! Auxiliary variables
real*8 :: TPBE4, TPBE24, TPBDRcutoff, TPBQDRcutoff
real*8 :: TPBQR0 ! Constant-value distance for the transfer function (A)
! Table of inter-particle potential, force, and transfer function
integer*4 :: TPBN = TPBNMAX
real*8 :: TPBDR
real*8, dimension(0:TPBNMAX-1) :: TPBQ
real*8, dimension(0:TPBNMAX-1) :: TPBU, TPBdUdR
contains !******************************************************************************************
integer*4 function TPBsizeof () !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TPBsizeof = 8 * ( size ( TPBQ ) + size ( TPBU ) + size ( TPBdUdR ) )
end function TPBsizeof !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! Interpolation
real*8 function TPBQInt0 ( R ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
real*8, intent(in) :: R
real*8 :: Z, RR
integer*4 :: i
if ( R < TPBRmin ) then
!call PrintStdLogMsg ( TPErrMsg )
!write ( TPErrMsg, '(a,e20.10,a,e20.10)' ) ': R < Rmin: R=', R, ', Rmin=', TPBRmin
!call Error ( 'TPBQInt0', TPErrMsg )
elseif ( R > TPBRcutoff ) then
TPBQInt0 = 0.0d+00
RR = ( R - TPBRmin ) / TPBDR
i = int ( RR )
RR = RR - i
Z = 1.0d+00 - RR
TPBQInt0 = TPBQ(i) * Z + TPBQ(i+1) * RR
end function TPBQInt0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
real*8 function TPBUInt0 ( R ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
real*8, intent(in) :: R
real*8 :: Z, RR
integer*4 :: i
if ( R < TPBRmin ) then
!call PrintStdLogMsg ( TPErrMsg )
!write ( TPErrMsg, '(a,e20.10,a,e20.10)' ) ': R < Rmin: R=', R, ', Rmin=', TPBRmin
!call Error ( 'TPBUInt0', TPErrMsg )
elseif ( R > TPBRcutoff ) then
TPBUInt0 = 0.0d+00
RR = ( R - TPBRmin ) / TPBDR
i = int ( RR )
RR = RR - i
Z = 1.0d+00 - RR
TPBUInt0 = TPBU(i) * Z + TPBU(i+1) * RR
end function TPBUInt0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
subroutine TPBUInt1 ( U, dUdR, R ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
real*8, intent(out) :: U, dUdR
real*8, intent(in) :: R
real*8 :: Z, RR
integer*4 :: i
if ( R < TPBRmin ) then
!call PrintStdLogMsg ( TPErrMsg )
!write ( TPErrMsg, '(a,e20.10,a,e20.10)' ) ': R < Rmin: R=', R, ', Rmin=', TPBRmin
!call Error ( 'TPBUInt1', TPErrMsg )
elseif ( R > TPBRcutoff ) then
TPBU = 0.0d+00
TPBdUdR = 0.0d+00
RR = ( R - TPBRmin ) / TPBDR
i = int ( RR )
RR = RR - i
Z = 1.0d+00 - RR
U = TPBU(i) * Z + TPBU(i+1) * RR
dUdR = TPBdUdR(i) * Z + TPBdUdR(i+1) * RR
end subroutine TPBUInt1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! Calculation
real*8 function TPBQCalc0 ( R ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
real*8, intent(in) :: R
real*8 :: Z, t, S
if ( R > TPBRcutoff ) then
TPBQCalc0 = 0.0d+00
else if ( R < TPBQR0 ) then
TPBQCalc0 = 1.0d+00
Z = Z * Z * Z
Z = Z * Z
TPBQCalc0 = 4.0d+00 * ( 1.0d+00 - Z ) * Z
if ( R > TPBQRcutoff1 ) then
t = ( R - TPBQRcutoff1 ) / TPBQDRcutoff
S = 1.0d+00 - t * t * ( 3.0d+00 - 2.0d+00 * t )
TPBQCalc0 = TPBQCalc0 * S
end function TPBQCalc0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
real*8 function TPBUCalc0 ( R ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
real*8, intent(in) :: R
real*8 :: Z, t, S
if ( R > TPBRcutoff ) then
TPBUCalc0 = 0.0d+00
Z = TPBS / R
Z = Z * Z * Z
Z = Z * Z
TPBUCalc0 = TPBE4 * ( Z - 1.0d+00 ) * Z
if ( R > TPBRcutoff1 ) then
t = ( R - TPBRcutoff1 ) / TPBDRcutoff
S = 1.0d+00 - t * t * ( 3.0d+00 - 2.0d+00 * t )
TPBUCalc0 = TPBUCalc0 * S
end function TPBUCalc0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
subroutine TPBUCalc1 ( U, dUdR, R ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
real*8, intent(out) :: U, dUdR
real*8, intent(in) :: R
real*8 :: Z, t, S, dSdR
if ( R > TPBRcutoff ) then
U = 0.0d+00
dUdR = 0.0d+00
Z = TPBS / R
Z = Z * Z * Z
Z = Z * Z
U = TPBE4 * ( Z - 1.0d+00 ) * Z
dUdR = TPBE24 * ( 2.0d+00 * Z - 1.0d+00 ) * Z / R
if ( R > TPBRcutoff1 ) then
t = ( R - TPBRcutoff1 ) / TPBDRcutoff
S = 1.0d+00 - t * t * ( 3.0d+00 - 2.0d+00 * t )
dSdR = 6.0d+00 * t * ( t - 1.0d+00 ) / TPBDRcutoff
dUdR = dUdR * S + U * dSdR
U = U * S
end subroutine TPBUCalc1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
subroutine TPBSegmentForces ( F1, F2, F, M, Laxis, L ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
real*8, dimension(0:2), intent(out) :: F1, F2
real*8, dimension(0:2), intent(in) :: F, M, Laxis
real*8, intent(in) :: L
real*8, dimension(0:2) :: FF, MM, FFF
FF = 0.5d+00 * F
MM = M / L
call V3_V3xxV3 ( FFF, MM, Laxis )
F1 = FF - FFF
F2 = FF + FFF
end subroutine TPBSegmentForces !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! Initialization
subroutine TPBInit () !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
real*8 :: R
integer*4 :: i
TPBE4 = 4.0d+00 * TPBE
TPBE24 = - 24.0d+00 * TPBE
TPBDRcutoff = TPBRcutoff - TPBRcutoff1
TPBQDRcutoff = TPBRcutoff - TPBQRcutoff1
TPBQR0 = TPBQS * 2.0d+00 ** ( 1.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 )
TPBDR = ( TPBRcutoff - TPBRmin ) / ( TPBN - 1 )
R = TPBRmin
do i = 0, TPBN - 1
TPBQ(i) = TPBQCalc0 ( R )
call TPBUCalc1 ( TPBU(i), TPBdUdR(i), R )
end subroutine TPBInit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
end module TubePotBase !****************************************************************************